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jon stewart - america's got torture

speechless says...

Ok, to quickly clear up some controversy here:

There was a photo quality print of jellybeans lining the inside of the jar. So it looked like a full jar of jellybeans from the outside. BUT, there were only FIVE actual jellybeans on the inside! Pretty clever imo.

The card trick thing is still kind of a mystery though.

american prison warden visits the norden in norway

enoch says...

i cant make heads nor tails what you are trying to convey.
are you making an argument for harsher prisons?
or an assertion that if they were less harsh people would WANT to go to prison?
that recidivism is irrelevant so we should just execute prisoners?

i agree that poverty leads to desperation which can lead to criminal activity.there is plenty of statistics to back that up,though interestingly those numbers are dropping in regards to poverty=crime.

as for your deterrence argument. numbers obviously dont add up.
right now there are more american citizens incarcerated than the soviet gulags of the 80' fact,america incarcerates more citizens per capita than any other nation in the world.

americas prison population=2.4 million..and rising.

which leads me to my next point.
what is the purpose of prison?
well,it should be to remove those violent elements from society and for the offenders who are non-violent a way to pay a debt to the society they betrayed (fill in the offense here ____).

when their time has been served (paid) then they are free to rejoin society and reintegrate themselves back into society.

but what if that system of punishment strips you of all dignity and humanity?treats you like an abandoned dog at the local animal shelter?physically beaten and spiritually shattered,just HOW to you rejoin normal society?

what then?
do you blame the inmate who was thrown into a inhumane system?or maybe..juuuuust may be the SYSTEM which is the blame.

let us look at some stats shall we?
the private prison industry is the 9th largest lobbiest in the country.who lobby for stricter sentencing,zero tolerance and mandatory jail time.a new trend in this area is now regarding teens AND pre-teens.they also make contracts with the local government to have a certain % occupancy.(meaning that even if those beds are not filled,the company STILL gets paid).

and lets not forget those kick backs to the local judges.already 25 judges this year got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

the idea that prison is a deterrence has been debunked.
there are over 5000 federal laws NOT including state and at any given time,in any given day,YOU have perpetrated a federal crime.

the idea the prison is for rehabilitation is utter bullshit,another liberal feel-good "look at the good we are doing" trope.

prison is a business.
based on the mafia principle.
it is about making the poor a commodity and exploiting their lack of resources to fight back.
thats just repeat customers.american prisons care zippo about recidivism.

again i reference the milgram experiment.
treat people like animals and they will soon behave like animals.
treat them with humanity and dignity and the outcome is far more positive for a society as a whole..we ALL benefit.

but the private prisons dont want means less profit for them.

the norden is doing it right and the results are impressive.

How To Roll A Blunt featuring Afroman

shang says...

Very true, nowadays I don't see why anyone would want to smoke it.

I have a cheap old EZ Vape plug in wall version next to bed for occasional weekend use. I want a Volcano but too expensive course I'm more a light user.

I grow my own, I keep 1 mason jar filled or half, growing 2 every few months in closet using cfl

PlayhousePals said:

PLUS you can "bake" with the remnants and have some kick ass edibles! No waste whatsoever. WooHoo

OK, another octupus escaping, but this one from inside a jar

00Scud00 says...

Early tests showed that old peanut butter jars were highly ineffective for the purpose of containing an Elder God. Next, something with a child proof cap, maybe.

Martin Freeman in New Series 'Fargo'

chingalera says...

Can't stand politics. Apolitical. In a reasonable world, politicians would be rounded-up and placed in internment camps awaiting trial for crimes against humanity....Or wait, that's too harsh-Dress 'em in clown make-up, strip 'em naked and toss em one by one into oncoming roller-derby traffic for a few healthy rounds of clothes-hanging.

'No Country' and 'True Grit' of the last 7 films (did love the scenes with Richard Jenkins and J.K.Simmons though in Burn After Reading, otherwise that film was simply hard to watch) and of course Lebowski and O brother....but seriously....Inside Llewyn Davis? What more of a complete piece of shit can one imagine?

Imagine if you will, two Jewish men driving down the street laughing at people while throwing burning hundred-dollar bills out the window.

A series as a nod to Fargo screams rehash of pop-culture on the fucking skids and a reason to spend your cable money on learning to plasma-weld or something.....

Welcome back BTW @volumptuous. Still got yer Aunt Jemima Cookie Jar

Last time I tried to vote they turned me away at the polls in that rigged election-machine Gore/Bush election back in 2000....I was gonna write-in a made-up name. I realized that year that my mission was to decry all presidential elections as complete and utter farce and an insult to the collective consciousness.

Americans Taste Test Australian Snacks

chingalera says...

No, I'm representative of someone who thinks for themselves and for the creative spark that's left this house of cards circle-jerk of back-patters and party-liners. We also have Mar-mite and Vegemite jars in the fridge, Kylie Minogue's discography among the music selections in the hard-drive, and have tripped-balls playing the didgeridoo on several occasions.

We can also throat-sing, change a diaper, prepare delicious meals, compose music, be both a jerk and a sweetheart, clean a fish, pan for gold, grow vegetables, train dogs (and cats), service automobiles and small engines, and build a PC from parts down to the computer-supply store. Just your average human being.

