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Plucky Golden Retriever rescued by lifeboat crew

Fox News Can't Discuss Mental Illness Because They Create It

Hipnotic says...

Don't get me wrong - I support Russell Brand's point and commend him for actually quoting sources as opposed to FOX. I just think that he'd come across far more professional if he hadn't done it while lying in a bed.
I mean I feel comfortable in my bed, but I wouldn't conduct my professional job in it, you know?

Lawdeedaw said:

Yes, because someone told you certain specs to seem serious and we must all obey. All hail the standard, for it is good to us.

Self Sacrificing Carp

newtboy says...

Don't get me wrong, I wish people would eat them. They would make a great replacement for many fish that are extinct or endangered, if they weren't so polluted (a good point you made). There's nothing else wrong with them IMO, they just aren't on the menu for Americans (mostly). They seem like a perfect fish to farm though. I would like to see the McCarp sandwich, but it's not likely.

Stormsinger said:

I've never actually agreed with the idea that nobody wants to eat them. Very few people eat the local carp, but outside of having a -lot- of bones, they make a great meal, with a wonderful flavor. And you can minimize the problems with the bones in a few different ways. Once they hit about 12-15 pounds, you can cut them into steaks, with two bones per steak. Or you can smoke and can them (my own personal favorite, as they soak up the smoke better than any other fish I've ever tried), which softens the bones until they're edible, just like canned salmon.

I'd have more worries over eating -any- fish caught in the Mississippi than I would over this one species from any other waters.

Computer color is broken

bmacs27 says...

You would be surprised at how many people get this wrong. I'm actually amazed this video even exists. I preach about this all the time to deaf ears.

500 pound bomb dropped on U.S. soldiers by mistake

Second Graders React to Lammily Doll (realistic proportions)

bareboards2 says...

I want to hear the other interviews that didn't follow the party line. And only one boy would participate? Or only one boy had things to say that supported the viewpoint of the filmmaker?

Don't get me wrong -- I love this doll. I LOVE THIS DOLL.

All the ghostly sounds that are lost when compressed to mp3

SquidCap says...

A bit misleading. MP3 is stored as frames, uncompressed audio is not. This causes tiny phase differences that when nulled causes the differences to be much larger than what they actually are. Don't get me wrong, the resulting sound resembles what we hear in this clip, just with LOT less transients (beginning of sound, for ex "t" in "the"). If you want a true difference between MP3 and uncompressed, it needs to be resynced each frame. The further the clip advances, the differences grow to be larger and larger as the two streams drift apart more and more.

Keeping Russia's sidewalks free of douchy drivers

eoe says...

I deal with this sort of behaviour every day in Toronto, being a cyclist in a city with very minimal cycling infrastructure. Almost being doored, hit, etc.

Yelling, cursing, being sarcastic and mean will never ever change these people's behaviour. Ever. Have you ever gone home after being yelled at someone about something you're sure you're right about and thought, "Huh. That person who called me an asshole really had a good point."

If anything, it pushes someone on the brink of not being an asshole further onto the wrong side.

I find that if I give very genuine comments like, "Please, sir/maam, that sort of behaviour scares the shit out of me. Can you please be more careful?" their responses are literally (anecdotally) 70% apologetic. 30% can't confront their own behaviour when actually talking to a human, so they ignore you.

Don't get me wrong. I've yelled the fuck out of some people in the heat of the moment. When you almost die that can happen.

But when you're composed enough to respond humanly, the question is are you responding to make yourself feel better, or are you actually trying to influence someone else's behaviour?

Embedded Racism for little girls. Thanks, Corporate America!

eric3579 says...

So about the video

All white dolls all get accessories - Wrong(some do some don't)
Black dolls dont get accessories - True as far as i can tell (but its not JUST the black dolls)
and the prices are the same - Wrong (price of deluxe dolls are more expensive)

Although there may be a deeper question regarding why a black doll isnt made with the deluxe option this women is still stating things that just aren't true.

I'll hold my downvote back for now.

Star Wars the Force awakens official teaser

notarobot says...

Why are the space ships flying around in the atmosphere like there isn't any atmosphere? I know they can fly etc., through the air, but they're designed to be super maneuverable in space. Don't get me wrong, it looks cool and all, but that's why they didn't fly X-Wings at the Imperial Walkers in Episode V...

My First Figure Drawing Class

poolcleaner says...

Most of the models we drew in early college were older people, a really fat guy with a strange inverted penis, a black lady with an Asian dragon tattoo, a guy with one arm shorter than the other (we were told not to mention the arm and to try and draw it like a normal arm), a ripped Hispanic guy, a black guy with a pretty big dick, and, wow, the first time they let in a young attractive woman, I was so red in the face.

I was just used to drawing people I was not attracted to. My girlfriend at the time took life drawing, figure drawing, life sculpting, and human anatomy for the artist classes with me every semester so she totally noticed my reaction and was a little flustered by my obviousness. Ahhh, those were the days.

It's actually more fun and interesting to draw older and fatter people. You learn more about the skin and how it changes with varied bodies and age, similar to the draped cloth exercises in a regular old drawing class.

Don't get me wrong, drawing attractive models is awesome, but you don't get as much out of it as a progressing artist. You need to know varied forms, not just the acceptable Hollywood bodies which most people are NOT.

removing acute subdural hematoma

JiggaJonson says...

I almost force myself to look at things like this because I want to wrap my mind around the fact that I'm nothing more than a lump of tissue. Don't get me wrong, I understand << it. But, the difficulty I have is mostly in the acceptance of the evidence as a form of self realization.
I suppose, another way of putting it would be, I have a hard time deciding if these sorts of things about brains and brain functions make me feel more or less human.

TYT Republicans destroy and have no solutions

billpayer says...

don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to guess anything about anyone in particular.
These are of course all generalizations.

My thread was an attempt at a partial explanation for why this vote swung heavily Republican s'all

Marvel's Agent Carter Sneak Peek

VoodooV says...

reading my mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the explosion of comic book to visual adaptations....but...yeah, worried about oversaturation

entr0py said:

Marvel's going to hit some over-saturation point soon but they've got Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron First, the Defenders and Jessica Jones all headed to Netflix in the next few years. Madness.

TYT Republicans destroy and have no solutions

VoodooV says...

oh god, you're another one of those "The parties are equal, so why vote" people.

Sorry, but you simply haven't been paying attention if you think they're equal. Even if you were to disagree with me on which party is less bad, that's still a more principled argument than this "the parties are equally bad" nonsense.

don't get me wrong, I despise parties, I'm an independent, If it was up to me, parties would be banned. But don't think for a second that I still can't make a value judgement and make a determination as to which party is less bad.

Saying they're equal is a cop out, its laziness...and it's part of the problem.

It reminds me so much of the media how they will try to prop up both sides of a argument to promote sensationalism. Obama is probably a citizen....But he might also be a Muslim Kenyan Communist. You never know people, it could go either way. Don't make a decision, let's promote the ratings---err I mean agony as long as possible.

Enzoblue said:

I think it's because the people are know fully realizing that it really doesn't matter anymore. I think the corps are laughing to tears that they have Cenk et al still fuming and waxing over republicans vs democrats like that's where the front line is.

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