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The 2 minute Republican National Convention

choggie says...

""Terrorists" killed around 3,000 people on September 11, 2001." ....rhetoric to me roughy, a few assholes using "terrorists" and other measures, created the current state of affairs, covered 50-plus years of asses with WTC 7 as well....lest we forget the day again, Sept 11, 2001, was a succesfully orchestrated attack, by the military industrialists, Globalists, buncha nazi minded fucks that never quite seem to die etc.......The administration just played her putty role part....Dem/Repub-same monster

100,000 Paper Caps Explosion

11th Hour - Documentary Trailer

choggie says...

...."climate science" is an oxymoronic spin cycle, with regard to wobal glorming
I say, no one here yet, has posted anything with regard to "global warming" , that has anything to do with climate science.....simply Al gore and his squad's, nod....and allll the bought and paid for "Experts"....and their putties...just how do the pundit propose we halt this, "11th hour, and 59 mins???,(crap) stop all production would help......lesss bullshit, less government, and a planet rich with fertilizer......oh wait, stop the "cyclical earth-dance with reckless disregard for humans" program....ok....let's make some shit up.....

a collective about the mind (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

medical science
industrial engineering
veterinary forensics

micro manage trhe world!

For all you folks asking about how my posts fit into my own collective...(1 hr live jazz film with Horace Silver, and Cab Calloway, etc) if you have not already guessed, I roll in a non-linear fashion, and the wildness of Cab Calloway for his time, of Betty Hutton, of Be-Bop, 3rd stream, and fusion of the jazz scene in the 50's and 60's, all fit into my ideas of the wild west....I.E. western Hemisphere......cowboy stuff fits too, as well as wild children, animals, or political leaders, Nazis, leaders of facist socialist regimes bent on world domination (China, N. Korea-otherwise known as Human-Hating assholes).....gee, you think in China I could talk shit about their leaders??? Or could I waltz over to N. Korea, stand in the square, and shout, "Kim is a Dickweed!!" without getting beaten or imprisoned???? Perhaps.....I am an American goddamnit, and still proud of it.....but give that shit a few years....what with the past couple of generations that my country has produced, we are headed down a rocky road with idiots at the helm, and putties to feed them the raw materials.....blood, sweat, and BRRRAAAAIAINNS!

Tommy Chong on Fox News - Bush is a moron!

choggie says...

sorry drattus, the hit is taken by those who are not so ready to usher in the third world and mexico's vapid sensibilities, in the current paradigm of Amnerica.....all for the waltzing across to the US if we wern't being puppeteered by assholes in power, .....allll this shit is by design, and not accident-

Look at it this way...If there were only post gen x'ers and those that followed, you could sell a bill of goods like this without any problem whatsoever, to putties and diversionists in that camp....It is the folks that remember, that don't want it to happen....

Sure, let em' in, then, fuck it, get's too bad .... waltz over to fucking Trinidad or Jamaica, or anywhere else one can embrace an alternative culture....because, reallly don't look forward to shitty tatse in colors and appointments, and a country fulla folks who don't think it priority to pay their fair share, learn english, and who love to stack fucking walmart decor in their yards, because they just discovered plastic, plumbing, and public assistance.......we are totally fucked anyhow, so, welcome to Amerexico!

Fuck all, outta here-What the country needs is to kill the feds, create an alternative to the master's monetary system, and get back to solid values, not some punk-ass version of be nice to everyvody....(buncha pussies)....Truly hope Texas secceeds from this motherfucker before it becomes little mexico.....

There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!

9/11 Flight 93 Footage-Censored News Coverage

choggie says...

It all got sucked into the crater, then the resulting blow-back, scattered all the paper and small pieces, around the ground....the engines were recovered, still miraculously attached to an entire couldn't show that either...Where are all the interviews, eyewitnesses, surviving family members testimonies, (sure they are still around).....but most of all, why don't we still discuss the impact, or severe lack there of, of the effect this had on a nation? Why did this event serve to do nothing more, than to distract the country from their everyday routine, for about a half a year??? Because were a buncha' putties, s'ppose.....

Have to remember this day every other week: some curious minds, are still not satisfied.They simply don't have, and are programmed to believe they do not deserve, an audience...
carry on, eyes wide shut-

How to patch drywall

L'Animateur short by Nick Hilligoss

bl968 says...

