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Complete Vice Presidential Debate 2012: Biden vs. Ryan

Biden To Ryan: "Oh, now you're Jack Kennedy?"

Biden To Ryan: "Oh, now you're Jack Kennedy?"

Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama After Debate

Yogi says...

>> ^TangledThorns:

Face it America, Obama is an empty suit propped up by the liberal media. That is why he lost to Romney. Oh, its not over yet as the pain of the VP debate is next week. Nobody expects Biden to do well.
2012 VP debate drinking game rules are as follows:
#1 When a Joe Biden gaffe makes you face palm in embarassment, take a drink.
#2 Face palm and shake your head, two drinks.
#3 Epic face palm with both hands, down the bottle and forget your worries.

Ryan can't even tell the truth of how fast he runs a marathon. Also there is no liberal media. Sorry it just doesn't exist.

Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama After Debate

TangledThorns says...

Face it America, Obama is an empty suit propped up by the liberal media. That is why he lost to Romney. Oh, its not over yet as the pain of the VP debate is next week. Nobody expects Biden to do well.

2012 VP debate drinking game rules are as follows:

#1 When a Joe Biden gaffe makes you face palm in embarassment, take a drink.

#2 Face palm and shake your head, two drinks.

#3 Epic face palm with both hands, down the bottle and forget your worries.

Romney Introduces his VP as the Next President of the USA

shagen454 says...

Do you ever listen to yourself? Do you think Jesus would condemn healthcare? Oh, right. If you believe in Christ all will be fine and dandy. I bet you believe Jesus was white because you saw a stained glass window that proved it. Buzz off with your ignorance.

Do you know anything about the world that is not regurgitated bullshit from the most corrupt media in the world? I doubt it. Go play outside.

>> ^shinyblurry:

Doesn't seem like a "Saran Palin lite" could dismantle Obamacare and give Obama a thorough drubbing at his own health care summit:

Paul Ryan is a serious contender for VP who can more than hold his own, and picking him is very saavy as it will redirect the national conversation back to the economy and Obamas failed policies. I also feel sorry for Joe Biden when he has to meet him in debate this fall.


Romney Introduces his VP as the Next President of the USA

shinyblurry says...

Doesn't seem like a "Saran Palin lite" could dismantle Obamacare and give Obama a thorough drubbing at his own health care summit:

Paul Ryan is a serious contender for VP who can more than hold his own, and picking him is very saavy as it will redirect the national conversation back to the economy and Obamas failed policies. I also feel sorry for Joe Biden when he has to meet him in debate this fall.

>> ^VoodooV:

haha! I have to admit. I didn't catch the flub in the title. I thought it was simply a sift talking about the VP pick. Then I hear Romney introduce him as the president and I go wtf?
and now @budzos's post makes a lot more sense
I dunno though, I think everyone thought Palin was going to be the next candidate. I sure as hell didn't think Romney would come back for more.
But to think Paul is a serious VP or a serious candidate for POTUS in 2016 is a stretch. At best, he's Sarah Palin lite. He may not be the super-gaffe machine that Palin was, but his Ayn Rand worship is just as outdated and outlandish.
When Republicans lose in November, they're going to have to have some serious soul searching. Doubling down on Obama-hate got them nowhere...and it's going to cost them the election just like in 2008. When even McCain had to say enough was enough and defend Obama against the extremist nutbags, that tells you how far gone the right is. I think it's very interesting that we haven't heard a peep out of McCain this cycle. the vitriol is even worse than it was in 2008 and if he had to say enough back then, I can only imagine what he thinks of it now. I'd love to hear his opinion on the birthers.
And in all seriousness, I hope Obama takes good care of his secret service people, it wouldn't shock me in the least if there was an assassination attempt in his second term.

TYT - 63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

messenger says...

Yes, it's possible to hide evidence. Yes, it's technically possible there were WMDs and they were missed somehow. But all sides who are close to the issue now agree there were no WMDs. It's only wingnuts like you who haven't gotten the memo who still think that's the party line. It's OK, you can now drop the Fox talking point. Even Fox has dropped it. Or don't. It makes for entertaining poll results.>> ^lantern53:

If I think you have peanut butter in your house, and I announce that I am looking for it and am preparing a warrant to search for it, how difficult would it be for you to remove it?
Hey, isn't Keith Olbermann on? I think Rose O'Donnell is making an appearance! Joe Biden will make a prepared remark! lol
See how easy that is?

