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After the recent IPCC climate report an old 'Newsroom' clip

newtboy says...

*doublepromote someone else finally telling the truth, even if it is just a fictional tv character. I’ve been saying the same thing since around 2000. If we went all in, halted all co2 emissions and all methane emissions 20 years ago, and invested in methods to catch and sequester what we already emitted, we might have avoided the tipping point where we are no longer in control….but instead we increased emissions every year, flooring it towards that cliff and hitting the nitrous button.
*quality if inconvenient truths

That tipping point was reached well over a decade ago when methane started to melt out of permafrost and the deep ocean where it has been frozen for eons. It’s capable of causing warming >80 times as much as co2 short term, >25 times as much long term, and is boiling out at rapidly increasing rates. Pre 2006 it’s estimated around .5 million tons per year…2006 it was measured at 3.8 million tons…by 2013 that was up to 17 million tons with the trend increasing. More recent estimates are hard to find, but it’s agreed that as temperatures climb not only are hydrates melting much more rapidly, bacteria are also accelerating decomposition in the thawed permafrost, and they emit methane. The Arctic is warming up to 5 times faster than the average global temperature. It’s likely over 50 million tons per year by now if not much higher.

Shakhova et al. (2008) estimate that not less than 1,400 gigatonnes (Gt=1 billion tons) of carbon is presently locked up as methane and methane hydrates under the Arctic submarine permafrost, and 5–10% of that area is subject to puncturing by open taliks. They conclude that "release of up to 50 Gt of predicted amount of hydrate storage [is] highly possible for abrupt release at any time". That would increase the methane content of the planet's atmosphere by a factor of twelve in one shot….game over.

Bear in mind, 1 cubic meter of hydrate contains >160 cubic meters of methane gas at atmospheric pressure.

The amount of increase from bacterial emissions in rotting permafrost is debatable, but even the lowest estimates are insurmountable.

This is only one of dozens of KNOWN feedback loops already in action, and there are definitely unknown feedback systems we can’t predict.

This does not mean there’s nothing to be done, we can still mitigate the damage somewhat, maybe slow the rate of change enough that some animals and plants more advanced than bacteria survive long term. It does mean a massive >99% culling of humanity, a total shift in civilization from a money based civilization to one focused on survival, and likely an unavoidable mass extinction rivaling any previous extinctions.

Trump didn't do anything wrong

JiggaJonson says...

Oh Bob, one more thing

"Al Capone & Tax Evasion

Al Capone once said, “They can’t collect taxes from illegal money.” Because of Johnson’s work, Capone ate his own words on October 18th, 1931 when the tax man came collecting. And Capone paid in time instead of money.

On Oct. 17th, 1931 Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion.

Capone received 11 years in the “lock-up”.


Death and taxes right? Your Boi provided enough death (covid)

Hey isn't it ironic that Trumpies want him to get credit for the vaxx but also don't want to take it?

C-note (Member Profile)

INEXCUSABLE: Police Car Gun Lock Bypassed in ONE SECOND

JiggaJonson says...

Look up a "wafer lock" and see what they are. Those look exactly like the kind of cheap ass locking mechanisms I have on my shed out back.

If anyone wants to steal my old lawnmower, some old chairs, and a wasp nest, you should know, you can get in my shed with a flat screwdriver.

Apparently, that's about all the protection you have from any squadcar with an AR 15 in it that's "locked" up.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Car makers sue to UNDO Right to Repair in Massachusetts

newtboy says...

This is why I love my 50 year old Bronco and Jeep. None of this crap applies.
Of course I don't really have secure locking doors or electric locks or windows either, but that's fine where I live.

Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory

luxintenebris says...

this is a fine example of what a year locked up does to a body.

sure. willing to listen to the p o s s i b i l i t y of corona being manufactured, but have some hard evidence. please. in a country billions +, origins of swine, bird, and ABC123 lettered viruses - it's not unreasonable to expect a lab to be located in a region where the pandemic started.

as it is, not versed in immunology (nor psychology or 'why are the following me') so rely on those who know (and don't have stock in Alcoa). that and the experiences of a lifetime being ginned up preparing for the next life-altering bug.

herpes, aids, penicillin-resistant gonorrhea/syphilis/chlamydia/TB, cjd, zika, lyme, west nile, ebola or the plethora of viruses, of eastern origins, that could become the next Spanish Flu.*

all those diseases have natural origins.

so, yeah. this pandemic wasn't a surprise. no more than Hurricane Katrina (why did they build that bridge over Lake Pontchartrain) or why the ere-orange administration left a 'play book' for Virus X.

it was foreseen, it happened, and could happen again. much more likely another flaming arrow from natures' quiver. (shivers given via a quiver?)

Occam's razor, in essence (should have led w/that).

* even new strains of hepatitis caused waves for a while and there was a bit of time, a virus in the NW USA was akin to airborne aids but disappear as quickly as it came and schistosomiasis has come closer to our shores - - - AND NOW - that hopefully isn't the precursor to zombie-itis.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

BSR says...

First, she wouldn't need to break into the mall for obvious reasons unless the mall was locked up in which case her daughter or anyone else wouldn't be in there to begin with. The mall is a public venue so a disguise wouldn't be necessary. Usually visiting friends homes and/or sleepovers would not require a disguise either.

It's just speculation on your part where mom lets her child hang out and what safety precautions the child might take before and while visiting those places.

However, schools are becoming more secure in light of school shootings but more needs to be done and this was the point she was making. She was able to bypass the lax security at the school and was willing to pay the price for putting it to the test.

She wasn't there to kill anyone, just the poor security measures. If anything the school board or whoever should be fined.

This was not about her having "the right" to do what she did. She knew she didn't have "the right" but she did have the guts and a plan to expose the hole in the dam. Do you think a school shooter gives a shit about their rights to be in a school?

With my job I've picked up a few children on crime scenes that have been shot or stabbed to death and it's the hardest thing to witness and live with.

I hope you are able to refocus your priorities.

jimnms said:

I'm willing to bet she lets her daughter go hang out with friends at the mall or other places, go to friends houses for the day or sleepovers. Does that giver her the right to break into those places to test security there too?

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

newtboy says...

Yeah, because parents are never up to no good....and moronic criminals never record their crimes.

Legitimate to worry, not legitimate to take it upon yourself to test it. I'm worried about my money in the bank, it's not legitimate for me to break into the vault to see how easy it is. Duh.

What?! How would the school not having funding to increase security in any way excuse her going to great lengths putting all other students at risk? It would be worse, because she would be going in knowing they CAN'T increase security because they can't afford to.

You are free to assume this person had only perfectly pure motives (just as others are free to assume she was going to kidnap a child for a sex slave while disguised as another child in a mask and hoodie), but that doesn't change the fact that she surreptitiously snuck into the school with no authorization or authority to do so. Her motives might be above board, her actions aren't even close. The proverbial road to Hell is what you think excuses her illegal actions.
Edit:You seem to be suggesting we prosecute thought crimes only....If I intend to commit a crime but don't intend to do harm, no foul, but if I wish to do harm but take no action, lock me up. That's not American or reasonable without a perfect mind reading machine. We prosecute actions, and her outrageous trespass was definitely illegal.

Would you be fine with me, or any random citizen "testing" the security of your home when only your children are there? What if I dress like their friend? Gee....why not? Don't you think the other parents have the right to not have adults constantly trying to be in their schools disguised as kids under masks?

WmGn said:

On distinguishing between security checks and kidnappers/pedophiles/etc., I think that being a parent of a child at the school, and documenting the day seems a pretty clear distinction.

Agreed: if she'd been hired by the school to pen test, there would be no question. In this case, my argument is just that I don't see anything to suggest that she's anything other than a concerned parent. I think it's perfectly legitimate to worry about your children's security in a US school.

