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World's Best Bartender

artician says...

I am pretty sick of the television-directorial trend of frequently cutting away from the point of interest so they can show you the reaction of these vapid, know-nothing observers. I don't know if it's for audience emotional-cue or host ego-stroking, but it makes whatever interesting elements there to begin with completely unwatchable for me.
I don't watch TV, I get almost all my exposure through the net, but if I were to gauge it by the sampling I get I'd almost guess that was 90% of the programming. Watch people watching other people. WTF.

House centipede in the house!

The Ikea TV: Gadgets Are Furniture ( IKEA UPPLEVA)

rottenseed says...

I believe they have an entertainment center similar to this that you can put your own peripherals in and hides the wiring. With a little bit of work you can even hide your surround sound speaker cable. But, it is work...

I just have 8 gauge wires along my baseboard. Like, the honey-badger, I just don't give a fuck.

Cutting Down Your Own Tree - Not The Best Idea You Ever Had

Peroxide says...

Can't believe he didn't have a couple people on ropes, sure, you can make the right cuts so that the tree *should* fall in a certain direction, but the weight of the canopy is extremely difficult to gauge, as well as any unexpected winds...

The relatives cut down a twinned giant poplar hanging over their house last year, and I was on ropes, the tree definitely hovered after it was cut through, luckily we tied on high enough and had enough leverage to counter it from falling on the house even with the proper directional felling cuts made. My uncle was EXTREMELY happy he asked us to pull...

You See This Watch? This Watch Costs More Than Your House

ForgedReality says...

It's funny because the watch probably doesn't even exist anywhere. This is a computer animation of a watch that someone thinks COULD be built, and are trying to sell the idea to watch manufacturers, as well as gauge interest. Afterall, why waste the effort if no one is willing to buy one?

This ANIMATION probably cost them that much to produce...

Obama Promises Vs Reality

longde says...

Obama: "Occupy Wall Street" reflects "broad-based frustration"

President Obama on Thursday called the "Occupy Wall Street" protests a reflection of a "broad-based frustration about how our financial system works" and pledged to continue fighting to protect American consumers.

The president, speaking at a press conference, said he had heard about and seen television reports on the recent protests on Wall Street, and noted that "I think it expresses the frustrations that the American people feel."

"We had the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression - huge collateral damage throughout the country, all across main street. And yet, you are still seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to crack down on abusive practices that got us in the situation in the first place," Mr. Obama told reporters. "I think people are frustrated.">> ^shagen454:

They are all bad. Democrap or Retardican. Its all the same shit bought by different... or the same, corporate greed. Obama has hardly even acknowledged Occupy and ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE. You voted for the change marketing strategy but you let corporate greed buy into even more Bushesque policy by believing that voting makes a difference. He doesnt want to publicize Occupy by even referring to it because he knows and the powers that be know that people are beginning to take note that it is all bullshit, its broken, its an illusion and it all fundamentally needs to be rebuilt... utilizing the constitution.
Instead of voting you should fucking protest a system that doesn't work on voting day!!!! Whether it is Romney, Paul or Obama its nearly the same shit. They strip you of liberties and steal from your coffers, deregulation for the corporate state, more police state, privatizing everything under the sun, raising the prices and gauging everyone who does not have a million dollars. Stop perpetuating the illusion.

Obama Promises Vs Reality

shagen454 says...

They are all bad. Democrap or Retardican. Its all the same shit bought by different... or the same, corporate greed. Obama has hardly even acknowledged Occupy and ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE. You voted for the change marketing strategy but you let corporate greed buy into even more Bushesque policy by believing that voting makes a difference. He doesnt want to publicize Occupy by even referring to it because he knows and the powers that be know that people are beginning to take note that it is all bullshit, its broken, its an illusion and it all fundamentally needs to be rebuilt... utilizing the constitution.

Instead of voting you should fucking protest a system that doesn't work on voting day!!!! Whether it is Romney, Paul or Obama its nearly the same shit. They strip you of liberties and steal from your coffers, deregulation for the corporate state, more police state, privatizing everything under the sun, raising the prices and gauging everyone who does not have a million dollars. Stop perpetuating the illusion.

VideoSift's SOPA/PIPA Response (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Since its during peak time, around 40k. A drop in the Internet bucket, but a quality drop.>> ^speechless:

Glad to see one of my favorite sites taking this action! Out of curiosity, and to help gauge the impact, how many unique visitors would you normally anticipate to hit the site during those 12 hours?

VideoSift's SOPA/PIPA Response (Sift Talk Post)

911 Tells Teen Mom "Do What You Have To Do"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Oklahoma, Sarah McKinley, 12 gauge, 18 year old mom, ABC News' to 'Oklahoma, Sarah McKinley, 12 gauge, shotgun, 18 year old mom, ABC News' - edited by calvados

a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

Diogenes says...

every nation acts in what it perceives to be its own self interest... it's a given

i think it's impossible to give an example of american intervention that has 'turned out well'... well, because it's impossible to say how it would have turned out without said intervention... and history never stops

maybe at some point in the far future, after we've all destroyed ourselves, some alien race will arrive and piece together the entire history of humanity

at that point, perhaps, they'll be able to gauge right and wrong definitively... but i doubt it -- moot point for us anyway

alien #1: "wow, those humans were messed up! why didn't they listen to ron paul?"
alien #2: "well, at least their wiping themselves out did subsequently allow the tadpole-squirrel race to evolve in peace on this planet..."
alien #1: "yeah! grytzlaak the great of the tadpole-squirrel people did go on to bring ultimate equilibrium to the entire universe!"
alien #2: "yup! i love you, dude..."

do competing ideologies cause suffering? absolutely

would a single, global ideology alleviate suffering? maybe, but what a boring world we'd live in

Worst Persons - Countdown 11-21-2011

ghark says...

>> ^lantern53:

If the majority of people agreed with KO, he would have more viewers.
They don't, and he doesn't.

Yes I agree, we shouldn't judge anything by its content. Rather, we should first gauge how popular it is, if it's not popular we should be afraid of enjoying it ourselves, because we're incapable of critical thinking.

How It's Made- Pressure Gauges

BoneRemake says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Hard to believe that things like this were once made by hand.
And that glycerine thing? I had no idea.
I love learning new things. Thanks, VS.

I had always wondered what the liquid was, I had thought I heard some wheres that the liquid was mineral oil. How long does yogurt last out side the fridge, I have this yogurt cup that's been out of the fridge for 24 hours and I kind of wanna eat it.

How It's Made- Pressure Gauges

Asmo says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Hard to believe that things like this were once made by hand.
And that glycerine thing? I had no idea.
I love learning new things. Thanks, VS.

Yup, just fascinating how something we all take for granted and don't think much about is actually a very complex mechanism...

How It's Made- Pressure Gauges

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'pressure, pressure guage, how its made, glycerine, case, assembly' to 'pressure, pressure gauge, how its made, glycerine, case, assembly' - edited by bareboards2

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