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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Hey, shithead.

Let me make something clear.


Storming the capital building, shooting people, and planting bombs, is not democracy.


Let me know how you feel, because right now my sense of it is

-the voters can't be trusted
-the poll workers can't be trusted
-the voting machines can't be trusted
-the media can't be trusted
-Bill Barr can't be trusted
-the guy who was in charge of election security can't be trusted
-the lower courts can't be trusted
-the appellate courts can't be trusted
-and the Supreme Court can't be trusted

-Only donald trump can be trusted.

----> Is that accurate?????????????????????????

THAT does not sound like a Democracy.
THAT does not sound like a Republic.

newtboy said:

Republicans rioting in the streets now

Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

newtboy says...

Of the 20+ hours of people speaking you cherry pick a few.

You need more crazy, sure, here you go.

I personally think that 70% can be explained away in a legit way.

If 70% of the evidence you present in court is faked, you lose the case. What's actually happened is 99.97% have proven to be false or just whining about nothing, explained away by facts and knowledge or just plain lies. The only one not thrown out was complaining poll watchers weren't allowed close enough to read ballots (which isn't their job), so they let them closer.

No actual poll watchers were removed except for cause because they ignored the rules and were disruptive, most removed weren't actual poll watchers, they were trump goons who wanted to watch and interfere with counts. No officials were removed.
Zero evidence the guy who claimed to truck completed ballots even drove a truck, and his claims are impossible. Every ballot is paired to one voter, you can't just fill out ballots randomly and have them counted anywhere in America.
Republican election officials reviewed this claim and found it has no merit whatsoever, despite the 90 second video you misrepresented.
Wrong. They investigated every claim they received, not one was credible. It's Giuliani who did no investigation, just put out a million dollar prize for anyone who could lie well enough to not get tossed from court, so far nothing.

What? OAN and Newsmax are talking about Biden's socks and not covering this farce?! That's surprising, they love dishonest lies and misleading morons.

bobknight33 said:

Of the 20+ hours of people speaking you cherry pick a few.

I personally think that 70% can be explained away in a legit way.

However when election law is not followed, as these people have said,
Poll watchers and other republican officials are imitated, and removed, which is against the law,

when completed ballots cross state lines ( NY to PA) ,

When officials tell every to to go home and that the counting for the evening has stopped then pull out suitcases a t from under tables after officials and being run through the machines with out poll watchers there is fraud going on and must be looked into.

BARR comes out sand says what he said, What did FBI,DOJ look at? Not 1 investigation has taken place or finished.

This isn't over. Trump still has fight in him.

Those 20+ hours of hearings and meetings have 200,000 to 500,000 viewers watching on line. Too bad Fake news only telling the story of what sock color Biden is wearing.

Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

bobknight33 says...

Of the 20+ hours of people speaking you cherry pick a few.

I personally think that 70% can be explained away in a legit way.

However when election law is not followed, as these people have said,
Poll watchers and other republican officials are imitated, and removed, which is against the law,

when completed ballots cross state lines ( NY to PA) ,

When officials tell every to to go home and that the counting for the evening has stopped then pull out suitcases a t from under tables after officials and being run through the machines with out poll watchers there is fraud going on and must be looked into.

BARR comes out sand says what he said, What did FBI,DOJ look at? Not 1 investigation has taken place or finished.

This isn't over. Trump still has fight in him.

Those 20+ hours of hearings and meetings have 200,000 to 500,000 viewers watching on line. Too bad Fake news only telling the story of what sock color Biden is wearing.

newtboy said:

This, @bobknight33, is your "evidence" of fraud, ridiculous claims by clearly crazy hyperbolic people that in no way resembles the verifiable facts.

Thousands of dead people voting? Not according to election officials, the DOJ, the FBI, the records of who voted, and the system designed to catch such frauds. Actually there were some attempts, but only a few Republicans voting as their dead relatives were found, not even double digits.
A woman who says all Chinese people look alike so their votes don't count. That's your second best evidence of fraud.


Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

Because there's zero chance he can win, and every hour of delay in allowing the transition to proceed 50 Americans die.

No, they report the official count. Reasonable people understand when it's impossible to swing the results and, for the good of the country, concede and facilitate a transition. All the silly challenges can continue after that, they don't stop counting because one candidate concedes, and they don't just toss out court cases either.