I don't know what steps parents have taken to try to improve security at the school - and don't know how much it matters: sure, she's in a stronger position if the school repeatedly rebuffed requests for spending their tight budget on security consultants.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

newtboy says...

If a hacker breaks into a company and is CAUGHT, then claims they were just testing security....the hacker gets prosecuted. It's not the hackers job to expose the problem unless the company hired them to do that. Otherwise any hacking efforts ever could just be excused as "security checks" and not prosecutable, even when they're successful at stealing money, data, and IP. Even if they do no harm and report themselves, it's still an illegal attack, just like if you catch me leaving your house after breaking in but I say I was just exposing your poor locks by picking them and searching your've still been illegally violated.

If I break into a bank, break into all the safe deposit boxes, and when caught in the vault say" I was just testing security, what's your problem, I'm the good guy here", I'm going to prison, just like she should.

The daughter would be in trouble because she helped an adult sneak into the school, not because of the schools reaction but because of her clearly inappropriate and likely illegal actions.

She's a real nut or she never would have thought this was a good idea. Do you think any concerned citizen should do as she did? How do you distinguish security checks from kidnappers, pedophiles, thieves, .... People who take the law into their own hands at the expense of other people's security are not heroes, they're self centered, self aggrandizing, nutjob criminals.

WmGn said:

I'm going to vote for mum here.

If a hacker breaks into a company, or its software, and reports the breach to the company, the hacker often gets a bounty. It's not the hacker's job to think about how to fix the problem - although s/he may: it's the company's.

Yes, maybe she daughter is in trouble - but, if so, this would be due to the school's reaction.

Unless she's a real nut, I'd like to see the school thank her, and invite her to join a school safety parent-teacher body.

LockPickingLawyer vs StuffMadeHere

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You actually just said that. Holy shit!

You only say it's ok to lock him up now that Trump has turned his back. If Trump still stood with him, you would too.

Bob, you need some serious self examination. You are a high ranking cultist in the cult of Trump.
You yourself said lying is fine and proper even under oath, making up any bullshit that supports your position. You said that, you said only idiots tell the truth if it hurts their case. You absolutely do not look for, or care about truth or facts. You have been crystal clear about that.

Bob....I'm a registered independent. I don't have a party.
I see your party, the most criminal, dishonest, and divisive in American history that repeats like a mantra that they have no obligation to tell the American people the truth....I see them and wretch. The pedophilic, anti science, anti equality, anti ecology, anti truth, pro secret unlimited bribe money in politics party of say anything is what Republicans have become.

You are so deep in the cult, you only see what the Trump party tells you that you see, and you damn your eyes if they disagree.

bobknight33 said:

If true then lock him um.

That the difference between me and I look for truth and facts regardless of party or else.

You just blindly see your party.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

If true then lock him um.

That the difference between me and I look for truth and facts regardless of party or else.

You just blindly see your party.

newtboy said:

Oops....Mat Gaetz's pimp down in Florida, who is cooperating with prosecutors, apparently saved all the encrypted, supposed to disappear in 10 minutes communication he had with Roger Stone where he was attempting to buy a pardon for sex trafficking young women for Republican representatives to rape (because they were under age, any sex with them is rape, they could not consent).
The conversations are about his pardon price, which was $250000 to be paid in bitcoin so it couldn't be traced. Unfortunately for him, Stone told him the pardon was delayed because of the scrutiny after Trump lost the election, and was never produced. (Unknown if he paid the bribe, but it would be typical Trump to take the money and disappear). Unfortunately for Stone and Trump, he took screenshots before the secret communications evaporated.

It is undeniable what they discussed, and it was the outright sale of presidential pardons to cover up sex trafficking children for Republican representatives to rape.

He also wrote a confession letter in preparation for his pardon in which he admitted paying underage women and helping them travel to other states for Republican representatives to have sex with.
More proof that the Trump party is the criminal party of child rapists. Your people.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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