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Obama's, I Have a Dream (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

Dave,Dave, a blog really is a place to dream....

OBAMA-Ill equipped Ideas, Ideology, experience, to act as President. Listen to the endless stream of meaningless garble-How prepared are you for sound bites to get you thru to the next freak-fest?
Big Government Socialist Agenda (one that has never benn tried yet, perhaps....reeking)
Fantasyland Ticket, give us what we deserve, Cradle to the Grave

Obama the Huckster, Obama the Mc Guffin
Double or Nuthin'
better than a dose of She-Clinton...
See thru the shit you think is Silk.....buncha putties.....

Thgen there's Mc Cain.....Jesus we're all gonna die!!!!!

US Economy Woes (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

choggie says...

Ron Paul as President??? Like putting moldy gauze on a sucking chest wound with duct-tape.
Agreed. The economic collapse is eminent and orchestrated. Americans have been groomed for years, to act as a microcosm, exactly like the gods of bank, economy, and empire, WE enable the runaway train-wreck called the world gone mad.....

Save yer frikkin' cash folks-liquify a good portion of it, boycott shit you really don't need, and that we really don't need that is MADE IN CHINA-your habits dictate the speed of collapse-Start trying NOT to get bored and spend will be harder than quitting smoking OR crack rock-


Recycling yer plastic won't cut it, but not purchasing it will.
A smaller engine in yer car doesn't do dick, if the community you live and work in affords no other suitable means of commerce, so shutthe fuck up about SUV's and electric cars...
The infrastructure is the engine of economic dynamics.

Ralph Nader's Candidate Taboos (Politics Talk Post)

choggie says...

and so it goes....
protest is marginalized...anger or action quelled by daily release in the form of TV legal and illegal drugs, all the other diversion, lotsa work and less time to organize...add to this, feeding the young ones on a systematic dumbing down over a few generations of fast-food and a shit for beans edumacation-you get a nation of putty....Here we are
election time

We have little of anything, if not our morality, solid sensibilities, and foot-to-ass when ready, GO!...and street sense that comes from knowing yourself as best you can manage-that and luck!

Mitt Romney...for...President?

choggie says...

...except Romney has his mitts on another button

Don't Mormons think that the afterlife for the faithful involves more wives, and yer own planet to rule???

Look Mormons, I know its hard to completely turn your backs on years of reinforced indoctrination, support from like-minded putty, family and friends, and repressed process, but isn't the up-side (abandoning a system based on some delusional's fantasy and years of psychic repression) worth it??

Mormonism is an example of one of the most successful cults in history, Pharonic or in, COMPLETE HORSESHIT.....

not saying there are not some nice people, but you could say the same about folks in North Korea, whose minds were robbed from them at various stages by THEIR personal messiah...They may be nice, but they are fucked for life......

What's behind your avatar? (Sift Talk Post)

What's behind your avatar? (Sift Talk Post)

SOUTH PARK explains the history of MORMONS

jmzero says...

oh, and the most important proof, take the rm out the middle, and spell the saviour's chosen's name......rocket science those two-by two putties

"Mormon"->"Moon"? Saviour's chosen's name? What does it mean to "rocket science" someone? I guess I fail it, but now I really want to know what you're talking about.

choggie (Member Profile)

qruel says...

own pepsi ? provide a link for that please

In reply to this comment by choggie:
they really are dumb, the Mormons....not to knock their business savvy, but Jeez, can't they see that Joe copied the King James tone, timing and meter???....Don't they get it, that their ancestors had to flee the land of the sane and polite, in order to continue???.....they ended up in a crap state, that no one else, not even the injuns stayed in....and what about the genome revelations??? That no native American, Jewish blood mixes??? And what the fuck is up with the garment?? Freemason Baptist gotta be inna frikkin' club just to drink alcohol there...and now that they own Pepsi, soda pop is not on the shit list, with coffee and teas........Marry yer cousin if ya HAVE to, not because god says so.......

oh, and the most important proof, take the rm out the middle, and spell the saviour's chosen's name......rocket science those two-by two putties, but they do have some goooood choir action, and exotic mysoginated females....

