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Jon Stewart Goes After Fox in Ferguson Monologue
Personally, I'm done putting up with the trolls...all two of them now. I see not the slightest reason to listen to either one anymore, as I've never once seen them add anything of value to a conversation. Insults, logical fallacies, and racial slurs...but nothing of value.
I'll be treating them just like I do Fox News, and Sarah Palin. Let them starve for attention.
Doctor Disobeys Gun Free Zone -- Saves Lives Because of It
Yeah, it's almost like I'm dumb enough to think that someone was seriously suggesting genocide.
Seriously, though... grammar nazism?
I know that wit, originality, intelligence, decency, understanding, honesty, modesty, acumen, empathy, humour, logic, hygiene, taste, insight, imagination, integrity, courage, resourcefulness and self-awareness are not on your list of positive attributes, but you could at least try to come up with something vaguely approaching a decent comeback.
Not quite. If you haven't learned basic grammar by the age of 36, I've little faith in your ability to grasp something as advanced as logic, but keep at it. The world needs folks like you.
Sarah Palin Channel
That's pretty bigoted and low... especially if you consider the fact that Sarah Palin has 4,298,489 "likes" on Facebook. How many do you have? Who do you think would be more likely to get "euthanized" if that was the (admittedly arbitrary) basis?
I wouldn't go around suggesting that approach if I were you...
How about we just quietly euthanise everyone who subscribes to that channel?
There, there... it's're just too stupid to live.... don't worry, it'll all be over soon and you'll be with god and sarah in heaven with no nasty gays or non-christians or uppity women....
It's really the humane thing to do.
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Your video, Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.
Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama
Sarah Palin impeaches my brain.
No Shower For Him This Morning
Waterboard him. sarah palin would.
Questions for Statists many claims...but so little to back it up.
The biggest one is in the beginning where the woman builds up what a human being is, then dismisses gov't as if it's some sort of external alien enemy that's been forced on us.
But wait! What is gov't? Wasn't it built by....gasp! Human beings? The very thing this woman is building up as so awesome and able do stuff on it's own? A long long long time ago, a bunch of humans got together and saw the world around them and decided they needed some sort of regulating system and viola!
So what do you think would happen if gov't magically went away? Maybe the exact same thing? But this video makes the claim that gov't is bad. so maybe we should tell people they can't make a gov't. That would require some sort But wait...who would enforce this law of no government? some sort of...government?
I've always loved those arguments based on the idea that our current system isn't perfect, therefore that is adequate justification for complete eradication of the current system and put something we know wouldn't work in it's place. You can't solve complex problems with simple solutions. That's hopefully the biggest thing society learns right now. Sarah Palin is the perfect example of that. So hopefully it's her example that will finally put the nail in the coffin in this idea that "folksy" simple solutions just don't work in a modern society.
But hey. If the non-statists are serious. They are obviously free to leave all these governments and leave it all behind and forge out on their own on some uninhabited island. Obviously they won't do that though.
They're too comfortable in our existing system despite it's flaws. How else are they going to blog their message using youtube unless they are in some sort of government controlled nation that has such technology cheaply available to its citizens? They're like the creationists that deny science, yet gladly use systems created by advanced science to spread their message and would never give up the benefits of said science.
I agree. Someday, people are going to figure out how to get along with each other without outside regulation. Someday gov't just simply won't have anything left to do. But that day is the day when we stop being human beings and become something else. Because right now, human beings are generally dicks to other human beings if they know they can get away with it. And we've decided we don't like it when human beings do dickish things to other human beings so we created a governing system to help deal with that. Sure it isn't perfect, but it's better than the alternative.
Glenn Beck's Argument For Marriage Equality is Best One Yet
Glenn beck is an absolute horror of a human being. He spreads ignorance, and feeds off ignorance. He does not endorse or support ,,gay marriage. Or marriage equality. He is also a Mormon, and just look up their history of supporting anything "gay". Glenn beck, Sarah Palin etc, and the ignorant people who follow them are the single most dangerous thing facing America today. Because of the massive amount of blind ignorance they spread. Ignorance, is indeed, the single greatest enemy we have today.
