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Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

bcglorf says...


When you say:
...I'm against promoting the idea that torture works...

I can see where you are coming from on this. In the sense that it might then encourage people to accept using it, because it works.

My problem with that line of reasoning though is that torture actually is effective. The simplest proof being that we wouldn't have every single national intelligence agency using it(directly or indirectly by a less squeamish ally as we 'civilized' nations prefer to do it).

Your links to the ineffectiveness of torture only look at the narrowest possible goals from it. Somebody like Saddam Hussein usually didn't care about Jack Bauer style, minutes count specific intel. Getting the names of everyone you knew or 'conspired' with mattered, and torture IS effective at getting people to talk. The trouble your links note is that torture victims will say literally anything to get you to stop. When looking for information though, victims can't name real people unless they know them. Better still for guys like Saddam, if you get yourself 3 victims in the same movement, you can cross reference things and build a list of suspects. To more ethical nations like us that's unactionable intelligence, but if you don't care if you sweep up 5 innocents along with the 5 people that really were a threat to you, it still 'worked'.

Torture also is widely used simply as a tool to instill fear. When your citizens have seen the broken shells of people who's loyalty was deemed questionable, fear keeps them in step. It worked for Saddam until external forces stopped him, and it's helped keep 3 generations in power in North Korea.

Getting back closer to the video, things we don't like don't go away just because we refuse to talk about them. Rape, torture, and violence aren't like the boogeyman that will go away if we just stop talking and thinking about them so much. We need to accept that there are terrible things in our world that people do and benefit from doing them. These are things that people use to gain a feeling of power, or to truly gain real tangible power over other people.

Of course we have to discuss them responsibly, and the danger of shaming victims is an equally real thing to be aware of. At the same time though, humor is one of the ways of bridging the gap to people dealing with trauma, so jokes about things that cause trauma like rape, violence and torture have an honest place in making things better as well.

Economy is Great for Billionaires, Bad for Working People

newtboy says...

No Bob...that's your willful ignorance talking.
It takes a real dreamer to attempt to claim there's zero evidence of Russia Trump collusion when there are dozens of convictions of and admissions by subordinates for various crimes related to said collusion with our enemies that he claimed didn't happen, internal emails, letters, and scariest for Trump, actual recordings of Trump conspiring with his lawyer to, among dozens of other felonies including witness tampering, fraud, and charitable fraud, lie to hide his collusion (not a legal term) and plenty of proof of his family colluding too, like the Trump tower meeting with Russian agents in an attempt to subvert our democracy with a hostile foreign power and his daughter's money laundering business.
There's also mountains of evidence of witness tampering and providing false evidence to congress (by sending his lawyer to repeatedly lie and not correcting the record) in his flailing efforts to hide the ongoing collusion.
Those are just off the top of my head and don't include the dozens of state charges being filed he can't escape by hiding behind the office or the grab bag of charges the Muller investigation may reveal.
That you have been so consistently zealously vocal about his innocence without even knowing what's being investigated makes you extremely Trumpian. I bet that makes you feel proud.

bobknight33 said:

2 years and ZERO evidence of Russian Trump collusion.. Guess your a Dreamer also.

The Day Liberty Died

newtboy says...

Can be misleading, or can be apt. In this case, this is just one of many times Israel intentionally attacked Americans, so it's not misleading.
Also, there was only one combatant here. *facepalm

This is about how someone we call allies have acted undeniably criminally by committing multiple war crimes against us that we conspired to hide for decades, not how we treated actively aggressive enemies that attacked us and our allies first. Also, we're talking about crimes delineated in the 1949 revision and ratification of the Geneva Convention, so WW2 isn't covered. Duh.

Facts, like multiple undeniable war crimes against America, crimes that directly led to American murders, you mean?
If I find you on my street and cover you with a tarp before I beat you to death to footloose at 120 db so you can't protest, "I thought it was a known terrorist....i didn't see or hear anything to indicate it wasn't besides my friends who told me it wasn't." isn't going to work as an excuse. That's basically what we have here.

Your"illustration" is not a bit on topic, and seems like floundering excuses for the indefensible war crimes of Israel.

bcglorf said:

And then we can largely agree. Can we agree even further though that listing only one combatants crimes can become misleading?

America dropped nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Prior to that they fire bombed virtually every other Japanese city, killing 100 thousand in Tokyo alone.

