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going with the flow

ChaosEngine says...

I said boring dive site, and I stand by it. Featureless, lifeless rock is not exactly my idea of an interesting dive site.

And taking a lungful from the cameraman's octopus would be a really bad idea.

If you're free diving, you don't inhale compressed air at depth unless it's an emergency, and you're going to resurface with the safety diver very slowly.

@Curious, the diver is Guillaume Néry. He's real and he's done this kinda thing before.

rancor said:

You guys must be kidding. That video was fantastic; boring dive my ass!

Also I figured that while it looks like free diving, but each shot is not really that long. Take another lungful from the cameraman's spare respirator and continue floating along. Doesn't take anything away from the producers, I just usually like to try to figure out "HOW IT'S MADE".

The Knockout Beer BONG

KrazyKat42 says...

The correct way to do it is to inhale first, then hold it, then drink the entire beer, then exhale. Quoted from BeerFest. Anyone have a link?

Sarah Palin after the teleprompter freezes

A Japanese Bartender Makes The Ridiculous Rum Martinez

Who has the softer heart? (Men or Women?)

Trancecoach says...

One of the many core and wrong ideas in Feminism is that the sex of a person doesn't seem to play much of a role in anything. And in this case, Feminism is responsible for holding back medical science. Feminism is a blight on intellectual discourse. I'm not going to spend the time it takes to unravel a snake like Feminism here, but in brief, it's an untenable ideology.

One of its core philosophies is the idea of the Patriarchy, which is not only theoretical, but creates hypocritical scenarios in Feminist debate.

For instance, Feminists state that the Patriarchy supports and allows men to lead privileged lives. Yet when it is pointed out that men are sentenced twice as long for exact same crimes; men have zero protection of their genitals as babies; that there is FAR more funding for women's schooling, businesses, and health; or that in any emergency situation it is expected that men's lives are forfeit - the argument you'll get back is "See, Patriarchy hurts men too!". This rebuttal is in obvious contradiction to the idea that Patriarchy allows men to live privileged lives.

Another core idea is wage gap which has been disproven over and over for decades, even by some Feminsts:

Feminism also focuses a great deal on "objectification", which presupposes that men are (always) sexually attracted to something *other* than the curves of a womans body. This is not only obviously off kilter for anyone with a basic understanding of evolutionary psychology, but has been scientifically proven false. Men are biologically wired to base mate finding on looks.

So the word 'objectification' actually becomes Feminist propaganda for the demonizing of male sexuality.

Furthermore regarding female objectification in society - we all often see the viral videos "How Women's Bodies Are Changed Beyond Recognition in Photoshop!" But consider that 80% of consumer dollars are spent by women. So in essence we have women complaining about women being objectified while women buy into objectification. What exactly do we expect advertising agencies to do?

I've even seen scenarios for men in which, if he found a woman attractive, then he's objectifying her; and if he found her unattractive, then he's shallow for only caring about looks.

Then there is argument from Feminists that Feminism helps to empower men as well. No, it doesn't. In fact much has been shown in the opposite:

98% of workforce deaths are male. You never see Feminists rallying to take on these jobs on the front lines in combat, or in jobs that involve heavy machinery, working outdoors in inclement weather, inhaling toxic fumes, or apprehending dangerous criminals. Why not? After all, fair is fair! Let's remove the stigma around men being "losers" if they are stay-at-home Dads, while Moms can be the breadwinners for once.

It's clear that Feminism isn't about gender equality. You never see Feminists rallying about how He-Man set an unrealistic body image for boys, but the focus and attention on Barbie has been unreal.

Take into consideration, among everything else I've stated, that words like "mansplaining" are part of Feminist vocabulary, and I think you start to get a picture why no self respecting man has anything to do with Feminism.

There's much much more research, evidence, and articles I can cite, but the final point is that Feminism is a toxic and counterproductive movement.

Perhaps there will be "equality between the sexes" when the likelihood of men becoming estranged from their children and families after a divorce is the same as it is for women... Or when the expectation of "supporting" one's family is actually spending time with them and not simply being their "wallet"...

I'll see equality when the life expectancy between men and women is the same... Or when the risk of becoming homeless is the same... Or to become a victim of violence (or simply being suspected of violence or threatened with violence due to ones gender) is the same.. Or when the probability of dying by suicide is the same. . . Perhaps we'll all be equal then.

