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The Diversity of Local Independent News

RedSky says...


The instructions for producing and airing the localized versions went into great detail about how the promos "should look and sound," according to another document obtained by CNN.

"Talent should dress in jewel tones -- however they should not look political in their dress or attire," one of the documents says. "Avoid total red, blue and purples dresses and suits. Avoid totally red, blue and purple ties, the goal is to look apolitical, neutral, nonpartisan yet professional. Black or charcoal suits for men...females should wear yellow, gold, magenta, cyan, but avoid red, blue or purple."

At the end of the promo, viewers are encouraged to send in feedback "if you believe our coverage is unfair."

The instructions say that "corporate will monitor the comments and send replies to your audience on your behalf."

In other words, local stations are cut out of the interactions with viewers. Management will handle it instead.

Uber Air-Closer Than You Think

Sagemind says...

I don't trust Uber Drivers to be properly insured - I can't see myself Flying Uber.

So fun fact, you all know Uber is owned by Jeff Bezos

You may know him as the owner of Amazon.
Well he owns Uber and he also owns Twitter, The Washington Post, Linden Labs (AKA Second Life), and more tech companies than I can list.

As of March 14, 2018, he has an estimated net worth of $130.5 billion.

He is creator of the Amazon Echo which is designed to sit in your home and monitor your every word. It databases everything you say in exchange for on-demand music and news, similar to Siri on your iPhone.

"Bezos recently disclosed that the company’s Web-services business is building a “private cloud” for the CIA to use for its data needs." For $6 Billion, he will be supplying the data for use by the CIA.

Just some information for everyone to play around with in their heads

16 seconds: The Killing of Anita Kurmann

BigAlski says...

Well I drive trucks and make this type of "button-hook" turn a lot. First of all if it were a car he would leave his trailer less than 4 feet from the curb in back so a car can't sneak by. They teach you this in truck school. He had his signal on and I drive through a college housing area all the time and make a turn like this with young people on my right a lot. She probably should have stopped and let him turn, him being in busy traffic he has to turn with the flow of traffic which might be slower than a bicycle. That said, of course he has to monitor the cyclist (I also ride bicycles in the big city) and stop immediately if she didn't yield or time his approach so she goes ahead of him. So ya, from truck driving school to my next work day (tomorrow) the driver is ALWAYS at fault if he hits anything on his right turning no matter who has the right a way. Sad case

Chris Hedges On F On Fascism In The Age Of Trump (Nov. 2017)

newtboy says... did...and still do.
Yes, you did say we're in dire straits."A constant slide toward globalism all the while a less better way of life.
Constant strife, sliding towards a ever more debasement humanity and of values clearly promoted in Hollywood, and media. Who is really pushing this agenda".
Yes, you did admit he's unqualified...."This current state of being is a long time in coming not a POTUS Trump fault.. One can argue Trump is not qualified but this was laid at his feet when he took office" if you don't mean that as an admission, you need to study American phrases, perhaps that means something different in Russian.

Most Americans believe in diversity as a positive trait. Most Americans believe in individual freedom and liberty. Most Americans believe corporate personhood is a horrendous idea that destroyed our political system. If most of America didn't enjoy what Hollywood produces, why are they still buying it?
Granted, adult programs exist. As a parent, it's your responsibility to monitor what your kids watch, not mine. I don't have to go without adult programming because you suck as a parent. Ratings and child locks make it easy as hell for you, but still you whine. (What's your cure? Regulating entertainment to allow pg-13 at most?)
Hyper violence is as American as Apple pie, has been since the great war (ww1) if not our inception.

Is he the only one, far from it. Is he the worst offender, lying about everything, incapable of honesty on any topic, with multiple admitted felons committing treasonous crimes as part of his administration? Clearly. Is he even trying to be honest and give Americans real information, or is he outright boldly lying about tripling the deficit for personal gain.'s the latter.

