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Move it - stupid man

man goes insane against a couple of skaters

lucky760 says...

They were probably slaloming down the winding hilly public road where they're endangering themselves but more importantly potentially putting others at risk by drivers a) running them over or b) swerving to avoid running them over.

They are dipshits for doing that, but them aside, sure that guy has a reason to be pissed at their stupidity, but he clearly strapped on a jet pack and flew far the fuck off the handle a long, long time ago. He needs to seek some help with rage control management.

Funny Airsoft Hostage

Chairman_woo says...

If it was laying there and you quickly grabbed and used it straight away to get a few shots off in the heat of the moment most people would probably be cool with it, but it'd be very situational (and you really need to be at least acquainted with the person and what kind of attitude they'd have).

It very rare that it'd come up anyway though as once they are dead, they are generally going to be walking off to the re spawn and will want their gun back to do so (and most likely still have it in sling/holster/hand).

Main exception is when something like medic rules are in play and people have to sit down and wait to be revived. If you can camp a downed enemy & ask nicely you might well get away with it. But it'd be very poor etiquette not to at least ask them. Most these guns are £2-300+ (some pushing 1k) and quite precious to people so you wouldn't appreciate some randomer you know nothing about grabbing it and going rambo.

At a small close knit site it does happen, less so at a bigger less personal one. I'd be a bit fucked off if someone I didn't know grabbed one of mine and started using it, but depends on the situation and their attitude to it.

As for a battery, only if they expressly offered, very unlikely unless you know them and they are carrying a spare compattible with yours. Realistically you just treat it as a catastrophic weapon jam and get on with it. (there will be spare batts back at base). A lot of people are using Gas powered rifles now also which adds to the logistical problems with that.

But as you saw, at that range his pistol did a perfectly serviceable job anyway! (I often switch to pistol in buildings anyway, much more weildy)

SFOGuy said:

So, it's not ok to take someone else's gun?
Or to take the battery from his dead buddy's gun (assuming compatibility) and click it into his?

Never done Airsoft

Payback (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

As a "black person" .. fuck off.

If you wanna pick a fight with me, i can get all in your shit too.

Tho I try to save most of my vitriol for folks who really deserve it, like Lantern.

But there's plenty to go around.

Seriously, back off.

p.s. -

If you really want to whine about how your offended when someone calls "white people" on your white privilege..

Payback said:

As a "white person" I'm somewhat insulted by you characterizing me with the racists, thanks.

***and before you say anything about my avatar, it's a young NdGT and I'm being facetious with it.

Are You Consuming Your Coffee Correctly?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Australia Dogs Countdown

heropsycho says...

I'm not advocating he should have caved in to Depp in the slightest. There's a difference between taking a stand that's reasonable and acting like "a complete wanker".

The quarantine requirements make complete sense. Most voters accept the fact that some laws are annoying but necessary. But he's not helping by acting like he did. At least show you'd feel bad if you had to kill his dogs instead of saying the equivalent to the dogs should fuck off. I'd completely understand if Depp came in with illegal items that if destroyed didn't hurt anyone but Depp, so yeah, outrage and some good old fashioned dickish behavior at a hollywood star acting entitled would be pretty awesome. The problem is he's acting like this about killing innocent dogs.

The issue with his behavior isn't that he took a principled stand. It's that he acted like a complete douche, which makes people turn against doing the right thing when it's completely unnecessary.

MilkmanDan said:

I disagree, because PR rule #1 for politicians / elected officials is:
Suck up to your constituents and tell them exactly what they want to hear.

I'd wager that most Aussies are quite pleased that he didn't fold like a cheap suit and grant a PR-friendly exception to Depp just because he's "some famous cunt". The Aussies I know don't beat around the bush or mince words, which is something that I personally find very refreshing.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Australia Dogs Countdown

heropsycho says...

Dude, did you watch the video?

"*He's not wrong to be angry*, but the problem is he began to lose the moral high ground."

He even explained why you can't just smuggle your pets in.

He was pretty clear Depp shouldn't have done what he did. He was just making fun of someone handling the other side in what can only be described as a politically piss poor way.

If you want to get harsh public opposition for doing the right thing, the list for ways to do that would have to include killing defenseless puppies who did nothing wrong (in this case their owner did), saying publicly the puppies in what would be our equivalent in the US should "fuck off", personally attack an interviewer who was confronting him about how much of a douche he was being, and thin glibly celebrating his win on twitter like a complete prick.

If he was trying to piss off as many people as possible for doing the right thing, he should have just asked, "WWHD - What would Hitler do?"

With all that said, this wasn't Oliver's "serious" part of the show. This was for entertainment purposes mainly, you glassy eyed muppet donkey!

ChaosEngine said:

Yeah, John Oliver is wrong on this one. Biosecurity in Australia is not some arbitrary bureaucracy, there are genuine reasons behind it.

But what's worse is he (and everyone else) missed the real story.

Johnny Depp's dogs entered the country illegally. They were given a few days to leave and then flown out on a private jet.

Meanwhile, actual human refugees seeking asylum in Australia are held for years at a time in an island detainment camp where they are subjected to sexual assault and living conditions that even non-celebrity dogs would be horrified by.

But yeah, what really matters here is some idiot minister talking to an idiot talk radio host about some fucking puppies. Sometimes I despair for humanity....

CEO cut's salary so he can raise workers pay to 70,000/yr

9547bis says...

