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How 'Rogue One's' Princess Leia, Grand Moff Tarkin Were Crea

iaui says...

Y'know, the first thing the new Tarkin brought to mind was LA Noire. To be honest, I think LA Noire did the whole face-scanning thing much better. Now, they had an easier job to do, where the whole game is already CG so perhaps the faces don't stand out as much, but it does feel like they did a better job.

I actually think they tried to control Tarkin's face a little bit too much. I think there will perhaps be a 'realization' in the industry that adding a host of very subtle random fluctuations to a face will make it seem more real.

I found the discussion about lips sticking together to be fascinating, and that's certainly headed in the right direction. There's probably something about gravity being applied to faces that make them seem realer, too. Like that they subtly jiggle and bounce as they move and that at a miniscule level the skeleton of the skull moves first to push the musculature and skin of the face around second. Those kinds of subtle movements are probably what could make this kind of thing realer.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

How Amazon May Monopolize ALL Of Retail - Nerdwriter

It's The End Of The Year As We Know It

eric3579 says...

Interested in what makes you say that. Did he dis Bernie and promote Hillary before the primaries? Was there an obvious bias? I was completely unaware there might have been a bias, and would be fascinated to see what makes you say that (other than just your words). Any articles or videos? It would disappoint me to no ends if he played favorites between them before the primaries. I like Stephen and love Bernie.

Briguy1960 said:

Too bad the self appointed cheer leaders of the cultural elite like Colbert did nothing but ridicule Sanders when it counted.
They were worried they would have to pay more in taxes under a Sanders administration and not shy about saying so.
Colbert used to be funny now he simply comes off as a snob.
You have no one to blame but yourselves for Trump being elected.

In Movies, Why is There a Dial Tone After Someone Hangs Up?

Stopping a Disastrous Plan with Science: the Bay Model

The Raised Seabed and Lagoon Created by Kaikoura Earthquake

shagen454 says...

That is absolutely incredible. Recently moved away from San Francisco after 15 years, counting my blessings that I only experienced one 6.1 tremor. That one was scary enough to make my knees shake on end for many minutes afterwards but also not exactly dangerous enough -to not be a little fascinating. But, once you start getting into 7+s, I'm sure it's absolutely terrifying beyond description, especially liquefaction, freaks me out!

Monitor Against Mexicans Over Nationwide.

shagen454 says...

That mariachi skull was super badass. Mexican & South American cultures are so fascinating. Most of us in the US hardly even know a tidbit about it. I moved down to the border into the mountainous sonoran desert in Arizona and have definitely heard that there's been an up-spike of deportation & border patrol goons since the election....

Scott Adams predicts the future

vil says...

Ah well yes, he did support Trump. So if that alone makes him persona non grata, thats fine.

For me he came closest to explaining the fascination that people have with this phenomenon of post-truth, from the actual angle of a republican. Or maybe I just share some insane traits with Scott.

I find neither Scott nor Trump "persuasive" BTW, just interesting.

Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Official Trailer

TYT Connecting the dots on Clinton Foundation corruption

iaui says...

This was a fascinating video.

I agree with @dplint that the video where Cenk discusses who he is voting for is important, too:


Seventeen Seconds of Fuel Remained

BSR says...

I was 14 when they landed on the moon. I remember watching it live on TV. I was fascinated by the space program and I still am. I eventually moved from NJ to Cape Canaveral in 1980. Got see all but 5 space shuttle launches in person, plus many rocket launches. It was a great time.

Falling Brick Coffee Table

Elon Musk: Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species

Elon Musk: Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species

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