Edit: Politicians and police are allowed to lie? Talk about debasement of humanity and values....geez. Only allowed to lie by people like you, not me. Liars are liars, not to be trusted again, not to be handed more power, and are undeserving of respect or acceptance. There's a big difference between lying and mistakes. People who unintentionally make misstatements, then correct them may not be liars. Trump is a proud, intentional, pathological liar, and not even a good one, so intelligent people stopped listening to him long ago, it's just a waste of time. Sadly, that includes our recent allies, who are turning their backs on us in droves. Even you cannot be so delusional or dishonest as to make a case that this is good for America or the globe, or something any rational parent would teach their children is proper behavior....but you are. I hope your kids learn the lesson you're teaching, that it's fine to lie if it helps you get what you want, and the next 7+ years are full of bold lies, unfulfilled promises, and excuses for why your kids are now teenage junkie parents with disdain for civility.

bobknight33 said:

I did not "blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby"
I supported the best candidate. Did Hillary really bring to the table a clear agenda superior to Trumps? She really did not have a platform. So was there really a choice?

I do not say nor believe we are in dire straits as yo say. Slipping morality for sure .

I never admitted that he is unqualified. He is doing a good job considering such division of both parties and animosity for Republican since he is not a party insider.

Hollywood agenda-- most Americans don't really want nor desire the stuff that is being pushed out.
Americans want quality story lines not slutting whoring worshiping shows just to fill time slots.

Do you have kids?
I do, 11 and 13 I can not watch some 60% of shows because they are inappropriate -- I'm not saying go back to Leave it to Beaver shit but do we really need sexualized content of some form on darn near every show?

Most shows incorporate some kind of violence, sexual innuendo, murder etc. Do we as a society need this day in day out?

You argue that Trump lies... and your upset? Is he is the only politician to lie. When hasn't a POTUS lied? There are 2 profession that are allow to lie. Politicians and cops.

As for the rest of biased commentary I just leave it for what is
and are entitled to.

Chris Hedges On F On Fascism In The Age Of Trump (Nov. 2017)

geo321 says...

I think you are missing the historical context that he came to power in. Yes Trump is a compulsive liar. Feeds on Narrow minded slogans he took from the cold war.

The American electoral system is corrupt as hell, The Democratic primary was rigged. And they are doubling down on rigging it for 2020, and pushing out progressive thinkers internally. Half the states have been gerrymandered in the South for Senate and House races.
People don't seem to realize in the US that most corrupt Illegal practices like bribery, money laundering corporate money to and from candidates, are considered an illegitimate election in third world countries by vote monitors even. The US internally legalized their corruption. Basically bribery is legal.

newtboy said:

Bob, I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessments, but it begs the question....if you thought the nation was in such dire straits, why did you so blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby that's made it exponentially worse while creating and reinforcing so many divisions, making it nearly impossible for Americans to work together while also obliterating our international leadership positions?

You now admit he's not qualified to lead (never was), but you put him in the most important position of responsibility and leadership you want to blame his utter failings on previous administrations, not his constant lies and total ineptitude that you zealously defended and excused!? No sir, blame yourself.

As to the "agenda", those Hollywood values (you know, honesty, inclusion, diversity, freedom to be who you are, personal liberties, anti corporate personhood,...) are shared by a VAST majority of Americans....they are American values.
Why am I not surprised you don't get that?

As to their debasement, that starts with lies...lies like the ones you defend and applaud, like Trump lying about the tax plan because, as you privately said, if he told the truth he couldn't have passed a tax plan that benefits the wealthy like himself immensely and hurts the people who can least afford it while bankrupting the treasury as a set up to kill programs for the poor. You defended that lie privately....are you too ashamed to do so publicly?

Koenigsegg World Record Speed Run

moonsammy says...

Is it just my monitor, or is it really damned hard to read the upper-left portion of that speedometer? I don't understand why they would have had it transition to a bright white with white text.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

"Implementing these kinds of policies are also no road to electoral success. Peoples’ lives are hard enough without tax credits and savings accounts and eligibility forms and government phone calls that determine whether one’s household income puts one in the bracket for this or that plan or benefit or subsidy and on and on. No voter is thanking anyone who puts them on this road, even if there’s a small pot of money at the end of it.

And forget the annoyance—the amount of immense mental energy and social capital required to keep track of, comprehend the eligibility requirements of, and then successfully apply for these benefits is a de facto regressive tax on people whose lives are too materially difficult to deal with arcane bureaucratic bullshit. That is, those people that need the help the most.