Duck Dynasty Is Fake!
i cannot express just how much this fake scandal tickles me.
my feeds have been blasted and coated for weeks since this all started with "i support phil" and "phil is a hero of the first amendment".
a fake controversy about a show i dont watch.
on a network i dont frequent.
based on words from an ignorant hillbilly.
but even at the outset of all this it had the flavor of fabrication,a planned and calculated cacophony of incendiary bullshit.
a product was being marketed.
and will ya lookie here.....
thats exactly what it was.
phil roberston was no salt-of-the earth,hard working hillbilly redneck whose family made it big in the duck calling business.
he is a savvy businessmen who plays a scripted role in a scripted "reality" show that appeals to a certain demographic.
he is an actor.
a product created to entertain the masses.
a created character where many of his loyal fans can relate because he looks just like them.
talks like them.
acts like them.
kinda like sarah palin but with a ZZtop beard.
the conservative christians have been duped.bamboozeled.
even this controversy has been a marketing creation in order to sell more T-shirts and posters.
and it has worked brilliantly.
Bill Moyers Essay: On the Sabotage of Democracy
your comment has to be the most factually challenged comment i have seen you post in a very long time my friend.
i do not know who or what you derive your information from or what shapes your political ideology,but whatever that vehicle is,you need to stop and turn to a different source.
the true republican party has been hijacked by venal and extreme ideologues.the blame can be laid at those very same republicans who sought to harness the political power of the evangelical right in the late 70's and the tea party in the early 2000's.both groups being of a populist flavor but in reality are militant in their execution.
to call them democrat lite or even remotely liberal is just staggeringly ignorant.
they are extremist and with that extreme politics comes the opportunist:sarah palin
and the downright stupid:louis goehmert (sp?)
and the real republicans are drowned in a sea of mediocrity or downright crazy.
and those republicans are paying the price for making a deal with the devil,because the devil has taken the steering wheel and left any true republican without a voice.
The Newsroom - Why Will is a Republican
Basically @RFlagg I see it happening in one of two ways. If Republicans continue to lose elections, especially the white house, if the political fallout from the shutdown is large enough, the Republicans will lose congress as well. Republicans will either: 1) fade into history. or 2) Republicans will whip their low information voters into a frenzy, playing the tyranny card and eventually there *will* be an attempt at an armed revolt, but since it won't have any real popular support, it will fail relatively quickly but it will have the additional effect that Republicans will be blamed for any deaths caused by this revolt and there will be a huge exodus from the GOP and they will be ostracized from American society. They'll still exist of course, but they'll have the same relevance as the KKK, or the people who still think the world is flat and it's just a huge conspiracy.
2016 is going to be an important election, If Dems can still retain the white house for another 8 years, it's going to be another huge blow to the Republicans, especially when their last stated singular goal was to make Obama a 1 term president and failed.
and quite honestly, I'm not sure it will happen like I was sure Obama would get re-elected. Hilary just...shouldn't run IMO, her time is past. Elizabeth Warren would have a good shot at it. But I also think Dems need to find a new voice. Someone who, like Obama, who actually did embrace the internet and social media and used it very much to his advantage.
If you win the internet, you win the vote. They've got to keep the pressure up. Quite honestly, the 2008 and 2012 elections were easy, It was easy to get the left riled up when clueless Sarah Palin or Robot Romney were running. But I suspect the right will eventually learn from their mistake and run someone who actually is semi-relatable
I just think it's very likely Dems will get cocky and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again. So.....don't get cocky kid.
McCain & U.S. Government Called Treasonous at Townhall
I see that as part of the problem. There is an almost cult-like worship of the military and the people who have served. (oh no VoodooV is anti-military! lynch him!).
They bring a vast amount of experience and insight to the table? Of course they do, but are they the end all be all? Are they fundamentally better/superior to people who haven't been in the military? Not so much. If you think they are Then you seem to have trouble with that pesky concept of equality.