Since there's no evidence of illegal votes, that's not worth responding to. Votes are vetted in multiple ways before being counted. Thousands of dead people, non citizens, and fraudsters haven't's a lie, there's zero evidence, only liars words. The vote fraud found was all about not delivering mail in ballots, and all done by Republicans. Over 300000 missing in post offices after the USPS was ordered to sweep all sorting rooms for missing ballots, an order they ignored at DeJoy's direction.

If it wasn't life or death for thousands in the balance, I would agree, but thanks to the worst leader in living memory it is. What's the harm allowing Biden's team access to intelligence so they can vet a cabinet? Biden already has top clearance....but is being blocked out of pure spite. In the .000001% chance Trump manages to flip the results, how would it hurt anything that Biden had a team ready? Trump doesn't need to concede, he can keep instigating his cult to commit terroristic acts and chant "stop the count...count the votes....stop the count...count the votes", and to make up false claims of fraud in hopes of collecting the million dollar reward (bribe to commit perjury) Trumpco has offered.

Let the cases play out, they're being tossed constantly since they have no evidence at all of consequential fraud, only lies and Russian videos,...but since it's clear who won and no fraud case can change that, stop blocking the peaceful transition and hurting the union. Stop wasting hundreds of millions on preparing for a fantasy Trump budget but zero on preparing for Biden, who won. If Trump is declared the winner officially, then stop cooperating with Biden harm no foul.

Carter conceded before the polls closed in the West because he clearly put the nation first over his ego (Reagan's final vote percentage was lower than Biden's btw, Biden is now over 5 million votes ahead) , Trump won't ever concede, he might claim it was stolen and he can't stop it, eroding trust in our system and creating terrorists, he won't ever say he lost or cooperate in a transition. The former hurts confidence in the system, the latter delays the transition and will kill more people for no reason besides sour grapes.

bobknight33 said:

Why should Trump concede? Biden has not officially won.

Media does not officially call the election.
Let it play out out.

? you want all votes counted. Even illegal votes?

Trump will have to turn around 5 states.
Tall order, Sit back and let it play out.

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

newtboy says...

Oh no.....say it ain't so.....

A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three officials briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee.

Richard Hopkins’s claim that a postmaster in Erie, Pa., instructed postal workers to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day was cited by Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) in a letter to the Justice Department calling for a federal investigation. Attorney General William P. Barr subsequently authorized federal prosecutors to open probes into credible allegations of voting irregularities and fraud, a reversal of long-standing Justice Department policy.

But on Monday, Hopkins, 32, told investigators from the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General that the allegations were not true, and he signed an affidavit recanting his claims, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe an ongoing investigation. Democrats on the House Oversight Committee tweeted late Tuesday that the “whistleblower completely RECANTED.”

Hopkins did not respond to messages seeking comment.

This liar was cited in numerous Trump lawsuits as the best most direct evidence of fraud....they've got nothing.

Surprise surprise surprise. 🤦‍♂️

Edit: and more "evidence" turns out to be fake....a video claiming to show poll workers stuffing a ballot box turned out to be in Russia. At what point can we bar the Republicans and Trump from filing more lawsuits? After 20 frivolous lawsuits using fake evidence? We are past that point. Even these cost money to try, how about they pay 100% of court costs up front for any future cases? They're broke, so that would end the farce.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Affidavit alleging many laws broken in Detroit:

Backdating ballots, election workers urging people to vote for Biden or democrats, double votes being counted.

Trump Gets Fired

newtboy says...

Never backs down.....Except when prosecuted for fraud, or redlining (denying black people access to his buildings), or charity fraud, or finally admitting he repeatedly paid for sex while married, or when Mexico refused to build or pay for his wall, or when he promises to fix our infrastructure, or when he claims massive 2016 vote fraud, or when he promises to simplify taxes so they fit on a postcard, or about Covid/masks.... Seems like he often backs down....almost half as often as he's wrong.

The too close to call/recount is bullshit. Georgia, where he claims it's too close, requires the campaign asking for a recount to pay for it, and Trump is flat broke with a zero credit rating and his campaign is deep in massive debt. Good won't change the outcome even if it flips the state, which it won't. Remember, when you donate to the legal defense fund, most of that money goes to pay Trump's bills, some into his pocket, and what's left might pay Rudy to rant in a parking lot. It's not paying for decent lawyers to try a case, they're consistently being laughed out of court for having zero evidence of their baseless accusations, most of which wouldn't change results if found to be credible. Decent lawyers won't touch these frivolous cases.

