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Why Should You Read James Joyce's "Ulysses"

dannym3141 says...

I recently re-read this as well as Robinson Crusoe. I find both to be very interesting in that you get an understanding of dominant philosophies of the time, the traditions of life, language and more subtly writing; how all of those developed together and reflected upon each other.

But they are also both incredibly dull. I sort of wish I could read it as someone from that era read it, because I imagine it might be a little like seeing a film with revolutionary use of new film tech like sound or colour for the first time. It might be another old western, but it's engaging with parts of your brain you're not used to using in that particular medium. Whereas we're used to advanced and refined versions of the same thing, because it influenced so many.

CNN: Guns In Japan

SDGundamX says...



You realize the link you just posted is titled "IQ dominates socioeconomic background data for white men" (my emphasis).

Sure, there is a correlation between IQ and crime and it is hotly contested to what that actually means.

To some, that means only dumb criminals actually get caught (meaning we don't know the true average IQ of criminals because the smart ones get away with it).

To others, it reflects the socioeconomic status of the people most likely to commit crimes (i.e. likely grew up poor in a neighborhood without strong educational opportunities and therefore does not share the cultural values that IQ tests inherently load into the questions and furthermore the test-taker may be openly hostile to standardized test-taking).

To still others it reflects the RESULTS of crime (i.e. leading a criminal lifestyle makes it more likely that you are going to suffer traumatic physical injuries to the head that literally make you dumber).

The 7-8 point difference you quoted is not nearly enough to make a difference on the crime rates. 100 IQ is the normally distributed mean and Japanese people on average, score around 106. For reference, a standard deviation on the IQ test is 15 points, meaning that for all intents and purposes Japanese people are still roughly in the same ballpark as Americans with their 98-point average.

And literally the first Google search result when I looked up Japanese IQ scores was this one, explaining how national average IQ scores correlate with the per capita income and national rates of economic development.

In other words, economic factors correlate with IQ, which correlates with negatively with crime, which seems to further reinforce the idea that socioeconomic forces are a key factor in criminal behavior.

Look, we're getting really far afield of what the video is about. I think it is a no-brainer that few gun crimes are committed in Japan because guns are so heavily regulated. We do have stabbings, in fact we have mass stabbings (which is something you don't see so often in the U.S.). The thing we both agree on is that it is impossible for the U.S. to replicate these crime statistic results, whether that be for cultural reasons or whatever other cause you want to throw out there.

Antifa Violence Finally Called Out by Media

newtboy says...

My Upvote for this video was lost with the comment that totally wrongly put me on their side. Past that, anything posted by Bob that begins by calling itself "no bullshit" is clearly going to be pure bullshit, so I didn't waste another 10 minutes watching his bullshit. I've been watching the media call out antifa since they first appeared in Berkeley....what Bob calls the left media, so he failed on the basic premise and fails on honesty before I watched a thing.
Bob does just fine posting anti antifa videos, and when they're honest, I Upvote them. Look close, I've posted anti antifa videos. They're moronic fascists I rebuke and denounce at every turn, but Bob ignores that because he cannot accept or understand that someone left of him isn't actually in antifa, so clearly we must all be supporters of the group we call fascist criminal morons. Just yesterday I posted at least 3 comments denouncing antifa extremely strongly, all replied to by Bob, only to have him forget it all instantly so he can say I'm in antifa. What a moron, that only makes him look incapable of reading, it doesn't make me a fascist.

Bob has every right to post what he likes (within the rules). He doesn't have a right to post insane bullshit without contradiction. What he often posts is not factual, but is pure fantasy. That will be contradicted. For instance, his conflation of me and antifa, even after reading how I decry them at every turn as idiotic fascists...Typical Bob stupidity that only reflects on him. He should stop that, but he can't.

Asmo said:

Bob, the people you're trying to either defend or deflect attention from are fucking cunts, end of story. I understand that people are being driven to the far right (leftist violence and impingement on free speech predated Trump and the rise of the alt right, and has a lot to do as a causal factor for both), and that certainly not everyone heading to that end of spectrum are awful, but anyone preaching racial purity, resisting the white genocide etc have lost the fucking plot. There is no right side apart from condemning all illegal violence and upholding free speech.

