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Police officer deals with open carry activist

hpqp says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

I have the solution to the US's gun problems: ban guns.
BUT BUT BUT the 2nd amendment! Ah, but the second amendment say people are allowed to keep their arms. No-one is proposing mass amputations (as if the health system could manage it!).
Oh, that's not what "arms" means?
Fine, solution 2.0: still banning guns but everyone gets a sword.
Seriously, this is not as crazy as it sounds.
1. It's hard to use a sword well. People will have to train with it for years. This kind of training builds character and discipline.
2. Swords are awesome.
3. It's possible to defend yourself using a sword, but pretty hard to hold up a bank with one.
4. Gun fights are boring, sword fights are epic.

ChaosEngine | Free Trenchcoats 2016!!!

Police officer deals with open carry activist

wraith says...

Nah, it would never work. You know, openly carrying a sword is illegal!

>> ^ChaosEngine:

(...)Fine, solution 2.0: still banning guns but everyone gets a sword.
Seriously, this is not as crazy as it sounds.
1. It's hard to use a sword well. People will have to train with it for years. This kind of training builds character and discipline.
2. Swords are awesome.
3. It's possible to defend yourself using a sword, but pretty hard to hold up a bank with one.
4. Gun fights are boring, sword fights are epic.

Police officer deals with open carry activist

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

I have the solution to the US's gun problems: ban guns.

BUT BUT BUT the 2nd amendment! Ah, but the second amendment say people are allowed to keep their arms. No-one is proposing mass amputations (as if the health system could manage it!).

Oh, that's not what "arms" means?

Fine, solution 2.0: still banning guns but everyone gets a sword.

Seriously, this is not as crazy as it sounds.
1. It's hard to use a sword well. People will have to train with it for years. This kind of training builds character and discipline.
2. Swords are awesome.
3. It's possible to defend yourself using a sword, but pretty hard to hold up a bank with one.
4. Gun fights are boring, sword fights are epic.

dag (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I think I have stumbled onto a not-quite-a-bug.

I have someone on "ignore." (It's better for my blood pressure and peace of mind.)

However, they were the first Sifter to comment on one of my posted videos. And if someone is on ignore, you don't get an email notifying you that they have posted -- which I love.

However, I don't get an email when the NEXT person comments, so I don't know that there are comments to be read.

Is it possible to find an easy fix for this? Maybe substitute "content from ignored sifter blocked" in the notification email? Would that work?

If there isn't an easy fix, I will go back and unignore everyone. It takes discipline on my part to not read their stuff, but that would be good character development for me, yeah?

Buck (Member Profile)

ulysses1904 says...

Don't misunderstand my point, police misconduct has always been around. Especially in a nation with 310 million citizens, you would be living in lala-land to not expect thousands of instances of misconduct and brutality and corruption in any discipline.

When the original poster made reference to the "issue of the incredible rise" of police brutality I would expect them to quote at least one reliable source that there has been an actual "rise" in police brutality, if not an "incredible rise". Which is not the same thing as showing that there is an incredible rise in the number of police brutality videos you can find online.
In reply to this comment by Buck:
I realize seeing a video for yourself isn't good enough for you but type "police brutality" into youtube, much more common than you might imagine.

youtube vid

Rise of the Police State

Louis CK - "Apologize"

Colbert - On the Straight and Narrow Minded

AnomalousDatum says...

I had to look up the "We oppose the teaching of...critical thinking skills." bit.

"Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."

But they do support beating snot-nosed punks at least...
"Classroom Discipline –We recommend that local school boards and classroom teachers be given more authority to deal with disciplinary problems. Corporal punishment is effective and legal in Texas."

But damn it, they want to illegalize pornography, this cannot stand!
"Addictive Behaviors – We encourage state and federal governments to severely prosecute illegal dealers and manufacturers of addictive substances and pornography. We urge Congress to discourage import of such substances into our country. Faith based rehabilitation programs should be emphasized. We oppose legalization of illicit drugs. We support an effective abstinence-based educational program for children. We oppose any “needle exchange” program. We urge vigorous enforcement of our DUI laws."

Anyway, even if they didn't mean to include the words "critical thinking skills", they still don't want people to have the ability to reevaluate fixed-beliefs. Which require critical thinking skills. Damn, they accidentally said what they meant.

Climate Change; Latest science update

bcglorf says...

If we take Mann as an authority, the EIV reconstruction is the most reliable. The EIV reconstruction shows at least 2 other locations over the last 2k years that have had temperature changes as abrupt as the last 100 years without the benefit of humans.

>> ^Peroxide:

>> ^bcglorf:
>> ^Peroxide:
>> ^bcglorf:
That there is at least some evidence that on at least two occasions over the last 2k years, climate HAS been as warm or warmer [< INCORRECT] than current.