There is a fundamental pressure every US elected official ever has experienced to not "appear weak" That can often lead to unnecessary chest thumping and saber rattling as history has shown time and time again can get us into trouble. But it is a reality that you have better odds at winning an elected office if you served than if you hadn't and people need to fundamentally re-consider that line of reasoning.
Quite honestly, McCain is part of the old guard, the old way of thinking. We can't afford to think like that any longer. As technology continues racing ahead, The world becomes an increasingly small place and we have GOT to figure out how to get along with each other. Of course there will always be a need to have/show military force, but it's a scalpel, not a blunt object.
To me it seems like McCain is just becoming more and more incompetent. If there is any...ANY grain of truth to how they failed to vet Sarah Palin because they both thought they other guy did the vetting, that is just this huge failure and that McCain simply didn't care or pay attention to what was going on in his campaign and to me that speaks volumes as to how he would have led the country.
Time for retirement John.
But here is where I defend him. He wouldn't be where he is at right now if people didn't choose him. Whether I agree with him or not, He is doing what he thinks is best because the voters put him there. There is no mustache twirling villain. The world doesn't work that way. @arekin is absolutely right. There is a massive compulsion that whenever a vote doesn't go someone's way, then obviously the bad guys won and that everything they do will be evil, all the absurd arguments like "he's not MY president," or "I don't think he's a citizen," or "he's not a REAL American" are just lies people tell themselves to make them feel better. This isn't an episode of Scooby Do where if you solve the mystery you get to pull the mask off and the villain says "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"
Talk is cheap Mr. Speaker, if you want to be in power so you can "arrest the gov't" put your money where your mouth is, STFU and run for office then asshole. Convince the people you're right and lets see if you can do any better. That's how the system works! If there is one negative to the Internet is the massive amount of armchair quarterbacking the Internet breeds. Countless millions of people who seem to honestly think they would do a better job. Well hey, you know what? I'm sure there are some of you out there that COULD do a better job, but if you're not going to throw your hat into the ring and walk the walk then I've got no time for your rambling and conspiracy theories.
McCain's response to his speech was fucking perfect. Not only did he call him out to run for office, He pointed out that he IS governing with the consent of the people. So if you don't like it, do a little community organizing of your own and convince the people to demand better. Oh shit, that takes effort! fuck it then!
No one really takes power. The people will always be strong enough (with or without guns) to thwart anyone who takes power. In reality, power is given. There are countless mechanisms of peaceful change in our gov't. Use them or shut the fuck up.
IMO, the single best thing we could do for gov't is to COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL PRIVATE MONEY FROM OUR ELECTIONS AND ABOLISH LOBBYING. It's because of all the corporate influence in our gov't that we probably get into these shenanigans in the first place.
I'm sorry you can have you differences of opinion and you can voice them, but to say John McCain is guilty of treason is absurd.
Does he often advocate military engagement? Yes.
But is that treason? No.
John McCain is a real veteran. Someone who has seen combat, been injured, and spent four years as a Prisoner of War (POW). I think he loves this country. I don't always agree with him on policy issues, but I believe that.
The speaker in this video is a joke and is bordering on being a tin foil wearing nut job.
I respect McCain for letting him speak his mind.
Sen. Warren verbally smacks down CNBC's "Squawk Box"
Awesome. She's like a "Bizarro" universe Sarah Palin!
That Adam smith bloke has a lot to answer for. There is an "invisible hand" in the market but unfortunately it's inherently attached to a set of absolute cunts!
I agree with this lady, that hand needs a good slap every time it steps out of line. If you don't keep wandering hands in check sooner or later your going to get finger fucked! (repeatedly)
Bachmann's Greatest Hits, er Misses
Sarah Palin is out, now Michelle Bachman is out, what other politician will be there to entertain us now, Rick Perry?
"If They Melded" - Justin Bieber + Rachel Maddow Edition
That bit at the end could've been an unedited clip from any Sarah Palin speech