Top Gear Obeys the Speed Limit in the US

chingalera says...

Gotta love that 'reasonable and prudent' caveat considering any cop on any day can decide that for you.

Handy Tip #87364: As a buffer to speeding or (other) citations, carry about ten used asthma inhalers in your on-board bag-o-tricks and when a cop pulls you over, dump 'em out on the passenger seat and floorboard and start hyper-ventilating through a paper bag as he approaches your vehicle.

Way to work the soft-tissue if they have any, a decent cop will give you directions to the closest drug store and let you go without a warning...

(I also keep live hornets in the trunk with a quick-release latch for similar, uncomfortable occasions).

Guy can't find his cigarette lighter

How our society fails its men and boys -- the trailer

Porksandwich says...

Hmm.....habits I picked up while growing up. I can't say they were gotten from any one source, line, or context...but I had I still struggle to unlearn them.

Extreme independence, this mainly applies to learning in school. If I couldn't learn it in class or own my own, then I failed. I'd say this was a mix of bad teachers, parents who weren't familiar with the material, lack of easy and discrete tutoring options (although I can't say I would have used them), and the attitude that you should be able to do it on your own which was picked up along the way. This goes over into the next point.

Asking for help before you've tried for yourself. Now this is one of those things where it could go either way. Trying on your own might let you figure out a way that works for you, but it might also give you bad habits that don't carry over into other things. Mostly to do with mental tasks, but it also spreads into physical tasks. Like moving something too heavy or too large for one person, end up hurting yourself or breaking something and being chastised for the attempt that was almost implied you should make on your own for YEARS for everything. Or something as simple as trying to fix your bike, and ending up with it done wrong that could go spectacularly bad, like brakes that don't work well enough or a chain that breaks or skips and busting your face on your handle bars when you really stand on it. This is something where I still struggle today as an adult as to when asking for help or expecting help with something is "too soon" and getting varied results back. People who say "Why didn't you come to me sooner?" versus "That's easy! I can't believe you didn't try...." I think it's just so common with men that it's almost overlooked. And it leads into seeing people getting help as seeing them as stupid/weak/etc...then perpetuates the cycle. I don't know it's more of a US culture thing or what. Because I used to see a lot of foreign students in college that would work together on everything...I always viewed it as cheating and in some cases it was cheating by the rules of the college but overlooked in their cases.

So the "help" thing kind of leads into injuries, falling, etc. It's embarrassing to fall of course. But I can remember breaking my arm and having to walk home because my mom didn't believe I'd hurt myself. Or cases where I was having an asthma attack at school and told to just wait it out because I'd already used my rescue inhaler. Partly due to ignorance of the nurse or person involved, but also because there's just a mistrust of kids trying to "game" the system to get out of things. Admittedly some did this, I however did not, and I quickly learned to just tolerate all of the discomfort and distractions of various issues that may come up during the school day. Which led to a day where I was so sick I spent the entire day in the nurses office while they tried to contact a parent and had to ride the bus home flat on my back in a seat trying not to puke. Then with more apparent injuries, "walk it off" was and is the common thing you hear. It's holds some truth, but when your taught to put up with it.. I had a dislocated knee cap for a couple days. It was so bad the night before it popped back into place at school that I was using a crutch to get to the bathroom. Dislocated thumb that popped back into place when I fell trying to play football. I mean it sounds like I had horrible parents, but it was just so ingrained into me that if I could walk...I was fine.

Lots more stuff...but one that I'm not sure how to phrase properly. Anything to do with touching that might be seen as affectionate or showing concern. Pats on the back giving or receiving to or from another guy. Helping someone up could almost be seen as an insult at times. I want to say lots of eastern Euro cultures (which I could be entirely wrong here on the location) express themselves much more than US physically, and it's pretty alien for me to see given how it was and is for me aging. Of course there are times where I feel like I SHOULD do it, but the act of it is ingrained to be wrong.......? I guess that sounds as close to as I'm going to get with it.

But yeah, I see where they are going with the video. I also think that part of it is because opposite sex teacher/nurse/whatever showing above certain levels of care to a male/female student triggers something in the hormone addled brains that creates more problems. So in turn, adults are taught to put the kids in their box and treat them all like that to avoid the issues that might end up with you losing your job because Bobby or Susie thinks you like-like them. And in the past male teachers to male students might have been able to ignore the box, but I think with the public eye focused more on looking as being homosexual as more acceptable...the same sex teachers/etc are going to have adhere to the box thing too if they want to keep their jobs.