So what to do? No more savings accounts, no more cleverly hidden help that people won’t even notice, no more tax-preferenced, means-tested, government-monitored, website-reliant, bronze/gold/platinum-benefits-so-long-as-you-apply-during-open-enrollment. Just give people the stuff they need.

This shouldn’t even be a liberal-socialist divide, although it seems to have become one in recent years. When society decided citizens should be able to read, we didn’t provide tax credits for books, we created public libraries. When we decided peoples’ houses shouldn’t burn down, we didn’t provide savings accounts for private fire insurance, we hired firefighters and built fire stations. If the broad left takes power again, enough with too-clever-by-half social engineering. Help people and take credit."

As Lambert Strether of Corrente says: universal, concrete, material benefits.

Colbert To Trump: 'Doing Nothing Is Cowardice'

scheherazade says...

Only what they mentioned in the news.
20 ish guns.
2 ar15s, 1 with a bump stock.
1 ak pattern rifle (47 claimed, but the news is clueless. Could be a 74, could be an odd variant), possibly with a bump stock.
Then a bunch of other guns, not described.

Yes, full auto varies. I erred on the higher rate side.
A more realistic rate would be 12hz auto, 6hz bump, and 3hz semi.

Only other non-NFA non-bump rapid fire mechanism that I know of is a binary trigger (fires on pull, and on release). Effectively doubles your semi fire rate.

In any case, he only needed 1 gun and spare magazines.
I assume he brought everything not because it was necessary, but because he was planning to die and he had the stuff, so why not use it one last time (not like he'll get another chance).

To be fair, so far, mass shooters have stuck around for the long haul. Escape hasn't been an issue. But sure, in the future it could be.

True, you don't have to be 100% squeaky clean, but the vegas guy so far does look like he was.

As an aside, our felony code is incredibly expansive. People get disqualified from gun ownership over things that most normal people wouldn't even think would be illegal.

There's a stat that some lawyer published : a person typically commits 3 [obscure] felonies per day just going about normal daily activities. You can basically put anyone in jail if you choose to monitor them.

IMO, felonies should be divided into major and minor, with anything non violent being minor, and not disqualifying of gun ownership or right to vote.

Eg. I don't care if someone is running a pot farm. It isn't bothering anyone, it shouldn't even be a crime. But if it's gonna be a felony, at least it should be some lesser felony than it is now.


newtboy said:

Really? You have a complete inventory of his arsenal, because I haven't seen one. He had many bump stocks.
Full auto what is 20 Hz? Different guns have different rates of fire, and he had many. Different bump stocks also deliver different rates, as do different fingers on different triggers.

When your target is a 15 degree arc, it's fine. For aiming, I agree.

Not in my experience at gun shows is all I'll say about that.

My point, these are legal. The traceability comes in if he had escaped.

You don't have to be squeaky clean, just not banned if you buy legally. There's no check at all for the bump stock or other rapid fire mechanism (there are many).

Ban of the rapid fire mechanisms would have at least forced him to buy them on the black market for far more money...if he could find them at all. That's a step, not a solution.

Secret Studio Built Under a Bridge

newtboy says...

Even sadder that they might be right, it might still be a huge step up from their current conditions if they're homeless.
I would like to see something like this replace a tent city under an overpass any day, engineered, built, and monitored by the city, at least as a test. That would have to be preferable for everyone over random intrusive homeless encampments.

MaxWilder said:

Interesting to do in a "because I can" kind of way, but sad to think people might think that's a step up from their current conditions. It's tiny, loud, and pretty easily destroyed by any passing authority.

Spinout Close Call At Kaitoke Intersection

CrushBug says...

Seriously folks, don't judge the driver here like you have survived 10 of these exact same incidents, flawlessly. Adrenaline, thoughts of the child in the back, all those things affect how you react. Judging from the safety of our monitors isn't very nice.

No collision, no injuries, and everyone got to come home alive. That is all that matters.


worthwords says...

this must be BS? How about technical details. Does it grind the salt? can you put different salt in it (pink, sea salt etc).
As a cook this would be infuriating since you often keep adding pinches of salt until the flavour is right.
Also - monitor sodium intake. Again from a health point of view this is limited since it will only be salt that you added yourself to an individual portion. E.g if you make a family meal then your not eating all the salt that was dispensed.

