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Michelle Obama: Media Helps Us

quantumushroom says...

You're entitled to your wacky opinions, but a liberal calling anyone else 'stupid' is like a schizophrenic criticizing everyone else's lack of being Henry VIII.

And now for something you never see from leftmedia: CONTEXT.

So, what's really going on here, you ask? As it turns out, Moochelle was thanking the media for not prying into the private lives of her children.

"Michelle Obama thanked the media today for caring about the children.

CNN reporter: “How’s the family ready for this [the election]? It’s going to be quite vicious, isn’t it? How do you prepare for that?”

First Lady Michelle Obama: “You know, it’s … we’re ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we’re doing. We work hard to do that. Fortunately we have help from the media. I have to say this: I’m very grateful for the support and kindness that we’ve gotten. People have respected their privacy and in that way, I think, you know, no matter what people may feel about my husband’s policies or what have you, they care about children and that’s been good to see.“

Unfortunately the state-run libmedia's "kindness" doesn't extend to the children of conservatives, surprising no one.

So you see, in your tepid attempt to disavow the existence of a libmedia loyal to left-wing Statists, you have exposed, in fact, another example of libmedia loyal to left-wing Statists.

BTW don't you love that FORGED stamp? I laugh every time.

>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Ignore the hilarious parts. The important part is the wife of the Kenyawaiian admitting left-wing media "help" with their ceaseless propaganda.

This is not what this is, and if you think so, you're even more stupid than I thought previously. Without context, this means nothing. In your twisted mind, she was previously asked: "Who helps you attain world domination?." In reality, neither you nor me know what the topic of conversation was. One idea would be: "How did your charity for insert noble cause raise the needed money?"

9/11/2001 Memories ... (History Talk Post)

berticus says...

Accuracy isn't memory's primary concern. Memory is highly functional, just not in the way you think it is. I never said memory was always inaccurate, but it often is.

Your reaction is one I encounter all the time. People are perfectly willing to accept that other people's memories can be inaccurate, just not theirs. It doesn't bother me, because unless you study memory and understand how it works, it's difficult to accept.

But I'll say this again, because it is worth repeating until people really stop and think about what it means: Confidence is not related to accuracy.

You have also misinterpreted the research I linked to. Yes, they found that emotional features were remembered poorly, but so were non-emotional features. The emotional features were just remembered more poorly. If you would like to read the entire article and not just the abstract, there are even more surprising data they present.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Like I said, I don't doubt that memory is inaccurate, but if it were always inaccurate to the degree you're describing it wouldn't be very functional at all would it?
I remember the names of all of my teachers from first through eighth grade
Mrs. Henyadas
Mrs. Summers
Mrs. Walters
Mr. Polinski
Mr. Leonard
Mrs. Bagget (which I will NEVER forget b/c my sixth grade brain always wanted to call her Mrs. Faggot)
Mr. Syzniak (sp?)
Mrs. Lessner
I highly doubt that I imagined teacher's names from entire years of my life, I will dig out my old report cards and photograph them if you like (but you'll probably just say I forged those and forgot about it while I was sleep walking through an entire week).
On the other hand, the link that you provided even says "the strong emotional reactions elicited by flashbulb events are remembered poorly, worse than nonemotional features such as where and from whom one learned of the attack"
So when you say "you will be completely wrong about where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing when the attacks happened" to me it doesn't seem to jive with the research YOU have provided. I'm sorry my memory isn't as faulty as you are doing a poor job presenting it to be.
Wait what were we talking about?
>> ^berticus:
Yes, it is precisely the time to bring them up. And yes, your memory really is that faulty. Everyone's is. I'm very sorry memory doesn't work the way you want it to.

9/11/2001 Memories ... (History Talk Post)

JiggaJonson says...

Like I said, I don't doubt that memory is inaccurate, but if it were always inaccurate to the degree you're describing it wouldn't be very functional at all would it?

I remember the names of all of my teachers from first through eighth grade

Mrs. Henyadas
Mrs. Summers
Mrs. Walters
Mr. Polinski
Mr. Leonard
Mrs. Bagget (which I will NEVER forget b/c my sixth grade brain always wanted to call her Mrs. Faggot)
Mr. Syzniak (sp?)
Mrs. Lessner

I highly doubt that I imagined teacher's names from entire years of my life, I will dig out my old report cards and photograph them if you like (but you'll probably just say I forged those and forgot about it while I was sleep walking through an entire week).

