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the universal appeal of the term -FUCK OFF

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

I give up.

You're all correct.

All these comments were completely innocent and she deserved it by daring to walk down the street without wearing earbuds or screaming fuck off at everyone. This video is just a cynical example of subjecting yourself to 10 hours of abuse just so you can portray poor, black or latino men in a racist light.

Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah, and it's somehow the governments fault!

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

bmacs27 says...

I did watch the video. I didn't hear any threats. Hyperbole gets you nowhere.

There were the two persistent guys. Although I think that had more to do with her acting. They were doing the equivalent of fucking with buckingham palace guards. It was obvious she was doing the silent shtick far beyond what's reasonable. In a real situation that would be diffused with two words, "fuck off."

We describe good etiquette as "classy." Why do you suppose that is?

IMO we should all be forced to acknowledge the riffraff here and there.

ChaosEngine said:

Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean the target of whatever unpleasant activity isn't a "victim". You can be the "victim" of a prank.

And this is more than an inconvenience. Did you actually watch the video? While you could make an argument that some of the comments are relatively innocuous, there are plenty that are downright creepy, and a few even vaguely threatening.

And drop the "poor people" schtick. Being poor is not an excuse to be an asshole. Neither is being rich.

Again, it's about context. I say crass things to my female friends all the time, because I know them. That's fine. Hell, I don't even have a problem with someone getting abused (verbally) at a comedy gig. It's appropriate.

Don't Go To Space - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts

News Anchor Quits on Air to go sell Weed

Engels says...

She actually had the air and could have actually made a teachable moment about intolerance towards 'drug people', for lack of a better word and then gracefully bowed out. That would have been ideal, but I myself would have probably told 'em personally to fuck off, by name, one by one, and to hell with the lot of them.

How the police should deal with the public

newtboy says...

Maybe that's because the officer spoke to him like a human being deserving of respect, not a criminal shithead deserving of a beating. Hmmmm?

American cops would have jumped in front of the bike, screamed at the rider 'get the fuck off your bike, what the fuck is wrong with you, you can't ride that here!' then manhandled him for advancing on the cop (because he was riding and you can't stop on a dime) then, when they realized their mistake, rather than apologize, they will search for any infraction possible to write a ticket for....I speak from experience, one that was almost exactly the same bike path situation in Palo Alto, Ca, but with far fewer pedestrians.

lantern53 said:

I also notice that the bicyclist does not have an attitude.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on genetically modified food

Cops Owned By Legal Gun Owner

chingalera says...

Hey chicchorea?? Clean out your fuckng ears and get with the program-It's your bullshit which ought to be banned and I thought I told ya plenty to keep the fuck away from me with your personal and DIRECTED hating and internet social-dysfunction, you vapid cunt. Again, and here publicly, the fuck away from me-Take your ban-hammer and fuck the fuck off-NOT sarcasm, no 'ignore', take your pathetic horseshit downstairs will ya, ya cretin punk??

How about dag and lucky taking the higher ground for a change and ditch this imposter, eh?? I'd like to get-on with posting bubble-gum videos and kicking more comment thread's assess....

....'moronic miscreant'-Check a fucking mirror, douchebag.

(For all you late-comers, the pricks' baiting me daily as I continue to hope-against-hope for the dick to cop to a discussion, rather than a dick-battle.)

Again, fuck off, chicco, your shits' transparent and tiresome and about as 8th-grade cock-bag as it gets...

chicchorea said:

Rather, some moronic miscreant transforms a simple encounter into felony charges by spewing Its baboon red butt out of Its filth drooling mouth and then persistently but characteristically blames and vilifies the system that far more often than not, but not enough, protects people from....

Obviously...Its still here to spew Its insipid...

Insipid...word of the day...brought to us by Swirlry

Coulthard on team orders

chingalera says...