You'll be keen to note that human civilization, (technically now a global civilization with 7 Billion people, obviously more than ever before,) did not prosper through those past climate changes (not the minor fluctuations that Mann shows, but those further back in time). In this video he points out that temperature has not varied by more than 1 degree in the last 10,000 years, this is a scientifically sound statement.
BcGlorf you keep arguing that it did, according to Mann, but the greatest deviation is by only about 0.8 degrees, we are heading for 2.0 on on track for 6.0 degrees change, Im pretty fucking sure your insistence that we needn't panic is based on conjecture and hearsay. Show me your PHD in any scientific discipline and I'll take you more seriously, but from reading through all your posts, frankly, you just don't seem to get it. 0.8 is not 1.0. If you want to have a peer reviewed paper battle, I'd win, but you strike me as one who can't let him/herself believe that the world could go so wrong. Might I suppose you are a person whom prescribes to a certain faith?

Very helpful, you dismiss me with a wave of the hand and a declaration of your own credentials. Mean while I'm pointing at specific data with a specific question and argument. It's hard to swallow an appeal to authority while insisting that authority not be pestered with any questions.

I'm measuring trough to peak, but the point remains, THE CLIMATE CHANGED IN THE PAST, but this one is caused by us (undeniable) and its effects will be experienced by us as none of the other climate changes occurred when there were 7 billion people dependent on a stable climate.

Climate Change; Latest science update

Peroxide says...

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^Peroxide:
>> ^bcglorf:
That there is at least some evidence that on at least two occasions over the last 2k years, climate HAS been as warm or warmer [< INCORRECT] than current.

You'll be keen to note that human civilization, (technically now a global civilization with 7 Billion people, obviously more than ever before,) did not prosper through those past climate changes (not the minor fluctuations that Mann shows, but those further back in time). In this video he points out that temperature has not varied by more than 1 degree in the last 10,000 years, this is a scientifically sound statement.
BcGlorf you keep arguing that it did, according to Mann, but the greatest deviation is by only about 0.8 degrees, we are heading for 2.0 on on track for 6.0 degrees change, Im pretty fucking sure your insistence that we needn't panic is based on conjecture and hearsay. Show me your PHD in any scientific discipline and I'll take you more seriously, but from reading through all your posts, frankly, you just don't seem to get it. 0.8 is not 1.0. If you want to have a peer reviewed paper battle, I'd win, but you strike me as one who can't let him/herself believe that the world could go so wrong. Might I suppose you are a person whom prescribes to a certain faith?

Very helpful, you dismiss me with a wave of the hand and a declaration of your own credentials. Mean while I'm pointing at specific data with a specific question and argument. It's hard to swallow an appeal to authority while insisting that authority not be pestered with any questions.

I'm measuring trough to peak, but the point remains, THE CLIMATE CHANGED IN THE PAST, but this one is caused by us (undeniable) and its effects will be experienced by us as none of the other climate changes occurred when there were 7 billion people dependent on a stable climate.

Climate Change; Latest science update

bcglorf says...

>> ^Peroxide:

>> ^bcglorf:
That there is at least some evidence that on at least two occasions over the last 2k years, climate HAS been as warm or warmer [< INCORRECT] than current.

You'll be keen to note that human civilization, (technically now a global civilization with 7 Billion people, obviously more than ever before,) did not prosper through those past climate changes (not the minor fluctuations that Mann shows, but those further back in time). In this video he points out that temperature has not varied by more than 1 degree in the last 10,000 years, this is a scientifically sound statement.
BcGlorf you keep arguing that it did, according to Mann, but the greatest deviation is by only about 0.8 degrees, we are heading for 2.0 on on track for 6.0 degrees change, Im pretty fucking sure your insistence that we needn't panic is based on conjecture and hearsay. Show me your PHD in any scientific discipline and I'll take you more seriously, but from reading through all your posts, frankly, you just don't seem to get it. 0.8 is not 1.0. If you want to have a peer reviewed paper battle, I'd win, but you strike me as one who can't let him/herself believe that the world could go so wrong. Might I suppose you are a person whom prescribes to a certain faith?

Very helpful, you dismiss me with a wave of the hand and a declaration of your own credentials. Mean while I'm pointing at specific data with a specific question and argument. It's hard to swallow an appeal to authority while insisting that authority not be pestered with any questions.

Climate Change; Latest science update

Peroxide says...

>> ^bcglorf:

That there is at least some evidence that on at least two occasions over the last 2k years, climate HAS been as warm or warmer [< INCORRECT] than current.

You'll be keen to note that human civilization, (technically now a global civilization with 7 Billion people, obviously more than ever before,) did not prosper through those past climate changes (not the minor fluctuations that Mann shows, but those further back in time). In this video he points out that temperature has not varied by more than 1 degree in the last 10,000 years, this is a scientifically sound statement.