On the other hand, the link that you provided even says "the strong emotional reactions elicited by flashbulb events are remembered poorly, worse than nonemotional features such as where and from whom one learned of the attack"

So when you say "you will be completely wrong about where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing when the attacks happened" to me it doesn't seem to jive with the research YOU have provided. I'm sorry my memory isn't as faulty as you are doing a poor job presenting it to be.

Wait what were we talking about?
>> ^berticus:

Yes, it is precisely the time to bring them up. And yes, your memory really is that faulty. Everyone's is. I'm very sorry memory doesn't work the way you want it to.

"Building 7" Explained

bcglorf says...

>> ^marinara:

Let's say WT7 had 20 columns holding up 47 floors (that's big). So these big ass columns get pushed around by by the "flooring under heat expansion" and then the other 20 ginormous columns fail instantly, and the whole thing goes down.
If one column can bring down WT7, it wasn't a skyscraper, it was a deathtrap.

One column?

Do you really believe that the professionals at NIST are suggesting that in WTC7 one column was compromised to the point of failure by the fire, but the other 19 were in pristine normal condition?

Right, anything to hang on to your internal belief system.

The body of professionals across the globe are convinced that the devastation of the lower floors of WTC7 and resulting fires were easily enough to cause the collapse. This was so evident that emergency workers were ordered to abandon the burning building in advance, and news crews were reporting about it's probable collapse before it went down.

Your 'theories' are stupid.

Please, keep parroting things like how house fires can't reach 1000 degrees, it helps people see how stupid your ideas are more quickly. Early steel makers regularly made do with wood fires for their forges, and somehow managed to get the steel to melt. A google scholar search will also quickly show that temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees can be reached by house fires within minutes.

"Building 7" Explained

Payback says...

>> ^marinara:

Exactly how does some office furniture burn for 7 hours, and then raise (fireproofed) steel to over 1000 degrees? What we know from other videos of WT7, is many of the fires extinguished themselves (burned themselves out).

I really doubt that a failure of a steel beam, which supports the floor (and nothing else), could take down an entire building.
Otherwise the facts in this video are generally correct, but misleading. (because office fires don't burn over 1000 degrees)

Actually, cinder blocks will ignite and burn if hot enough and they make up most people's chimneys in their house. Different materials burn at higher and higher temperatures. The heat from the fire pulls in more air, which causes higher temp things to burn, which pulls in more air, etc. etc.

ANY large fire can burn over 1000 degrees. It just needs oxygen in quantity. If some sweaty bastard with a set of bellows can melt iron and steel in a forge, then air sucked in by a huge, uncontrolled fire can do the same. The whole structure doesn't need to bend, just parts of the bottom.

You can't equate a single-room fire test of material combustion with a fully involved structure fire.

...and yes, you are quite right, most fires, if not brought under control, make highrises into death traps.

'Americans Elect' Group Challenges U.S. Presidential Primary

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I'm skeptical too, boise. This may be legit, but it may also be another astroturf venture designed to manufacture consent for some yet to be revealed agenda. It's hard to trust anyone in politics these days, and keeping your finances secret is not a good sign - you gotta figure the Citizens United ruling was part of some larger plan. Also, one of confirmed funders, Arno Political Consultants, has a track record of election fraud.

Arno Political Consultants Controversies (from wiki).

In 2004, APC hired JSM who hired YPM who is accused of tricking people into registering to vote as a Republican.[2]

In 2004, APC is accused of forging signatures on a petition to legalize slot machines in Miami-Dade and Broward counties.[5]

In 2005, APC has come under fire for allegedly fraudulent ballot petitioning strategies, particularly pertaining to a Massachusetts anti-gay marriage proposal as put forth by the Massachusetts Family Institute.[6][7]

In 2007, APC hired JSM, Inc. who hired independent contractors who gave snacks and food to homeless people in exchange for signing petitions and registering to vote.[8]

In 2009, proponents of a payday loan veto referendum sued APC in Franklin County for breach of contract and negligence. 13,000 signatures were thrown out because the Form 15's had not been appropriately filled out. They were seeking $438,000. [9] Both parties reached an undisclosed settlement agreement on July 29th, 2009.

S&P Downgrades US Credit Rating From AAA

heropsycho says...

Nice attempt at a clever ploy to make the only way to solve the deficit is through cuts. First off, I need to make sure everyone understands the difference between the deficit and the debt. Deficits are the yearly amount that is spent above what is taken in in taxes. The debt is the amount the US owes total to creditors, and this obviously increases when the government runs deficits.

