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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

"Unobserved, unsupervised, and not in public view"

Yeah, except for the multiple cameras pointed at them from various HD cameras that are live-streaming and recording everything in the room. As in... the place where they got the footage?

Ahh i must be mixed up, you and he clearly know better than I do, but I think Biden still has a chance. You're a crook, I tell you, but I'll bet on it.

Drop me a PM and we can make the arrangements $1,000 a piece - a gentlemen's bet, no? Apparently, The escrow fee is 1% so for the 2 of us it'd be $20 total. Hey, I got you buddy. I'll pay your fee if that's what's holding you back.

The bet terms roughly are as follows


Remember to use your legal name on any of the forms, do you have a (digital) fax machine? I use MetroFax for contracts and hospital documents.Pretty cheap, saves me enough headaches throughout the year but it's worth it. Oh listen to me blabbering on. LETS WIN yOU that MONEYYYYYYYY!

I will bet in the affirmative!



YES YES YESSSSS uhahh oh my...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS omg... i never cam...hold on, i'll get you a towel.

bobknight33 said:

No evidence???.. Lots of smoke


Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

newtboy says...

This, @bobknight33, is your "evidence" of fraud, ridiculous claims by clearly crazy hyperbolic people that in no way resembles the verifiable facts.

Thousands of dead people voting? Not according to election officials, the DOJ, the FBI, the records of who voted, and the system designed to catch such frauds. Actually there were some attempts, but only a few Republicans voting as their dead relatives were found, not even double digits.
A woman who says all Chinese people look alike so their votes don't count. That's your second best evidence of fraud.


Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

newtboy says...

Shug-a-shug-a-shug-a-shug-a-shug-shug. That's precious....and 100% bullshit.
Felonious Boss Hogg directed his army of morons to vote by mail and in person...a felony.
He supports fake illegal collection boxes that allow republicans to discard ballots.
He instructed his morons to go armed to voting centers and intimidate people in line if they look like Biden supporters.

Part of the job of a president is to facilitate a free and open election and exude trust in the process his administration creates. He's failed at every single opportunity. It will be a train wreck, with Donald as the conductor staring spellbound into his mirror as he runs the train off the track.

Biden is ahead in almost every swing state by double digits, fool.

Republicans are the ones who have been caught repeatedly stealing ballots and changing them, showing up at polls to intimidate voters, illegally, trying to vote twice or more, setting up illegal fraudulent collection boxes, only allowing one real drop box for 4 million people, making up outrageous lies about vote by mail, which may have a better record than in person voting (mail in voting has a .0000004% fraud rate) and outright lying about some democratic frauds like his bullshit claim about ballots in a river, all Trump ballots....never happened, sorry sunshine. Trump has done nothing but cause mayhem, confusion, and distraction to hide this obvious fact that he can't win without massive voter fraud and supression.

Lol. Trump's base growing!?! Only according to trump and his morons who find the one unprofessional outlier internet poll by non pollsters and claim it's the only real poll. Derp.

Keep thinking that, November is going to be shocking. Get that suicide insurance, at least then you'll be doing something for your children besides causing them so much distress that they require institutionalization.

Sorry sunshine. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Large scale election fraud is being pushed by democrats not by BOSS Trump. Trump just points it out. Just wait till the mess starts after the election. It will be a train wreck and every one know it.

MEGA Landslide 2020 and democrats are trying desperately to cheat to cause mayhem, confusion, distraction from this very fact.

Trumps base is growing and is larger that 2016. More from every demographic.

Same Old - Samuel L. Jackson | Joe Biden For President 2020

newtboy says...

Another lying Trumpanzee twit.

Leave American politics to Americans, Russian troll.
Trying to ignore and deny Trump's blatant racist past and present to steal a future is not sane.

Democrats gave up racism at the same time Republicans adopted it when they went with the Southern strategy to court southern racists. They never stopped.

Republicans were caught committing state wide voter fraud in California by placing fake drop boxes across the state so they can steal and toss out mail in votes, just one of the dozens of cases of Republican massive voter fraud, not any cases of Democrats committing massive, or miniscule vote fraud. Liar.

Democrats haven't cheated, Republicans keep getting caught red handed almost daily on a massive scale. Today it was the California chapter of the Republican party that committed dozens if not hundreds of felonies trying to steal ballots by the tens of thousands, each charge comes with a four year sentence, and it took hundreds to try to pull off this election heist.

Large scale election fraud is the only way dumb Donald can win, being as he's double digits behind Biden and slipping, that's why he's publicly called for illegal voter intimidation at the polls, illegal double voting by any Trumpster, and advocates stealing ballots and destroying them like he lied about Democrats doing in the debate, but we all knew instantly it was all lies even before the fact checkers. If he could win without cheating, why do Republicans keep cheating for him? Why does he keep begging you to cheat for him?

Go home Dmitry. No one here cares about your foreign interference attempts, you're way too dumb to sound credible...or even American. You barely sound like English is a second language, you would fail any English class on earth, even lower school Russian to English one. You are NOT smarter than a fifth grader.


bobknight33 said:

Another mis guided liberal Hollywood actor.

Stick to pretend to be someone else and leave reality to people who live in it.

Trying to stick Racist Democrat past to Trump wanting legal voting is not the same.

Democrats need mail in voting as their way to cheat / disrupt the 2020 election which will be a landslide for Trump. Democrats have no choice but to cheat.

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Yes they are, and that's why Biden is ahead by double digits.

Only if he cheats and gets republican governors to replace the vote with pro Trump electors.

Elitist? Lol. Bobby, my wife and I together make under $35000 a year, and live in a county with zero cities.... pretty damn far from elitist territory. Derp. So delusional.