Theres the media logos at the bottom of the page which shows A.V club. But if you search for it you get a hardly complimentary article

It must be one of these 'how far can we go with this' products

I Can't Show You How Pink This Pink Is

vil says...

Essentially there is no such thing as white light or indeed pink light. White light is when all your color receptors are saturated, what you think of as pink is when blue and red light is combined, and the possible wavelength combinations in both cases are sadly endless and impossible to represent fully in a simple table or graph.

Pink is a relatively easy color for monitors because, unlike for example yellow, pink is always a combination of blue and red light, while real life yellow is represented by a combination of blue and green light on your monitor and blue and green receptors in your eye. So yellow exists but we only ever see its representation as a mix of green and blue, while pink is a virtual colour all round :-)

Yes I suspect fluorescense is at play in this case somehow.

With RGB and CMYk the key word is representatiom. There are real life impressions of colours, and then there is the wish for standardisation and representation, but the eye is a very imperfect tool and representation is approximate. Real life paintings are awesome and you dont even come close watching photographs or computer monitors or prints in books.

Buttle said:

Pink is a combination of red and white light.
There are almost surely numerous combinations of various spectral colors that will look exactly like ultra-pink to our limited eyes. Fitting into the various color gamuts involved in color reproduction and perception is not very simple at all.

Whiter than white washing powders work by using fluourescence -- they transmute some of the ultraviolet light striking them into visible light. The reason this works is explainable by a color gamut, the gamut of the human eye. If we could see in the ultraviolet range that is being absorbed then the trick wouldn't be nearly as effective. There are animals, for example bees, that do see colors bluer than we can, and in fact some flowers have patterns that are visible only to them.

It is possible that fluorescence is partly responsible for ultra-pinkness. If it is, that would have been more interesting than what was presented.

I suspect, but do not know, that the CMYK or RGB color representation schemes are up to the task of encoding the colors you describe. The problem is that there is no practical process that can sense them in an image, nor any practical process that can mechanically reproduce them.

I Can't Show You How Pink This Pink Is

vil says...

It does not have to be about fitting into gamut, pink is a combination of blue and red light, which monitors are good at.

The problem with real world materials is that perception is not as simple as that. The combination of reflected, refracted, and even radiated (transformed wavelength) and polarized light, the micro-structure of the surface and possibly other properties can influence perception.

Like your favourite washing powder makes your whites whiter, this stuff makes pinks look pinker somehow. Its about fooling your eyes in specific conditions. You can simulate the difference between a known pink - a standard colour sample - and this awesome new pink by putting them side by side and calibrating the camera and monitor to show the new pink as pink and the reference pink as less pink, like at the end of the video, but that cant beat walking into an art gallery and seeing it with your own eyes. I mean probably, I havent seen this particular pink, but I have seen modern paintings which look nothing like their RGB or CMYK reproductions.

I Can't Show You How Pink This Pink Is

Buttle says...

He could have shown us a graphical representation of a typical monitor gamut, and where the pink lies (outside). He could have told us something about the human (or other) eye's gamut, and explained how the pink fits into it. But no

Body Camera Shows Cop Planting Drugs

Mordhaus says...

Exactly, if you have cameras that are controlled by the very people monitoring them, then you might as well not have them.

How many times have we heard "the vehicle/body camera was 'malfunctioning':, "Oh, the officers had them turned off", or "The data storage was 'corrupted' before it could be accessed?"

I mean we just recently had a women shot and killed by the police when she reported a sexual assualt. The officers hadn't turned on their cameras so we may never know the truth.

If you want them to be effective, they must not be able to be turned off, they must transmit the data to a location that is independent of either the police or the DA until the data can be reviewed by someone not involved in the issue, and they must have a malfunction rate that is very low.

The only other alternative is to remove them and use the extra money to pay for officers that are actually qualified to be an officer, plus they must undergo rigorous psychiatric profiling every so often.

newtboy said:

Body cameras that can be turned off are useless. Had these cops had 1/2 a brain between the 3 of them, they might have known about the 30 second backup and just waited, erasing the proof of their evidence planting and putting one more innocent person in prison.

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