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We Still Don’t Know How Bicycles Work

newtboy says...

I must disagree.

First, it's precession, not procession, paired with the "caster effect" and static friction. It's a self correcting system that only works when in forward motion.
This nonsense with counter rotating wheels countering the gyroscopic effect ignores the fact that only the forward rotating wheels are using friction to direct the path of the bicycle based on their angles. It's not JUST the gyroscopic effect, that only determines the resistance to angular change, it's friction directed by gyroscopic precession and the self correcting caster effect. Come on.

Nobody knows how we ride bikes?! (A different claim from we don't know why they can remain upright when ghost ridden) Nonsense, it's balance plain and simple. If you don't keep the center of gravity exactly above the contact points with the ground, you tilt. When the centrifugal force exceeds static friction of the tires you slide out or when gravity exceeds the opposing centrifugal force caused by turning, you fall. Try turning your bike but staying exactly upright, no lean. Now, when you heal, try leaning without turning, lock the wheel straight, you'll fall again. It's multiple forces in concert.

I think a decent physics teacher would wipe the floor with this. It ignores so much to make these "we just don't know" claims.

The Worst Gun Control Bill I've Ever Seen

newtboy says...

TL,DW, but I read the’s short.
Fear not. This bill has zero chances of passing. It is, as described, the worst gun control bill in living memory.

Keep in mind, even with the house, senate, and presidency Democrats couldn’t even close gun show and private sale registration loopholes. What chance does an open to the public registry of all gun owners, their addresses, lists of their guns, and plain descriptions of where and how they are stored paired with an $800 a year per gun license (not concealed carry permits, just ownership) and mandatory penalties for not having a valid license at $75000-$150000 and 15-20 years in prison per infraction have. None. It’s laughably overreaching and unpopular....likely unconstitutional too.
Watch this wither on the vine. It isn’t serious, it’s someone trying to score political points....oddly enough sponsored by a Texan representative.

Passing this bill, that wouldn’t be enacted for at least a year after passing assuming no one challenged it, would absolutely guarantee Democrats lose the house and senate in 22, and the presidency in 24, and see it reversed before it was implemented. I don’t think they’re that stupid. (That’s not a challenge, congress)

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege

newtboy says...

Sorry sunshine, neither of these statements have any basis in reality. If you weren't such a constant liar people might believe this nonsense.

When you lie to 74 million voters (and make no mistake, this is saying all 74 million voters believe the Trump vote fraud lie supported the Trump terrorist attack on congress and deserve to be treated as treasonous terrorists) and tell them they're being robbed of their country by massive fraud and cheating, and the guy stealing your country is going to send the thuggish black mobs to your neighborhood to steal your home, you're bound to set a few off. That's why Trump is culpable, he did that and called for his proud boys and second amendment people to stand up and act (the paired order to "stand down and stand by").

Even McConnell has finally admitted that the attack on democracy by your ilk was at the provocation and direction of the president himself, not looking good for his impeachment trial if McConnell won't stand with and protect Trump.

Who dismissed you and your thuggish comrades? You've been coddled and listened to for months despite having absolutely no evidence of your baseless claims and mountains of evidence against it, and your lies continue, ignoring all facts, pretending you were simply ignored, not that you were heard ad nauseam and found to be dishonest and plain wrong in every single claim. It's like we've had a two month drag out fight over whether the Easter bunny is real, and after two months of attempting to get you back to reality with factual information you claim you were just dismissed and never once listened to or allowed to give your side or evidence of a giant magical egg hiding bipedal rabbit.

Antifa was NOT part of that crowd, they would have been lynched if they were. That's just another right wing fantasy that they think absolves them of the responsibility for their actions somehow. Most of the +- 1000 morons who entered the building looking for representatives to murder and state secrets they could steal and sell to Russia were also anti maskers, making it easy to identify them as long term Trumpsters and debunk your baseless lie designed to shirk responsibility for the attack your president directed and your ilk perpetrated and blame it on political rivals with no evidence. Every person asked said they were there because they were listening to Trump's instructions, not a single one was there because Antifa said to go attack the capitol and stop the steal.

Give us the name of this fake antifa person Newsmax has told you was there inciting action with the thousands of murderous Trumpsters there at Trump's explicit direction, fighting like hell to take their country back, forcing a trial by combat, trying to take out senators, representatives, and the VP in some moronic murderous attempt to install Trump as president by force and can't. They don't exist, and anyone you name will have a great multi-million dollar lawsuit against you for libel, well worth their investigators tracking you down irl. You can join Trump's lawyers in being sued for 100 times the amount you could possibly make in your lifetime. They're liable for $1.5 Billion in losses in just one case. You might get off easy with only a $10 million judgement against you.

bobknight33 said:

When you dismiss 75 Million Americans a few are going to off.