Or alternatively, Forbes and their imaginary investors could just fuck off, since Gravity is privately held...

They are in the payment processing business, historically a high-margin one, they're not going anywhere any time soon.

lantern53 said:

from Forbes:

Unfortunately, this well-intended gesture is likely to either end badly or just end quietly. It will end badly if the company enacts the program as written, as Gravity is likely to experience reduced investor interest due to unusually high labor costs. A growing company with a $70,000 entry-level wage for every employee will be a difficult sell in the capital markets.

Real Time with Bill Maher: What Happened to Rand Paul?

Lawdeedaw says...

Maher is a smug prick all the way. He bashed Ron Paul over and over for the man staying true to his convictions and then has the audacity to bash his son for not? By this I mean he never complimented the father at all for telling special interests to fuck off, fix what a lot of Republicans broke or just being an honorable man. Yeah Maher, you could hate Ron's policies, but you made the attacks personal and petty.

Maher is the type of piece of shit that causes this stuff to happen. Yeah, this bashing is on both political isles but to wonder how a party makes their candidates their bitches, he needs to look at his cum guzzling asshole first. He would complain about Rand if Rand was full blown to his convictions...

Sorry, Maher is a piece of shit at best here. Kind of like the woman who goes home with the asshole over the good guy, then wonders why she has herpes on her face the next day.

eoe said:

I usually find Bill Maher to be a smug prick (he's still laughing at his own jokes with that smug look? Still? That's a thing? [hat tip to John Oliver]), but this whole bit is spot on.

Seriously? Keep an eye for the New World Order and our OWN MILITARY. That's beyond fucking crazy. That's like outright -you-should-definitely-not-be-president-because-people-like-you-should-never-have-power-over-the-decision-to-hit-the-'red button' crazy. You shouldn't even be allowed into the same state as the button.

Holy crap.

Ice Cream Bandit Steals Treats From Sleeping Gas Station Guy

Internet Explorer Sucks

lucky760 says...

More so for their intentionally not adhering to standards and making up their own and leaving in catastrophic bugs and leaving out essential features and refusal for years and years (and years and years) to fix those issues.

Now they're making it so you can draw on web pages. Whoopty fucking doo.

First create a product that follows Web standards then slap all your crappy useless features on top of it. Fuck off.

Sagemind said:

Microsoft's fault for thinking it was cleaver to combine IE with the operating system.

President Obama Reads Mean Tweets

bobknight33 says...

You are so stupid. George 43 spent like a Democrat but was a far better leader. At least he Led. Obama leads from behind, buried us with another 10 Trillion in debt, failed miserably on foreign policy and is a total loser domestically.
The only positive of his presidency is bring out the gays and bailed out GM ( well its unions).

His 6 budgets that he presented got less than 10 votes total. TOTAL. How fucking off base with America to only get 10 votes out of 600 total for all the years. In 2014 Senate rejects Obama budget in 99-0 vote. That's dismal

newtboy said:

If your memory went back more than 6 years, you might recall the ever-so-useful mental giant that preceded him...Obama's actually raised the bar quite a bit since then.

Health care in Canada

Mordhaus says...

I can't speak to Canada's system, but I can weigh in on Medicare quality of care. My Grandmother, the woman who raised me, was diagnosed with lung cancer in her early 70's. Since I was helping to take care of her at the time, I got to see what I have to look forward to in my later life.

Consistently we had to wait for treatments to be approved and she was often delayed for patients that were not on Medicare. Additionally, every single therapy or quality of life aid was scrutinized beyond belief.

As an example, the doctor gave her a prescription for an oxygen tank and delivery system after they removed part of her lung that was not responding to chemo. Medicare refused to cover it without an 'oxygen saturation level test'. This 'test' was horrible. She had to try to breathe without the machine for multiple minutes, struggling and gasping for air. It was fucking brutal to watch, but the people that Medicare sent to verify didn't give a shit. They basically told me that if her saturation wasn't low enough after 15 minutes, she couldn't be covered for the machine. I couldn't take it, so I told them to fuck off out of her house and paid out of my own pocket for the rental.

These are just some examples, there were others before she died that made it quite clear that Medicare is not quality care. It's basically the bare minimum they have to give you to keep you alive. So this video comparing Canada's care to Medicare doesn't reassure me in the slightest and it's almost certainly an unfair comparison to their system. I can tell you I am dreading making the swap to Medicare in 20-25 years, let alone being forced into something similar sooner. As far as ACA, I don't really care. It's probably good for people who don't have good jobs or who are unemployed, but I will be more than happy to hang onto my extremely good insurance provided through my employment.

Mountain Horse Bike Conversion Kit

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, it's completely irrational but I hate everything about this.

I go into the backcountry to ride untouched snow, to get some peace, for exercise, to challenge myself and as trite as it sounds to "get back to nature". This feels like the antithesis of all that.

It's unfair, but all I can think about are lazy idiots who don't know what they're doing coming into an environment that could kill them, ruining the snow for those of us that actually worked to get there and to top it all off, they're on loud, carbon-spewing bikes.

Yes, it's completely prejudiced. Some of these guys might be backcountry gods looking to scope epic lines, but please, just this once, can't they fuck off and leave something beautiful alone?

And yes, I'm being a selfish judgemental asshole. And yeah, part of it is because they can cover in a few minutes what would take me hours. Don't care.

I won't downvote because I realise how childish I'm being, but that's my reaction to it.

the universal appeal of the term -FUCK OFF

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