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Sumo Robot Wrestling

Unbelievable save at the Isle of Man TT 2017

newtboy says...

Watched this on the daily coverage, and DAMN! That was one hell of a save. 5th gear (around 140-150?) sideways in the air!
Some pee definitely came out.
*quality race....for everyone except Hutchinson, who crashed.
*promote some inhuman bike control

I do not support a livable wage

enoch says...

all of us?
no one?
mighty big on the presumption bubba.

let me guess,YOU run a business?
is your boss nickname captain whiny cunt?

because every owner/boss i run into that complains about having to pay this or this or that are whiny little bitches.i am not suggesting that some of their gripes are not valid,because they are,but when it comes to paying their employees?

yeah..whiny,little bitchy cunts.

they complain endlessly how they can't find good the turnover is brutal and it costs them soooo much to train,gear and clothe etc etc.

and almost every single one of them pays under 10 bucks an hr.

my son owns his own business.pays 100 bucks a job to start and if you work out? raises it to 150 bucks a job,usually does three jobs a day.

he has only had to replace one helper in five years.

compare that to his cousin,who pays a whopping 9 bucks an hour,and he goes through helpers like a semi-automatic.

guess which one is the whiny little bitch?

to be fair,the cousin does own two houses,five cars and all the newest gadgets.while my son is working on his first home.

but he ain't no bitch,and his workers adore him.

which one you billybussey?

ahh../slaps back
no need to answer!
we already know.

billybussey said:

None of you have ever run a business.

Inside View of Soyuz Crew Capsule From Undocking to Landing

Ashenkase says...

Diagram of re-entry for the Soyuz:

Orbital Module:
It houses all the equipment that will not be needed for reentry, such as experiments, cameras or cargo. The module also contains a toilet, docking avionics and communications gear. Internal volume is 6 m³, living space 5 m³. On the latest Soyuz versions (since Soyuz TM), a small window was introduced, providing the crew with a forward view.

Service Module:
It has a pressurized container shaped like a bulging can that contains systems for temperature control, electric power supply, long-range radio communications, radio telemetry, and instruments for orientation and control. A non-pressurized part of the service module (Propulsion compartment, AO) contains the main engine and a liquid-fuelled propulsion system for maneuvering in orbit and initiating the descent back to Earth. The ship also has a system of low-thrust engines for orientation, attached to the Intermediate compartment. Outside the service module are the sensors for the orientation system and the solar array, which is oriented towards the sun by rotating the ship.

Consequences of bad jettisons:
The services modules are jettisoned before the spacecraft hits the atmosphere. A failure or partial jettison of the modules means that the capsule will not enter the atmosphere heat shield first which can lead to a number of scenarios:
- Capsule pushed off course (by hundreds of km)
- High sustained g-loads on reentry
- Plasma on reentry can burn through the craft if the heat shield is not exposed and oriented properly resulting in loss of crew.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

NIO EP9 Breaks the Nürburgring Nordschleife Lap Record

Jinx says...

What is the limiting factor for acceleration in electric cars? Is it just traction? Long live electric, but I do sort of miss the gear changing (especially downshifts )

New Rule: The Lesser of Two Evils

enoch says...

how did this thread steer into climate change waters?
heh...god i love this site,and i love all you fuckers as well!

i don't really understand the rehashing of the election,trump is is a done deal.

which is probably why i am struggling with the hillary diehards.politics is not a binary equation,so stop acting like it IS,and for the love of god stop with the condescension directed at people who did not vote YOUR way.ya'all are acting like we are your wayward dog who just took a giant dump on your carpet.

just LOOK at what you have done! LOOK at it! bad dog..baaaad dog.

@Stormsinger and @MilkmanDan were kind enough to share who they voted for,but they should not be put in a position to defend their vote.their vote,their choice and their right.

you may disagree,and that is fine,but to place all the blame on them,and their "like-minded compatriots" is arrogant,presumptuous and condescending.the reason hillary lost is not simply due to a few small holdouts.there are a myriad of reasons,and in my opinion,hillary should take most of the blame.

and what is this purity test @bareboards2 ?
do you mean a person standing by their principles?
remaining steadfast in their moral values?
showing us all that they would rather lose,than give up one ounce of integrity?

are you seriously criticizing people for holding to their own standards of morality and decency?

politics is not binary,there a many mitigating factors and political affilliation is only one aspect.

i have seen friends who voted for trump,and were extremely vocal about their support in the run up to election day,only to become eerily silent the further we got into trumps presidency.many of these people had voted for obama..TWICE..they wanted change.were desperate for change,and now they are finding out,that change may not be what they were expecting.