Didn't help that ANTIFA was there as Trump supporters inciting action.

joe scarborough on wednesday jan 6 2021 maga riot

joe scarborough on wednesday jan 6 2021 maga riot

bobknight33 says...

He stole the vote, plain and simple.

newtboy said:

Perhaps, but that absolutely did not happen.
When you get almost 8 million more votes you don't need to steal. You won.
How many more votes did Trump get in ANY election? A: zero, he's never won one, ever.

No one was disenfranchised, all 74 million republican votes counted, just like all 82 million Democratic votes. In fact, all verified attempts to disenfranchise voters were republican scams like illegal voter roll purges only in democrat leaning counties, double voting, attempted disenfranchisement of tens of millions of legal votes, uncertainty over mail in votes while trying to get Republicans to do it by sending them all ballots while claiming publicly that doing so creates vote fraud.

How many Democrats violently attacked the capitol after the electoral college negated the vote and handed power to the loser, disenfranchising nearly 66 million A: zero.

When 82 million voters watch months of attempted election theft and attempted disenfranchisement of the biggest voting block ever seen in this country, they get pissed, then they take better hope they don't follow Republican methodology or next comes revenge.

Lessons from 2,000+ Interviews with Broken People

StukaFox says...

Please don't.
Just don't.
Everyone yells at Bob because they say he brings politics into things, then he posts something really humane and cool and he gets this in response.
Spirit of the season, spirit of the video, just plain humanity, whatever reason you choose, just one time let it go.

BSR said:

Pst .. he has been doing this for last 4 years.

Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

newtboy says...

Of the 20+ hours of people speaking you cherry pick a few.

You need more crazy, sure, here you go.

I personally think that 70% can be explained away in a legit way.

If 70% of the evidence you present in court is faked, you lose the case. What's actually happened is 99.97% have proven to be false or just whining about nothing, explained away by facts and knowledge or just plain lies. The only one not thrown out was complaining poll watchers weren't allowed close enough to read ballots (which isn't their job), so they let them closer.

No actual poll watchers were removed except for cause because they ignored the rules and were disruptive, most removed weren't actual poll watchers, they were trump goons who wanted to watch and interfere with counts. No officials were removed.
Zero evidence the guy who claimed to truck completed ballots even drove a truck, and his claims are impossible. Every ballot is paired to one voter, you can't just fill out ballots randomly and have them counted anywhere in America.
Republican election officials reviewed this claim and found it has no merit whatsoever, despite the 90 second video you misrepresented.
Wrong. They investigated every claim they received, not one was credible. It's Giuliani who did no investigation, just put out a million dollar prize for anyone who could lie well enough to not get tossed from court, so far nothing.

What? OAN and Newsmax are talking about Biden's socks and not covering this farce?! That's surprising, they love dishonest lies and misleading morons.

bobknight33 said:

Of the 20+ hours of people speaking you cherry pick a few.

I personally think that 70% can be explained away in a legit way.

However when election law is not followed, as these people have said,
Poll watchers and other republican officials are imitated, and removed, which is against the law,

when completed ballots cross state lines ( NY to PA) ,

When officials tell every to to go home and that the counting for the evening has stopped then pull out suitcases a t from under tables after officials and being run through the machines with out poll watchers there is fraud going on and must be looked into.

BARR comes out sand says what he said, What did FBI,DOJ look at? Not 1 investigation has taken place or finished.

This isn't over. Trump still has fight in him.

Those 20+ hours of hearings and meetings have 200,000 to 500,000 viewers watching on line. Too bad Fake news only telling the story of what sock color Biden is wearing.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I came into the world with my legs forward:

The midwife wonder'd and the women cried
'O, Jesus bless us, he is born with teeth!'
And so I was; which plainly signified
That I should snarl and bite and play the dog.

Then, since the heavens have shaped my body so,
Let hell make crook'd my mind to answer it.

I will be deaf to pleading and excuses;
Nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses:
Therefore use none:

my opinion of people like this has changed -

Save your lectures for people who need them. Talk to my mother who is afraid to wear a mask because it might give her covid.

BSR said:

I know exactly how you feel.

The damage is being done to YOU.

Let him go. Let him do what he needs to do. Just don't let him manipulate you into what you are becoming.

Just know there are people on your side. I am one of them. You won't change him. He will only give you his fears and anger and frustrations and rob you of your happiness. Don't accept it.

Let him go knowing that he has to do what he needs to do until it comes back on him. He is in charge of his life and you are in charge of yours. It's not worth giving up your happiness or your time if he won't listen or just can't hear you to begin with. Let him fall. That's how he will learn.

Focus your attention on those that want and need you.

Share your happiness. Don't waste it. Not even a minute.

What To Do if Your Side Loses the Election

moonsammy says...

