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quentin tarrantino talks about reservoir dogs 1992

poolcleaner says...

It's the Tarantino Tough-guys versus the Eastwood-Bronsonians. Pretty apt given that Dirty Harry's original nemesis Scorpio was a smug and chatty murderer.

Tarantino's antiheros are the natural enemies of Harry Callahan. Even Gene Hackman's character in Unforgiven is a loud mouth to the moment he dies complaining life ain't fair, he was building a house. *BLAM*

Thanks, Bono, that connected some hero/antihero dots for me.

ulysses1904 said:

Yeah, that gabby contrived toilet mouth dialog you always find in his scripts. Some of the a-holes i work with, I call them Tarantino Tough-guys because they copy that smug chattiness. I tell them to try copying Bronson or Eastwood and keep their mouth shut.

Penn Jillette on Atheism and Islamaphobia

transmorpher says...

I used to think the same thing, because that seems logical, because you're a logical person, but for a fundamentalist's mind, it's not the case at all.

ISIS themselves have stated in their magazine "Dabiq" that the war and bombing is the smallest concern for their motivation. Sam Harris reads this magazine, and about 29 minutes in to this podcast, the magazine goes out of it's way to mention that US/Allied invasion is not the motivator.
The truth is much scarier than my rational imagination could have ever come up with.

Most extremists also aren't people who have been affected by war and just want revenge or have mental war scars. The people flying the planes in 9/11 for example were western university educated, engineers, doctors. And other extremists often have grown up in western countries.

These people are fanatics

diego said:

i wonder what these terrorists guys are all butt hurt about? oh right, we declared war on them and have been actively bombing them for over a decade, so easy to forget!

f they're from a war zone (take your pick- just in pakistan hundreds of innocent children have been killed just by drones over a 5 year period).

Penn Jillette on Atheism and Islamaphobia

transmorpher says...

There are two issues here.

Radicalization is the first part of it. And while terrorism, is loud, scary and happening now, it's impact is quite small to the well-being of society as a whole.

The second part, however: the erosion of progressive values over generations, is a much bigger threat to everything society has fought and bled for over centuries.

I've been listening to a lot of Sam Harris podcasts lately, and once you have grasp of the statistics, urgency and severity of what is happening and what the future holds, then you realise Penn is very very wrong on this one.

The solution is not immigration, but foreign aid. We need to erode their fundamentalist ideologies in their own countries, not the other way around.

And no I don't have Islamophobia, my fear is completely rational and based on reason.

Smart Parking Solution

BATMAN V SUPERMAN Movie Kill Count Supercut

Westworld: Teaser Trailer (HBO)

CNN -- Bernie Sanders Interview with Jake Tapper (6/5/2016)

bobknight33 says...

Bernie or bust.

25 things I trust more than Hillary Clinton:
• Mexican tap water
• A wolverine with a ‘pet me’ sign
• A mixed drink served by Bill Cosby
• A straight shave from Jodi Arias
• An elevator ride with Ray Rice
• Browns going to the Super Bowl
• Brian Williams memory
• Pete Carroll coaching decisions
• Loch Ness monster sightings
• Pinocchio
• The Boy that cried Wolf
• A snapping turtle in a mud bath
• A Nigerian inheritance email
• A pilot alone in the cockpit
• A factory packed parachute
• A test fart in bed with the flu
• Tying Anthony Weiner’s shoes
• Harry Reid’s exercise equipment
• A kiss from Judas
• An Afghan wearing a backpack
• A Dana White apology
• Keeping my healthcare plan
• A North Korean trial
• A BIC pen that won’t leak
• A tuna fish sandwich left on a city bus

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

transmorpher says...

Making choices of a higher morality and ethical value definitely makes anyone superior. You yourself are more superior than anyone that has made the choice to beat a woman, are you not? You are physically capable of it, perhaps there might even be a life threatening or survival situation where it's necessary, but you don't do it simply because "you can" or because it makes you feel good. That is what makes you superior.
You're also superior to anyone that has decided to drive drunk too. You are superior to people who take slaves, you are superior to people that run or knowingly buy from sweatshops, etc etc.

Churches and cults are different story because they are based on flawed traditions instead of logical and consequence based choices, and demonstrable fact. Becoming vegan is a rational decision (funnily enough "spiritual" people are the ones that tend to be most aggressive when approached about veganism).

Even non vegans like Sam Harris will agree that it's the ethically superior thing to do.

Three year olds aren't necessarily self-aware either, and I hear that with a bit of south-west sauce they cook up real nice. But wait, you know that's wrong, because being self-aware isn't the only thing we measure this situation by. There are a lot of factors that go into this and in our current time and state of civilization we know it's wrong, however there have been cannibals in the past after all. Sentient or not we know that animals feel pain, they get sad, they can be happy etc. Yet we inflict pain onto them for our pleasure, that is wrong. When you see a street dog all messed up you feel sad for it. Compassion is built into us.

