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Bambi And Thumper Are Friends

Bambi And Thumper Are Friends

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

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Congratulations! Your video, Flower crashes cat, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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Flower crashes cat

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

Now THIS is how you cut a mango... damn

amazing origami skills

JustSaying says...

Great, I'll never ever be able to fold a paperplane again without feeling stupid.

Also: 'Here's the tower and here's the flower' could be a line of dialogue from the most poetic porno in existence.

Get Well Soon

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

EMPIRE says...

She keeps asking how I would feel, as a white person... Quite honestly, I wouldn't give a flying fuck, because I'm not part of the "sensitive precious flower"/P.C. Police club. Dressing up as a particular group or race or nationality is only seen as offensive in countries such as the US (and others of course) where this sense of professional-victimhood/offended is becoming way too common.

Stop projecting malfeasance onto the actions of others.

Also... gentrification is a socio-economic problem, not a racial one. Poor white families are also affected by it. The emphasis is on POOR, not white or black or whatever.

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

newtboy says...

So I racist because I had a Hawaii themed party last year? Am I sexist because I and other men there wore flower pattern skirts and coconut bras? We played native Hawaiian music, but no one tried to Hula...I was afraid we'd get it wrong and anger the volcano.
I also threw a 'white trash' party last year, and built an outhouse and still in my front yard for it. Am I a self hating honkey?

The 'white twitter' thing is weird, because there IS a 'black twitter', isn't there? I hear it reported about all the time.

Nicole Scherzinger Busts Conan For Staring At Her Boobs

SDGundamX says...

If you don't want people (male or female) looking at your boobs, why wear a tight dress that barely contains your breasts and has a plunging neckline? Men are both biologically engineered and culturally trained to look, especially if you're going to do the fashion equivalent of putting a fucking spotlight on them.

And no, I don't believe women need to "cover up" or wear burkas or some such strawman that'll I'll likely get as a reply to this comment. Women can go around naked for all I care, but they shouldn't expect heterosexual men to pretend like they're fully clothed.

EDIT: OMG, Andy's response is perfect! He gets a big bouquet of flowers and puts it on Conan's desk right in between Conan and Nicole and says "Hey Nicole! Ignore the flowers!" LMAO.

@ant Here's the full interview if you're interested in including Andy's comeback:

radx (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BWAAAHAAHHAAAHAAAHAAA!!!!! That's so awesome!
I grow a plant called dracunculus, which has the same, fly attracting flowers/scent, and look quite similar to yours. I grow them outside! They're both closely related to the corpse flower....

***World's Largest Flower (inflorescence) Amorphophallus titanum, or Titan arum
An enormous flower found in Indonesia, also called the "corpse flower" for its unpleasant odor. It emits the smell of rotting flesh and attracts pollinators. Technically, the Titan arum is not a single flower, but a cluster of many tiny flowers, called an inflorescence. The Titan arum has the largest unbranched inflorescence of all flowering plants. The plant can reach heights of 20 feet) and weigh as much as 170 pounds!

I would suggest putting it outside (not in direct sun) and let the flies go nuts. Congratulations on having a really weird, beautiful, and stinky flower! I hope you grow to like it (if not it's smell, at least it's look). ;-)

radx said:

Friend of mine gave me a plant the other week. Wierd little thing, just a corm and nothing else. No maintenance at all. Today, while I was at work, it blossomed.

Now I know that it's a voodoo lily. And that it smells like a dozen rotting carcasses. Seriously, my entire fucking apartment smells like Zombieland.

When I called her about it, she was laughing her ass off...

What Happens if All the Bees Die?

newtboy says...

From my investigation, that's incorrect.
The places in China where hand pollination is used still have bees. The reason they do hand pollination is they switched to a very few varieties of apples and pears...and apple and pear trees need a DIFFERENT apple or pear tree to pollinate, so if you only have one apple variety (the norm there) it won't self pollinate, no matter how many bees there are. Also, climate change is putting the bee cycles and the tree cycles out of synch, making natural pollination even more difficult or impossible. By hand pollinating, they are able to have less than 10% 'pollination' trees to 90% 'fruiting' trees, and pollinate on the tree's cycle. THAT'S why production was better with hand pollination, not because people could do it better, but humans could target which pollen to use on which flower/tree. Also, commercial beekeepers won't 'lend' (rent) their hives out, or require high payments for them pricing most farmers out, because farmers there still use pesticides that kill bees through the pollination seasons.

Other areas that used to do hand pollination have stopped thanks to education. Now they plant more variety (so the bees/insects/birds CAN pollinate for them) and use less pesticides (that they actually didn't realize would kill bees) and are getting better yields for less money than the Chinese.

EDIT: These 'studies' always seem to ignore the incalculable cost of removing all the natural food pollinated by bees, and the collapse of many food webs caused by the loss of that food base. If people are spending cash to do the pollination work, you can be certain they'll go to great lengths to NOT share that produce with any wildlife.

Also, human hand pollination doesn't work for crops like certain grains and smaller vegetables and nuts, main human food sources. It only works for foods where a single pollinated flower will produce something worth the cost of pollination...grains simply don't, and neither do most vegetables, fruits, or nuts. Only large fruits or vegetables could use this economically. So while you're correct, it CAN be done, doing it across the board would probably quadruple the cost of average foods, if not worse.

WIKI-" If humans were to replace bees as pollinators in the United States, the annual cost would be estimated to be $90,000,000,000.[4]"

LooiXIV said:

So there is a place in China where the Bee's just left/died out. But there was still the need for something to pollinate Chinese apples/fruits. So without bee's humans turned to...humans. Human pollination turned out to be way better than bee pollination, and production increased 30-40%. So despite what this video said, human's can live, and still have those products that "need" bee pollination. However, hand pollination in the U.S. or in the future will be way more expensive than in China. In fact, in China they're already beginning to experience what might happen when hand pollination gets too expensive.

That all being said, if people really want something, people will figure out a way to get it!

Hamster working up his GoPro routine...

Power Line Short Circuit

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