With that said, first, I call BS on there needing to be a reduction on deficits by $4 trillion. Where are you getting this from?

Secondly, there are two ways to cut deficits - cut spending, and increase tax revenues. There isn't a single reason why we couldn't have cut deficits by increasing tax revenues in addition to making spending cuts.

The bottom line is the Obama administration presented a plan of combined spending and tax revenue increases that would have cut the deficit more than the compromise that was forged. It did not pass because Republicans, along with the Tea Partiers, would not consider any plan that had any tax increases whatsoever in it, regardless if it would in fact reduce the deficit more than a compromise would, or even if it would cause a default.

Translation: keeping taxes low is more important to the GOP at large than default or lowering deficits or the national debt. Taking the Tea Party out of it, I wanted to see reasonable Republicans show that they understood that avoiding default wasn't as important as avoiding a tax raise, and they failed.

There's no other way to read these events.

As a moderate, I'm disgusted with the GOP at large at this point. They've allowed the extremists to railroad them into advocating bad policies that make no sense. I'm all for reasonable compromise, but this compromise bill achieved nothing other than avoid default temporarily. It failed to address any fundamental problems in the federal budget whatsoever.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Now I could be wrong, but as I understand it, FOUR trillion in cuts was required to keep the ratings degradation at bay--not to fix anything, just to keep it from happening right away.
Well, the Right failed.
TWO trillion in cuts later, the socialists, who are still the majority party, allowed this farce to proceed. So how is the Right "victorious" by failing to reach even a bare minimum in cuts? If anything, the Righties are idiots for allowing themselves to be lumped in with the Hawaiian Dunce & Friends, who spent 3 trillion in 3 years to no effect.
No, I really don't want to believe Odumbo is this sinister or ignorant, but what choice do I have? If he's dumb he should just say so and let smarter people decide what to do.
The markets will sh1t the bed on his watch tomorrow. At least he will have sealed his fate for 2012. Too bad the rest of us get to sink with him.

The overlooked tragedy in law enforcement: PTSD

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Dgandhi man, thank you!

The entire reason Statism & the whole idea of Bureaucratic Public Officers [like Police, Judges, Senators, Representatives, and Presidents] controlling your life for the "good of the public" are idiotic is because of the inherent conflict trying to equate violence with good faith.

Healthy & meaningful agreements aren't forged by threatening violence against an someone.

And then people wonder why cops have PTSD and Judges lie thru their teeth without remorse.

Which is why it's frustrating that most of society complains about these problems but still support the bureaucratic system of violence that enables them.

>> ^dgandhi:

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
Now come the cop unapologists

As an unapologist I do have to say this does bring up interesting questions, like "Should this even be a profession?"/"Can we trust people to do something like this long term if we know it breaks them in the process?".
I fully knowledge that the sort of policing that most western countries have is better than many that they could be compared to. Clearly police could be better funded, equipped and trained, but I wonder if there is a fundamental problem with the vocation as envisioned that requires a radical redesign to address the problems that exit in liberal democracies, problems that apparently effect both the officers and society at large.

Westboro Baptist Church RAGE-QUIT (tfoot interview teaser)

lampishthing says...

That said, the implication the Jesus was endorsing homosexuality in that passage was so... yeah.>> ^Jinx:

I actually disagree with TT's interpretation, but then the bible may as well be written on toilet paper for all the worth it is to me. Its seems odd to argue that that the bible is irrelavent, and then give it legitimacy by forging an argument based on its text. They will dismiss your interpretation as easily as all the blatent contradictions, and you're forced to accept this premise that the bible is somehow important.
Then again, any debate with these people isn't really a debate. There is no dialogue here, its just trolling really. Much as its fun to get a rise out of these people I'd much rather they were just ignored and forgotten.

Westboro Baptist Church RAGE-QUIT (tfoot interview teaser)

Jinx says...

I actually disagree with TT's interpretation, but then the bible may as well be written on toilet paper for all the worth it is to me. Its seems odd to argue that that the bible is irrelavent, and then give it legitimacy by forging an argument based on its text. They will dismiss your interpretation as easily as all the blatent contradictions, and you're forced to accept this premise that the bible is somehow important.

Then again, any debate with these people isn't really a debate. There is no dialogue here, its just trolling really. Much as its fun to get a rise out of these people I'd much rather they were just ignored and forgotten.

