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eric3579 (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, those ABS bags are pretty amazing, but they are ridiculously expensive ($1000+). I've given it a lot of thought and I know some people say you can't put a price on your life, but they're not without issues.

First, they can potentially put you in a worse situation then an avalanche! Being buried is obviously bad, but being carried over a cliff is worse.

But more insidiously, they can lead to poor decision making. I try to stay in a constant state of, if not fear, at least extreme caution in the back country. I'm actuated aware how easy it is to fuck yourself up, and I would always rather say "nah, let's come back another day" than ride in dodgy conditions. In short, I have all the gear, but I never want to rely on it.

Cop Engaged In Traffic Stop Leads To Life Sentence

newtboy says...

If that's the case, that he's off duty, isn't this a much more serious crime? Improperly using the cop car, lights and siren, badge, weaponry, and authority of his position to pretend to be an officer preforming his duties when he's really harassing and pranking someone as a private citizen? That should definitely be a felony.

Actually, no. He has his badge displayed prominently, and his cuffs, pepper spray, and gun on his belt. He may be off duty, true, but there's nothing about his uniform that would indicate that. Not all officers wear blues. I've seen many officers on duty wearing similar clothing and gear.

No matter what, it's an abuse of his power and equipment for his own personal amusement.

dalumberjack said:

Just my .02 since I'm in this field of work.

He is most likely off duty. Looking at his uniform (he isn't wearing one) and the fact he has no gear on his duty belt tells me this was done off hours. Another possibility is this was done by a training facility / academy where most training Officers/Deputies wear the polo style shirt / khakis and do not wear much gear.

Either way, more than highly likely not on duty.

Now you may all proceed to rant about all other aspects of this video.

Cop Engaged In Traffic Stop Leads To Life Sentence

dalumberjack says...

Just my .02 since I'm in this field of work.

He is most likely off duty. Looking at his uniform (he isn't wearing one) and the fact he has no gear on his duty belt tells me this was done off hours. Another possibility is this was done by a training facility / academy where most training Officers/Deputies wear the polo style shirt / khakis and do not wear much gear.

Either way, more than highly likely not on duty.

Now you may all proceed to rant about all other aspects of this video.

Comcast Repairmen Unconcerned Of Wrecks They Are Causing

JustSaying says...

It's true, those repairdudes are shitty, uncaring people and they could've at least improved their safety measures after the first accident. They probably didn't do it right in the first place.
those people crashing, they're shitty drivers. That's a 40 miles per hour speed limit on the road, right? That's 64 kilometers per hour. Look where people slide off the road. Look how far away they are from that truck. That's at least 50 meters. It's enough space to reduce your car's speed on a slippery road to make it safe to break for a full stop. But these people are slipping off the road before they're even close enough throw one of those plastic cones at the Comcast douchebags if they had one.
Again, the repairdudes are assholes but they're not causing the accidents, it's shitty driving. The drivers are breaking too hard and too soon on a slippery road to avoid a truck that's too far away to crash into.
Just take your foot of the gas, use your breaks just to reduce speed. If you're not driving an automatic, shift down a gear to further reduce speed when you're slowed down a bit. Once you're slow enough, like maybe 30 kmph or less, you start breaking for a full stop.
Don't stomp on your break 100 meters away from the obstacle. If you start sliding, release the break to regain control of the car, to get out of the slide.
Also, why isn't the actual scene of the accident secured? Why doesn't the guy who slipped off the road secure his own damn car? I don't know about the US but over here I'm required by law to have a warning sign in my car that I have to place 100 m down the road. That would probably placed before the hilltop, where people are unable to see the repairtruck. They would be warned that something's wrong down the road.
The idiot filming puts out more cones (or whatever those things are supposed to be) but her places them by the truck instead of securing his own crashsite. Instead of warning people coming up the hill, he berates the repair-assholes and shoots video of more shitty drivers crashing, doing nothing to prevent a bigger crashsite. Unless he's the Dovahkiin, his yelling won't stop the cars from slipping off the road.
That video is a total douchebagapalooza and their bandleader is the one filming.

How does one submit a Facebook video? (Geek Talk Post)

Frankie Boyle - The US Election

ALWAYS Set Your Parking Brake

newtboy says...

Kind of. When I installed the roll cage I had to pull the pedal out, and I never built the hand lever I intended. It's never been a problem. I don't have a clutch switch either, and 7.5-1 first gear, so I can start in gear if I have to, even on a hill.

Payback said:

No parking brake? By choice?

ALWAYS Set Your Parking Brake

newtboy says...

That turned out way better than when I did that with a U-Haul truck in town. My truck rolled back about 1/2 block before turning into a neighbors yard and taking out their fence, mailbox, and front landscape. I was incredibly lucky it didn't hit 20 cars on the way there. These days I don't even have a parking brake in my car, so if I have to leave it unattended, I have to turn it off and leave it in gear.

