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The House Centipede is Fast, Furious, and Just So Extra

Digitalfiend says...

I grew up in a house that always had 4-5 of those things hanging around in the basement (of an old wartime house). I hated those things as a kid and still strongly dislike them. Thankfully, I've only ever seen one in my own house in the 12 yrs I've lived here and that one lasted about two seconds.

I will admit they look pretty awesome when filmed like in this video - but they are creepy as f*ck and way too fast and twitchy for my liking. I think I looked around my desk about 6 or 7 times while watching this...*shudder*

Where Brazil Nuts Come From - Weird Fruit Explorer Ep 207

Buttle says...

One of my former cow-orkers, who grew up in Malaysia, told me that when he was young his father was walking through the woods and was hit in the head by a falling Brazil nut -- he came to hours later, and was wicked late for dinner. He described the fruit as having nuts like sectors of an orange.

Nice to see them in fact.

If English were Spoken Phonetically Consistent

ulysses1904 says...

After studying Spanish for years and helping out latinos who need help with English I"m always glad I grew up speaking it. Never mind the vowels, figuring out the accented syllable in a word can be an ordeal. For example "democrat" and "advocate" both are accented on the first syllable but "democracy" and "advocacy" have different stressed syllable locations.

Spelling and pronunciation are far less complex in Spanish and it's easy to determine the accented syllable in a word. But they make up for it with the subjunctive tense. And the past preterite vs. past imperfect, I still struggle with those.

Lazy Nashville Police Fatally Shoot Black Man

Sagemind says...

So I'm going to ask a serious question here.
Forget about race for a minute.

Are kids not raised anymore to know that if you run from the Police, they will get shot?

That's my question.
It's the number one thing I learned about Police as I grew up - it's ingrained in our culture, "Stop or I'll shoot!"
If you run from the Police, you get shot. EVERYONE knows this. If you're dumb enough to run, just know they are going to shoot at you.
What the mom should be saying is, "Damn I brought him up better than that! Why did he run? --Just never could teach that boy anything..."

This is true if you're Black or White or Green or any other colour. You flee from Police, they will shoot.

Tiny knife hand made in Japan

TITANS - Official Trailer - DC Universe

ChaosEngine says...

jesus.... how do they keep fucking this up?

I'm a 40-year-old guy who grew up on DC comics. I have a shelf full of them. There are one or two Marvel titles, but really they were never my thing.

And yet, I've seen nearly every MCU movie and only 2 DCU movies, and only one I actually enjoyed.

FFS WB, this isn't that hard. It's not even like you haven't done it before... just animated.

Batman animated, Justice League, Teen Titans... they all had elements of the "dark and gritty" but they were fun! They certainly weren't an absolute clusterfuck like this nonsense.

Just stop. Please... just give it a rest.

Give it to the animated dept, or the guys who made the Arkham games, anyone but the muppets in charge of this shitshow.

If Moana couldn't sing

How to Debunk Transgender Madness in 2 Minutes

Mordhaus says...

Researchers found that disabling the fucose mutarotase (FucM) gene in laboratory mice – which influences the levels of estrogen to which the brain is exposed – caused the female mice to behave as if they were male as they grew up.

"The mutant female mouse underwent a slightly altered developmental programme in the brain to resemble the male brain in terms of sexual preference" said Professor Chankyu Park of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejon, South Korea, who led the research.



Study shows Transgender brains more closely resemble brains of the sex they align with, rather than what they were born with.

Julie Bakker, who led the research, utilized 160 MRI scans of transgender people diagnosed with gender dysphoria when they were either kids or in their teens. These scans also measured the brain’s microstructures with a technique called diffusion tensor imaging.

After all of these scans were made, they were then compared with people of the same age who had not been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The study found that transgender boys’ and transgender girls’ brain activity corresponded to both cisgender boys and girls. The MRI tests examined brain activity after an exposure to a steroid and measured gray matter as well.

Bakker believes that this research could be used to help children at an earlier day who’re diagnosed with gender dysmorphia. Bakker stated:

"Although more research is needed, we now have evidence that sexual differentiation of the brain differs in young people with GD, as they show functional brain characteristics that are typical of their desired gender.”


[This study is also in line with multiple previous studies done since 2011, with MRI results showing differences. The major change with this study is that it involved children who had not been exposed to hormone treatment and that were pre-pubescent. - Mordhaus]


As long as they aren't hurting anyone and any sexual interactions are between consenting adults, who cares if it is genetic or behavioral? Personally, I don't even give a fuck if people use different bathrooms. If a cis gender woman wanted to use the Men's restroom, I would say "Go for it, just don't flip out if you see a dick or two." Same goes for vice versa.

This lady is welcome to her opinion, but science is starting to weigh against her in increasing degrees. At a certain point, this is going to be equivalent to the Flat Earth people, if it isn't already.

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

MilkmanDan says...

To me, the video sorta oversells the difficulty in identifying / escaping from "ridiculous claims", at least in comparison to my personal experiences.