The fighting on the ground on the islands reads like one long list of horrific war crimes against dehumanized Japanese victims again and again...

I know the illustration shouldn't be necessary, but presenting a single sided selection of choice facts can be extremely misleading, and the video here, like many on Israel today, does exactly the same thing.

The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

newtboy says...

Again, you are 100% wrong.
You really need to stop taking legal advice from lying criminal know nothing's trying to weasel out of being caught breaking laws. Of course Trump tells you it isn't a crime. Try looking at the law.

Trump's assertion that using your own money for campaign related expenses without reporting it is legal is 100% wrong. That's an illegal contribution.
Having your lawyer do it for you and then lie to hide it, that compounds the crime, it doesn't erase it. This is why Cohen's recordings are evidence and not privileged. There's no attorney client privilege if you and the lawyer were conspiring to commit crimes, which they clearly and admittedly were.
Cohen admitted to intentionally violating portions of the following federal election laws on behalf of Donald Trump:
52 U.S. Code § 30116 – Limitations on contributions and expenditures
52 U.S. Code § 30118 – Contributions or expenditures by national banks, corporations, or labor organizations

Just duh, Bob. You need to stop talking about stuff you learned from Trump, it's 100% bullshit lies and makes you look incredibly stupid and naive when you repeat their dumb, easily debunked lies.

When he's impeached, I only wish part of the law said idiots who support him forfeit their vote next election and must pass a civics test to have them reinstated. Most of you would never vote again. You have absolutely abdicated your right to complain about the next democratic president. Anything and everything they do that you find criminal or unseemly will be excused/dismissed with one word....Trump. Be ready for a HUGE jump to the left in 2 years, the next president has carte blanche to do whatever they please, thanks to your ilk excusing and turning a blind eye to Trump's crimes.

It makes me wonder how you'll excuse his repeating violations of the constitution like the emoluments clause that he's violated daily since the day he took office. Clearly the constitution means less than Trump to your kind.

bobknight33 said:

Only illegal if it cam from the campaign finance money pot.

Using you own money is fine.
Using you lawyers money is even better.

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

ChaosEngine says...

I’m not really sure that’s fair. Hillary went through a pretty bruising campaign where she was accused of everything from conspiring to kill American diplomats to running a child porn ring.

After all that, she got more votes than dickbag and STILL lost.

At which point the right (including some of the poorest people who are suffering worst under cheeto-face) laughed in her face, and the left turned on her.

Quite frankly, if I was Hillary, I’ve have told the whole of America to get fucked.

That’s not to say she didn’t have her faults, but she was an order of magnitude better than Trump.

notarobot said:

One difference between Bernie and Hillary is exposed by appearances like this. Bernie lost the election but never stopped fighting for more just society. He's still fighting. Hillary lost and disappeared. She just wanted the position of power.

JFK - The Speech That Killed Him

newtboy says...

Da comrade.
Bob, when you can't speak English it becomes impossible to have an adult conversation, and clearly evident you aren't American, but not a bit clear what you're saying.

Individuals break the law on occasion, that does not a secret cabal or deep state conspiracy make. Most of what you complain about is Trump being opposed for ignoring the law and constitution. Consider his administration is on track for the most indictments and most convictions ever, barely in his second year, most of which are tied to treasonous activities against the United States, so I get that you have to believe the entire world is conspiring to destroy his presidency, otherwise you must admit you support the most criminal, least competent president ever. Even Regan's administration averaged under 20 filed indictments per year, you can find that many from multiple single individuals in Trump's administration, I think you can actually find an unprecedented over 20 charges plead guilty to in year one, which kind of destroys the 'witch hunt' conspiracy accusations.

Baselessly accusing the organizations that are investigating him for treason of conspiracy would be laughable if not for people like you who back him up. Because of people like you, it's incredibly harmful to our government, laws, and nation, another indicator you live in Kiev and work for Putin.
I could be wrong about where you live, but I'm not wrong about who your stated views benefit.

bobknight33 said:

Well then would be saying I and JFK of delusional paranoia.
I saying not so. I'm saying some of these organizations are doing their own thing regardless of American laws and Constitution.

How Easy it is to Buy a AR-15 in South Carolina

newtboy says...

