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John McCain lies about Privatizing Social Secuirty

choggie says...

diagnosis???...NetRunner, like millions of other putties, watches too much goddamn television, listens to too much NPR, or spend too much time surfing fan-channels....

Ignoring Member Comments (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

respectfully, most of the folks here that have a problem with choggie comments who don't care for the tone, the timbre, pitch, etc., are the ones that use the place to grandstand on certain subjects-politics, atheism, racism, here of late, the fringes of the homosexual community-all I have done, by paying attention to them, is make them uncomfortable and frustrated- Like me, they are also a minority-Divine juxtaposition-opposite poles in conflict affords equilibrium, such is the nature of all things-
Too bad, this will not change, or is constantly changing, however you wish to perceive it- Traveling with prevailing dogma has always been dangerous, considering the opinions are usually not one's own, but have been shaped by years of mental manipulation, that only natural disaster or deprogramming could correct-

Think what would happen if the world had to absorb the entire population of North Korea, the anguish and conflict that would never end, as these poor folks, tainted since birth, their minds putty in the hands of one man's regime, struggling to adapt to something other than Il Il Il-Imagine those in that place, the very few who stand up to the bullshit in their minds, and work as they can within their personal circles, to save at least one or two minds/souls-If you can picture this, you can begin to imagine my indignation, regarding a few inert minds, who beat a drum continually, contrary to healthier sensibilities, and are just as damaged, as the aforementioned NK goods.

And kronos??? Dare i pick apart your diatribe above, or simply the preface that sets the tone?...That communism remark, being a label referring to some association to dupes, who, in the same manner in which the dupes of the 00's, are being manipulated to think a certain way for the sake of an agenda, then bemoan the abrupt end when they were wholly complicit in heir own demise....and then the outro, placing me in a convenient box, assuming much -You are a smart fella, figure it out-Maybe I should have used an example more directly associated with social engineering, alla, B.F. Skinner-I do agree wholeheartedly, that comment blocking, will do little to quiet the bitching, as feathers are ruffled, and life will go on-
In reality, my constant harranging of certain users who use the place as a pulpit like the very preachers the same usually call idiots and ignoramouses, is nothing more than someone pointing out the futility of the endeavor, as it relates to what is real-
never play nice
never play favorites
never give in to passive-agression
and be damned, never honor a request for respect, when none is offered in kind-These new folks, as long as I am here, will take the good with the bad-

Perception, again I say, is the crux of the biscuit-
I am only going off on his post, because I am assuming as well-assuming that the reason for the damn thing has to do with a few people who can't process information, and take shit too goddamn personally-that shit being mine-because I read a lot of other folks stuff, and none is as raw and as personal, w/o actually pointing a finger-sorry, I get project-oriented-Post some fucking music fer crissakes...or lolcats-sorry folks, ignore is not part of some monkey's vocab-

I would name names and apologize, but it would only digress into indignation, as the comments to follow said apology, would probably be like reading shit on bathroom walls, reading a newspaper, or watching the nightly news-maybe we could send you a pm....-why bother, with the new feature, one can simply light a book, relax and enjoy...

(*maybe he'll get tired and go away)

Done-still say the idea blows-

ohGr - porE

Eklek says...

(approx.) Text:

the creepy crack head friend of mine
the homeless place he calls his thought
the silly putty tinker toy
the mirror ball reflects below
the grazing herd the lemming goat
the move toward the moving from
the winter home upon the hill
the summer shade a caving in
the psychotronic talking box
the mainstream ninety-two percent
the laughing dying culture pop
the point of view the bleeding heart
the easily digested hurt
the famous moldy party hop
a fantasy the way it could
the shaping things a prostitute
a naked mix a magazine
a picture of us in a dream

ultra/ULTRA get me in there
ultra/ULTRA get me out

Political Superfans - circa 1992

choggie says...

"So why are you voting for Obama.?"

"Well, I am ready for a change in this country...Bush has given this place a bad name and we need someone to fix it....I think he's saying it's time to for a change and hope..."

"Why are you voting for (insert name here)

"Because he/she/it has got some real, uhhh, hasn't been tainted by the republicrats, and their war and no health care and stuff..."

Same bullshit, new and improved-People that have an opinion as to why they will vote for any of them, are the ones who know dick about how the shit really works....idiots, morons, dupes and putties-

Harrison Ford: Lost There, Felt Here, carbon emission

choggie says...

Here's the choggie PSA
send donations to his paypall account, and help us stop the madness....
(*cue grave-sounding muzak)
"Every minute, of everyday....for hundreds of thousands of years, the planet has made it clear; humans are part of the solution to a critical problem: Organic Compost. In unquenchable furnaces like Etna, Stromboli, and Yasur, along with allll her numerous and hidden, underwater fissures, pumping out what it takes to balance the odds in her favor, she remains dedicated....and with overdue kegs of life-stealing sulfuric acid like Yellowstone, Fuji, Etna, ready to pop, along with Mr. Shinyhot(the yellow round thing), she insures that long after this current iteration of human planetary activity, that there will be a layer of shit like plastic and tin cans, for the next monkeys to enjoy.
Global Climate Change. Aren't ya glad you can say you were there when self-absorbed putties had reason to suspect they made more than a scratch, in the planet's surface???
Give, to the United Negro College Fund, a mind is a terr....oh wait, wrong outro-

Obama faces racism in West Virginia

choggie says...

black is nit an issue with regards t'ward Obama...forget his color...look at the timing and timbre... a fuckling tool- well intentioned??? That remains to be seen...a putty yes-man and houseplant??....defines himself daily, easy to see-A diversion.