I for my, have no transferable or proven or legitimate strategy whatsoever with regard to any game, life, or fundamental existence in a world virtual or otherwise.... Experiential stamina however, affords her luxury when tinctured with a sheer will and a general joyfulness about having to put up with bullshit. WHEN said bullshit comes in the form of some anonymous individual saaaaay, who pops-in via an internet portal disguised as a welcome mat at yer mum's cousin's house because they "knows" you better than you know yourself, reads a few rules then proceeds to try and hand me my ass and feed it to me and tell me how it should taste?? Yeah, that's the kind of damaged cunt that needs a time fucking out.

Enjoyed your time-out so far ya fuckin' cunts?? Good. Now y'all can continue to fuck the FUCK off!

Love you gorillaman, and thank you for the sage wisdom that only a solid wanker like yourself can serve iced-cold

gorillaman said:

Strategy is what makes F1 more interesting to watch than other sports, which are typically just a bunch of sweaty morons running around on a lawn.

Team orders have always been a good thing and people who don't like them are intellectually and morally subhuman.

The World's Smallest Nation Is For Sale - Sealand

9547bis says...

You'll be glad to hear that such attempts actually happened with other micronations, and multiple times.

My favourite was the tiny Pacific island of Minerva (my only grief: they didn't call it 'Aynrandia'), which libertarians with too much money built up by pouring a few boatful of sand on top of the underlying reefs.
But being libertarians, the had no taxes. Having no taxes, they had no security forces. And having no security forces, a patrol boat from Tonga arrived, reclaimed the place, and told them in no uncertain terms to fuck off. The end.

There were other attempts, none as comical, but all of them equally doomed.

newtboy said:

Teabagger wannabe ex-patriots take note, here's your chance to create your libertarian free market utopia.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup

radx says...

It's not just FIFA itself who are exempt from taxes. It's also everyone associated with them, including construction, merchandising, and sponsoring, from the very second the World Cup was "awarded" to Brazil until they finally fuck off again.

No worries though. FIFA employed a very renowned expert as their chief ethics investigator, none other than Michael Garcia, who did such a crackerjack job when Lehman went belly-up.

And while we're at it, Jerome Valcke, the arrogant wanker at 5:15, is quite a piece of work himself. During his tenure as FIFA's marketing director, he ran a racket with VISA and Mastercard resulting in a penalty to the tune of $90m and was subsequently axed, only to be rehired as general fucking secretary.

Jon Stewart lays into American history

VoodooV says...

It's like you didn't understand the video, not surprisingly.

the point is that the care of veterans has been an ongoing issue since the founding of the nation. We send them off to war way too easily and tell them to fuck off when they return.

It's not a partisan issue.

In other words, there is nothing Obama could do that would satisfy the right, so you can just stop it with your "beacon of light" nonsense. Even if Obama totally embraced the rights policies in every step, (oh wait, that's what Obama/Romneycare is) you'd still manufacture a way to bitch.

You could have video evidence of Obama being born in Hawaii, the birthers would still whine or claim it was doctored.

In other words, we're not dealing with rational people here, so why should we cater to them?

Go back to school bob

bobknight33 said:

Ifyou can't make the VA the beacon of light for healthcare how will Obama Care succeed? It can't. There is no problem that government can't make worse.

Sounds like the vets should keep their guns.

Should Powers Be Stripped Unilaterally By Admins Without Balls? (User Poll by chingalera)

chingalera says...

Completely, and thank you kulpo. Oh, and please ride the prepuce whomever clicked the 'fuck off and die' option.

kulpims said:

I say "Fuck You and Your Bitching" but, I also think you should get your necromancy powers back. Satisfied?

TED: Randall Munroe (XKCD) - Comics that ask "what if?"

Emily's Abortion Video

BoneRemake says...

yea beacause condoms are a 100 percent.

fuck off ya jack weiner.

the only 100 percent way not to get a vagina seeded is to not fuck a vagina.


jan said:

her next video can be how to put on a condom, seriously

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