CANVAS - Amazing Half Life 2 Mod

Johnny Cash Reads Charles Bukowski

MrFisk says...

>> ^gwiz665:

Bukowski wrote that? Huh, guess I should reevaluate my position on him.

This is one of my favorite short stories of all time:

Cass was the youngest and most beautiful of 5 sisters. Cass was the most beautiful girl in town. 1/2 Indian with a supple and strange body, a snake-like and fiery body with eyes to go with it. Cass was fluid moving fire. She was like a spirit stuck into a form that would not hold her. Her hair was black and long and silken and whirled about as did her body. Her spirit was either very high or very low. There was no in between for Cass. Some said she was crazy. The dull ones said that. The dull ones would never understand Cass. To the men she was simply a sex machine and they didn't care whether she was crazy or not. And Cass danced and flirted, kissed the men, but except for an instance or two, when it came time to make it with Cass, Cass had somehow slipped away, eluded the men.

Her sisters accused her of misusing her beauty, of not using her mind enough, but Cass had mind and spirit; she painted, she danced, she sang, she made things of clay, and when people were hurt either in the spirit or the flesh, Cass felt a deep grieving for them. Her mind was simply different; her mind was simply not practical. Her sisters were jealous of her because she attracted their men, and they were angry because they felt she didn't make the best use of them. She had a habit of being kind to the uglier ones; the so-called handsome men revolted her- "No guts," she said, "no zap. They are riding on their perfect little earlobes and well- shaped nostrils...all surface and no insides..." She had a temper that came close to insanity, she had a temper that some call insanity. Her father had died of alcohol and her mother had run off leaving the girls alone. The girls went to a relative who placed them in a convent. The convent had been an unhappy place, more for Cass than the sisters. The girls were jealous of Cass and Cass fought most of them. She had razor marks all along her left arm from defending herself in two fights. There was also a permanent scar along the left cheek but the scar rather than lessening her beauty only seemed to highlight it. I met her at the West End Bar several nights after her release from the convent. Being youngest, she was the last of the sisters to be released. She simply came in and sat next to me. I was probably the ugliest man in town and this might have had something to do with it.

"Drink?" I asked.

"Sure, why not?"

I don't suppose there was anything unusual in our conversation that night, it was simply in the feeling Cass gave. She had chosen me and it was as simple as that. No pressure. She liked her drinks and had a great number of them. She didn't seem quite of age but they served he anyhow. Perhaps she had forged i.d., I don't know. Anyhow, each time she came back from the restroom and sat down next to me, I did feel some pride. She was not only the most beautiful woman in town but also one of the most beautiful I had ever seen. I placed my arm about her waist and kissed her once.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" she asked.

"Yes, of course, but there's something else... there's more than your looks..."

"People are always accusing me of being pretty. Do you really think I'm pretty?"

"Pretty isn't the word, it hardly does you fair."

Cass reached into her handbag. I thought she was reaching for her handkerchief. She came out with a long hatpin. Before I could stop her she had run this long hatpin through her nose, sideways, just above the nostrils. I felt disgust and horror. She looked at me and laughed, "Now do you think me pretty? What do you think now, man?" I pulled the hatpin out and held my handkerchief over the bleeding. Several people, including the bartender, had seen the act. The bartender came down:

"Look," he said to Cass, "you act up again and you're out. We don't need your dramatics here."

"Oh, fuck you, man!" she said.

"Better keep her straight," the bartender said to me.

"She'll be all right," I said.

"It's my nose, I can do what I want with my nose."

"No," I said, "it hurts me."

"You mean it hurts you when I stick a pin in my nose?"

"Yes, it does, I mean it."

"All right, I won't do it again. Cheer up."

She kissed me, rather grinning through the kiss and holding the handkerchief to her nose. We left for my place at closing time. I had some beer and we sat there talking. It was then that I got the perception of her as a person full of kindness and caring. She gave herself away without knowing it. At the same time she would leap back into areas of wildness and incoherence. Schitzi. A beautiful and spiritual schitzi. Perhaps some man, something, would ruin her forever. I hoped that it wouldn't be me. We went to bed and after I turned out the lights Cass asked me,

"When do you want it? Now or in the morning?"

"In the morning," I said and turned my back.

In the morning I got up and made a couple of coffees, brought her one in bed. She laughed.

"You're the first man who has turned it down at night."

"It's o.k.," I said, "we needn't do it at all."

"No, wait, I want to now. Let me freshen up a bit."

