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Cop Tases Complying Citizen - Douchebag Filming Rejoices

luxury_pie says...

This has nothing to do with "schadenfreude".
The one filming is only happy to have some "evidence" of "police brutality" to upload to youtube. On top of that he is THE most gigantic asshole for waiting until the victim gets tased until he explains the issue to the cop.
He should be held accountable for not informing the cop immediately about the mental state of his "friend".
And if he gets a sentence I will be laughing and THAT will be "Schadenfreude"

The World Is Saved

FlowersInHisHair says...

Gosh, you do have a lot of curiously specific life experience on this topic, don't you? I won't repeat myself, I've answered your points already.
>> ^shinyblurry:

Actually, my belief that gaming in general is a waste of time is an opinion. That you don't agree with that is your opinion. I gave my reasons, mainly being my own obsession with games and spending a good deal of my life playing them. Most of the gamers I have ever known also spend most of their life playing video games. The only gamers I know that don't are people like fuantum who are married and their wives won't tolerate it. Gaming addiction is a real problem..a huge problem..people die from it, relationships break down from it..I have a sister who hasn't left her room since world of warcraft came out. A gamers life shouldn't be's actually rather pathetic. Just because you can simulate having other people around with multiplayer doesn't make it any better. Yes, gaming has had some cultural impact, but that doesn't prove anything to me. I think 99 percent of what culture produces is a gigantic waste of time..bread and circuses if you will. Matters of significance are never really spoken about because we are all too busy getting our entertainment fix.

The World Is Saved

shinyblurry says...

Actually, my belief that gaming in general is a waste of time is an opinion. That you don't agree with that is your opinion. I gave my reasons, mainly being my own obsession with games and spending a good deal of my life playing them. Most of the gamers I have ever known also spend most of their life playing video games. The only gamers I know that don't are people like fuantum who are married and their wives won't tolerate it. Gaming addiction is a real problem..a huge problem..people die from it, relationships break down from it..I have a sister who hasn't left her room since world of warcraft came out. A gamers life shouldn't be's actually rather pathetic. Just because you can simulate having other people around with multiplayer doesn't make it any better. Yes, gaming has had some cultural impact, but that doesn't prove anything to me. I think 99 percent of what culture produces is a gigantic waste of time..bread and circuses if you will. Matters of significance are never really spoken about because we are all too busy getting our entertainment fix.

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
There you go again - the point wasn't that you expressed your opinion, it's that you think that games are a waste of time. Is reading a great novel or going to see a play a waste of time, too? And what makes you think that people who play games don't participate in the world in other ways? You miss the point too in that I wasn't claiming gamer cred, I was suggesting a list of games that are culturally significant to a greater or lesser extent. And, most importantly, you miss the point in that you believe this video endorses gaming "as a lifestyle", rather than being the fun celebration of games that it is.
>> ^shinyblurry:
How can I miss the point by expressing my opinion? I've played most of those games, and multiplayer gaming is basically all I did for many years. The point isn't that gaming isn't fun, it's that spending all of your time immersed in gaming is missing the point. The Earth is the world that is in trouble, and plenty of things need our help and attention. The real adventure is getting out there and doing something about it. If you want to talk about gamer cred, I have it..I personally contributed to games universally held to be some of the best of all time. I was in the arcade playing pac-man when I was four years old. So, it isn't a lack of experience that I say this. Like anything gaming is great in moderation, but it shouldn't be a lifestyle as this video suggests.
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
Dammit Shiny, why do you always have to miss the point? This video is awesome, and gaming is awesome, for the reasons the song says and more. Gone are the days when gaming was 'solitary'. Gaming is a shared experience now: you're losing out if you've never played Mario, or Portal, or GTA, or Angry Birds, or Call of Duty, or Sonic, or Monkey Island, or LittleBigPlanet, or Guitar Hero, or Left4Dead, or MineCraft, or even BeJeweled, dammit. And not just because of the multiplayer games on that list that are a literal shared experience, but because these are cultural touchstones, even if you play them by yourself. Everyone knows the Mario theme, and everyone knows the cake is a lie (or is it?). There are games out there that are so good that not playing them is like never seeing a production of Hamlet, reading To Kill a Mockingbird or hearing the White Album.

The World Is Saved

shinyblurry says...

