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"Look Up" a poem about Social Media

THIS SITE IS A JOKE (Comedy Talk Post)

chingalera says...

The sites a joke for reasons other than this user has chimed-in without understanding the jyst of 'reading anything before purchasing:' Here's a short list:

Hypocrisy/Double standards: Popularity fuels status through brown-nosing and robotic insincerity garners votes rather than content quality prompting the same.

Most people are afraid to cast a down-vote for content rather, they do it when they don't 'like' someone. Petty, pussified, and worthlessly dishonest.

Others, users with nothing better to do than to single out another for divisive abuse when his/her opinion or message doesn't jibe with their cloistered or developmentally-disabled world view, push the envelope with sophomoric rambling or graffiti in the form of retarded commentary on profiles or blatant rule-breaking while admins turn a lazy blind,or otherwise complicate eye....Seek professional help or leave the house every once in a while....Works wonders, kids.

Cocksuckers-by-choice, continue to bring the overall quality of the site down with inane ink-well-dipping and hair-pulling or other wise goading for example, Christians, those with conservative-leaning sensibilities, or constructive-critics, enough so that they stop contributing altogether, lurk, or disappear.

From time-to-time, it has been the job of the strongest-willed and long-suffering,to gently guide these users up the pathway upwards and into their own asses rather than enjoy the place and make whoopee with great content....

Yeah mygamesarefun, don't care if you joined by mistake or were simply dull, there is indeed an air of douche here that's entrenched which continually befouls the collective spirit of community.

Won't name names on my list, cocksuckers-by-choice have mirrors on walls in their funk-caves, down the hall from their game-controllers and pizza-stained and blistered microwaves, as well as the lavatories at their shit jobs or in their fucking mother's basement....Any doubts? Just look at the banter above and save your fucking money.

Oh and.....Have a NICE day.

(cue comment down-votes, and fuck-off.)

Some of the most egregious of violators are sure to chime-in on this thread, stay tuned for more guano, coming-up next.

Bill Burr Questions Blind Guy In The Audience

Yogi says...

I watched him do a full set telling a crowd full of booing idiots in Philadelphia to fuck off. He wouldn't leave he did his time and by the end they were cheering for him as he told them what horrible pieces of shit they are.

Here it is after Joe Rogan and Opie talk about the incident for awhile.

Atheist professor converts to Christianity

BoneRemake says...

oh and I was not defending him, but sifting is sifting and I thought you were being a weiner about his sifting, not his failing as a sifter in general. I post things people do not like, he posts things of that nature, you might, I dunno..

everyone fuck off, I am going to bake crab legs and boil crab legs and see which is better, also I have rice made and some mashed potatoes. I dunno wtf goes with crab legs.... I know butter does, and butter goes with rice and potatoes so score for me on all 3 counts.

Thin red line is a fucked up movie.

HEY Shinyblurry - god does not talk to you, that voice is called intuition and conscience. that light you saw might be a brain tumor, you ever see the documentary called " Phenomenon" it had a guy named John Travolta in it .

Louis CK couldn't have been more wrong

poolcleaner says...

Silver Linings Playbook is a pretty darn good flick. Then again, maybe it's because I identify with the characters, being a fucked off asshole myself. (Thank you Bradley Cooper and hot lady from American Battle Royale.)

But, really, I'll always remember him as "Sack" from Wedding Crashers. haha!

Deano said:

Looks like Bradley was serious about learning his craft. I haven't seen him much but I enjoyed Limitless.

Health Care: U.S. vs. Canada

EvilDeathBee says...

I think it's because Quebec has a shortage of doctors because Quebec in it's infinite stupidity and xenophobia do not allow doctors to practice unless they speak high level french (the same reason I can't get Permanent Residency here while other Aussie friends in BC and Ontario had no issue). I guess we simply didn't have a serious shortage in Australia. It's so easy to find a GP, I guess it might be harder to find one that Bulk Bills (medicare takes the entire cost of consultation) for low income earners.