No more capable of leading a country than he is a horse on a rope to fresh water.....

Rolling Stone Inserted Undercover Into Reverend Hagee Church

choggie says...

This kids, is an example of absolute shit journalism....If you feel otherwise, you may want to consider yourself a dupe, putty, sucker, rube or indoctroeducated meatbot wage slave......More than one produced bit of remedial proppergander here, masturbation and more diversion-

A Tidal Wave Of Liberals Is Coming

choggie says...

the comments preceding and to follow on this thread manifests thus: simply, monkeys are predictable, robotic, and easily led...dualistic mumbo-jumbo, without approaching any meaning-wtf fuck is a liberal or a conservative, anyhow? are all putties???

Stop The North American Union Documentary

choggie says...

Considering the rollicking up-vote history on this subject when posted (sarcasm), and the overall clientele's sensibilities here on the sift (head in own ass, do-nothing, liberalista putties who welcome ass-rape), why oh why Constitutional_Patriot do we even bother???.....they are buying this shit , hook,line sinker-styley, look how the sheeple fawn over Obama???
Listen to the continual laboring over non-issues like human rights abuses in Somefuckistan, or how health care and cradle-to-grave gimmies, will make all bad good, and worse better.....moreover, with each passing second, the same become more virulent in their disgust with morality, conservative sensibilities and injustice in the rest of the world, while all the while driven closer to slavery by the very shit they are told to think is of dire importance..... The globe is warming, but through the smokescreen, it's anyone's guess as to how or why-

Because critical thinking, is for losers-and newsspeak has always been an effective tool of control-

Most of the folks here could give a fuck about America, as long as their power is on, the last legal drug is flowing, and the internets are speedy.....

and while i'm at, "Fuck Anonymous, too"...if they really wanted to put an end to the twisted bile duct of a fucking mini system of control, they'd burn the fucking Scientology buildings to the ground....masks off!!!

The minute a Scientologist starts to run their bullshit down, you should audit their nose with a glancing blow, enough to break it and start the blood flowing....that, will give them a lifetime of reflection, meditation, and a bit of immediate awareness-They can say "I'll sue you" while bleeding some harmless nose-red syrup

Why Do ALL Europeans Hate America?

choggie says...

fuck Guantanamo-
another symptom of a much more dire problem, not limited to anything having to do with the Military, per-se....It's like this ya bleeding-hearts:
To be focus upon, and passionate about, some internment facility involved in nefarious goings-on, and not being able to recognize but a toenail of the hydra, because you are too robotic to be concerned about the heads(and I ain't talking about the bobble-heads that call themselves Presidents, Prime Ministers, dictators or Mullahs, either), is a reflection of their stranglehold on your sensibilities as they relate to $$$, and what drives this buggy...You Do!
*adjusts fur pajamas and throws plastic bottle in furnace

Bandaids on sucking chest wounds....Guantanamo is all in your minds, putties

Bill Moyers Interviews Jeremiah Wright (watch this) (Religion Talk Post)

choggie says...

Dag....dystop??...I am a simple man with very simple solutions to complex problems.....
political commentary can be summed up with an analogesic reference...

ever see the penguins during mating season, all tittering and shouting together in unison????

That jab at Moyers was a non-sequitur to test the resolve of the blogger-can he stay on topic when a wrench is thrown in.....
No-accusatory language is met with questioning the veracity of said accusor's entire premise, that being that these candidates, this election cycle, and the entire system, is in fucking retrograde,and that those who discuss their part in it, are fools, putties, cowards and imbeciles-(check mirror)

I'm not a fucking idiot, dystop-America, nay, the world,is being fist-fucked, and her people follow in lock-step to their own demise....

Obama is an asshole
Wright is an asshole
Moyers is a cunt

oh and dystop, as silly fun as your capper was, I never want to be accused of being able to discuss politics as would be acceptable in some circle-jerk like Meet the Press.....I'd rather eat skunk and fuck a cousin.....

I EAT BABIES yum yum yum (Cake Babies!)

Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America!"

choggie says...

Obammy does not deserve the vote of anyone, for soooo may reasons. Rev wright's is simplistic, afro-centric rhetoric....every city has one, outspoken shouting and reactionary champion of the black's the same disease that Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan and others of this ilk have. And just like most putties who want history re-written, they decry symptoms instead of action all the while being played by the hand that holds the cards....Obama is not about change, that should be pretty fucking obvious at this stage in the circus.....He's about being used like they all are.

Ain't nothing more hardcore than a cello

choggie says...

Used to put a sax mouthpiece onna cornet with Silly Putty...could get about 7 low low register growls out of it-that was fun to play-
All for alternative instrumentation between styles and genres....makes for great music, no matter how full of yourself you may be to say otherwise kids!

The Official Roast of dotdude! (Parody Talk Post)

dotdude says...

Karaidl, you savy investor, you. I am a bit puzzled about the art you purchased since the majority of the ones we’re discussing are 5” x 5”. The recess from the back is only 1 ¾" X 1 ¾” with a depth of 1 ¼”. That must be a rather miniature putty tat. What rare breed is your wee feline?

Then again, maybe you’ve purchased a “knock-off” of my work?!?

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