Not possible here in California. I've tried.
They insist you put it through the full registration process with all associated fees, waiting period during which you turn it in to a gun store, and your id attached in case it's stolen or has been used in crimes. It's surprising that that's not the norm everywhere, but I'm pretty sure Florida doesn't do any of that.
If you could get that info and found out your new gun is stolen during a murder, what then? Ditch it (destroying evidence in a murder and becoming a co conspirator), turn it in (losing your money and becoming a murder suspect), sell it (selling stolen property and hiding evidence in a murder), or what? There's no good option if you bought a gun with a body on it, especially when you can't say where you got it.

If you see nothing wrong with repeatedly crossing state lines to avoid your own state laws, you can't ever complain that it's too easy for criminals to get guns, especially where it's difficult for law abiding citizens, because this is how most of them get illegal unregistered guns.
There's nothing stopping convicted murderers, rapists, and kidnappers from easily building an unregistered arsenal when this is allowed, so absolutely zero possibility of keeping guns away from the clearly criminally insane....that's what you want? It's what you advocate.

bobknight33 said:

I just need 15 minutes to enter SC.. Time for me to get some.

Nothing wrong with this.

I would however call my local sheriff and let him know the SN# to check if any wrong doing was done with this gun.

newtboy (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I haven't watched it yet, but plan to. I'm subscribed to his channel, he has a lot of good stuff.

The interesting thing about the failure is that there wasn't just one cause, but as is often the case a whole bunch of things that conspired to cause it.

The depressing thing about it is that the authorities had been warned about it for over 10 years before the failure, but ignored the warnings

eric3579 said:

The Oroville spillway decision making sounded like a plot for a disaster movie with a happy ending. Interesting and scary stuff. Thought it might interest you and @oritteropo

Learning about nuclear power with the commander-in-chief

RFlagg says...

No Mr Trump (RE: 0:52)... if you were a Liberal Democrat, nobody on the left would be calling you a smart man, or even a good man. You are the very picture of a fucking idiot. You could have been left of Bernie, and your narcissism would have made me sick. You are a near illiterate moron, and this wouldn't be a problem if you just kept to reality TV that appeals to other idiots, or the immorality of ripping off your contractors, but you ran, and run, to be the President of the United States, made us the laughing stock of the world. The media gives you a hard time, not because you are conservative, or because they lie, or because of some liberal agenda, they give you a hard time because of your banal idiocy, the fact YOU lie, that you constantly contradict yourself, that your people have to contradict you. that you can't seem to understand even basic concepts my 13 year old could grasp with far greater ease than you. Don't worry though, the minority part of the population who voted for you, will have faith in you no matter what, you could come out and say you did conspire with the Putin to win the election, and none of them would care, because you aren't Clinton, and they'd just see it as saving America in the end, such is the power of the brainwash on the far right... hell, I'd doubt the GOP itself would have enough balls to do anything about it other than say it was bad for you to do. Anyhow, you fucking moron, you massive failure of a human, you waste of star-stuff, nobody on the left would say you were smart, or appreciate you at all, we'd all see you for the looser you are, it isn't your politics that causes it, it's because of facts. Of course I realize that there are some big words here, and you can't read it, but I'm sure one of your actually smart, but greedy people, can help parse it for you, and stroke your ego about how it was an unfair attack and yada yada yada... and you and your followers would just say I'm brainwashed by the evil liberal media like NPR, but if you'd learn to vet things... which I know is well beyond your imbecile mind, one learns to see where the truth lies... Hell, you pompous buffoon, even when I was a far right, evangelical Christian, and pushing for strong Republican ties, I'd still have thought you to be the biggest idiots to ever hold the office.

"One word says it all. Asian"

coolhund says...

A comment from Youtube:
"So, this horrible and blatant act of racism happened to occur to a former ACLU civil liberties counselor who majored in Critical Race Studies -- described as a major aimed at "naming one's own reality" by "using narrative to illuminate and explore experiences of racial oppression." Isn't it ironic and unfortunate that this would happen to her of all people?

What's also a little ironic is that Ms. Suh not only received these texts from a "Tami," but also happens to have a Facebook friend named "Tami" who posts on Facebook about "Tiny House Listings" -- a house rental service.

Speaking of which, it's kind of interesting that Tami showed up as "Tami" on Ms. Suh's phone, rather than as a phone number, isn't it? And there's a photo for Tami too. That means Tami is saved as a contact. It's a little odd for some random Airbnb host that Ms. Suh never met in-person to be a contact with a photo on her phone, isn't it?

Interestingly, if you look at Facebook-friend "Tami's" photos, they're all sort of artistic, colorful photos of inanimate objects -- just like Tami's photo in the texts.