My experience at hospitals is limited. When i got hit on the head by a cricket bat, i had to wait 2 hours, I think (was a long time ago), to get stitches. And when I had my tonsils out, I had to wait 6 months for the elective surgery because we didn't have private insurance.

My girlfriend had to go to the ER when she had mono here, we had to wait an hour or two before she was seen by a doctor. While we were there, the hospital was fucking decrepit, the waiting room was freezing (there was a lady who had a broken arm and she was violently shivering), and nearer the end of the day (my GF had to have an IV drip so we had to wait around there all day to see if it helped her) an old lady was called up and as she was walking past she said she had been there since 8 in the morning and they had literally forgotten about her.

One of my friends has an issue with kidney stones, they build up and he has to have surgery to get them out. He had a procedure booked for I don't know how long, went to the hospital and they told him they didn't have any beds left and he had to wait another week.

The Jewish General has now been instructed to turn away off-island patients. It has the best cancer treatment facility of any hospital, so people with cancer are now instructed to kindly fuck off.

The new, mega hospital in Vendome is waaaay over budget and time, and people (particularly old people) can't even get to it from the metro station right near it!

I'd love to move to Vancouver...

bobknight33 said:

Just asking.

Why do you think it too so long ? Government bureaucracy? ineptness? No one really cares how long you wait? Surge of ill people causing temporary under staffing?

Why did Australia service you so quickly?

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Fair enough Dag now I can't deliver p-ponts to alla y'all that are either used to the stroke, or never expecting the surprise...My advice to all y'all lazy motherfuckers that just sit on yer power-points and never do anything with em?? Make someone happy today and worry about whether or not some dumb-ass bullshit belongs up on the front page just because you wanna pop-spit or promote your OWN videos (which I think is completely retarded, unless it's to promote some hella good shit, which most of you self-promoting motherfuckers's shit, ISN'T!?? DUH??)

Oh and Dag?? Fuck a buncha blaming the time zone or not copping to the real-deal timing IS after all, everythhing...I'm no fucking idiot. I KNOW there's a buncha whiny mother fucks, crawling up the sift's ass to burn me, all you poser fucks can fuck the fuck the fuck off and go back to sleep.

You know who you are....Suck my balls and gently carress the taint, rimjobs after I've had some schwarma and spanakopita and sag panneer, motherfuckers. You ACTUAL haters know exactly who and what you are and can't see yourself for the douche in your veins.

Ok. Got all that out. Back to shitting-on-bullshit when it screams, to the consternation of all haters everywhere.

Too bad for all those dead Kronospissant videos I can never fix to help alleviate the carbon-fucking-footprint that coal-burner left behind....because the arbitrary rules here suck donkey-dick!!

(It's no great mystery as to why this site was never able to make any fucking money...self-destructive, narcissistic circle-jerk of doom)

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

NOt really a wig-out now dag issit? It's truth uncensored. It's having a discussion with anyone who cares to about something that is important to how I enjoy this site. The rules suck and need to be changed. I have addressed my grievances, haven't named any names, have only called 'foul' on the mechanism behind my recent loss of powers, and the bullshit that it represents. If I am wrong please tell me, I'll recant and slink the fuck off.

Rocked By Rape - The Evolution Control Committe

chingalera says...

These aren't even cloaked ad-homs dude, and now you are talking about my mother indirectly?? What IS your problem beyond what you've already shared with the entire site-Your continued personal attacks speak tomes as well as being flagrant violations of sift-decorum.

Chinga-tu madre TRANSLATION (for anyone who does not speak Spanish): 'Fuck your mother', as opposed to 'motherfucker'

Then, as you laugh at your own clever pun, you brag about your sex-life in the most douchiest of a manner. WTF is wrong with you son? Did I indirectly tell you to fuck off??

Do you troll You Tube as well with a view to one-upping people?