Cass went into the bathroom. She came out shortly, looking quite wonderful, her long black hair glistening, her eyes and lips glistening, her glistening... She displayed her body calmly, as a good thing. She got under the sheet.

"Come on, lover man."

I got in. She kissed with abandon but without haste. I let my hands run over her body, through her hair. I mounted. It was hot, and tight. I began to stroke slowly, wanting to make it last. Her eyes looked directly into mine.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"What the hell difference does it make?" she asked.

I laughed and went on ahead. Afterwards she dressed and I drove her back to the bar but she was difficult to forget. I wasn't working and I slept until 2 p.m. then got up and read the paper. I was in the bathtub when she came in with a large leaf- an elephant ear.

"I knew you'd be in the bathtub," she said, "so I brought you something to cover that thing with, nature boy."

She threw the elephant leaf down on me in the bathtub.

"How did you know I'd be in the tub?"

"I knew."

Almost every day Cass arrived when I was in the tub. The times were different but she seldom missed, and there was the elephant leaf. And then we'd make love. One or two nights she phoned and I had to bail her out of jail for drunkenness and fighting.

"These sons of bitches," she said, "just because they buy you a few drinks they think they can get into your pants."

"Once you accept a drink you create your own trouble."

"I thought they were interested in me, not just my body."

"I'm interested in you and your body. I doubt, though, that most men can see beyond your body."

I left town for 6 months, bummed around, came back. I had never forgotten Cass, but we'd had some type of argument and I felt like moving anyhow, and when I got back i figured she'd be gone, but I had been sitting in the West End Bar about 30 minutes when she walked in and sat down next to me.

"Well, bastard, I see you've come back."

I ordered her a drink. Then I looked at her. She had on a high- necked dress. I had never seen her in one of those. And under each eye, driven in, were 2 pins with glass heads. All you could see were the heads of the pins, but the pins were driven down into her face.

"God damn you, still trying to destroy your beauty, eh?"

"No, it's the fad, you fool."

"You're crazy."

"I've missed you," she said.

"Is there anybody else?"

"No there isn't anybody else. Just you. But I'm hustling. It costs ten bucks. But you get it free."

"Pull those pins out."

"No, it's the fad."

"It's making me very unhappy."

"Are you sure?"

"Hell yes, I'm sure."

Cass slowly pulled the pins out and put them back in her purse.

"Why do you haggle your beauty?" I asked. "Why don't you just live with it?"

"Because people think it's all I have. Beauty is nothing, beauty won't stay. You don't know how lucky you are to be ugly, because if people like you you know it's for something else."

"O.k.," I said, "I'm lucky."

"I don't mean you're ugly. People just think you're ugly. You have a fascinating face."


We had another drink.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Nothing. I can't get on to anything. No interest."

"Me neither. If you were a woman you could hustle."

"I don't think I could ever make contact with that many strangers, it's wearing."

"You're right, it's wearing, everything is wearing."

We left together. People still stared at Cass on the streets. She was a beautiful woman, perhaps more beautiful than ever. We made it to my place and I opened a bottle of wine and we talked. With Cass and I, it always came easy. She talked a while and I would listen and then i would talk. Our conversation simply went along without strain. We seemed to discover secrets together. When we discovered a good one Cass would laugh that laugh- only the way she could. It was like joy out of fire. Through the talking we kissed and moved closer together. We became quite heated and decided to go to bed. It was then that Cass took off her high -necked dress and I saw it- the ugly jagged scar across her throat. It was large and thick.

"God damn you, woman," I said from the bed, "god damn you, what have you done?

"I tried it with a broken bottle one night. Don't you like me any more? Am I still beautiful?"

I pulled her down on the bed and kissed her. She pushed away and laughed, "Some men pay me ten and I undress and they don't want to do it. I keep the ten. It's very funny."

"Yes," I said, "I can't stop laughing... Cass, bitch, I love you...stop destroying yourself; you're the most alive woman I've ever met."

We kissed again. Cass was crying without sound. I could feel the tears. The long black hair lay beside me like a flag of death. We enjoined and made slow and somber and wonderful love. In the morning Cass was up making breakfast. She seemed quite calm and happy. She was singing. I stayed in bed and enjoyed her happiness. Finally she came over and shook me,

"Up, bastard! Throw some cold water on your face and pecker and come enjoy the feast!"