Thank god for insects, Aussies and Yanks, and newts.

newtboy said:

Please ignore the troll above, he is not representative of the sift.
That said...vegemite on ANYTHING??? The totally nasty 'vitamin and caster oil like' paste is inedible to anyone not raised on I'm sure are many American tastes.

Americans Taste Test Australian Snacks

teebeenz says...

Milo is primarily consumed hot, its essentially hot chocolate so Im guessing perhaps it didn't actually survive the trip.

Shapes are best when crunched up and rolled into a ball.... yeah, you heard me. They're just crackers tho.

Vegemite.... its death in a jar.

Michael Bay Gets Stage Fright at CES 2014

aimpoint says...

I have to say, this is the first time I've seen "Michael Bay" and "Emotional Depth" in the same video.

In all seriousness, being up on stage can be quite jarring as you have the expectations of a crowd to live up to, or at least that's what stage fright can make seem. I don't know how much experience he has in those scenarios, but I'm assuming that he's used to being in an environment where people are expected to listen to him and he knows it. Ironically, a stage sequence like this purports the same scenario, people are willing to listen because they hardly have a voice to respond with besides applause (unless you really somehow piss them off).

Jar-Jar Binks Finally Dies - Deleted Star Wars Scene

Wookiestick says...

I prefer him frozen in carbonite.
But as most people guessed, this is an actual deleted scene from the Episode 1 DVD. The actual scene shows Jar Jar swimming away with powerful Gungan swimming skills. The original poster just edited the scene of Jar-Jar swimming away, and dubbed him screaming over the existing audio track of the vehicle plummeting over the waterfall. Notice the ride is empty as it falls?

Jar-Jar Binks Finally Dies - Deleted Star Wars Scene

breaddoughrising says...

I swear to whatever is swearable upon, when I saw this movie in the theater at Arizona Mills mall, there was a waterfall scene like this with grappling hook and all, but Jar-Jar did NOT go over the edge.

Jar-Jar Binks Finally Dies - Deleted Star Wars Scene

ChaosEngine says...

@MilkmanDan, as one of the only people on the planet to own the Ep.1 DVD (hey I was hoping it might get better somehow), I can confirm that you're pretty much spot on. It is a real deleted scene, but unfortunately jar jar wasn't brutally murdered in it

Jar-Jar Binks Finally Dies - Deleted Star Wars Scene

MilkmanDan says...

Full story on this? That looked like a real deleted scene, but if it was that would suggest that there was a pretty major script rewrite after filming that bit.

The best explanation I can muster is that it was largely a real deleted scene, but that Jar-Jar actually jumped out in the real version, and this is a fan-made edit that cut out that escape and/or CGI'ed him back into the vehicle as it went over the brink. Or I guess possibly it is all real and they were going to have him meet up with the group again later after miraculous surviving the fall -- gungan reflexes or something (hey, the film has midichlorians, so why the hell not).

If it is a fan-edit, they did one hell of a job, and started from footage I've never seen.

I googled around and came up empty. This video and blurbs about it are making the internet rounds, but nobody seems to say anything other than that it is a deleted scene and it was probably cut for "creating too many plot holes"...

That seems like a pretty huge understatement to me. Ignoring the fact that Jar-Jar appears (briefly) in Eps 2 and 3, he plays a pretty major role with a lot of screen time in the Gungans vs Droids portion of the final 3-way battle sequence at the end, which happens well after where this scene would appear in the movie (right?).

Plus, Ep. 1 is very clearly a kids movie, and it would be pretty dark to kill off your comic relief / slapstick character halfway through the movie.

Maybe they had some early warning from focus groups that Jar-Jar was going to be ... not exactly well received and decided to film this just as a joke or even to play it for those focus groups and see their reactions?

Very weird. Not that I mind seeing Jar-Jar die, but I'm quite puzzled by this!

Electrical Fireball On The Move

braschlosan says...

If the wires were insulated it could have been using the smoke in the air to jump between the lines. As the insulation burns off in one spot, the area next to it turns to smoke and the arc moves there.

Try lighting a match in the microwave and then putting a jar over it and quickly turning the microwave on and you'll see a similar effect

eric3579 said:

Any knowledgeable sifters know how that happens?
What trips me out is why does the arc travels so slow? Matter of fact why does it travel at all?

Captain America 2 trailer

JiggaJonson says...

Yea, just think how much better Christopher Nolan could have made the batman movies if instead of actually building a batmobile he just CGI phones it in. Yea, I've got nothing to complain about at all.

Enjoy your Jar Jar Binks circle jerk.

Star Wars: Teaser Trailer

SFOGuy says...

Very cool. So, there's this story that when Lucas washed the rushes (early film edits) without music, he thought he had a total dud on his hands---it was after the iconic John Williams' musical score was added, that it suddenly fleshed out into the space opera that we know and love so much...

I wish Episodes I,II, and a good chunk of III hadn't, uh, gone astray (Jar Jar Binks must die!)---and Ewoks???

Still, Star Wars...

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