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GOP Purging Anyone Who Won't Embrace Trump's Election Lies

newtboy says...

What in the ever loving fuck are you talking about?
You mean they're upset that N Korea became a far more dangerous nuclear power under Tiananmen Trump, with multiple bomb and missile tests going unanswered, extending it's nuclear capabilities to be able to directly attack America and likely selling nukes to Iran while Trump dined with Kim and praised his dictatorial leadership? LMFAHS!


So this is the kind of stupidity the right is spouting now, the nonsense only Trumpists are dumb and ignorant enough to swallow? Thanks for the heads up.

TangledThorns said:

Democrats and Liz Cheney are crying that President Trump prevented a new conflict with North Korea. Don't worry, I'm sure Beijing Biden and his neoliberal cronies will start it.

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 T

BSR says...

I've had the same experience when I got my first binoculars at 13.

I was able to see all the way across the street to Kim's bedroom window!

Damn! Could she scream.

StukaFox said:

I felt a direct link between myself, time and the universe.

Jorge Masvidal on re-electing Donald Trump

BSR says...

So @bobknight33,

@moonsammy asked you a few questions. I'm not sure if you missed the request or if you're just sitting around pulling your pud yelling "COME ON FUNNY FEELING!!

I'm interested to see just what you think about the issues he's asking you rather than just seeing you jump around with your pom poms in your cheerleader outfit.

Bob, what specifically has Trump been doing well, that you'd like to see more of? Actual specifics please, not vagaries. Are you a big fan of the 2017 tax reforms? The boondoggle border wall that's been paid for by redirecting funds meant for the military, and definitely NOT by Mexico? Breaking faith with our historic allies while promoting authoritarians like Kim, Putin, and Erdogan? I really am honestly curious: what has Trump done, specifically, that you feel has been a positive for the US?

Jorge Masvidal on re-electing Donald Trump

moonsammy says...

The only points he made were "keep America great" and "don't replace a coach when you're winning superbowls." Bob, what specifically has Trump been doing well, that you'd like to see more of? Actual specifics please, not vagaries. Are you a big fan of the 2017 tax reforms? The boondoggle border wall that's been paid for by redirecting funds meant for the military, and definitely NOT by Mexico? Breaking faith with our historic allies while promoting authoritarians like Kim, Putin, and Erdogan? I really am honestly curious: what has Trump done, specifically, that you feel has been a positive for the US?

Ticked Off Vic: Mitch the Bitch

luxintenebris jokingly says...

then y'all must not be a fan of...
lewis black
sam kinison
don rickles
early bobcat goldthwait
or pep rallies w/kim guilfoyle

understand the 'not kim'
but "...NOT IN A CULT!"
isn't as effective w/o the volume

just a guess, but this...

...wouldn't smooth out the edges of a hard day?

(though the title might be a reasonable alternative nom de plume)

BSR said:

Yeah, ok.... I can't stand being yelled at, right OR wrong.


OverLord says...

From YT:

00:00 Zoë Bell
00:15 Lucy Lawless
00:20 Tara Macken
00:23 Drew Barrymore
00:27 Juliette Lewis
00:32 Tamiko Brownlee
00:38 Rosario Dawson
00:45 Amy Johnston
00:49 Cameron Diaz
00:55 Kim Murphy
00:58 Daniela Ruah
1:03 Michaela McAllister
1:09 Kaitlin Oslon
1:18 Lauren Mary Kim
1:25 Florence Pugh
1:38 Zoë Bell
1:47 Julia Butters
1:54 Angela Meryl
2:00 Sarah Irwin
2:08 Daryl Hannah
2:13 Sophia Di Martino
2:19 Tracie Thoms
2:32 Shauna Duggins
2:41 Zoe Saldana
2:46 Ming Qiu
2:50 Renée Goldsberry
2:53 Rosie Perez
3:01 Lilly Aspell
3:04 Thandie Newton
3:08 Mel Stubs
3:14 Jessie Graff
3:17 Zoë Bell
3:24 Monique Ganderton
3:32 Halle Berry
3:43 Heidi Moneymaker
3:51 Scarlett Johansson
4:00 Dayna Grant
4:04 Margot Robbie
4:12 Renae Moneymaker
4:18 Zoë Bell
4:25 KT Tunstall

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

newtboy says...