SOUTH PARK explains the history of MORMONS

choggie says...

they really are dumb, the Mormons....not to knock their business savvy, but Jeez, can't they see that Joe copied the King James tone, timing and meter???....Don't they get it, that their ancestors had to flee the land of the sane and polite, in order to continue???.....they ended up in a crap state, that no one else, not even the injuns stayed in....and what about the genome revelations??? That no native American, Jewish blood mixes??? And what the fuck is up with the garment?? Freemason Baptist gotta be inna frikkin' club just to drink alcohol there...and now that they own Pepsi, soda pop is not on the shit list, with coffee and teas........Marry yer cousin if ya HAVE to, not because god says so.......

oh, and the most important proof, take the rm out the middle, and spell the saviour's chosen's name......rocket science those two-by two putties, but they do have some goooood choir action, and exotic mysoginated females....

Paul Van Dyk & Sander Kleinenberg @ Sensation White 2004

Doc_M says...

If you think doing this is easy, you've never done it. If DJ'ed at 3 pseudo-raves I organized (I say "pseudo" because we blocked out all the drugs and such) and it aint easy to get people going. Once you have them, they-re easy to read and putty in your hands, hehe, but getting them going is a challenge. Plus, the second song was written and produced by Van Dyk. How many hits have you produced? lol. It aint as easy to make this stuff as you'd think.

Anyway, I've taken a number of very skeptical people to raves and they all loved it. They start out saying "it's just boom boom boom all night" then it's "this is kinda cool" then its "this club freakin rocks" then it's "where to next weekend?" Trance is a music style based on long, long, long builds and explosive, emotionally driving climaxes ... followed by smooth, groovy cooldowns and lead-ins to the next drive. The "Knob-turning" is an effort by the DJ to make that build and that climax as effective as possible. It's very subtle, but in trance, quality is subtle. Its music for patient listeners, not pop-radio snobs. Its ideal music for hours of dancing and plain losing yourself. No where can you dance with as much enjoyment and as little self-consciousness as at a rave. and honestly E-tards, though tragic, are entertaining and excessively nice as opposed to drunks at "normal" clubs.
This makes me want to get out my decks again. Sounds like fun. ::plans weekend:: ::warns neighborhood::

Anyway, lol @ Paul's shameless self promotion flashing the Vandit label to the camera. hehe
I gotta admit though, the most impressive show I ever saw was Bad Boy Bill, and I don't even really like House. He showed up 15 minutes late, took off his coat, threw 2 records down and immediately tore the crap out of that place for 3 hours. I've never seen anything like it. As much as I dislike his style, he's the most skilled DJ I've ever met. Unbelievably skilled on the decks.

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

joedirt says...


You really need to check out google news, it has like articles and stuff.

The video did not say that the police stopped her because they saw putty, nor even that they saw it prior to arresting her. She walked into Logan Airport with a blinking breadboard on her chest.

Ok, look at the picture again. Tell me how this thing is "blinking"! I could draw you a schematic, but here's a hint, there is nothing on the back side, and nothing on the front side but hot glue, tape, wires, leds, and resistors. There may be one pnp, but it looks like a shadow to me. Her craftsmanship doesn't scream, "I can make an astable RC oscillator".

At any rate, this is just a little lighted star. You know they SELL BALLCAPS WITH THE SAME LEDs AND EVEN A 9V iN THE BACK. Is wearing an ornamental LED badge really akin to klan robes? Or anything resembling, gee I had better not wear this to MEET SOMEONE AT THE AIRPORT.

She wasn't even going through security. Just standing around the terminal checking the arrival times.

I have no idea how she was handled after apprehension, and if she was not basically immediately released upon realization that she was simply stupid, then yeah, the cops went to far.

She was arrested and held in jail overnight until she appeared before a judge. She was charged with disturbing the peace and possessing a hoax device. At the airport the counter person asked her what it was and she said it was art. The MSP then ascended upon her and if you make one false move they shoot you.

Why are airport security walking around with sub machine guns??? Are you for real? In Logan Airport? Do I think it's right? Of course not, but it's certainly understandable if not legally defensible. And where the hell were sub-machine guns mentioned anyway. Furthermore - a sub-machine gun is essentially nothing more than a pistol that shoots really fast and has a bigger clip. It's not even close to something like an M-16A4, which I have seen carried by several agents in several airports (and scares the living shit out of me).

They carry submachine guns (not fully auto pistols) since the Mossa.d has helpfully revamped and retooled airport security.