Newt, you pontificate about how even handed you've been, but where are the hosts of videos showing antifa violence? Where are the upvotes for this video? I've been considering putting some of them up not as a mitigation for the actions of the right, but to show that polarisation and extremism is no good for anyone, but I was almost entirely sure they wouldn't sift in the slightest. Given this vid has been up for 9 hours and has 1 vote (mine), the theory seems to hold water...

Meanwhile, Arnold's tirade against nazi's is top sift of the week. Not that he was wrong of course, but anyone with five minutes and a willingness to be open minded can find endless unbiased documentation of leftist violence, something he completely omits to mention. He talks about the nazi's rotting in hell, how about Stalin's communists (which antifa models itself off...)?

Sift is leftward leaning and that's cool, I generally agree with a lot of sensible ideas that people around here are for. But it has it's own bigotry against people expressing views that aren't in lockstep with the majority view, and members certainly aren't afraid to punish people for not toeing the line.

And one of my favourite quotes as an advocate for free speech no matter how awful or confronting it might be...

"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."

H. L. Mencken

This is what a coward looks like

bareboards2 says...

Why doesn't he just call a lawyer?

Over four minutes long, and the answer is easy peasy.

And I agree with Dag. He is a human being.

He is also a human being with zero self-reflection skills. He feels empowered and powerful when he can scare others, but is terrified when the guns might be trained on him.

Zero self reflection. Zero understanding of cause and effect.

And a textbook example of Toxic Masculinity.

There are other ways of engaging the world. Get some therapy, dude.

Samantha Bee - Life After Hate

I Can't Show You How Pink This Pink Is

vil says...

It does not have to be about fitting into gamut, pink is a combination of blue and red light, which monitors are good at.

The problem with real world materials is that perception is not as simple as that. The combination of reflected, refracted, and even radiated (transformed wavelength) and polarized light, the micro-structure of the surface and possibly other properties can influence perception.

Like your favourite washing powder makes your whites whiter, this stuff makes pinks look pinker somehow. Its about fooling your eyes in specific conditions. You can simulate the difference between a known pink - a standard colour sample - and this awesome new pink by putting them side by side and calibrating the camera and monitor to show the new pink as pink and the reference pink as less pink, like at the end of the video, but that cant beat walking into an art gallery and seeing it with your own eyes. I mean probably, I havent seen this particular pink, but I have seen modern paintings which look nothing like their RGB or CMYK reproductions.

Apple spoof of Microsoft leaves audience in stitches.

TheFreak says...

To be fair:

Microsoft made a better OS for integrated work computers than Apple.

Apple made a better phone device than Microsoft.

Android based smartphone manufacturers made better phone devices than both Microsoft and Apple.

All of the above have been massive technology innovators who have earned their market shares.

Choosing one over the other for a specific purpose is sometimes a practical choice, sometimes a lifestyle choice and sometimes just a matter of familiarity. If one choice seems cooler than the others to you, then that's a reflection of your criteria when making a choice and doesn't reflect on anyone else's choices.

SFOGuy said:

I understand the criticism; I use (am forced/ am a grateful software platform slave to Windows boxes) at work... be fair...Apple figured out how to create a handheld/phone way the heck better than Microsoft least for the last decade.

Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb!

lucky760 says...

I've updated the Posting Guidelines to reflect that this kind of thing likely shouldn't be considered a dupe, as it is 1/6 the length of the original post and concentrates on one very specific bit. People could use this stipulation to post every 30-second chunk of the original video, but it's unlikely such posts would ever get published anyway.


If anyone vehemently disagrees, I propose we take it to the court of a Sift Talk poll.

Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

cloudballoon says...

Thanks dag & transmopher.

Oh yeah, this 3rd Testament you advocate would be most useful. There are external references throughout the centuries that helps people understand it in better context. Matthew Henry for example - not perfect, but useful. But I'm afraid human nature would just twist and corrupt anything. Pretty soon a 4th Testament will be needed.