The false equivalence is pretty far off the mark here. Republicans have clearly, in the plain light of day, been trying to reduce the number of people who could vote. Voter ID laws, limiting polling locations / ballot drop boxes, aggressive purging of voter rolls, etc etc etc. They know their ideas are unpopular, so limiting the number of voters tends to benefit them.

Whereas the Dems have been accused of... something? Creating fake votes or purposely losing others? It's all very vague and literally without proof. Trump supporters gathered outside election offices in one state chanting "Count the votes!" while an effectively identical group elsewhere chants "Stop the count!" makes it pretty clear they're just gunning for advantage. So far all the Dems I've heard on the topic say they just want all votes counted. I can't find fault with that notion.

I can't walk past this snake...

I can't walk past this snake...

FreshPotix | How Dave Grohl manages coffee addiction

newtboy jokingly says...

Do you let it ferment? Otherwise it's just plain coffee...and that's no fun.

I started with the hard stuff, quadruple espresso with near equal parts sugar....often followed by a second, at 16 years old. I calmed down to just 1/2 a pot of strong coffee daily now, still full of sugar and cream. I never liked coffeehol....alcoholic coffee....but I am a confirmed coffee addict. ;-)

BSR said:

Started developing a taste for it at 16. Hung out with some buddies and we would cruise "the strip" at night in Easton PA. Northampton St. We would stop at Dunkin' Donuts and I was the only one who would drink soda out of about 5 - 6 of us. Peer pressure ya know.

So I started to develop a taste for coffee by adding lots of sugar and cream to it. I eventually worked my way down to just one creamer and no sugar.

So now I'll have at least one iced coffee with an espresso shot a day and hot coffee in the morning and later at night. Since I'm on call 24hrs a day I have no regular sleeping pattern. I also drink cold Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey. Good stuff.

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

newtboy says...

Lol. So sad and desperate, Bobski. Relying on dementia ridden Giuliani's plain stupid hoax fed to him by Russians. It's just so incredibly dumb, of course you believe it after it's been thoroughly *debunked by the FBI who instead of investigating the Russian nonsense with no evidence are investigating Giuliani for spreading Russian propaganda again.
Not a scintilla of proof or truth or logic or reason to it. Hunter traveled across the country with three broken laptops full of incriminating evidence that somehow is created months after these unlicensed laptops are dropped off according to the meta data Giuliani is too dumb to understand, takes them to a rabid pro Trump blind computer tech, and leaves them to be examined. That's the story you're selling.

Desperation and obvious lies are the best you've got. Americans aren't buying it.

But have you seen the videos of Trump and Epstein forcibly raping both of Trump's underage daughters while Eric jacks off in the corner?! Better watch them before he has them removed from the web. What a pair of pieces of shit. (See, two can play the "let's just make disgusting accusations up" game, and you'll never convince non trumpets that president Low T doesn't lust after children after decades of watching him do it and brag about it.)


Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahaha. You are hilarious.

So daughter and little girls and employees and acquaintances and friend's wives forcible raping Donny quit, and mother lover Pence too, handing the job to Biden? Hate to tell you, it's Trump in the Whitehouse, genius.

Do you even know who the president is? Are you now claiming it's been Biden the last 4 years and that's why America has gone to shit? Lol. Nice try, your ilk might believe it.

Your plain stupid nickname isn't catching sad. It's just a reminder of the disgusting woman abuser and daughter rapist Don is, and how bend over backwards ignorant Trumpists are to keep repeating baseless claims of PUBLIC abuse from a proven liar who made it up this year, not 12 years ago when he was elected VP or any time before or since. How much you wanna bet she was paid to make her accusation like so many others?
Keep it up, your like a constantly babbling commercial for Biden.

bobknight33 said:

And his name is Finger Banging Joe Biden.

How it Starts

newtboy says...

The armed anarchists causing trouble are the same right wing gun toters you claim are anti tyranny not the Black Lives Matter protesters, and they're fighting/killing police, children, and peaceful protesters, lighting fires, and building bombs...all while carrying their manifesto which explains in language plain enough even you can understand it that their violent criminality is designed to get BLM and Antifa blamed for their acts and trigger tyrannical government response and race wars.

It worked....but only on ignoramuses so moronic they get their misinformation from Trump and OAN and ignore what police and federal agencies have all agreed is fact. Antifa is NOT the instigator of violence and damage, right wing groups are, consistently.

65% of Americans support BLM, <35% support the response.
You are correct that this isn't tyranny being stopped....because no one's stopping it.

This isn't anarchy being stopped, it's making blatantly fake excuses for why peaceful protests are being attacked by the right and police, and excuses for sliding into tyranny quick before the election. You support armed anarchy when it's right wingers doing it....Bundys.

bobknight33 said:

Where are the gun toting Americans who always claim they're the only thing between citizens and tyranny?

This is not Tyranny being stopped this is Anarchy being stopped .

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