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Korean chemical plant explosion

oritteropo says...

Watch the reflection in the rear screen of the car ahead at 0:30 or so, you can see it go up about 6s before it lands.

moonsammy said:

If that large piece at 0:40 was from the obvious blast, that thing had some insane hangtime. I'm guessing there was a smaller (or more distant and thus quieter) secondary blast though.

If You Can't Tell, Does It Matter?

John Oliver - Republican Reactions to the Lewd Remarks

iaui says...

See, the important Clinton here is Hillary. Despite your hope and your ignorant conflations, Bill is not running for the presidency. Hillary Clinton is just as moral as Reagan and Romney. (Period, but also specifically with respect to sexual indiscretions. She has been faithful. Don't take that away from her just because she's a woman.)

And with respect to the rape allegations, it's disingenuous to presume they're true. Bill Clinton was accused of rape, yes. But no charges were brought against him. Indeed, one of the women who accused him signed an affidavit saying that she was lying about the accusation and then later (now) wants to rescind her affidavit. Until there are charges it's just more bullshit to slander the Clintons.

(Trump, on the other hand, is actually facing charges soon regarding the rape of an underage girl.)

And if you think that a woman standing by her man when he's accused of rape isn't a beautiful thing, well, I would question your humanity. If Hillary hadn't stood by Bill it would have reflected poorly on him. That she did tips the scales in the other direction. Also, it reflects well upon her. (I am sure Melania will stand by Trump during his trial and that will speak well to both of them.)

Again, it comes down to allegations vs. facts. Your whole characterization of the Clintons is based on allegations. The right's characterization of the Clintons is based on allegations. All of the characterizations come down to histrionic allegations. The things that are facts that they've done wrong they've apologized for. Hillary apologized for using a personal e-mail server, despite the fact that it was common practice for people to use personal e-mail servers in the 2000's. Hillary has apologized for the mistake at Benghazi, despite the fact that many similar attacks happened under Bush/Cheney's watch. The allegations of 'voter fraud' in the Democratic primary are bad, but even Hillary's opposition sided with her in the end.

And there's really nothing else propping up the perception that Hillary is bad in any way other than these allegations. It's just a matter of the right's echo chamber (including you) repeating it over and over again, which anybody can see is totally devoid of substantive reason. People 'feel' like Hillary is bad, but there's nothing there to show it.

It is because there is indeed, nothing there.

But with respect to Trump he has shown time and time again that he is unfit for any office, that he will take personal advantage of any power given to him. He continues to act in a way antithetical to the position he seeks. They say that you should dress for the position you seek. If the position of the Presidency requires one to wear a button down shirt and nice slacks Trump is a drunk, dirty, smelly bum wearing a trenchcoat, running down the street with no self control, yelling about how great Putin and Kim Jong Il are, grabbing whatever pussy he can find.

This admission of sexual assault is just the final nail in the coffin for him. (Or perhaps just the latest final nail.) To speak of sexual assault as anything other than the dictionary definition of being unfit to be president is just wrong.

bobknight33 said:

Bill was ( is) a rapist and Hillary stands by his side

I dare you not to find this mind-blowing!

curiousity says...

Admittedly, i don't watch this type of video often, but it the twist of the ragdoll is interesting and it must take a great deal of skill, concentration, and body control. Kudos.

To be honest, this video made my heart unexpectedly ache so intensely that I had to take a walk after watching it and then sit in a quiet corner for some self reflection time. After an uncertain amount of time and 2 cups of tea, I realized what memory string this was plucking. Suddenly the magnitude of this emotional disturbance made sense. This wasn't a single thread, but something that spanned across years of my life. This girl reminds me of an exgirlfriend from long ago. She loved theater and did events part time. We were deeply in love and I thought we would be married, but life often doesn't fit in with unsought expectations. Often we are told to chase our dreams; however, this, for me, was only told to me in relation to what job or career I went into. I guess that I'm slow or just never thought about applying this advice to life as a whole. Well, regrets are a waste of time, but it nice to revisit the memories. Thank you for the sift. If I might beg your indulgence, I did do have one picture that was snapped of us in an unrelated news story. Unfortunately, it's the only photo left as I lost all of mine. Here is Bella and I getting a drink at the local bar.

Wristwatch magazine Hodinkee visit watchmaker Roger Smith

oritteropo says...

Their web site says:

The name, inspired by the Czech word “hodinky” “little watch”) reflects founder Benjamin Clymer’s desire to talk about watches in a casual way that is comfortable for all levels of readers.

vil said:

Hodinkee... is a mutilation of the Czech word for wristwatch. Just so you know. No idea what the back story to that is.

I never wear watches but watchmakers and watchmaking are as awesome as steam trains.

176 Shocking Things Donald Trump Has Done This Election

iaui says...

So Bob your reaction to this 17 minute long video was to post a rambling 8 minute video about a person with pneumonia apparently coughing something into a cup. It may have just been a strange reflection but that would be too simple.

So, would you like to actually respond substantively to the video you're posting on or would that be too much for you?