The big problem with religion is the defensiveness of its practitioners. When people outside of their religion points out the weird crap in their holy text (weird in the present, not so much during the time it was written), they go all up in arms and goes on the attack. Yet so many withing their rank uses bits and pieces of the text out of context to justify horrendous behavior. Where is the self-criticism? Where's the self-reflection? Where's the self-correction?

It's no wonder atheist wants religion out. But realistically, religion is not going out the door anytime soon. I can understand that want too, really, I want the bad crap out of religion just as much.

But I do see the goodness within and just trying my best to achieve the same goal from an opposite (?) vantage point. If we're all here fighting evil, I don't care in what name you do it for, I'm going to support you.

Today's terrorism problems have no better authority than Muslim leaders coming out and condemn and explain their religion to the world. Christians needs to preach compassion towards their neighbors rather than fear & loathing, it's what Jesus commands. That's peaceful, cross-faith discussions the religious leaders of all faiths lack so much of. But I just don't see much of that up top...

transmorpher said:

I hear you, but the interpretation part is where I think the problem lies.

While you have a fairly benevolent interpretation, someone else who has trouble getting laid could read it as a god given justification to own sex slaves. That's a pretty extreme example of course, but you can imagine that there would be interpretations varying between your example and my extreme example, many of which could be used to oppress women.

When all that was needed was a simple "no gossiping in church" rule. It's a clear command, unmistakable and unexploitable for anything other that it's original intention.

So a 3rd testament would start with the words READ THIS LITERALLY :-)

Right now though - How do we know whether or not take the bible word for word? It's not even clear whether that is up to us to decide.

It's your interpretation that's made you decide not to read it literally, but instead to interpret it with the overall goal of viewing the good in the bible. And that says more about you being a good person, rather than the contents of the bible. I think you would be advocating living a compassionate lifestyle whether or not you read the bible.

That's why I'm thinking it's unnecessary to even have religion, when we can just teach ethical behavior, and ethical thinking in a very clear way, which leaves no room for error, or danger of allowing people to justify their bad behaviors.

That is NOT going to rub out

jimnms says...

That's what I thought at first, but I re-watch it a couple of times because something just didn't look right. I watched it frame by frame and it doesn't look like a reflection. You can see the sun reflecting off the other windows in the front and back and even the middle windows as yellow flashes, but the whole time the windows in the middle of the ship are white like they have blinds closed behind them. Then suddenly at about 1:42 they seem to open, then close about 5 seconds later.

Shepppard said:

That would be the sun reflecting off them, because it's a boat, and it's in the water.

That is NOT going to rub out

Why Is A Group Of Crows Called A “Murder”?

eric3579 says...

I like to think this (although scene would be better with more child murder)
but PBS says:
What’s a murder of crows?
A group of crows is called a “murder.” There are several different explanations for the origin of this term, mostly based on old folk tales and superstitions.

For instance, there is a folktale that crows will gather and decide the capital fate of another crow.

Many view the appearance of crows as an omen of death because ravens and crows are scavengers and are generally associated with dead bodies, battlefields, and cemeteries, and they’re thought to circle in large numbers above sites where animals or people are expected to soon die.

But the term “murder of crows” mostly reflects a time when groupings of many animals had colorful and poetic names.

LiquidDrift said:

Right, but why is a group of crows called a “murder”?

NYC's Best Burger, Explained

newtboy says...

Once again (we've been on this ride together before) I do not feel the shame you try repeatedly to lay in my, and any other non vegan's lap.
That does not erase your constant attempts at food shaming.
This time you called us all cheese junkies....and you don't think we understand that you're trying to derisively shame us? Perhaps you need the self reflection.
You didn't offer scientific fact, only silly derision and a link to propaganda, as is your M.O.

transmorpher said:

The feeling of shame is usually your subconscious reminding you that you are acting against your better judgement.
If you feel shame when you read a scientific fact, then take the time to explore that feeling.
If you aren't doing anything wrong then no amount of scientific facts would make you feel shame.

Puddles Pity Party covers "I Want You To Want Me"

School's Out

Januari says...

Always the free-thinker bob... you've even started adopting his mannerisms.

Give yourself just a moment of self-reflection and ask yourself what that says about you Bob... that you are already talking like him.

Who knows you might enjoy thinking for yourself... Bigly.

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