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How Blind People Find Braille Signs

Are Amazon Reviews Biased?


eric3579 says...

I don't get it. What's the point of torching a piece of glass/plastic? I find peoples fascination with cell phones annoying. Why so fascinated? I don't get it. Maybe i'm just old.

End of rant.

First Captain Janeway Complete

Glenn Greenwald On Clinton vs. Trump

The Devils Hole Pupfish

The Material That Changed The World

Pokemon Sparks Stampede in Taipei

The Blacksmith's Anvil

Most Lives Matter | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Babymech says...

I'm sorry for the derail, I just love the absolute certainty of that question - I hope the sincerely religious feel the same way about god's existence.

Additionally, I am starting to worry that the problem is not that people refuse to consider that they might be wrong... it's that they don't care if they're wrong or not. It's literally an irrelevant thing to worry about. If the rest of us want to play that game where we match actual facts to actual words, that's fine - the truth of what they say is in the message, not whether or not the facts happen to match up. Not only are they immune to facts, but they really feel that facts are a second-rate measurement of truth.

I saw a fascinating video* on this once - maybe here - that discussed the ancient (Biblical) understanding of truth, vs the modern understanding of truth. If you have a great story with a strong lesson, the modern measure of truth is whether or not the events described in the story match any actual events, and the Biblical measure of the truth of the story is whether it teaches a strong lesson or not. Maybe it's my ivory tower elitism but that seems to be exactly what goes on in the GOP now - if a 'war on cops,' for example, is a powerful story, it's more true than if the statistics show that officers are safer now.

*It was probably this - (Reza Aslan on the Young Turks)

ChaosEngine said:

@SDGundamX, that's my whole point. He refused to even consider the possibility that he could be wrong. It wasn't like he was presented with evidence and he felt the evidence was poor or insufficient.

How it's made: Producing a bus blind

The Lone Man Building a Cathedral By Hand

USS Theodore Roosevelt Night Flight Operations

Girl On An Escalator

Life as a Living Latex Female Doll

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