Great video The actual name is L'Animateur

Here is the Author's description on StopMoShorts:

Way back in June 2006, some of the Haiku Challenge keywords were Tree, Apple, and Fall. That led me to the Adam and Eve story. Reflecting on what it is to be a stop-motion animator today led me to the main character - you've got to be a fool to do it, but you also have this godlike power to create characters and worlds.

A travelling Fool takes his puppet stage to a desert planet. In this retelling of the myth, eating the apple is an essential step towards changing from puppet to human, and part of his plan from the beginning. The French title was chosen because in addition to the meanings of the English word it also refers to a Compere or Master of Ceremonies, which seemed to fit the role of travelling showman.

The film was rushed to make the deadline for Annecy, and has more technical faults that there is space to list, but was fun to do all the same. It was set to recorded music by Earthly Delights, who conduct medieval dances, rather like bush dancing or square dancing, in Canberra, Australia. John Garden composed it and plays the Hurdy Gurdy, which felt exactly right for the puppet stage.

The Stiltfrog puppets are latex build-up over wire, about 4 inches tall. The Fool has a cushion foam body, latex build-up hands, and a foam latex head. Adam and Eve are Sculpey over epoxy putty, then foam latex puppets. It was shot on a Nikon D70 which developed flicker, and was replaced by a D50 which flickered from the start, though not as much. Compositing was done in Mirage, with a couple of planet shots put together in Lightwave.
He offers several versions for download.

dag (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Dag-Brian, I give one of many, meaningful and reflective dialog streams from me and fedquip, if you haven't read em all already....cause, you have the keys to your kingdom, and i know what the word ":private" means, but not sure about her interpretation here-
from brian cutaia, a human.....being-

[ok man, its like this....the greatest thing since creamed corn is not a bandwagon.....You have your loyal followers, goons, liked-minders etc, your, TAY-TV personal having spilled over here to the site since you joined, and as far as my personal tastes are concerened, the bulk of your posts are from the goddamn tv, about the goddamn tv, and the motherfucking point if yer whole vibe seems to reverberate with some sort of alternate idea of information besides that medium, which...HELLO???!!! IS ALL SHEIT!!!!Your Uni-dimensional, rarely inspired, and redundant posts from the same sources, make you an easy read with regard to your worldview...which, godgammit, I have always tried hard as hell to shove folks ideas, who think they have a fucking clue about what is right or meaningful, or righteous for the world, straight back up their clueless asses, that goes for friends, allies, and, esp. foes....(who are my foes:??-anyone who thinks they have an answer or perspective that they feel is true/false/or meaningless, (but without the false or meaningless)......which is where you fit, in my humble, out-of-touch, perspective...

soooo, i despise the spin of most popular forms of media which you pollute the site with, the perspectives of the pundits, and most of their clever deliveries, and most of all, the comments that follow from their groupies, dupes, fans, and putties.

Uhhhh, you find this pap on all the other viddy-blogs, the biggest difference i can see being the extra vocabulary and fast-food, university perspectives..oh and, more English as a first language types here, too.

The silliest thing to me is the undeniable truth, that in order to have an opinion about world events or causes and solutions for conflicts, one must be armed with all the facts....which, my brother, none of us are or will ever likely be, until the paradigm ends, and this current iteration of civilization, goes the way of all others, the way of the vortex.....the singularity, y'know, collapsing in on itself??? Th world is headed for a shitstorm before it stabilizes, and dumb motherfuckers want to play a blame-game of diversion, by talking about who causes war, the reasons for it, or which team, cut from the same empire-building mentalities, has the better chance for our vote and success......

remember Fight Club??? Find your power animal, and let it slide...........

the world is way more interesting than sitting around, watching television, picking snips from shit, to build a turd, and then spray yer copy-cat version of Armani for Morons on it, so it smells like shit with parfummmm

I mean jeez, how many goddamn fucking atheists do you need t' hear, educated or not, before you are sitting in the church of the innane?(snotty little fuckers with a cob up their ass for another reason besides god, if you ask me) How many clever editorials from comedians who have a staff of writers working to undermine your brain with their politics, morality, and bullshit sensibilities does one have to hear, before it's time to see that bullshit for what it is???
The very thing you intonate when you suggest throwing away your television...Its like you are suggesting, after your trek here, "Tay-TV, and then watch mine!" and, predictably, with that type of formula, of course, one can attract some putties....Joseph Smith did it.....rock stars do it, even half educated dweeeeeebs do it..Let's do it, let's follow fred!!!la la la la