Edit: Hah! Just noticed you downvoted the video. You're a class act, Bob.

Liberal Redneck chimes in on NFL and the National Anthem

My God, It's Full of St...Spiders

Angua1 says...

It's the reflection of light off the back of their eyes. When I walk the dogs or run early in the morning I wear a cap with led lights on the brim - exactly the right spot for this kind of reflection to shoot back so I can see it - different angle than if I was holding a flashlight. Anyway, with this light I noticed the reflection off deer eyes is greenish, more muted with rabbits, very bright with raccoons and foxes. And then one day I thought i noticed some bright tin foil or something sparkly on the ground - nope spider eyeballs! In the fall the sparkles on the ground are amazing. I highly recommend experimenting with using a led flashlight in the fall. It's very cool to find critters, including spiders, this way.

Hawk Throws Snake At Family Picnicking

EMPIRE says...

It's SO obviously fake.

Really badly done. You could tell the bird was fake from the way it was flying, and the fact that there wasn't any reflection in the water.

And the snake? lolol

Brother Dee Gray Exposes The Funeral Hustle

ToastyBuffoon says...

I understand completely what this man has said. My wife passed away a bit over 3 years ago, and after all was said and done from the funeral, to the headstone at the cemetery, I had spent nearly 15k. You know what? I don't regret a penny of it. Her funeral service was lovely, and gave myself, her friends, and other family members an opportunity to say goodbye and to reflect on the good experiences she brought everyone. It was beautifully done and I honestly believe I'd regret not having done that.

Penn Jillette on Atheism and Islamaphobia

coolhund says...

Ohhhh... I wish people like him would actually read the Quran and the Hadithes and have some experience with the typical muslims.
He doesnt. Because he thinks we need to be compassionate and that will help, solve most problems.
The problem with Islam is that it sees our compassion as weakness. They dont respect us. Their Quran teaches them that we are inferior to them, so much that even their lowly women treat us like we are far below them.

Of course, not every Muslim is that way, but its the vast majority. And that has been proven by polls all over the Muslim world. Im not against helping people in need. But when those guests suddenly act like they own my house, want to change how I live, my culture, my values, and then they are allowed to stay and are treated better, get better chances than my own people, just because its good for the media and PC, then its getting dangerous. And its already too late in some countries. Even statistics are manipulated already to not reflect the huge increase in Muslim crime, to not show the mistakes these "morally superior" people did, like some examples in Sweden and Germany showed. Huge conflicts will come, and its because some people thought they had superior morality, just like so many times before in history, just in a different color.
We just dont learn from history. That much we learn from history.

You Americans still have it good. You check those Muslims coming to your country, if they really want to live your culture, are ready to say "ok, we accept that a part of our religion has no place in your culture", and maybe even turn into Atheists, but many European countries dont. The most conservative Muslims you can find. They just (had to) let them in unchecked, because of a new dictatorship called PC and people following it and its proponents blindly, because it makes them look morally superior and would make them look bad if they would criticize it. Again, history repeating itself at its best.

The Pizza Equation

ChaosEngine says...

And the reason why a large pizza isn't twice as expensive as a medium is because the primary driver isn't materials, it's labour.

making a large takes slightly longer than a medium, but making two mediums takes almost twice as long as a large.

If you could automate the pizza making process, you would see the price more accurately reflect the size, but who wants automated pizza?

RNC declares that coal is Clean

newtboy says...

What's hilariously terrible is, the 'dirty smoke' that coal use produces is the only mitigating factor of coals environmental destruction. The sulfur dioxide it produces goes into the upper atmosphere and reflects sunlight, actually COOLING the atmosphere. IF they ever actually perfected "clean coal" technology, it would be more damaging to the planet than "dirty coal" is, because at least dirty coal produces global dimming effects that have mitigated as much as 1/2 of the temperature rise due to excess CO2. Without that dimming, we'll suddenly see a HUGE rise in temperatures worldwide, and all the associated damage.

Wasp interferes in slow motion recording

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

bareboards2 says...

And this is the brilliance of Louis -- that he lays bare the humanity of even pedophiles. The truth of pedophiles.

(They are doing research now that supports the idea that sexual attraction towards children is indeed hard-coded and a "natural" part of the human sexuality spectrum. If that turns out to be true... that opens up a huge can of worms that reflects back on our historical treatment of homosexuals. Chemical or actual castration? Permanent imprisonment? Creating more communities like that place in Florida that is populated with convicted child sex offenders? If there is no "cure," is capital punishment the only solution? I feel paralyzed by the implications.)

Payback said:

@ChaosEngine mentioned Louis CK's SNL paedophile bit. That, even with it's dark and sick subject matter, is empathetic. He's causing us to laugh WITH the paedophile, not AT them. We're laughing at ourselves. He's bringing us, kicking and screaming, to the view the paedophile is merely ill, not evil.

(I don't think paedophiles are merely ill, I think like cancer, they should be bombarded with chemicals and radiation until they disappear. But that's just me.)

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