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Member Since: January 16, 2008
Last Power Points used: June 28, 2013
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Comments to volumptuous

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Because you are so awesome and have gone out of your way to attend a SiftUp with other members in real life, you have earned your "Meat Space" Level 1 Badge!

Fletch says...

Since I can't upvote the comment...


volumptuous said:

And now you may return to your regularly scheduled program of a bunch of people re-posting shit they saw on Reddit.


not_blankfist says...

Ah. Yeah, I did a fair share of social games myself. Got super repetitive and predictable, so I feel ya. Was the major reason I left that industry - And hopefully not just temporarily!

I've got a few scripts in place at the moment. Nothing moving mountains yet, though one was read by Ro be rt Ze me ck is. Shhhh. Top secret. And a few other things going out. Also trying to get another two off the ground to make personally, but I need a really good producer.

volumptuous said:

Mostly Art Directing or leading art departments. But all shitty social games. Nothing fun.

What are you writing?

volumptuous says...

Mostly Art Directing or leading art departments. But all shitty social games. Nothing fun.

What are you writing?

not_blankfist said:

Videogames, now that's cool. Working in what capacity exactly? Designing or...?

Yeah, doing well. Mainly I've been busy writing - It's become a fulltime gig. And I have some things lined up I've been setting up for the past couple of years that are finally starting fall into line, so I'm pretty happy. It's a tough industry, though.

Yeah, obviously, I haven't been commenting too much on here either. Good to see the few familiar faces on here though.

not_blankfist says...

Videogames, now that's cool. Working in what capacity exactly? Designing or...?

Yeah, doing well. Mainly I've been busy writing - It's become a fulltime gig. And I have some things lined up I've been setting up for the past couple of years that are finally starting fall into line, so I'm pretty happy. It's a tough industry, though.

Yeah, obviously, I haven't been commenting too much on here either. Good to see the few familiar faces on here though.

volumptuous said:

Hope you've been good.

I rarely come here anymore. Well, I do a few times a week but for the past maybe two years really not commenting or sifting at all.

Started making video games. Moved to SF and then my company moved me to Austin. I am officially a fucking TEXAN and that thought frightens me.

Still making movies?

volumptuous says...

Hope you've been good.

I rarely come here anymore. Well, I do a few times a week but for the past maybe two years really not commenting or sifting at all.

Started making video games. Moved to SF and then my company moved me to Austin. I am officially a fucking TEXAN and that thought frightens me.

Still making movies?

not_blankfist said:


siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 5 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by volumptuous:
Why is every song that has some form of synthesizer element labeled "electronica" here? Electronica is a specific form of music. It's not just "dance music with a synth" because then everything is Electronica

i created the channel specifically with 'sub-genre" in mind.knowing full well the tag was a corporate creation to sell records.
the reason was to allow sifters (and viewers) to navigate a bit easier and to help specify a bit easier.
i could have gone with plain "electronic" but then that could be confused as a sun-category of "engineering".
so the blanket meaning of "electronica" was more for ease of definition rather than to specify a single subset of a genre that literally can be broken down into hundreds of sub-categories.

does this answer your query?

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