Trump and his cultists are the most active terrorist group in America for the last 3 years. They are all extremists and have proven how dangerous they are through multiple deadly attacks and constant death threats to anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Before you proudly state "but Bernie said something positive about Castro, that's anti American." remember how Trump gushes about lil' Kim, president Xi, and Putin, proclaiming his deep love and admiration for multiple murderous communist dictators while showing outright disdain for most of our democratic allies.

Not one Democratic candidate has secretly sold out our national interests or our allies for personal gain, no, not even Biden. Trump has, repeatedly.
Trump, and all his cultists are anti America every time America's interests don't align with theirs.

Funny, when the right spends public funds on their projects like useless fencing, free bailouts for the banks their lack of regulation let fail, or farmers Trump's idiotic trade war hurt you think they're just giving money back, but when democrats want to invest far less than that amount into education they're Santa Clause. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

Trump is not extreme nor dangerous , Bernie is. Every Democrat candidate is anti America.

Bernie is just a Santa Clause.

Trump Couldn't Remember Much When Questioned Under Mueller

newtboy says...

This stupid pussy just admitted paying a $2 million ransom to N. Korea for Otto Warmbier, knowing they had tortured him into a coma, then went on to praise Kim's great leadership skill for years since.

Making America Grovel to Anyone

Tim Apple

newtboy says...

I can only assume it's a total lack of self esteem that makes him do that. He must feel so fragile that any tiny mistake could shatter the illusion he's selling his true believers. Anyone with a vestige of backbone or self worth wouldn't feel that need...reminds me of lil Kim Jon trying to convince himself he's not a monster.

Mystic95Z said:

Yep, whenever he flubs, he just lies to cover it up. Like you said there a millions of idiots that will blindly go "er ma god he did say Cook" and dismiss the stupid.

Michael Cohen Testifies to Congress: A Closer Look

vil says...

Kim looks embarassed to be associated with Trump.

On the other hand collecting personal life dirt on Trump seems like a waste of time, too easy, too much available, not much value. All the important stuff seems to be hearsay.

Where is this heading? Will we find out that Trump is an immoral uneducated self centered asshole? Ok. Can he be impeached for that? Idk. Is this just a part of 2020? Could backfire badly.

Economy is Great for Billionaires, Bad for Working People

newtboy says...

Lol. Oh Bob.

You're partially correct, as per his usual M.O., he offers jobs, but not paychecks.

Clown? Let's see....which politician wears the caked on non human colored makeup and babbles nonsensical noises while flailing his arms?

Foolishly idealIstic? Which politician thought he could solve each and every political issue facing humanity without a clue what those issues were, much less how to solve issues.

Delusional?! Which politician was it that proclaims himself to be the greatest of all time at literally everything, and simply dismisses all evidence and reason to the contrary as fake, making Kim Jon look rational and humble?

Oh...and which one is under indictment or investigation for dozens of felonies and treason?

bobknight33 said:

POTUS is delivering jobs. MEGA 2020
Bernie is a clown. Foolishly idealistic even delusional in reality.

Who Needs Wingsuits?

transmorpher says...

You couldn't debunk an ikea bunk bed even if you followed the instructions.

All you do is call doctors charlatans, despite them being in positions such as the President of the American College of Cardiology (Dr. Kim A Williams).

I know it's a complete waste of time to argue with you.

newtboy said:

If you made reasonable responses and not suggestions that people should get medical advice from specific Google searches instead of medical professionals and peer reviewed science, we wouldn't argue.

It's a lie to claim veganism cures arthritis, I think that's why you won't site sources, you know I'll investigate and debunk them with ease.