The cheating and interference was 99.9996% from your team. >300000 missing mail in ballots because Trump's guy ignored court orders, slowed mail to a crawl, and refused to search mail sorting rooms for ballots like he was ordered to by a federal judge. Armed intimidation at polls. Last minute voter purges. One collection box for counties of 4 million. All republican tactics that kept it from being a massive blowout, but couldn't stop the tide. All you have to claim democrats cheated are words from untrustworthy liars, no evidence whatsoever.

It's funny you think your best argument for a second trump term is that he was incapable of presiding over a free and fair election or of accepting the results.

It's ok, Bob. You can admit you're crying in your beer. It must hurt to be forced to realize your world view is a fantasy.....just a dream.

bobknight33 said:


incognito yes, maybe, just sitting idle and watching.

Waiting for results Some states too close to call- recount?

MEGA landslide-- no so -- At least I can dream.

Some cheating/ interference-- yes-- big enough -- don't know.

1 thing for sure is that Trump never backs down.

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

newtboy says...

Oh yes it is.

His whining does not make a legal case for fraud. There's no evidence of fraud besides the numerous failed Republican attempts at defrauding the election.
Just like the last election when he falsely claimed 3 million fraudulent votes cast for Clinton, wasted millions investigating, and found NOTHING. Courts don't deal with whining little bitch's nonsense, and he has zero evidence of fraud. That's why his court cases are being tossed all over, they're nothing burgers.

The only doubt is in the weak minds of cultists who think Little Donny tells the truth. 4.25 million more legitimate votes for Biden even after the massive vote suppression campaign, even with 300000 missing mail in votes for Biden, even after Barr and others joined the foreign born smear campaign against Biden (that the Republican senate denounced as utter bullshit), even with Trump's armed suppression gangs threatening violence at the polls, Biden crushed him. Imagine if the Democrats had put up someone like Butigieg, might have been a >10 million difference.

Biden is on track to top 270 today. Trump has no path to 270. Disputed ballots aren't a thing. Sorry sunshine. Once the ballots are out of their envelopes and counted, it's over....and they are. Stop the count....Biden wins. Count all votes...Biden wins bigger.

The ONLY chance left is complete subversion by Republican governors, replacing electors with pro Trump electors and ignoring the vote....which will not work but will get them killed.

Duh....who do you think Pelosi is going to choose if it came to that, which it won't?


Bye Felecia...i hope you got that suicide insurance

bobknight33 said:

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

What To Do if Your Side Loses the Election

moonsammy says...

The false equivalence is pretty far off the mark here. Republicans have clearly, in the plain light of day, been trying to reduce the number of people who could vote. Voter ID laws, limiting polling locations / ballot drop boxes, aggressive purging of voter rolls, etc etc etc. They know their ideas are unpopular, so limiting the number of voters tends to benefit them.

Whereas the Dems have been accused of... something? Creating fake votes or purposely losing others? It's all very vague and literally without proof. Trump supporters gathered outside election offices in one state chanting "Count the votes!" while an effectively identical group elsewhere chants "Stop the count!" makes it pretty clear they're just gunning for advantage. So far all the Dems I've heard on the topic say they just want all votes counted. I can't find fault with that notion.

Diddy - "Vote or Die" (Music Video) - SOUTH PARK

newtboy says...

"The polling booth" is what I call my bedroom.


Giant Douche all day, at least it leaves you feeling clean and fresh, not so full of shit it's coming out of your mouth.

Vox: The Electoral College, explained.

Joe Biden walks to the podium in Warm Springs, GA.

newtboy says...

Easily, Trump is getting more Democrats to the polls than any democratic candidate ever....and fewer Republicans. That simple.
All Biden has to do is not turn orange and not sleep with his own daughter for 4 more days....that's it.

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his 50 supporters.
VS Trump and his 15K supporters.

How on earth will Biden win legitimately?

4 Biggest Takeaways from the Final Presidential Debate

newtboy says...

Trump lost before it started by being so incapable of civil or rational behavior they actually had to mute the president on live TV. Duh.

Slipping in polls, no money, failed pandemic response, failed trade wars, failed by sparking civil division, failed wall fraud, failed at race, failed economy, just failed all around.....but Biden lost by suggesting ending oil dependence, the only rational option?!