I grew up in a very religious (Christian, Methodist) family / city / state / country. I was questioning the indoctrination at an early age (younger than 10), and rejecting it due to never receiving satisfactory answers to those questions by ~12. Actually, one of the most significant pushes for me was the ultimate reward/punishment thing. Zero consistency and open contradictions between different religions / sects / sources, etc. In symbolic logic, contradictions mean that one of your premises is wrong. Reconsider what you "know" and try again.

With regards to atheism vs (a)gnosticism, technically I'm an agnostic because I don't know with absolute certainty that there is no god / gods out there. However, in practice, I easily and comfortably would rather self-identify as an atheist. Why, when I don't know for certain? Because I also don't know that there isn't an Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Loch Ness Monster, or Leprechauns, yet I don't feel compelled to tell people that I'm "agnostic" about those things. No. They are pretty clearly human-invented bullshit, with readily apparent human motivations behind their invention. Sounds like religion to me.

That's basically Russel's teapot.

Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) Trailer

How IBM quietly pushed out 20,000 older workers

ulysses1904 says...

i grew up near Kingston, NY where IBM was the main employer for the mid-Hudson Valley and we all studied hard to get a job there. They closed operations in 1994 and the area will never recover.

Won't You Be My Neighbor - Official Trailer

Esoog says...

I grew up watching Mr. Rogers. I love in the beginning of this trailer how he says he didnt feel like he needed to put on a funny hat. He wasn't a character. He was real, and that is what I liked about it. Don't get me wrong. When trolley, would take you to the imaginary castle, that was pretty awesome too.

It's not that Mr. Roger's Neighborhood are some of my fondest childhood memories, but thinking of the show, relates to so many other childhood memories...the look of the living room where I used to family being around...watching with friends...

Great....another afternoon of crying at my desk at work.

A Burger Scholar Breaks Down Classic Regional Burger Styles

artician says...

I grew up with grilled burgers. A tiny bit of BBQ sauce, mixed with a small amount of diced onions, and lots of black pepper, is gourmet to me.

This deep fried shit seems like just that, though interesting.

American Cheese, isn't. (Cheese, that is).

Pressing your burgers while cooking seems like amateur bullshit that only came about to produce hamburgers faster.

He says that "jacks lunch" in Middletown CT originated the steamed burger, but today "Louis Lunch" at 261 Crown St. in New Haven CT claims to have "Invented the Hamburger" altogether, (and they steam their burgers) so YMMV.

I also prefer to eat my burgers without condiments, because when they're actually cooked well it has the best method for bringing out the flavor of the meat. I couldn't imagine the flavor of a steamed burger being such, but I still hope to try it some day.

In recent memory, perhaps ever, Yarde Tavern in South Hadley MA makes the best burger I've had, to date.

Reference = My family owns a ranch, and I grew up with cattle, so red meat was the diet throughout my youth, and have a lot to say on the subject.

Solo Sabotage Trailer

Digitalfiend says...

I really liked Rogue One, the plot was reasonable enough and it felt like Star Wars, but this...I don't know. Harrison Ford's portrayal of Han Solo is a really hard act to follow: the subtle mannerisms, the voice, the look, everything. Right off the bat this new actor doesn't share any of the physical characteristics of the Han Solo that we all grew up with, so it's jarring and my mind doesn't want to accept him as Han Solo.

In my opinion, someone like Anthony Ingruber should have been cast as a young Han Solo:

I can totally see him as Solo.

Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness

bcglorf says...

Your absolutely right that characterising an entire generation as the 'same' is flawed.

However, I also believe there is more to the whole 'entitled millenials' view than just the bias of 'those darned kids again'.

I think the lumping of generational groups is just a miswording and but reading of the problems facing society at different times. Baby-Boomers as a generation were just people, same as millenials, same as anyone else. The thing is, kids born between 1910 and 1930 grew up in a world at war. Baby boomers grew up in a post world war/cold war era. The societal problems that shaped those times and people still existed, so dismissing the problems as just perception or bias isn't necessarily a good idea.

I've been out of high school 20+ years, and the notion of participation ribbons for everyone was already starting then. The notion that losing or winning isn't important, even if you lost because you were lazy, or won because of years of hard work was already starting. The problem of basically denying hard parts of the real world has been building for 20 years, and the current generation has been buried even deeper in it.

For anyone born in Canada or the USA to cry that no amount of hard work, talent or anything else can help them get ahead and that the system must be changed to help them is insidious. When 80-90% of everyone born in Canada or the USA will never know real hunger, never face homelessness, never have a warlord burn and destroy everything they own, complaining about the inherent injustice of being born where you were as a Canadian or American is just wrong.

The ideology that has grown up in the western world over the last 20+ years has the stink of the rich, entitled world we've enjoyed here. We have a society so removed from hardship, that hardship is working 10 hours a day, 5 days a week to lead a life more comfortable than 90% of the world.

It's not millenials, it is however the society that millenials are growing up in(so all of us).

ChaosEngine said:

Fair points, but I think there’s a big difference between understanding the circumstances of a particular demographic and then assigning characteristics to the members of said demographic.

“Black people are more likely to be pulled over by the police” is a verifiable fact.
“Black people are more likely to commit crime” is a different kettle of fish.

I know that’s not what you’re saying though.

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