No they aren't. 7 votes almost accidentally lost by one new poll worker who was instantly fired is hardly proof of cheating. What Trump said in the debate was 100% more lies and bullshit. Look it up.


bobknight33 said:

The American people are watching and listening, not the the fake news but to what really is going all.

Trump will win in a land slide.

Keep pushing you elitist propaganda, no on is buying it except you blue cities.
Dems are cheating via mail in votes.

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Lol. So sad Bobby.
12000 total died vs >210000 and rising fast expected to top 400000 before Biden takes office, and Trump's new plan if he is successful with his coup is to raise that to 8 million dead or more.
Swine flu is the flu, not even a bad one by the numbers, Covid 19 is not. Covid kills 1 in 33 infected, swine flu killed 1 in 5000, and didn't put 20% in the hospital.
Obama put out science based guidelines and warnings quickly, trump continues to lie and claim Coronavirus is less deadly than the flu, nothing, go out and get it.

Trump ignored warnings, trump ignored pandemic specialists and fired them, trump cut travel from China eventually, but only of Chinese, no quarantine for the 40000+ non Chinese he let come in from China, trump ignored the pandemic response plan, and claimed for 5+ months there wasn't one, Trump stupidly blames the last administration for his total lack of preparedness, but he had been president for three+ years when he even noticed, but he takes NO responsibility, not a leader's actions. Trump let 210000+ Americans die according to him to avoid people getting worried, and continues to give horrifically wrong and deadly advice from the Whitehouse now to avoid admitting his total failure to lead.....what a plan.

It sure is looking like a landslide, with Biden ahead double digits in every poll besides a few pro Trump internet polls open only to Republicans by non pollsters. It's so bad Trump is calling on Barr to prosecute Biden now....the problem being he doesn't know for what, and worse, the Republican Senate report already cleared Biden of ANY crimes....and accused every Trump official of lying during his impeachment, including trump himself who they confirmed WAS helped by Russia...remember, that country that put bounties on American soldiers that Trump ignores to this day? Your homeland.
Moscow's Emissary Governing thanks, we tried that, it cost us trillions, tripling the deficit this year, and hundreds of thousands of lives.

Red tsunami, take me away.

bobknight33 said:

It will be a landslide


newtboy says...

That's what he thinks of any supporter who doesn't have at least 8 digits in their bank account too.

*doublepromote a *quality reason for any patriot to abandon him

Here Lies Donald Trump

Karen, Please Just Wear A Mask

newtboy jokingly says...

What do you have against Samoa. Don't they have enough problems with sea level rise, now you want to lower their average IQ by double digits and overpopulated them at the same time?!

I say dig up the waterworld set and let them fight over dry space mad max style.

StukaFox said:

I don't believe you should have to wear a mask. I also believe that if you don't, you should be shipped to American Samoa and kept there until this whole thing blows over.

Most Popular Streaming Services - (2005 2020): Monthly users

spawnflagger says...

alternate title: The Rise and Fall of Pandora

Seems Prime numbers are inflated - they probably count all the people (like me) who have a Prime account for deliveries, and tried out the streaming video once, then realized their content selection sucked. If it wasn't included, I wouldn't pay extra for it.

What would be interesting to see for comparison is number of physical media (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray) sold in the same timeline, as well as 1-time digital purchases, such as iTunes.

30 Year Old IMAX Film Projector Is Still Running/POV

SFOGuy says...

I don't know why but this video absolutely made me think about the huge cameras on photo recon satellites and U-2/SR-71s because they came digital devices...

Captain Disillusion (CD) on Resolution

spawnflagger says...

his timeline of growing resolutions ends with IMAX 70mm film - but historically that was used in cameras and theaters before many of the others he mentioned, and is now mostly abandoned in favor of digital projection.
8k is dumb. 4k only makes sense if you have a screen over 100".

Tried to tell my mom this VR stuff is too real

newtboy says...

I'm guessing some form of augmented reality, a camera in the headset is projected inside it, with digital additions.
If not, this is even more dangerously moronic than I first thought and she needs prison time too.

eric3579 said:

I don't get it. How can you see what's in front of you at all with a VR headset on. What is she seeing? I can't imagine she has been driving with that on.

New Math vs Old Math

scheherazade says...

"Get the answer faster" is not the point.

The left explains why multiplication works, whereas the one on the right is a process for multiplying.

The left makes it visually obvious that scalars are separable.

That : (35*2) = (30*2) + (5*2) = (30+5) * 2

The only thing missing (which may have been covered elsewhere) is that : 35 'IS" (3*10^1) + (5*10^0), and that multi-digit-numbers are already presented as separate scalars in sum.


New Math vs Old Math

newtboy says...

They tried this crap in my geometry/pre trig class....they called it "proofs"....forcing us to do mental gymnastics to spread out a problem from maybe three quick steps into 20. Asinine.
My last high school math class was advanced placement B/C calculus....I never found this a bit useful, because I was taught real math. By second grade we were expected to know up to 12 X 12 multiplication tables without hesitation, if they taught us by this method, we would have been years behind.

Since next to no one today is doing even moderately difficult math without a calculator/cellphone, I can't fathom why they bother at all anymore with more than basic math skills for non math or science majors...that said, my cousin still can't add 3 digit numbers or multiply or divide at all thanks to Waldorf schools, and that's really sad.

@Payback, I was accused of cheating in trig because I refused to show my work or do homework. I was separated from the class for a big test, and my score remained an A while the class average dropped by around one full grade. I never had to do homework or show my work in that class again, but did have to separate myself for tests so the class wouldn't cheat off of me. That was in boarding school.

Mordhaus said:

It's part of common core. Supposedly it makes it easier to understand the theory behind math so later in higher level classes (algebra, trig, etc) they can easily break the harder equations down.

Beats me, I learned the old way and it worked for me through algebra 1/2, and geometry.

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