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Goose Visits Man Who Rescued Her Every Day | The Dodo

Ayden loves flags

bareboards2 says...

I have bobknight on ignore. But I read this last post. Thought -- hey, surely he can be a nice person under these circumstances.

Nope. Is it some kind of brain damage? Certainly it is some kind of emotional damage.

So sad.

Diatoms: Tiny Factories You Can See From Space

newtboy says...

"We" being life on earth.

Nope. Making someone's dream come true has destroyed the planet. The question for me is, did you make things better, worse, or neither for the place everyone lives. If your desire is just to make thoughtless people temporarily happy, it's a certainty you've made things worse.

BSR said:

This "business" has been out of control for eons. It's a fact of life we are all condemned to die so there is no such thing as "lucky" to live through anything.

Worlds end everyday here on earth at an average that lasts about 80 years. Some peacefully, some not so much. The question is, did you make someone's dream come true while you were here? This, Worlds on Earth Con? To be held from when you get here until you leave. Sign up now. Space is unlimited.

And now, this...

Electromagnetic Railgun Firing Hypervelocity Projectile

Much Trampoline Bounce

Tip of the day: SHUT THE FUCK UP

newtboy says...

Nope....that's what you would expect....and nobody expects the Newty inquisition.

BSR said:

So, after watching this video, you will STFU or won't STFU in the name of your forefathers sacrifice to STFU?

I think your only recourse now is to tell me to STFU.

Trump Voter Feels Betrayed By President

newtboy says...

Nope...this was a peace offering for Bob, who of course believes this is really how Libtards are born.

BSR said:

newt, you asshole. LOL

You said Bob but I think I was the target. Bastard.

Right Wing Fakes Pelosi Videos To Make Her Sound Drunk

Swamp Thing Teaser Trailer

moonsammy says...

My thought process: "Oh, I liked the campy 80's Swamp Thing movie, and this looks interesting. Only on DC Universe? Hmm... let's see... $8 a month? Yeah... nope."

There has to be a streaming video market contraction. It's insane to think people are going to sign up for a ton of individual hyper-focused channels. I guess if you're super into DC this might seem like a great deal, but it completely loses them any casual or only mildly-curious viewers.

Godzilla King of the Monsters - Final Trailer - Warner Bros

KrazyKat42 says...

Let me count the ones I remember.
1. Godzilla
2. Mothra, giant silkworm and moth
3. Rodan, dragon
4. Gydra, the 3-headed monster
5. Gamera, the flying space turtle
6. Son of Godzilla, blows smoke rings

Nope can't think of 17 monsters.

Sheriff Caught On Bodycam Telling Deputies To Lie

newtboy says...

There are a few problems with that, and they all end up at the same issue, lobbying.
Police unions are incredibly powerful lobbyists and do lobby against the public's interests, and they use the threat of striking, leaving the public with zero law enforcement, to squash any attempt to regulate them.....and when that fails, the sheriffs and chiefs often just ignore the new laws, like they did about making discipline records public in CA, they just said "nope" and refused to release them, many departments held bonfires where they burned these records to ensure they would never, under any circumstances, become public knowledge....still today, even long after the law went into effect Jan. 1st and has been upheld in courts, the A.G. just outright refused again to follow state law and release these public records. Pretty damn hard to establish an effective oversight body when police have the ability to erase all information they wish by any means with no repercussions.

Second, the prison guard union is the best funded, most powerful private/union lobbying group in America, and they do actually write laws for representatives to present. It's clearly in their best interest to force the desperate to be criminals, it's their bread and butter. They fight to expand minimum sentencing, incarcerate 14 year olds as adults for life, continue and expand the failed drug war, oppose any rescinding of criminal laws, have tried to reinstate debtor's prisons, criminalized multiple civil crimes, etc....incarceration is their business, and business is good.

So while I agree, there are numerous better systems that serve everyone much better with less money , less incarceration, and less recidivism, until we revamp our political system to make it illegal to bribe politicians (and make no mistake, it's perfectly legal to bribe them with campaign donations or promises of massive support), there is no way in hell it's going to improve and a near certainty it will continue to get worse because there's money to be made by locking people up.

Drachen_Jager said:

You could... you know, just establish an effective oversight body that actually punishes cops who step out of line and break the law. Combine that with proper social programs to keep the poorest from being so desperate they see no recourse but to resort to criminal behaviour and hey, just like magic things get better!

Not exactly rocket science.

Honestly, and I'm sorry if I appear to be picking on you here, WTF is up with this bullshit. Every other Westernized democracy has a better record with their police, but Americans just throw their hands up and say, "Golly gee, if it ain't workin' here, I guess there's no solution, 'cuz 'Merica is the best at everythin'." PLENTY of other countries manage just fine. And you know what? They ALSO have lower crime rates and lower recidivism rates.

All you have to do is look beyond your own borders for solutions instead of assuming you know best.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

bobknight33 says...

Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.

newtboy said:

Lol. Math....not your friend. That's around .00013 people.

I would conservatively estimate in the U.S. around 1% (around 1,300,000) of self described "conservatives" fully support the multiple right wing terroristic murderers at least privately, and depending on how much mountain dew they've had, between .01 - .0001% (approximately 13000-130) are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get away with being one.

Name the terroristic murdering lefties from the last year, please.

Earth at 2° hotter will be horrific. Now here’s 4° +

newtboy says... you believe in evolution.

My question to deniers like yourself, what difference does it make if it's man made, it's happening, and we have the ability to at least mitigate it, but you and yours would just say "nope, ain't real" as your home in Florida goes underwater. Why not take control?

Since it's not real, can we have your children's names to deny space in refugee camps? They can stand outside and laugh at the dry folks, secure in the knowledge that dad said it's natural.

bobknight33 said:

Earth evolution - its natural not man made.

Can You Trust Kurzgesagt Videos?

newtboy says...

Nope, sorry, it's looking more like they got caught, held off an interview about this topic, ran to remove the most offending videos before they were exposed, then tried to pretend it was their idea by making this video because it's so important to get things right, when reality is they knew they were wrong for years and did nothing until it was going to be exposed elsewhere.
This isn't intellectual honesty at work, it's the opposite, ass covering and self congratulatory back patting.

See the linked video above about why this is just about brand damage control, not honesty or truth.

Ginrummy33 said:

I like that they're honest enough to be critical of themselves and admit mistakes. Actually deleting two of their most popular but flawed vids says a good deal about integrity. Thanks.

A Better Way to Tax the Rich

dogboy49 says...

Nope. I am implying that in the late 1700's, the wealth inequality in France was combined with widespread poverty and starvation, and such conditions do not exist today in the US. The suggestion (Newtboy's) that we should fear a revolution today is unsupported. Back then, half of all children then died before the age of 10, many due to the famine they were experiencing. We just don't have the kind of poverty today in the US that the French peasants endured in 1780.

Drachen_Jager said:

Are you implying the peasants would still have revolted and executed the ruling class if the ruling class were having an equally difficult time getting enough to eat?

Your one-sided view of an obviously two-sided equation is disingenuous at best, utterly moronic at worst.

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