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Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Do you honestly believe a BLM sign holder at a clan March would be treated better? What about at a Trump rally? If you claim to think either case wouldn't end in hospitalization, you're not being honest.

I'm just guessing, but I bet his chosen spot was right behind the speakers who were on would be stealing their soapbox. He could have been inside the gate, 3 ft away, and held his sign just as visibly....but nope, he had to be in the middle of the protest against Nazis telling them they're wrong, you just need to give those poor Nazis and white power organizations more of a platform and more time to espouse their hatred, and ignore the real violence and murders they commit.

Ok, you see a violent attack, mob violence, I see an older woman gently walking him out and others yelling, not touching.
You see a violent robbery of his sign, I see his tool for disruption being removed.
You act like his treatment was SO far over the line and 100% unacceptable. I see him treated with kid gloves in a way that his group wouldn't even fathom, because they use ACTUAL violence to do ACTUAL harm, not slow tender shoving without hands or feet out of the middle of their event, punches, kicks, machetes, torches, nooses, etc. This wasn't even turnabout, and turnabout is always fair play.

If this crosses your line, and this group needs some repercussions, what does his actually violent hate group need? More than a protest.

So, when is your child's next birthday party? I guess I can come and advocate for more incest pornography, and you would just let me be? Bullshit.
As you saw, the police were there and not getting involved. It's not honest to say "it's the police and court system you want to pull in" when the police were there.

Again, what park do your children have parties in, I'll be there with my sign before the party starts so I won't be "invading" your party and I expect you to protect me from all the angry parents....yeah right. That's asinine. If I intentionally provoke them to violence, that's on me.

He was the instigator. His sign amounts to "you will not silence our Nazi voice" at a rally pushing to silence their Nazi voice in their neighborhood. He is (in part) exactly what they are protesting. It's almost a certainty that before his heavily edited video starts he was being loud and disruptive, then acted reasonable and meek after instigating violence with his typical hate speech. Provocation actually is a legal defense to violence.

Can you at least admit the title and description are total lies? They called him a Nazi for being one, not for supporting free speech.
The liberals removed him from their event for being a well known Nazi, not the sentiment on his sign.
The way this is portrayed is absolutely bullshit. He's not a victim he's an instigator, he wasn't hurt, he's absolutely not interested in freedom of speech for everyone.

bcglorf said:

I openly admit I’m plenty ignorant on the background to all this.

My opinion though lies the same whether it’s this guy treated as he was in the video, or if the situation was reversed and the lone guy had a BLM sign instead, same standard applies. You had a very large crowd around him not content to shout him down, but intent on using force to chase him off and trying to again use force to take his sign from him. Thats over the line and I don’t care who is doing the pushing or what the sign actually says. As above, if the sign or message is itself a promotion of violence, then its the police and court system you want to pull in, not the mob or vigilantism.

The little background I read from your links though suggests the large crowd had been there repeatedly with the same purpose of getting the gallery/HQ shutdown. Seems awful likely to me guy with sign was then standing outside said gallery and all the more aught have the right to stand near it with a simple sign, without being dismissed as the one ‘invading’ or stealing the protestors platform. To be honest most of the discussion about giving or blocking platforms reeks to me of just renaming stuff so folks can duck the well worn arguments in support of free speech.

Donkervoort D8 GTO-JD70 // The First 2G Super Sports Car

newtboy says...

Basically a souped up and slammed caterham.
Top of the line caterham starts at around $65,000, so my guess would be double that? Let's see.....nope, I'm WAY off.
What was your guess @bjornenlinda ?

The Walk.

newtboy says...

They were incredibly closer than you are.
Nope, you don't get 11 degrees...well, I don't, and I did well in math classes through AP calculus and statistics.

3ft rise in 40ft run is 4.3 degrees, or a 7.5% slope. Look it up yourself....

It's NOWHERE NEAR 11 degrees. The stage floor would be about 8' high to be 11 degrees at that length. It's actually 3' high.

harlequinn said:

They weren't accurate on the incline though.

You can measure it on the screen if you like. A bit of trigonometry and you'll come up with a number a bit over 11 degrees.

Rayshard Brooks shooting police bodycam footage

newtboy says...