So, you asked why I have made a project of you lately.....I got tired of your bullshit....If you'll notice, the upvotes i do give you, jibe with some of the things i dig about the planet, and the bulk of the downvotes, come for the cry of an annoying, yet pleasing to watch sometimes bird, called the Parrot. I hate birds in cages. Pitiful, most times, schitzoid form being forced out of instinctual surroundings, and they tend to mimic the dysfuntion of their captors.....]

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The grand Siftquisitor awaits.

Hannity Gets Lesson About Bush's Unpopularity

choggie says...

uhhhhh, Democratia is like Cuba, their leaders want the same thing Castro has.....their own country of putties to do with as they will, for them and theirs......(remove head from ass, rinse, repeat)

Hannity Gets Lesson About Bush's Unpopularity

choggie says...

So, like spoiled, entitiled little brats, folks on both sides of the same fence around the concentration camp of meaningless blah blah, go back and forth calling names and hurling epithets, ad naseum, while both are starving on the same diet of rehtoric without substance, one that goes from non-nutritive to down-right poisonous, creating robots and putties that reek and swell in the sun.....ready for the buzzards and vultures who really run the planet, who feast on both dark and white meat, as long as its rotten-Americans have no balls, they are pussies in need of dicks, dicks who have never had pussy, and asshloes who keep status quo, by keeping both starved of substance or meaning.......

Give Peace a Chance

choggie says...

Peace may come with another paradigm, and perhaps some entertainers will help to usher it in, but as long as the planet is controlled by the dark side, no reasonable petition, well-meaning projects, marches on Washed-outtown, letters to tiny empire builders (congress and senate putties),and free hug campaigns, are going to do anything.....but get folks on lists, and in some peoples cases, like ol' JL, perhaps a sleeper with a pistol.....

The Denial Machine - Global Warming debate (40:42)

choggie says...

and too all this bees needin said again, the arguments for global warming are mute...the fact is the planet is changing is eveident, the likelihood that the tolerable atmospheric conditions are being altered by humans in wholly unsubstantiated, save the pep-rally organizers, and their willing putties....

The real issue is, what do we do to prepare, beyond arguing and wasting time with in- consequential datum, before we really get on a program.....Fart gasses, cause not the planet's ills, ill humans are the problem, hence the apparent dichotomy of opinions.....rhetoric, drama, more diversion and bullshit, how much can we take????

Every Day is Earth Day

choggie says...

Agree ain't the point, the content is less imporatant here than the dynamic, the mechanism, and the delivery system.....this guy is a tool for every divertive special interest..
Divertive by this definition
2. draw attention from something: to take somebody's mind off something and draw attention to something else
...this something else being how nice and friendly we can all be to the Planet every day....the kind of non-nutritive snacks that some folks seem to lap up like a cat under a leaking radiator....the same effect, though it takes much longer for domesticated primates, the cat will die from eating the sweet-tasting, green (how appropriate here) liquid...

Answer this Earth friendlies out there??? If in fact, there are alternatives to fossil fuels, (which there absolutely ARE) and if there is even a hint of suspicion that the powers that control these fossil fuels and regulate their necessity and prices, that these persons have colluded to corner a market and indenture the masses to pay them for destroying the atmosphere or worse, make us modern-day putties, THEN SHOULDN'T THE BULK OF FOCUS BE SHIFTED TO THIS INSANITY, and not how imporrrrrtantit is that we should recycle, buy fuel-efficient cars and re-newable crap, and use bicycles and skateboards to go to work????

This world is fucking itself into a corner, and blaming the inaction on the part of the oil industry, her puppets and politicians, on their own ignorance, and ineffectual focus.

FUCK EARTH DAY! Fuck the democrats, fuck the republicans, the moderates, the issues that mean nothing in the grand scheme of civilization's demise....the focus should be on Getting The Users Of Imformation And Men Off The Planet......

then, perhaps we can survive the sun's effect on the planet, as IT causes the effects of global warming, along with the cyclical dance of the Earth and her position in the solar system.....

oh, did I forget Global Warming, FUCK THAT, TOO.....

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