Really not getting your meltdown any longer man-Please, leave the full-fledged direct attacks at myself alone sir. You are sadly mistaken if you think this is your version of what my intent is as a user here.

To the sift: This guy is sending me personal messages, posting my private messages (by copying them and rendering them public), and has promised to and is initiating a unilateral scheme of what amounts to basically spamming comments on about every post I chose to comment on.

Stalker or off-the-chain, I can't figure it nor do I want to. I do think the sift community should chime-in, I told this person I was no longer willing to engage him personally, and have been through this before in the past with other similar dysfunctionals on this site...Refuse to be a victim of the same bullshit again.

I'm harsh sometimes. I tend to lite-upon formulaic posts and diatribes. I no longer from lessons learned from past experience, directly attack personally any users nor do I wish to suffer the consequences of doing so, as I appreciate having been welcomed-back.

If this is you being yourself newtboy, it's not your best foot forward, it's a foot directed up my ass, and I am offended.

Is that plain English enough for you, because I have as strong or stronger a will to take anything you might want to add publicly?

newtboy said:

I said, and therefore by definition promised that I would...every time I see you insisting on being insulting to anyone that isn't a Chinga tu madre clone. This time you did it in your description.
I self examine all the time (looking in the mirror), even though you specifically told me I should not, and that you had done it for me (living inside my head as you do).
You are right though, that guy in the mirror sure is laughing his ass off....Bwahhaahahaha!

edit: I'm not sure what you 'translated', but yep, I sure do!

HBOs 'Questioning Darwin' - Creationists Talk Creationism

chingalera says...


Clear violation of official sift decorum
"You are a backwater tinfoil hat wearing twat. it is no secret here that you fit that geography. Fuck off , your stupid bullshit man.. sometimes it is just too much bullshit to take. "

....or simply assholism??

Newt, you should know fucking better and act accordingly if you have it in you to dump your ego in the toilet for a refreshing swim.

I have accepted consequences of my tirades in the past-Trying really hard to play 'NICE' children, got a few years on your "polite' asses as well. Your hate doesn't fool anyone, in fact it seethes with every comment made.

Bothof you continue to ignore or otherwise discount sincere private messages, yet you come out in public to try and destroy my opinions and observations with personal attacks. what's up with that, eh??

Man-up why dontchas?

HBOs 'Questioning Darwin' - Creationists Talk Creationism

BoneRemake says...

knee jerk ??

You are a backwater tinfoil hat wearing twat. it is no secret here that you fit that geography. Fuck off , your stupid bullshit man.. sometimes it is just too much bullshit to take.


fuck you man, flat out fuck you. hhahaha god damn lauhing here how oblivious you are.

chingalera said:

Yeah, some folks live in L.A. County, Baltimore, Miami, we all who live in the U.S. under varying levels of the same bullshit either see the slide into oblivion, or refuse to.

By the by newtboy, I don't really appreciate you taking license with another user's alleged geographical location in the public forum:
Not being paranoid, it's simply a crude, rude, passive-aggressive discourtesy.

I consider it a knee-jerk reaction to you having to read something you'd rather either berate or deny. Not very fucking cool, DUUUUUUDE!

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

Chaucer says...

What? Now you are just making what I said up because you have a weak argument and you need to try to fuel the fire. Nobody says to keep it a secret. Honestly, nobody cares if you are gay or not (only mainstream media likes to sensationalize it). I'm just saying, dont tell me what I should believe or shouldnt believe. And if I dont believe what you believe, you should just fuck off. Dont try to ruin peoples livelihood because they dont believe the same things. The gay community tends to do this a lot and to me that makes them no better than the Nazi's.

Again, I'm separating what normal religious people think and the extremist.