Nope, I actually watched the multiple other videos that had the all important missing portion from yours, you know, the part where the murder happened, and listened to what he and the other cop are actually charged with and why. You listened to lizard people fighter Glen Beck.
My assessment remains 100% correct. Yours ignores the video evidence in favor of fantasy.

Learn....oh what am I saying, you're incapable of learning or truth. Just repeat some more ignorant falsehoods, it's all you're good at. At least they're always so dumb and poorly thought our that it takes zero effort to find proof you're just suffering from another flare up of your cranial rectosis and regurgitating nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

100% false
"kicking him as he lay bleeding to death, and refusing to render timely aid, instead standing on his body for at least 2 minutes watching him bleed out. "

Obliviously you watch fake news. You are the pusher of hate an lies. Learn truth not push lies blindly.

Cops were cool all the way till the point when the suspect went form zero to full bore attack.

You call it 43 minutes of wasted time . I call it cops being respectful and doing their job professionally.

" Cop is now facing felony murder charges among multiple other charges."

Political witch hunt. No crime. He will walk and Atlanta will burn again because of the false narrative.

Fake DJs Compilation

If Rock Band and Doom had a baby

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Nope. Watched them closely.
Hitting a car flat at 60 km or mph is going to stop you in <1/10 of a second. I counted >4 seconds to stop with a flop in the video. Same kinetic energy absorbed. Δv = 30mph (around 50'/sec) Δt= .1 vs 4. Do the math. 500ft/sec/sec vs 12.5'/sec/sec...that's 50g vs 1.2g. Case closed.

Fine. God forbid you listen to someone with extraordinary personal experience in this matter and a grasp of physics.
You go for the dead stop next time you're in a wreck, I'll turn my wheel.

There are variables in car wrecks. You want to compare best case scenario sudden stops with absolute worst case rolls. Feel free to think that way. It's not reasonable. I'm done.

Then look at the dummy data if immutable physics laws aren't enough for you, but no citation is needed to conclude that exponentially higher G forces cause higher level injuries, even if the angle isn't the worst possible for a specific spinal injury.

I've given you my personal vast experience, physics, and common sense. You give me apple to oranges, and exaggerate the juiciness of the apples while only mentioning dehydrated oranges. I'm done. Believe what you want, but I hope you don't have to test your theory.

wtfcaniuse said:

You might want to watch all those videos again.

Hitting a parked car at 60km/h and not rolling would be a clearly better outcome. The parked car is not a solid wall, it cannot bring you to a "dead stop".

Hitting a barrier and rolling is clearly worse than hitting the same barrier and sliding along it, "bouncing" off it, spinning etc even if you're clipped by another car. Again even with the sharp swerve into the barrier it would never have been a "dead stop"

Hitting the car in front which has suddenly braked would be far better than a high speed roll even if the car behind proceeds to rear end you. The closest to your "dead stop" scenario and still far better than a high speed roll.

I'm arguing with you because you often backup what you're saying with demonstrable facts, in this case you're not. You're ignoring variables, using differing experience to draw conclusions and dismissing the severity of something based on your controlled personal experience of it.

"Citation? Physics. acceleration = Δv/Δt. Larger injuries come from higher g forces."

Has nothing to do with studies in vehicular CSI. I asked for a citation relating to maximum force/time being a primary factor in vehicular CSI not a physics equation. Again this is the shit I'm arguing with you about.

Dog peeing in toilet

KrazyKat42 says...

I once read a book about all the things you can train your dog to do.

"How to get your dog to fetch you a beer."
What a great idea!
"Step 1. Teach your dog how to open the refrigerator."
Um, nope.

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

newtboy says...

Trump denied there was any danger from the beginning, no significant or hazardous infection in America, and insisted it would miraculously disappear by April. Last week he suggested ending stay at home orders next weekend! Batshit crazy and criminally ignorant at best, intentional attempted mass homicide at worst.

Trump didn't stop flights from China, airlines did. Trump restricted travel for non citizens (except family of citizens) coming from China Jan 31, well after most flights were cancelled, and only when faced with the uniform recommendation of the career public health officials at HHS.

What preparations? They seemed to start those last week, not in February, and certainly not before. Most temporary hospitals are still in the planning stage, not built or stocked, and completely unstaffed. Stockpiles were not full or being filled. It seems they weren't even making plans, just denials.