Are you saying being dependent on foreign oil, or massively subsidized oil at all, is good?! You like that kind of socialism, right? The kind where billion dollar companies get handouts they don't need, but citizens who are in need get the bills?!
Fuck, Bob.
Irrational desperation isn't a good look.


bobknight33 said:

Neither did a great job.

Biden lost from his saying he will end oil dependence and his lying about ending fracking

Should seven maximum channel number limits, for video submissions, be increased? (User Poll by ant)

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

newtboy says...

Shug-a-shug-a-shug-a-shug-a-shug-shug. That's precious....and 100% bullshit.
Felonious Boss Hogg directed his army of morons to vote by mail and in person...a felony.
He supports fake illegal collection boxes that allow republicans to discard ballots.
He instructed his morons to go armed to voting centers and intimidate people in line if they look like Biden supporters.

Part of the job of a president is to facilitate a free and open election and exude trust in the process his administration creates. He's failed at every single opportunity. It will be a train wreck, with Donald as the conductor staring spellbound into his mirror as he runs the train off the track.

Biden is ahead in almost every swing state by double digits, fool.

Republicans are the ones who have been caught repeatedly stealing ballots and changing them, showing up at polls to intimidate voters, illegally, trying to vote twice or more, setting up illegal fraudulent collection boxes, only allowing one real drop box for 4 million people, making up outrageous lies about vote by mail, which may have a better record than in person voting (mail in voting has a .0000004% fraud rate) and outright lying about some democratic frauds like his bullshit claim about ballots in a river, all Trump ballots....never happened, sorry sunshine. Trump has done nothing but cause mayhem, confusion, and distraction to hide this obvious fact that he can't win without massive voter fraud and supression.

Lol. Trump's base growing!?! Only according to trump and his morons who find the one unprofessional outlier internet poll by non pollsters and claim it's the only real poll. Derp.

Keep thinking that, November is going to be shocking. Get that suicide insurance, at least then you'll be doing something for your children besides causing them so much distress that they require institutionalization.

Sorry sunshine. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Large scale election fraud is being pushed by democrats not by BOSS Trump. Trump just points it out. Just wait till the mess starts after the election. It will be a train wreck and every one know it.

MEGA Landslide 2020 and democrats are trying desperately to cheat to cause mayhem, confusion, distraction from this very fact.

Trumps base is growing and is larger that 2016. More from every demographic.

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

newtboy says...

Another lying Trumpanzee twit.

Leave American politics to Americans, Russian troll.
Trying to ignore and deny Trump's blatant racist past and present to steal a future is not sane.

Democrats gave up racism at the same time Republicans adopted it when they went with the Southern strategy to court southern racists. They never stopped.

Republicans were caught committing state wide voter fraud in California by placing fake drop boxes across the state so they can steal and toss out mail in votes, just one of the dozens of cases of Republican massive voter fraud, not any cases of Democrats committing massive, or miniscule vote fraud. Liar.

Democrats haven't cheated, Republicans keep getting caught red handed almost daily on a massive scale. Today it was the California chapter of the Republican party that committed dozens if not hundreds of felonies trying to steal ballots by the tens of thousands, each charge comes with a four year sentence, and it took hundreds to try to pull off this election heist.

Large scale election fraud is the only way dumb Donald can win, being as he's double digits behind Biden and slipping, that's why he's publicly called for illegal voter intimidation at the polls, illegal double voting by any Trumpster, and advocates stealing ballots and destroying them like he lied about Democrats doing in the debate, but we all knew instantly it was all lies even before the fact checkers. If he could win without cheating, why do Republicans keep cheating for him? Why does he keep begging you to cheat for him?

Go home Dmitry. No one here cares about your foreign interference attempts, you're way too dumb to sound credible...or even American. You barely sound like English is a second language, you would fail any English class on earth, even lower school Russian to English one. You are NOT smarter than a fifth grader.


bobknight33 said:

Another mis guided liberal Hollywood actor.

Stick to pretend to be someone else and leave reality to people who live in it.

Trying to stick Racist Democrat past to Trump wanting legal voting is not the same.

Democrats need mail in voting as their way to cheat / disrupt the 2020 election which will be a landslide for Trump. Democrats have no choice but to cheat.

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