Remembering Some Of the Most Notorious Videosift Shills (History Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

" I'm wrong most of the time "

Keep that in mind when you are blitzed and running your fingers/mouth off, maybe you should save the message in notepad and read upon it the day ... hours after you have slept it off. Maybe then you would not be labeled as a jack ass drunk drug addict who spews shit all over the sift because he is mad about his own life with no real outlet in his life to let the anger out. Or continue to drink, smoke the smoke, inhale whippets and make cooking videos showing your nature.

Should we feel for you ? you dig your own grave with your messages and somehow expect some semblance of sympathy or recognition for your personality abnormalities. You go out of your way to piss off an offend people and then later on try and describe why.

Grow the fuck up. You are an adult male... and I feel like you actually need to be told that, don't you have kids ? or kid ? how would they respond if they went and goggled daddy and his online moniker.

You did not get to defend yourself.. because you were a fucking dick bag and got banned, you do not have the right to defend yourself, you lost that right when you were a drunk cunt. You shouldn't go around now trying to stand up for yourself after you have trashed your personable name you align with.

You want attention, that is all I read about you, you spout shit either to get people riled up or to just break the monotony of few posts but you out of EVERYONE here have no base to make a standard of yourself, your standard is already set with how you are perceived. You might want to start from the ground up sober ( as hard as it is ) and only write down your sentiments when you are in that sober stage.

You vie for attention, you are an attention slut on this site, a lot of the messages you write have an air of " poor me " poor you ? poor the sift for putting up with your bullshit.

YOU need therapy, in the states it is expensive and not covered by "health care" but boy oh fucking mighty Christ do you ever out of everyone here need someone to talk to about your thoughts and problems, the sift is not an online therapy session to spew your views of distrust and hateful attitudes.

You are not special, no one is. We are all tadpoles in a pond waiting to be eaten by the fish. metamorphosize and grow the fuck up so you can't get eaten.

Until then... Good luck guy, thanks for the Tie .

Edited to add the reason I am logged in : fixing kick ass song embed =

I suggest you listen to this while I slap your face :

Adam Savage's Scariest Moment on Mythbusters

grinter says...

Weird, I've never had an issue with an upside down regulator?
Anyone know what was going on?
Could it be that he just forgot to purge before inhaling (on the first and second breaths)?

Jon Stewart Skewers Toronto Mayor, Again

jwray says...

Also, whether he used crack is not a moral issue, it's a health issue. Concern for his health isn't a reason for torches and pitchforks. I may hate his policies and think he's a douchebag, but whether he once inhaled something isn't the proper grounds for dismissing a mayor. If Clinton had inhaled, that wouldn't have made him forever unfit for office.

Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

TED: Margaret Heffernan: The dangers of "willful blindness"

schlub says...

No, the down-vote was for spouting off about terms like 'anticancer'. Especially with respect to something that's typically delivered into the body by burning it and inhaling its smoke. Additionally, you are *clearly* biased and that hurts your argument.

Perhaps it does have anti-cancer properties (and maybe via alternate delivery methods) but, coming on here claiming as though it's fact and it's the solution to all the world's problems seems rather silly to me. Also, posting a comment to me personally calling me "dickish" certainly doesn't help your argument.

Oh, and I'm not being "willfully blind". I just need a little more than anecdotal evidence.

vaire2ube said:

how ironic too, in a post about willful ignorance. case in point!

Shocking 1950s Commercial

Sekrin says...

Actually, whether or not the dust was dangerous would depend on what sort of emitter it is (alpha particles, beta particles or gamma rays), how quickly it was emitting and whether the actress inhaled the dust or it was just on her skin. For example, alpha particles can only penetrate a few cells deep when attempting to pass through skin but if she inhaled something that was giving off alpha particles then she would be in some serious hot water. More info here:
and here:

NSA (PRISM) Whistleblower Edward Snowden w/ Glenn Greenwald

Jinx says...

Pfft. All these damn whistleblowers. You know I hear this latest one was even an American! Imagine that, homegrown whistleblowers in the US of A, You ask me what you need is more surveillance so you can catch these buggers before they even get to inhale the breath to blow them blasted whistles.

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