The arthritis foundation has studied dozens of studies on vegan diets and arthritis and concluded results are mixed at best and vegan diets are absolutely not effective to the level of making people totally pain free, are not immediate, they don't work at all for many people, and certainly are not miraculous cures as you suggest, your few third party anonymous anecdotal claims notwithstanding. They also mention a number of serious problems that vegan diets can cause or exacerbate especially in people with medical issues.

Who Needs Wingsuits?

transmorpher says...

The evidence showing that cholesterol is related to clogged arteries is this: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (aka, the first person to demostate that heart-disease is curable) explains it in this TEDx Talk.

This is supported by Dr. Kim A. Williams President of the American College of Cardiology, and well as a study done by Dr. Dean Ornish, the doctor you've mentioned before.

There's also some 1300 studies by Dr. William C. Roberts and he concludes that cholesterol is the only major factor.


The evidence showing that dietary cholesterol is unrelated to blood cholesterol is........ funded by the egg board where they take people with maxed out cholesterol, and give them eggs, and the result is that their cholesterol cannot climb any higher.

If you like, dig up the studies, and I'll show you their scam :-)

But studies aside, you can literally test this yourself - eat no cholesterol for a week or two, and it will go down, and back up again when you start eating it. It's really that simple.

eric3579 said:

I'm not sure how you got to not eating cholesterol will clean out your arteries. Dietary cholesterol has no relationship with raising cholesterol in the blood.

We explain "Nordic Socialism" to Trump

Mordhaus says...

I know the original concept was fictional, but the general ideal does exist in theory. I can find numerous articles that discuss it and even Scandinavian politicians refer to it as being somewhat entrenched in the society.

Perhaps a better way to look at it would be the secondary summary given by Kim Orlin Kantardjiev. The law might be summarised as "You shouldn't think you're better than everyone else."

Of course it isn't a 'law' in the rulebooks, but when you have a mostly homogeneous society that believes in a certain cultural norm, then it might as well be.

I suspect we will disagree on whether it is truly a factor, I can only offer my opinion based on what I have read and studied. One of the nasty side effect of my crippling fear of flight is the likelihood that I will never visit a country I can't drive to or take a short sea voyage to.

Zawash said:

Janteloven is fictional, from a satire piece. Successful Scandinavians are celebrated, not put down.
Side note: The law was not written by Aksel Sandemose - it was found and twisted. The original laws were taken verbatim from the sobriety movement, where the list of laws was hung up on the wall. Although Sandemose did one change - each law ended with "...when you drink". And then the laws suddenly make quite a bit of sense.
Sandemose's contribution was to remove this crucial point of the laws, that it fit mentality he had seen elsewhere. Like all good satire, it has a grain of truth, but it is by no means a defining description of Scandinavians - it works just as well in a lot of hickwille towns all over the world.

USAF Veteran taking a stand against NFL

RFlagg says...

The problem with all these Trumptards that are protesting the NFL because a few players aren't standing for the anthem, and just want them to do their job, though they DO do their job, which is play football. Meanwhile, they were singing the praises of Kim Davis when she refused to do her job when some people came in because some people sinned differently than her.

And as to how can they can see the interview and question the Fox and Trump narrative... They will NEVER question the Fox and Trump narrative. He could admit today he colluded because he owes tons of money to the Russian mob because of his money laundering, they wouldn't care, they'd just stat spitting out the Fox and Trump narrative that at least it saved us from the Demoncrats... just look at the shirts at Trump rallies about "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat", though not too long ago, even in the Reagan days, it was "better dead then red"... now I guess being aligned with the Soviets isn't bad, so long as you aren't Democrat... of course just look at Arkansas (I think it was), where even if turned out to be true that their one guy was a child molester, they'd still vote for him over a Democrat. That is how far these people are in the Fox and Trump mindset. Like Trump said, he could shoot somebody on the street and not loose a single vote. And near 100% of those people will be out to vote this November. If moderates and liberals want any chance of change, they'll need to turn out in droves, because he's already got 30+% of the voting population locked in and voting GOP this November, because they know they got more Supreme Court seats coming, and they are honestly afraid their faith is at stake if they don't vote GOP.

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