Well yelling at a stranger without provocation is a pretty shitty thing to do. Like I said vegans are a varied group of people, so naturally some of them are rude c***ts that forget that they weren't always vegan lol. I make no excuses for them. But as with any demographic unfortunately the obnoxious ones are the ones that get noticed. To give you an example of nice vegans, there is always someone like John Venus on youtube or the Light Twins.

Mordhaus said:

The simple point is that you are not superior. You have made a lifestyle choice because you wanted to. You have no solid scientific evidence that food animals are fully sentient. Both dogs and pigs routinely fail self-awareness tests, they may be intelligent and able to learn, but they ARE NOT PEOPLE. Vegans want us to believe that eating a pig is tantamount to eating a 3 year old baby, and simply isn't. You are certainly welcome to your opinion on the subject, but that is all.

Now to address your issue with how people treat vegans. I know that I have never went out of my way to lambaste a vegan for choosing to be vegan. I will, and have, severely castigate vegans who start telling me that they are superior to other people because they choose to not eat meat. How can you not see that having the attitude that you are better than someone else because of your choices is not the same manner of thinking that leads to church people condemning people for not following their ethos?

So, let me ask you, how many people have given you shit for being vegan out of the blue? For instance, you were minding your own business and eating a salad, then a person jumped in your face and said "How dare you eat that salad next to me?" I'm willing to bet you might have gotten some gentle ribbing if you went to a friend's barbecue and asked for a vegan option, but I doubt anyone got in your face about it. On the other hand, I have absolutely had more than one vegan get in my face and tell me that I am a murderer and a beast because I ate a hamburger at a desk across from them or sat down at a table with some brisket without making sure it wasn't a 'meat-free' zone.

The sheer chutzpah that most vegans have towards non-vegans is what makes them a target for ridicule. I get it, you think you are better than us, but we wouldn't care if you didn't feel the need to trot it out every five seconds.

Assassin's Creed Trailer

Mordhaus says...

Price of Persia made a large profit, but would you say it was a good movie? RE movies have done well, but I would say you would find most critics panned them badly. They certainly were not really related to the early RE games, other than biomod creatures and zombies. I wouldn't put the RE movies in the exact same category as Street Fighter, they aren't THAT bad.

I would also say that Milla had somewhat of a fanbase simply from the Fifth Element, Dazed and Confused, Zoolander, and The Messenger. I wouldn't say huge, but I was a fan of hers and I suffered through the first couple of RE movies simply because she was the female lead.

As far as games based on movie franchises, I would say mainly only Star Wars and LotR games have been really successful, although an argument could be made for the Lego games (Harry Potter, Batman, etc). There are some others that have been decent, but nothing spectacular I can recall off the top of my head.

As far as the worst conversion from game to movie, I would say it's a 3-way tie between Doom, Wing Commander, and Street Fighter.

newtboy said:

I find it interesting that you allude to Resident Evil, but put it in the same category as Street Fighter. I find the RE movies WAY better than the games, and they've certainly made money. Milla didn't have much of a fanbase when that series least not as an actress.
Now movie games, games made from popular movie stories as tie in merchandise, nearly ALL suck....but I'm sure there's an exception to that rule as well.


StukaFox says...

Ken: Harry, let's face it. And I'm not being funny. I mean no disrespect, but you're a cunt. You're a cunt now, and you've always been a cunt. And the only thing that's going to change is that you're going to be an even bigger cunt. Maybe have some more cunt kids.

Harry: [furious] Leave my kids fucking out of it! What have they done? You fucking retract that bit about my cunt fucking kids!

Ken: I retract that bit about your cunt fucking kids.

Harry: Insult my fucking kids? That's going overboard, mate!

Ken: I retracted it, didn't I?

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Why You Should NEVER Fly American Airlines

Lambozo says...

I dont like cenk for two reasons.

His treatment via completely misrepresentation of Sam Harris is so bad its intellectual dishonesty comparible to and sometimes worse than a fox news talking head.

Secondly, what kind of jerk names his network after co-perpatrators of the armenian genocide? At best a genocide denier.... yuck, no thanks.

Harry the koala from Symbio Wildlife Park loves belly rubs

My_design says...

Yeah, this is all cute and everything. Right up until she rubs the new Kangaroo's belly and the next day they find Harry hanging from a eucalyptus tree by his belt buckle with a empty bottle of scotch.

Besides, don't koala's have issues with VD in the wild?

Swiss Army Man

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children: Tim Burton

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