BcGlorf you keep arguing that it did, according to Mann, but the greatest deviation is by only about 0.8 degrees, we are heading for 2.0 on on track for 6.0 degrees change, Im pretty fucking sure your insistence that we needn't panic is based on conjecture and hearsay. Show me your PHD in any scientific discipline and I'll take you more seriously, but from reading through all your posts, frankly, you just don't seem to get it. 0.8 is not 1.0. If you want to have a peer reviewed paper battle, I'd win, but you strike me as one who can't let him/herself believe that the world could go so wrong. Might I suppose you are a person whom prescribes to a certain faith?

Disgusting Parent Of The Year Award Goes To...

Buck (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Yes I'm a vegetarian.

I haven't attacked anyone [stabbed my family] yet because I haven't reached that emotional state yet. Hopefully, I'll never be put in that state.

But if I were driven to harm another person, assault with a firearm would be one of the most deadly ways to do so.

My implication is that:
While YOU may be very responsible and level-headed because of your view that state sanctioned gun ownership is a privilege. [I think that's what you think]

All these Nascar loving, mud-truck drivin', shotgun toting patriot gun-nuts in "The America", with respect for the military and authority and bureaucratic laws, believe that gun ownership is a right.

They might go thru the proper channels to obtain a license.
But what does that matter if the majority of owners have no discipline.

They just buy a gun to shoot shit.
Not prepared when they accidentally murder a person while trying to intimidate him or her.
Not prepared when their child gets a hold of it and accidentally kills a sibling or a friend.

Lastly. Are a Homo Sapien? Cause if you are.. you're an ape.
In reply to this comment by Buck:
I'll respond better when I'm home but can you answer these two questions for me?

Are you a vegetarian?

And, what is stopping you from stabbing your family to death?

And while I've been called an ape and a criminal I continue to try and be polite. I do thank you for your dialog, It seems to be an emotionally charged topic for you. I also don't think we'll ever see eye to eye; but isn't it better for opposing thoughts and ideas to be talked about, than have one or both party's in ignorance of the other?

I do agree Arizona's requirements are weak, in Canada we have to have a psych test and have our spouses and ex girlfriends all contacted as well as have no criminal record and we need references as well to be approved for a license.

I'll respond to your recent post tonight or later. But again thanks for the dialog.

What do you do for work ? (Talks Talk Post)

enoch says...

i do not think i can call what i do officially work.
since i am a man of faith i tend to keep my life very simple and with as little trappings that would hinder my work.
1.wake up and first coffee and then morning prayers.

2.check emails for those in need of advice and counsel.(and dick around on facebook and VS)

3.procrastinate in getting out to my scheduled appointments (which is why i am always running late.i have some serious discipline issues concerning punctuality).the flavor of the appointments vary from addiction counseling to tarot readings and sometimes they may be just a spiritual boost for someone who is low and in need of company.(i live in a community with many elderly,and loneliness is a heart breaker).

4.usually around 4pm i start wrapping that part of the day up and head home for a shower and mid-afternoon prayer in order for me to get ready for the second part of my day where i bartend/wait tables at my long time friends resturaunt.

5.i do not make any actual tangible legal tender for the first part of my day.i may trade deal for something i need but usually i rely on the generosity and graciousness of those i help.i.e:the clothes i wear,the car i drive,the computer i am using right now were all gifted to me.even the house i reside in is a gift (well..kinda).

6.i do not own a credit card nor do i have a bank account.the cash i make from bartending and waiting tables is the cash i use to live and my paycheck goes to child support for my youngest child. till 10pm-11pm.come home.check emails again to see who or what needs help and in what fashion.mess around on facebook or VS for a bit and then off to study,read a book or watch something interesting.

8.night time prayers of gratitude for the day and all those who touch me,which can happen as early as 1am or as late as 3-4am.(depending on how much i am procrastinating).

i do fit family and friends (even a lovely woman) in that schedule but it is not always easy.thank god they love me.

berticus (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

I just read this article this morning...then I read your comment and remembered you're a psych guy, right? You seem to be on the psych kick as of late, are you finishing up a masters or PhD by any chance?
In reply to this comment by berticus:
The sad, cold truth of things is that there are some severely autistic children who engage in the most horrific self-injurious behaviour, and aversive punishment is the ONLY treatment (in conjunction with a broader treatment plan, naturally) that works. And yes, it DOES work.

I'm not talking about kids with minor problems. I mean the ones who will do things like smash their own face into the ground over and over until they lose so much blood they pass out. The ones who will, left to themselves, die.

Positive punishment is horrible. But, it's either that, or let these kids maim or kill themselves (or possibly others) through their behaviour.

(I make no comment regarding this specific incident, I just want you to know the issue is far more complicated than this mind-bite would have you believe.)

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