JustSaying said:

And yet here you are a demand homosexuals to keep their sexuality a secret, keep it away from the public eye because it upsets you with your faith.
Nobody makes you go kiss a boy (assuming you're male yourself here) but nobody stops you from holding your girlfriends hand in public either. Nobody tells you you can't get married in the legal sense because you're straight and no kid gets bullied in school because they're into the other gender.
You talk about beliefs and lifestyles and in that you disrespect gay people, force your belief onto them. It's not a lifestyle, it is who they are, at the very core of their existence, like being straight is not a lifestyle for you. Your refusal to acknowledge this is nothing but deminishing their very identity.
If homosexuality was a lifestyle, so would be heterosexuality. Lifestyles are not natural attributes given by the gods, lifestyle is choice. Do us a favour, choose neither of them, become asexual. It's the best proof, the Pope will agree.

In the end you won't be able to let go of this because christianity has always been obsessed with sexuality, especially that of other people. So eager to control masturbationary habits (Don't be Onan, fight the urge!), women's sexual freedom (Contraception is for whores!) and the queer (Worse abominations than seafood!) and therefore blind to see that this nonsense crusade against everybodys desires drives the masses away from their oh-so-important message of salvation. That's why you loose the fight, mankind is becoming more tolerant and we refuse to beat down the minorities for you any longer.
You can't have it both ways, you can't preach god is love and then hand us a list of people we're supposed to hate and expect us to nod in silent obedience. Times have changed, the minorities get more and more allies.
Honestly, that's what I admire about the Westboro Baptist Church, they're idiotic haters but at least they're consistent with their ideologies and brave enough to stand up for them.

Boy Stands up at City Council on Bullying

chingalera says...

My fix if I were an adult on the school system would be to perhaps sponsor a support group-type action-awareness campaign to empower the bullied kids through a kind of humiliation campaign against the most egregious of offenders and perpetrators.

Kung Fu instruction from a 'real' kung fu master for a solid year to lay down the foundation for defense as well...Maybe some Krav Maga?? Teach em the cockpuncher defense and have a team of girls protect the smaller, less-confident boys??
I'd get real creative..

Humiliate the alpha in the herd and they tend to slink the fuck off and take their friends with em...

I dealt with douchebags by confusing the shit out of them-In the 10th grade I made great friends with the junior-varsity cheerleaders in my remedial math class, and sat at the cheerleader table at lunch, pissed some jocks off for a while until I started telling them what their GF's were talking about them....then the started coming to me for advice...Helps when you can get them weed as well

Diane Feinstein's Signature Party-Line Diatribe in True Form

chingalera says...

Point taken, changes made to title and for NEWT-BOY:
'Opinionated zealots' create sustainable programs in the form of either rectrification of dying paradigms or completely new models-Who founded your own country's constitution? I don't know where you reside so, how's your government doing?

You have a real hard-on for anyone with faith in my opinion, be that faith in man or some, omnipresent uni-being.

Places like Bulgaria and Switzerland don't have a large segment of their citizens in prisons or are making more and more laws to facilitate their incarceration so..perhaps the shits broken and needs fixing?? At the very least, a major douche.

I vote, kill the douchebags and put THEM in a box...Not the caring, thinking, passionate people trying to navigate the onslaught of the shit created by those in power for anyone but themselves and their buddies to remain comfortable and in control.

I am comfortable and in control of my own world to a great extent and see my way of being threatened as well as that of my countrymen, and it pisses me the fuck off.

A reasonable man would call a man like this, sane and healthy-

st0nedeye said:

Your video description is offensive. How about you keep the front page sfw, jackass.

Referee's helmet cam gives awesome look at hockey game

SDGundamX jokingly says...

Yeah, it's not like kids watch sports or anything... probably too busy with their iBoxes and Xpads. Besides, can you believe some fuckers actually get offended when people don't talk civilly? I mean, I can't even tell my kids to fuck off or call my wife a cunt in public anymore without some asshat giving me a shocked or outraged look. Those pussies just don't have the balls to tell it like it is, I guess.

Enzoblue said:

why bleep so fucking much? no one gives a shit anymore. Sheer cowardice if you ask me.

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