I drove her to the beach that day. It was a weekday and not yet summer so things were splendidly deserted. Beach bums in rags slept on the lawns above the sand. Others sat on stone benches sharing a lone bottle. The gulls whirled about, mindless yet distracted. Old ladies in their 70's and 80's sat on the benches and discussed selling real estate left behind by husbands long ago killed by the pace and stupidity of survival. For it all, there was peace in the air and we walked about and stretched on the lawns and didn't say much. It simply felt good being together. I bought a couple of sandwiches, some chips and drinks and we sat on the sand eating. Then I held Cass and we slept together about an hour. It was somehow better than lovemaking. There was flowing together without tension. When we awakened we drove back to my place and I cooked a dinner. After dinner I suggested to Cass that we shack together. She waited a long time, looking at me, then she slowly said, "No." I drove her back to the bar, bought her a drink and walked out. I found a job as a parker in a factory the next day and the rest of the week went to working. I was too tired to get about much but that Friday night I did get to the West End Bar. I sat and waited for Cass. Hours went by . After I was fairly drunk the bartender said to me, "I'm sorry about your girlfriend."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, didn't you know?"


"Suicide. She was buried yesterday."

"Buried?" I asked. It seemed as though she would walk through the doorway at any moment. How could she be gone?

"Her sisters buried her."

"A suicide? Mind telling me how?"

"She cut her throat."

"I see. Give me another drink."

I drank until closing time. Cass was the most beautiful of 5 sisters, the most beautiful in town. I managed to drive to my place and I kept thinking, I should have insisted she stay with me instead of accepting that "no." Everything about her had indicated that she had cared. I simply had been too offhand about it, lazy, too unconcerned. I deserved my death and hers. I was a dog. No, why blame the dogs? I got up and found a bottle of wine and drank from it heavily. Cass the most beautiful girl in town was dead at 20. Outside somebody honked their automobile horn. They were very loud and persistent. I sat the bottle down and screamed out: "GOD DAMN YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH ,SHUT UP!" The night kept coming and there was nothing I could do.

mkknyr (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

You are my hero.

In reply to this comment by mkknyr:
>> ^ForgedReality:

I love how the stupid fucking idiot woman turns INTO the ambulance because she was probably doing her fucking nails or something, and then.. THEN... She leaves her fucking car in the middle of the fucking intersection and GETS OUT and starts walking around like a god damn motherfucking dipshit.
Seriously, how do people like this have licenses? It fucking pisses me off. $10 says she's asian too. No that's not a racist remark, it is a statistical one.

Rule of thumb: usually if you have to disclaim a statement by saying it isn't racist, IT IS. The driver isn't even a woman. If you watch the video, you'll see the driver run with a limp toward the ambulance and you can clearly see that it is a white male. Where are your brainless statistics now? Open your eyes before you open your mouth next time.

You're the same idiot who said Obama will be the first and last black president because of his reported abuse of war powers. How exactly do either of these videos have to do with your racist projections? Is that really the first factor that comes into your head when analyzing a situation -- "duhhhh, how can this be blamed on colored people?" I dunno if you're trying to be funny, but your comments are neither humorous nor clever. You should try and forge a different reality for yourself, because you really only serve to alienate yourself from the majority of your fellow humans, especially the intelligent ones.

PS. I will take cash or check for that $10.

Ambulance, gets hit by car, crashes, and flips over

mkknyr says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

I love how the stupid fucking idiot woman turns INTO the ambulance because she was probably doing her fucking nails or something, and then.. THEN... She leaves her fucking car in the middle of the fucking intersection and GETS OUT and starts walking around like a god damn motherfucking dipshit.
Seriously, how do people like this have licenses? It fucking pisses me off. $10 says she's asian too. No that's not a racist remark, it is a statistical one.

Rule of thumb: usually if you have to disclaim a statement by saying it isn't racist, IT IS. The driver isn't even a woman. If you watch the video, you'll see the driver run with a limp toward the ambulance and you can clearly see that it is a white male. Where are your brainless statistics now? Open your eyes before you open your mouth next time.

You're the same idiot who said Obama will be the first and last black president because of his reported abuse of war powers. How exactly do either of these videos have to do with your racist projections? Is that really the first factor that comes into your head when analyzing a situation -- "duhhhh, how can this be blamed on colored people?" I dunno if you're trying to be funny, but your comments are neither humorous nor clever. You should try and forge a different reality for yourself, because you really only serve to alienate yourself from the majority of your fellow humans, especially the intelligent ones.

PS. I will take cash or check for that $10.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

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