Riding a C90 through India

BMW Concept Bike

eric3579 says...

Look Mutter, nein helmut!

“The vision vehicle will act with foresight and is able to protect the rider at any time,” says Heinrich. Driver assistance features will continually monitor the environment, the route, the speed, the angle of lean, and myriad other factors, intervening to ensure the rider can’t crash. Gyroscopes keep the bike upright when stationary, so you can’t even fall when stopped. BMW’s roughly an eternity from actually telling riders to ditch traditional safety gear, but things like traction control, hill start assist, and antilock brakes are already making it harder to kill yourself on two wheels.

Payback said:

I like how its technology gets rid of the need for a helmut.

Youngest Female Monster Truck Driver Builds Her Own Rides

newtboy says...

It depends on how you do it. If you reconfigure the motor/trans so it sits lower overall, but the bottom is the original height, then no. Moving as much weight to the bottom of the frame as possible without lowering the frame itself was always the plan with my race buggy. That said, it does seem like her suspension is Set lower than normal, so she's more prone to high centering, but clearance is usually measured at the axles (except in vehicles with geared hubs that raise the axle above the tub).

ChaosEngine said:

I get lowering the centre of gravity, but wouldn't that also affect the clearance?

Man Arrested & Punched for Sitting on Mom's Front Porch

bareboards2 says...

Well, I fully support the Black Lives Movement. Peaceful, and sometimes agitated, marching for justice. Gay Rights. That explosive moment at Stonewall in Greenwich Village, when the gay men fought back and said NO MORE.

Do I want a single woman who is in danger of being physically assaulted to "fight back?" A single gay man? A single black person? No, honey bunny, I absolutely do not. I think that is the height of idiocy for a single individual to fight back against one, two, three men. Especially when they are armed and have proven that they are capable of using that weapon in anger, fear, adrenaline.

Keep yourself safe, deescalate the situation if you can, submit to rape [edit] IF you think the man/men will kill you if you do fight back -- fight back if it is safe to fight back. (Interesting stat -- something like 90% of assaults against women are by single unarmed attackers. No gun? No knife? Try to avoid, try to deescalate, and if that doesn't work, fight back and yell and make yourself as difficult a target as possible.)

I took a self defense class years ago, geared towards women protecting themselves from violence by men. Not because I was afraid, but because of the psychological skills that we were taught about setting boundaries, taking charge, making choices -- skills needed in every day life that can also be applied to rare events of possible violence.

It was called Powerful Choices. Choices, my friend. Choices.

I must say, it is shocking to me that so many people live in a zero sum world. A black and white world. Where there is only one way to respond despite the actual circumstances. That this moment has to be used to fight larger battles or you are a failure.

I am a big fan of using your noggin to be safe. A fan of demonstrations (I prefer peaceful.) A fan of changing the laws, the procedures, the culture. A fan of acting strategically for the long run.

So you have me all wrong, my friend. All wrong.

Asmo said:

Okay, so when men dominate women unfairly, you're happy for women to curtsy and live by men's leave..? Because men might threaten violence against women? Because that was the way it was? There was never a point where you stood up even though you feared it might result in harm to yourself?

There comes a point in time when it's no longer okay, when people are driven so far and they can't take it anymore. Surely you can understand that? How many women, or gays, or blacks, or "insert whatever you want here" have suffered because they were willing to stand up and fight against the tyranny?

Why Home Ownership is Actually a Terrible Investment

RedSky says...

Yeah, this is way to short to cover the topic.

Freedom / choice is worth considering but people need to treat home buying as an investment because it is often the biggest single investment they ever make. Buy low and sell high. Putting that out of your mind because you're planning to never sell is a huge mistake. You would think that other countries would have learnt the lessons of the US, but housing markets in places like Canada, Australia, big Chinese cities are just waiting to pop. The mantra of 'house prices always rise' continues.

The most obvious measure broadly is price to median incomes. Here in Sydney (and some of the other Australian capitals) it's at eye watering levels. Buying a house here right now is basically banking on preferential tax treatment (in our case, called negative gearing), restricted supply continuing forever (the main driver of house prices by the way), and heroic increases in income to forestall the inevitability of prices simply becoming unaffordable.

It's gotten to the point here where lenders are asking home buyers (who want a loan to value ratio of over 80%!) to pay so-called lender's mortgage insurance (LMI) which adds a substantial amount to their loan and guarantees the bank (not the home buyer) if the borrower defaults. The insurance company who issued the insurance contract then goes after the defaulted home buyer to recoup the payout to the bank:

From what I understand there is still plenty of reasonably priced property in the US (in some cities) but even there you have plenty of places that have become ridiculously overpriced.

How to Delete a Wheel

Zawash says...

Funny how that front wheel has a chain, gear cassette, struts and other stuff, though, just like the back wheel. But then again, as noted by @Shepppard - this is the Internet, and it must be true.

How to Delete a Wheel

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