I did enjoy them, at the time..getting paid to play them was a dream..but, I definitely overdid it. Productive is relative, sure..but there is a line between hobby and addiction and it is easy to cross it. I'm happy with my life as it is now, it's not like I am pining away for something. It's just that after watching this video I can't look back on it sentimentally..I don't hate video games, it just seems like a gigantic waste of time at this point. It's because of those changed priorities you were talking about. Even still I do play a game of team fortress 2 every now and again.

>> ^SDGundamX:
Well, if you didn't get any enjoyment out of your time, then it clearly wasn't productive... but I find it hard to believe you would continue at something that long if it wasn't enjoyable to you. If you're anything like me as a gamer, it probably helped you relieve stress, gave you a sense of accomplishment at overcoming increasingly difficult obstacles, and helped you make a bunch of friends who shared similar interests. I too worked in the games industry for several years, so I can say that gaming paid the rent and put food on the table for me during that time.
Somehow I doubt you--personally--would have gotten the same benefits and enjoyment out of juggling. I know I certainly wouldn't have. But I have a friend who was a former professional juggler and he clearly did enjoy all the time he spent practicing. In fact he teaches kids how to juggle now--that's where he gets his enjoyment from these days, rather than performing. My point is, what's "productive" to one person seems like a complete waste of time for another. It's totally arbitrary. You get from an activity what you take from it, and I personally got a lot out of games.
That doesn't mean you have to keep playing games though--our likes and dislikes change over time. I play far, far less than I used to and there have been stretches of months where I didn't play a single game at all. Being married with children, I have other priorities now, and it's not inconceivable that a day will come when I wake up and realize I haven't touched a game in several years.

College Graduates use Sugar Daddies To Pay Off Debt

gorillaman says...

Aren't we overvaluing college education?

For most career paths, those that don't require heavily specialised and intensive training, further education buys you little more than the right to present prospective employers with an 'above average' result on a gigantically expensive, wasteful and noisy general aptitude test.

Two brits explore WalMart

shagen454 says...

I think it's both hilarious and insane that you think Wal-mart simply re-arranges a local economy. A lot of Mom & Pop stores are niche market but make a lot of their profit off your everyday Joe & Jane buying garbage. That is probably the majority of consumer product in America - garbage. I remember I was really good friends with the owner of a record store in a small town but he made most of his money from larger "indie" rock bands on Atlantic records or some shitty metal band. 98% of everything else was underground punk, pop-punk, grindcore, power-violence, thrash, straight-edge hardcore, emotive hardcore, gravity style, D-beat, black metal etc etc. But, he made most of his profits from garbage. Don't think about anything folks, just work your shitty job and hope your wife doesn't cheat on you. Remember to pay your taxes. BLEH!

The other problem in my eyes is that a lot of middle-class & lower-class people inevitably shop at Wal-mart because of cheaper prices. I remember reading an article about how Wal-mart lost revenue last year but luxury stores (Neiman Marcus, etc) finances skyrocketed. The rich are now uber rich and they burned up the middle-class as well as their jobs so we could get them to new heights of wealth. Wal-mart and a lot of shitty huge corporate stores are VERY much apart of this topic & apart of the problem America faces. As long as there are huge big-box stores stamping out local business and selling product cheaper because they are such a gigantic virus-like company - local economies across the entire country will never get "well". Make these stores into Co-ops and maybe we'll get somewhere, we have to snuff out at least some of these greedy fucks.

It's still stunning to me that people are able to stick up for such a piece of shit company.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Wal-mart... crazy rant about how it kills your neighbors...
I've never quite understood this argument. Wal-Mart doesn't kill local businesses. It rearranges them and then creates more jobs. Every Wal-Mart that goes up has about 10 restaurants, 2 car dealerships, 1 Gamestop, a couple book stores, and a bunch of other ancillary businesses sprout up literally overnight right next to it once it opens. These places employ - that's right - your neighbors. It has been demonstrably proven over and over again that Wal-Marts increase employment and revenue in the communities they enter. Do they shake up the environment and force local shops to change it up? Of course. But for every guy that curses Wal-Mart because he had to close his Mom & Pop, there are 20 other guys who are cheering Wal-Mart as they take showers in new business money.

Two brits explore WalMart

Sarzy says...

>> ^shagen454:

Wygnz not Wangz. Golf wangz.
Oh BTW. Walmart sucks. If you are proud of shopping at Walmart and crap stores like Target, Costco etc etc, do your neighbors a favor. Walk next door and shoot them, just put them out of their misery. That's basically what you are doing when you shop at gigantic, greedy capitalist/corporatist/right-wing "big box" stores that treat their employees like shit and ruin the local economy (& environment) that YOU are supposed to be supporting and nurturing.