The racist part was Trump and his subordinates calling it the Chinese flu and Kung Flu.

The loudest and latest one saying it was like any flu and not a problem was Trump, here's a clip of that from less than one month ago, try again.

Trump should not have dismantled the systems in place that made us more prepared, nor should he have underfunded and defunded the health programs and organizations so vital right now, nor should he have ignored the impacts other countries were suffering and, instead of preparing, downplayed the unfolding crisis while dragging his feet on any responses, or refused WHO tests that worked in S Korea in favor of nonexistent American tests that at first didn't work at all, couldn't be mass produced so are STILL in short supply, and now seem to give false negatives 1/3 of the time because the manufacturer donated $1.5 million, but he did.

China lied and minimized (sounds familiar) until mid January, yes, but Trump dismantled the CDC Pandemic Preparedness program that was designed to protect us from exactly that likelihood...that is their M. O.. Remember, the whistle blower went public in mid December, but Trump and co. ignored it, accepting China's obvious lies. The CDCPPP could not only have verified his claims, but could have sounded the alarm earlier. (Think Brad Pitt in WWZ)

Trump calls the Chinese liars and thieves, then bases his policies on what they tell him with no method or effort to confirm it, then denies any responsibility?! Trump STILL called it the flu less than 1 month ago. Who is he blaming for hiding the truth from him until then?

bobknight33 said:

Trump was right from the beginning, Assembling a team , stopping china flights and starting preparations for this. The media countered with racist against China, Fool this is just another flu type event.

Now its 24hrs a day panic panic fear mongering from media and Trump should have prepared.

China lied and knew person to person spread back in mid December. The WHO carried the lies of China.

Massive old fully stocked Russian bunker complex

Payback says...

Yeah, the entrance and egress points are so much nope for me.

I don't think I have Claustophobia, but "Cleithrophobia".
I have no problem with small, enclosed places. Elevators, short or thin passages (like waterslides) hold no discomfort for me. Just the idea of being stuck somewhere though *shudders*. If I have room to move, I'm fine. That Ryan Reynolds movie Buried? I'm sorry, but I will never provide a critical review for you to read. Nope. Nope... Nope.

NASA Maven Mars Orbiter explained VS. Spiderverse animation

newtboy says...

Why can't we use hydrogen balloons to put instruments at the right levels above earth, I wonder?
Do they think the static fluctuations, including the rifts, can be attributed to the almost total lack of atmosphere, or the lack of magnetic field on MARS, or something else?
Maybe I should read the NASA release.....nope, no answers there, only a near verbatim transcript of the narration.
*quality scientific discoveries

Cat Saves Toddler From Falling Down Stairs

D.J. Demers Is A Sesquipedalian

Pallbearer Snub Mitch McConnell At Elijah Cummings' Memorial

newtboy says...

Funny you completely ignored the question AND (apparently) tried to reply in a manner that you hoped I wouldn't notice.
To repeat- What makes you think you know what party Mr Rankin is affiliated with?

Exactly what lies am I to keep believing?

When you publicly embrace the (reptile) "man" you blame for your own brother's death, the racist politician who personally blocked your loved one's access to healthcare he earned by valiantly serving his country, at another friends funeral, a friend that same man had disparaged and disrespected on numerous occasions, come back and show me and we'll discuss it. Until then, nice try, but're clearly just bitterly blaming others for actions you would find insufficiently rude and escalate.

Keep believing your own ridiculous partisan insanity, I'll keep pointing it out.

He was perfectly decent, didn't say a word or make a big deal about it like the whining republicans have. He just quietly moved past him. If Republicans hadn't made a big deal out of it, few would have noticed.

I say McConnell couldn't generate a modicum of decency and was incapable of maintaining his composure over not getting his hand shaken and had to visibly show his displeasure on national television, otherwise no one else would ever have known it happened.

McConnell is undeniably a douche and an architect and example of the problem.


Jesusismypilot said:

Nice try, but nope. Keep believing the lies. If you can't generate a modicum of decency at a funeral you are a douche and you're the problem.

Pallbearer Snub Mitch McConnell At Elijah Cummings' Memorial

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