<A HREF=",0,6326257.story?coll=ny_home_rail_headlines">"If she had shown any</A> indication of not responding, the probability of her being shot was very high," said Rafi Ron, an Israeli security expert who helped Logan overhaul its procedures after two of the 9/11 hijackers flew through that airport. ...

Ron cited the fatal shooting of a mentally ill male passenger at Miami International Airport in December, 2005, by two federal air marshals, which he described as an "unavoidable tragedy." The man, who wore a backpack across his chest, threatened to detonate a bomb.

In another recent case, in Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, he said a man wearing an overcoat with wires coming out of it on a summer day narrowly avoided being shot."

If you have any wires hanging off of you in the airport, you are near death. (What about headphones??)

and while given the right parts and a big enough board, I could likely work out a 4 stage pipeline, I have never once successfully soldered a circuit together. Soldering if for technicians.

Ok.. technicians and plumbers. Just so you know, soldering is pretty easy: apply heat, apply solder, remove heat.

As to the playdoh, the only person who has made this claim was the State police at a press conference. Maybe they just made it up because they realized they were caught with another moonite moran episode, or maybe it was in her pocket, or maybe she doesn't smoke and passes time waiting by making little playdough dudes. My vote is that they made it up completely. FYI, she also made the star for the day before this was a career fair and it's actually a pretty good gimmick and conversation starter. (As long as the attendees don't have machine guns)

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

jonny says...

Have you people all taken a giant leap from your senses? All I have done is watch the video that was linked and read the comments here, and it seems to me that you folks are taking even bigger leaps than the report. The video did not say that the police stopped her because they saw putty, nor even that they saw it prior to arresting her. She walked into Logan Airport with a blinking breadboard on her chest. Unless she has been living in the Australian outback for the last 8 years, that sounds like about the stupidest thing one could do. Let me ask you - would you walk into Harlem with a white hood on your head on Halloween pretending to be a ghost so you could "stand out from the crowd"?

I have no idea how she was handled after apprehension, and if she was not basically immediately released upon realization that she was simply stupid, then yeah, the cops went to far. Why are airport security walking around with sub machine guns??? Are you for real? In Logan Airport? Do I think it's right? Of course not, but it's certainly understandable if not legally defensible. And where the hell were sub-machine guns mentioned anyway. Furthermore - a sub-machine gun is essentially nothing more than a pistol that shoots really fast and has a bigger clip. It's not even close to something like an M-16A4, which I have seen carried by several agents in several airports (and scares the living shit out of me).

Back to the playdoh - it was probably used to the tie the electronics down without soldering. I was a computer engineering student for 3 years before switching to neuroscience, and while given the right parts and a big enough board, I could likely work out a 4 stage pipeline, I have never once successfully soldered a circuit together. Soldering if for technicians.

Don't make mountains out of mole hills - this country has enough real injustice to deal with as it is.

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

joedirt says...

where the hell did this putty / playdough thingy come from? Do they just lie to make up cartoonish images of tom & jerry style TNT with a clock and wires?

WTF?! So, (a) let's say she had dirty hands and handled clay or modelers clay or even playdough. Could the security even tell this from a distance? How could they tell "stuff" on dirty hands was clay-like?

So clearly they might have found dirty hands after they arrested her and tried to make up reasons for pointing assault weapons at someone wearing their science project. Ironic again that they hand these same things out free at bars promoting whatever.

I'm willing to bet the airport might even have waitstaff that are wearing flair that was flashing leds. Blinking even is more bomb=like than just LED hooked to battery.

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

twiddles says...

Nice story they appear to be making up. Does anyone see any putty there? And why are they calling it a fake bomb when it clearly is not?

And how about that abc news video player that says "Go Big"

Rudy Giuliani - the Command Center built in wrong place

choggie says...

hmmmm 23rd floor....23 is Breaking Down or Tearing Apart in the I Ching....depending on yer translation-

Guliani was in on some of the logistics of the whole in...complicit.
So was the owner of WTC. A vote for Rudy is a vote not only for a adulterous, lying asshole, but for a killer.

We have a more important anniversary coming up in the more important than the 4rth of July-Yet another day for a nation of putties to drop a pair and demand another investigation-6 yrs people, the longer you wait, the easier it is for the Nazifucks to pull some more collective wool.......

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