Two brits explore WalMart

shagen454 says...

Wygnz not Wangz. Golf wangz.

Oh BTW. Walmart sucks. If you are proud of shopping at Walmart and crap stores like Target, Costco etc etc, do your neighbors a favor. Walk next door and shoot them, just put them out of their misery. That's basically what you are doing when you shop at gigantic, greedy capitalist/corporatist/right-wing "big box" stores that treat their employees like shit and ruin the local economy (& environment) that YOU are supposed to be supporting and nurturing.

Duke Nukem Figures Out What's Wrong with The Shining

Oil & Water (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Unfortunately, yes. Advertisers pay for their content to be noticed. I'm just glad we have an option, through charter membership, for Sifters to bypass all of it.>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^dag:
It's a devils bargain - without the ads, VideoSift would cease to exist.>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^dag:
In our defense - I don't think we have any more ads than a standard news site. Even communities have to pay bills.

I can respect that you've got bills to pay. I also do not mean to sound unappreciative that you do all this at no cost to us (and little to no profit to yourself).
The ads are just gigantic. I estimate that the initial view when I load a video page is 1/3rd ads. To make it worse, some are intermingled with the content (between the video and comments) and then there's the non-ad clutter. Do we really need a link to Like Videosift on both the top of the screen as well as the side? The giveaway announcement above the video? That's more prominent than polls which change the rules of the site. The Login with Facebook button could be on the login form page rather than the head of every page.
Some people probably don't consider all of these things clutter because they probably use some of them on a regular basis but when they're all thrown in together they start to remind me of... well...

But do they have to be so obtrusive?

Oil & Water (Blog Entry by dag)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^dag:

It's a devils bargain - without the ads, VideoSift would cease to exist.>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^dag:
In our defense - I don't think we have any more ads than a standard news site. Even communities have to pay bills.

I can respect that you've got bills to pay. I also do not mean to sound unappreciative that you do all this at no cost to us (and little to no profit to yourself).
The ads are just gigantic. I estimate that the initial view when I load a video page is 1/3rd ads. To make it worse, some are intermingled with the content (between the video and comments) and then there's the non-ad clutter. Do we really need a link to Like Videosift on both the top of the screen as well as the side? The giveaway announcement above the video? That's more prominent than polls which change the rules of the site. The Login with Facebook button could be on the login form page rather than the head of every page.
Some people probably don't consider all of these things clutter because they probably use some of them on a regular basis but when they're all thrown in together they start to remind me of... well...

But do they have to be so obtrusive?

Radio Tower collapses in the Netherlands

Oil & Water (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's a devils bargain - without the ads, VideoSift would cease to exist.>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^dag:
In our defense - I don't think we have any more ads than a standard news site. Even communities have to pay bills.

I can respect that you've got bills to pay. I also do not mean to sound unappreciative that you do all this at no cost to us (and little to no profit to yourself).
The ads are just gigantic. I estimate that the initial view when I load a video page is 1/3rd ads. To make it worse, some are intermingled with the content (between the video and comments) and then there's the non-ad clutter. Do we really need a link to Like Videosift on both the top of the screen as well as the side? The giveaway announcement above the video? That's more prominent than polls which change the rules of the site. The Login with Facebook button could be on the login form page rather than the head of every page.
Some people probably don't consider all of these things clutter because they probably use some of them on a regular basis but when they're all thrown in together they start to remind me of... well...

Oil & Water (Blog Entry by dag)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^dag:

In our defense - I don't think we have any more ads than a standard news site. Even communities have to pay bills.

I can respect that you've got bills to pay. I also do not mean to sound unappreciative that you do all this at no cost to us (and little to no profit to yourself).

The ads are just gigantic. I estimate that the initial view when I load a video page is 1/3rd ads. To make it worse, some are intermingled with the content (between the video and comments) and then there's the non-ad clutter. Do we really need a link to Like Videosift on both the top of the screen as well as the side? The giveaway announcement above the video? That's more prominent than polls which change the rules of the site. The Login with Facebook button could be on the login form page rather than the head of every page.

Some people probably don't consider all of these things clutter because they probably use some of them on a regular basis but when they're all thrown in together they start to remind me of... well...

Chelsea Charms has the world's biggest breasts (interview)

EMPIRE says...

Any surgeon who consents to do this to a person, should lose their medical license on the spot.
This is unbelievably stupid, and she is obviously an idiot/sick-in-the-head, and these gigantic implants have very serious health risks.

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