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Tom Scott trying to deal with his phobia of roller coasters

moonsammy says...

Very much so! It's worth watching, he's generally been a very authentic presenter, and he really doesn't shy away from being exposed here. Plus the footage of him on the 2nd and 3rd coasters is awesome - on each ride he goes through a major transformation in mood and it's really fun to watch.

lucky760 said:

What's the TLDR? Did he conquer his fear?

Wet Leg - Chaise Longue

Pinocchio | Teaser Trailer | Disney+

Subwoolfer - Give That Wolf A Banana - Norway

cloudballoon says...

Ukraine winning this year's Eurovision is a foregone conclusion even BEFORE the show start though. How can it not be. And with Turin stopping a few voting anormally/rigging (Estonia, Georgia, and some other countries iirc) by Russian hacking group only ensured a Ukraine win.

With that, Norway and a few entries might've though "F*ck that, let's have some FUN! If we can't win ESC this year, we might go for the win on the viral/meme award instead."

newtboy said:

*quality *promote

Crap…wrong video, meant to promote the Ukrainian song.

Anybody else feel like Norway was trying to throw the contest so Ukraine would win?

Pete Buttigieg Perfectly Articulates Republican Behavior

The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

JiggaJonson says...

Effective January 1, 1996, leaded gasoline was banned by the Clean Air Act for use in new vehicles other than aircraft, racing cars, farm equipment, and marine engines.

Why not altogether? Who fuckin knows- prolly lead brained idiots think it's better for their farm equipment. They spew exhaust into the chief export of Indiana: Corn. You know, the syrup they put into basically every food you eat.

Fun Fact: "Lead does not biodegrade, or disappear over time, but remains in soils for thousands of years."

But hey, you can save a few pennies if you poison the entire planet for the next few thousand years now... so... VOTE REPUBLICAN

newtboy said:

The shocking part of that isn’t the brain dead decision process that makes them think that’s ok, nor the ignorance it takes to not switch to alternate fuel additives…it’s the fact that you can’t find the same thing in most red states. Economy over ecology is a right wing mantra.

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

vil says...

My wife thinks it was the right thing to do.

I think the whole thing is fake.

If someone makes fun of my wife in public immediate confrontation is the only option I can think of. Unless drunk or stoned in which case I might laugh at the joke. And get confronted by her.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

Digitalfiend says...

I did a bit more reading on the aftermath and it seems legit in that "could only happen in Hollywood" sort of way. Even considering Jada's alopecia, the bad joke didn't seem like it would be worth potentially ruining his career over. As you said, guys that are bald or fat or short, etc get made fun of ALL the time. What blows my mind is that he wasn't escorted out from the awards ceremony - it's even crazier that they still gave him the Oscar and let him make a speech.

newtboy said:

You aren’t alone…it seemed…off. That said, it’s hard to believe both of them and the Oscars would all think this was a good idea and script it.
I thought the smirk was a little self satisfied swagger, feeling like a big man before the reality hit that he had just blown his image.

I really want to think it’s just too dumb to be staged, who looks good here?…but dumber things have happened.

Bullet Train Trailer

Trump’s Loyalties

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

Report” Blames Biden Administration For Chaotic Withdrawal

noims says...

I don't normally make fun of speeling or grammar mistakes, but I do find this funny. The logical place to match the quote in the title made me read it as sarcasm:
"Report" blames Biden administration for chaotic withdrawal.

I'm sorry to say it, bob, but you've been so thoroughly discredited over the years that I automatically skip any of your political vids on the assumption that they're misleading as best.

Phrasle - Daily Phrase Puzzle (Sift Talk Post)

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