because the trump presidency is going to one helluva horror show,but there are also positives to is not a total loss.

i have the seen the very same people who have ridiculed and berated fundamentalist christians for being ideologically rigid,and philosophically immovable.turn around and express the exact same rigidity,and binary thought processes when it comes to their girl hillary clinton.

i was talking the other day with a man i highly respect and admire,who flippantly and casually called me a racist.
my crime?
i had the audacity to criticize obama.
which he doubled down and accused me of being sexist for not supporting hillary,and being critical of her as well.

how is this NOT ideological rigidity?
that to critically examine two prominent public figures automatically equates to:racism and sexism.

this is the metric that i see so many hillary supporters use when dealing with someone that they may disagree.this is a cheap,ill thought and ultimately WEAK counter to valid criticisms.

at what point do hillary supporters stop labeling other people the most vile of terms,simply because they did not step into line with THEIR thinking,and begin to examine the very REAL problems that both the hillary campaign,and the DNC,created for themselves?

or is everybody simply a racist and sexist?
that's discussion.

this is akin to the fundamentalist christian labeling anybody who disagrees with their religion,or has brought up solid criticisms,as being an agent of satan.

" i do not like what you are saying about hillary,so therefore you must be a sexist".

the easiest,and most human,thing we do when faced with information and/or criticism that is in direct opposition to our long held to demonize the person making those claims,and therefore silence any further disruption to our own subjective belief system.

so when i talk about "insulated bubbles",and "echo chambers".that right there is what i am referring to,and it is dangerous.

i refuse to judge anybody on how they voted.they had their reasons,and i may even disagree with those reasons,but they have a right to their vote and who am i to judge them?

rehashing the election,or assigning blame based on ideological differences,accomplishes nothing.the REAL work starts now.trump is in office,and he is gearing up to be an unmitigated disaster.

so get involved.head to your next town hall meeting and speak your piece.start to connect with the political movements in your area and start to put pressure on your local representative.

i think we can all agree that trump is awful on so many levels,but to witness the american people become so politically engaged,so politically active,more active than they have been in really is inspiring,and all this is due to trump.

if hillary had won,would we see the same kind of newly energized,and politically active public?

i don't think so.

so let us stop with the rehashing.
stop with the blaming.
and get off our asses,step outside our own little,insulated echo chamber and start to engage.

don't know how to step outside your own bubble?
there is an app for that:

*oh,and even though i may have alluded to who i voted for.let me state clearly that i voted for hillary.i stick by my dislike of the "lesser of two evils" but come on...trump in the white house?


Effective guardrail is effective.

AeroMechanical says...

In a passenger car that drop would probably have maimed or killed the occupants. In a race car they probably would have been alright.

To codriver must have had bad notes. Definitely a second gear turn, not a fourth gear.

#BuyMyVitara - Suzuki Vitara '96 for sale

At 84, the World’s Oldest Female Sharpshooter Doesn't Miss

bamdrew says...

Yeah. Also one thing awesome about this is the atheletes often dress in whatever is comfortable for them, and will wear glasses that sometimes have sighting lenses. So couple that with the super-customized guns and you get great photos of shooters looking like the pirate captains of some future space ships - - Here is the current world champ with his amazing looking pistol- - 10 meter air rifle competition is similar, but they wear some protective gear -

AeroMechanical said:

Okay, but pointing a gun at your face is still not something you do even if you are sure it's not loaded. I am really just making light, though. Probably you don't read the gauge while the air tank is attached to the gun.

4 Revolutionary Riddles Resolved!

newtboy says...

Calling him out on #1, he asked "what is this Object (in the cylinder)?". Honey and ping pong balls are not a single object.

Also the bicycle question, you need a rear sprocket about twice the size (or larger) of the front one to negate the wheel/crank ratio. Only custom bikes made for this question would have that technically he's right but no one will have those results. (Edit:with the possible exception of Krusty, because his crank may be larger than his tiny wheel)

4 Revolutionary Riddles

ChaosEngine says...

Ok, so every video I've watched on this still seems to take the view that both laps are the same distance. If that's the case then it's impossible (T2 = 0, etc).

But a lap is just a revolution of the track, you don't have to run at a fixed radius (and therefore a fixed circumference).

If you increase the distance (even by a tiny amount), it is possible.
If the 1st lap is 100m and you run it in 100s, then you get 1m/s. If the second lap is 200m, then you would need to run that in 50s (V1 = 1m/s, Vavg = 2m/s, 300m @ 2m/s = 150s, 150s - 100s (for the lap you've already run).