TYT - 63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

lantern53 says...

If I think you have peanut butter in your house, and I announce that I am looking for it and am preparing a warrant to search for it, how difficult would it be for you to remove it?

Hey, isn't Keith Olbermann on? I think Rose O'Donnell is making an appearance! Joe Biden will make a prepared remark! lol

See how easy that is?

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

Lolthien says...

>> ^lantern53:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?


Also, I'm a huge fan of Biden.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

lantern53 says...

>> ^malldaffer:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?
Unfortunately Romney is absolutely electable...because we have an the ignorant masses who think that the bible is more important that the middle class, than small businesses, and secular education.
Name is isignificant to election, socialism is superior to a total free market system, all churches should be politically ignored, who hasn't smoked pot?, the comment on hanging out with a terrorist is a GROPer, I mean GOPer lie. Lets dwelll in the world of truths here.

This argument is about electability, not song-writing 'prowess'.

Also, the argument is not about whether socialism is superior to free market capitalism (which it has never been shown to be).

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

Stormsinger says...

>> ^malldaffer:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?
Unfortunately Romney is absolutely electable...because we have an the ignorant masses who think that the bible is more important that the middle class, than small businesses, and secular education.
Name is isignificant to election, socialism is superior to a total free market system, all churches should be politically ignored, who hasn't smoked pot?, the comment on hanging out with a terrorist is a GROPer, I mean GOPer lie. Lets dwelll in the world of truths here.

The very reason we find ourselves in such a state is that too many people have no interest in facts. They have swallowed the "thinking is hard" brainwashing hook, line, and sinker, and can't be bothered to do anything but parrot the lines of the party their parents worshiped.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

malldaffer says...

How is R-money unelectable?

We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?

Unfortunately Romney is absolutely electable...because we have an the ignorant masses who think that the bible is more important that the middle class, than small businesses, and secular education.

Name is isignificant to election, socialism is superior to a total free market system, all churches should be politically ignored, who hasn't smoked pot?, the comment on hanging out with a terrorist is a GROPer, I mean GOPer lie. Lets dwelll in the world of truths here.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by ChaosEngine:
>> ^lantern53:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?

You know, it's times like this when mere words won't do. What's needed here.... is a southern gospel choir.

Wait a minute! What's this? Can I get an "oh yeah"!?


Thank you. Let us begin.

<southern gospel voice>
Ladies and gentlemen! We have before us such a man, nay, a child calling himself a man, that gives the word "retard" new meaning.

congregation: Tell it, preacher!

This so-called man has the audacity, the temerity, the something-else-ending-in-ity to speak such utter bullshit, that Glen Beck himself looks upon him and weeps for his idiocy.

congregation: Hallelujah!

Brothers and sisters! There is but one response that his inanity is worthy of.
There is but one riposte that is befitting such a childish, uneducated, dumb-ass train of what simple folk might mistake for thought.

I leave it now for the choir to preach the good words.

Let me hear it now...

Go fuck yourself! (yeah!)
Go fuck yourself! (Sing it loud!)
Go fuck yourself! (you moron!)
Yeaahhhh ,go fuck yourself!!! (one more time)


i love you

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^lantern53:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?

You know, it's times like this when mere words won't do. What's needed here.... is a southern gospel choir.

Wait a minute! What's this? Can I get an "oh yeah"!?


Thank you. Let us begin.

<southern gospel voice>
Ladies and gentlemen! We have before us such a man, nay, a child calling himself a man, that gives the word "retard" new meaning.

congregation: Tell it, preacher!

This so-called man has the audacity, the temerity, the something-else-ending-in-ity to speak such utter bullshit, that Glen Beck himself looks upon him and weeps for his idiocy.

congregation: Hallelujah!

Brothers and sisters! There is but one response that his inanity is worthy of.
There is but one riposte that is befitting such a childish, uneducated, dumb-ass train of what simple folk might mistake for thought.

I leave it now for the choir to preach the good words.

Let me hear it now...

Go fuck yourself! (yeah!)
Go fuck yourself! (Sing it loud!)
Go fuck yourself! (you moron!)
Yeaahhhh ,go fuck yourself!!! (one more time)


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