So if you double the distance, you need to run 4 times faster.
If you triple the distance, you need to run 3 times faster.
If you run 10 times the distance, you need to run 2.2222m/s

Basically the bigger your lap the slower you can go approaching 2m/s.

Conversely, the smaller the difference the faster you need to go (e.g. for 101m, you would need to do the 2nd lap at 202m/s or around 450mph )

Oh, and the bike CAN go forwards, you just need a ridiculously low gear.

4 Revolutionary Riddles

newtboy says...

3) it moves backwards because the force is applied to the entire system/bicycle. The wheel going backwards turns the gears and chain, rotating the pedal 'forwards' (rotating it in reverse). Because the wheel is much larger it travels much farther back than the pedal rotates forwards, even with 1:1 gearing the pedal actually travels backwards slightly compared to the ground, but in higher gears it gets much easier.
It's because the tire is so much larger than the crank, that makes it easier to rotate the tire than the crank even at 1:1, so it goes backwards.
It's counter intuitive, but I actually checked my work and yep, my bike went backwards in all sliding needed. Try it.

visionep said:

I guess the hint for these is the rotational test that they show at the first.

1) A sticky object that would let go like a wall crawler that climbs down a wall would create this effect. (see below)
2) You can't. As you approach infinite speed it would get very close. (see below)
3) The bike will move forward. (see below)
4) The outside parts of the wheels that overlap the rail. Also if the train has a flywheel that is larger than the wheel size the bottom of the flywheel would also always move backwards faster than the train was moving.

1) He says "what object is inside?" so I'm not sure a liquid would count. Also a viscous liquid would flow a slow rate and would probably not stop and start. You might be able to get a viscous liquid to stop and start if you had fins, but that still might just move slowly or gain enough momentum to roll fast without any flow.

2) A little excel calculation shows that the average velocity approaches twice the initial but will never hit it.

attempted m/s - total time - average m/s
1 100 1
2 50 1.333333333
3 33.33333333 1.5
200 0.5 1.990049751
201 0.497512438 1.99009901

3) I'm not sure if the parameters of this experiment are explained sufficiently.

If it is allowed to slip then no matter the mechanical advantage a hard pull should always be able to get the bike to skid back and defeat friction.

If the bike is not allowed to slip on the ground then I don't understand how it could ever move backwards, the only options would be that it doesn't move at all or it moves forward.

If it can't slip then the ratio of the pedal to the wheel is what is in question. Bikes only have gear ratios higher than 1 and the crank is smaller than the tire so the tire will always rotate more than the crank thus the bike should move forward.

4 Revolutionary Riddles

visionep says...

I guess the hint for these is the rotational test that they show at the first.

1) A sticky object that would let go like a wall crawler that climbs down a wall would create this effect. (see below)
2) You can't. As you approach infinite speed it would get very close. (see below)
3) The bike will move forward. (see below)
4) The outside parts of the wheels that overlap the rail. Also if the train has a flywheel that is larger than the wheel size the bottom of the flywheel would also always move backwards faster than the train was moving.

1) He says "what object is inside?" so I'm not sure a liquid would count. Also a viscous liquid would flow a slow rate and would probably not stop and start. You might be able to get a viscous liquid to stop and start if you had fins, but that still might just move slowly or gain enough momentum to roll fast without any flow.

2) A little excel calculation shows that the average velocity approaches twice the initial but will never hit it.

attempted m/s - total time - average m/s
1 100 1
2 50 1.333333333
3 33.33333333 1.5
200 0.5 1.990049751
201 0.497512438 1.99009901

3) I'm not sure if the parameters of this experiment are explained sufficiently.

If it is allowed to slip then no matter the mechanical advantage a hard pull should always be able to get the bike to skid back and defeat friction.

If the bike is not allowed to slip on the ground then I don't understand how it could ever move backwards, the only options would be that it doesn't move at all or it moves forward.

If it can't slip then the ratio of the pedal to the wheel is what is in question. Bikes only have gear ratios higher than 1 and the crank is smaller than the tire so the tire will always rotate more than the crank thus the bike should move forward.

4 Revolutionary Riddles

entr0py says...

For 4, could it be the coupling rod? I guess alternating sides.

And for the bike one, you've got to remember the wheels are able to spin freely in that position, so he could drag it backwards as far as he wants. It's only the force of your body pressing down on the bike that creates enough friction that the gears drive it forward.

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