If I didn't know better, I would almost, almost think that this stilted, formal, perfect little racist exchange between house-renter Tami and critical race studies major Ms. Suh, and the passionately tearful speech in the rain that followed -- why was she making speeches in the rain anyway? -- was, in fact, a carefully constructed "narrative" that Ms. Suh conspired to create with her Facebook-friend Tami.

But hey, that couldn't be right, could it?"


No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

bcglorf says...

The 'tenuours connection' has not been debunked. The evidence president Obama had access to was enough to order Anwar's assassination from even.

Anwar al-Awlaki and the Fort Hood shooter met in person at the mosque Anwar was then an Imam at. Following that the shooter emailed Awlaki back and forth, but the contents of the email's has been kept closed. Anwar's praise and blessing of the attack immediately afterwards though is kind of telling.

That then combines with Anwar's past before that, where he was an Imam at 2 separate mosques attended by 3 of the 9/11 hijackers. One of those is the same mosque where he also met the Fort Hood shooter...

Or back even before that in the late 90's when he was running a charity that was later declared a front for funnelling money to terrorists.

That's an awful lot of coincidental contact with terrorists. Combine that with the fact he went full on cheer leader for it all once he left US soil seems to tell enough. He was an active participant and conspirator to at least Fort Hood, and possibly many more attacks on the US and it's allies.

I'm sorry to say it, but Jeremy Scahill is pretty guilty of selectively presenting and showing only the facts that fit his arguments and leaves out a mountain of other extremely relevant information that would be inconvenient to his narrative.

enoch said:

the story of anwar al awlaki is a little more complicated than he simply said some bad stuff,and the tenuous connection to the fort hood shooter has already been debunked.

now maybe anwar was truly guilty of inciting violence,and maybe he is responsible in some fashion,but we will never know.

jeremy scahill has done some of the best work in regards to that particular story,and i found this lecture the most insightful:

Michael Moore perfectly encapsulated why Trump won

radx says...

That if is a mighty big if.

And the lessons you think they "need to learn" from this election are probably different from the lessons that the professional class (credit to Thomas Frank) thinks the Democrats need to learn. To them, it's not about getting a candidate that has a higher favorability rating than a meteor strike, but to find a candidate that maintains their status in society. They are the winners of "free trade" (see Rigged by Dean Baker) and globalisation, while a vast number of people have been thrown into debt peonage, wage slavery or worse.

Unless the Democratic Party emancipates itself from the donors and the professional class, I don't see them becoming a home to champions of the people. Look at how the DNC conspired with the Clinton campaign to crush the Sanders candidacy -- lots of juicy bits about that in the Podesta emails. Look at Corbyn, who is basically caught up in a civil war within Labour, despite overwhelming support by the party base.

The Third Way (Social-)Democrats have bought into neoliberalism at such a fundamental level that I just cannot see anyone turning them into a vessel for social equality without getting utterly corrupted or even crushed along the way.

The lesson they learn might be to not nominate a member of a dynasty with so much baggage attached to them. Yet even that depends on them actually recognising the baggage in the first place, which they seemed unwilling to during this election cycle. Everything was brushed off.

And then you're still stuck with a representative of a system that doesn't work for a lot of people. The situation of the rust belt is not a result of anything particular to the current or previous candidates, but of the Washington Consensus and the widespread acceptance of neoliberalism as gospel.

Without major outside pressure, I don't see the party changing its ways sufficiently enough to become a representative of the people again. Maybe a Trump presidency is enough to create such movements, maybe not. Occupy was promising, yet crushed by the establishment in bipartisan consensus.

MilkmanDan said:

Outside of the immediate setback that this represents to the Democrat party, I think the future of the party is actually extremely bright -- IF they learn the lesson that they need to from this election. Choose candidates that people like. People that are actually worth voting FOR, rather than propping up someone that you hope will be seen as the "lesser of two evils".

Big Sugar, Big Money, and the Truth about Heart Disease

notarobot says...

So, Big Sugar was conspiring to misinform the public of the dangers of consuming their product? Sounds like the kind of thing that might be done by someone like Edward Bernays...

*conspiricy *science (because of discussing how "scientific" results can be manipulated by money.) *quality

For more info on what sugar actually does, see Robert Lustig's talk, "Sugar: The Bitter Truth."


Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

bobknight33 says...

The real question, if this is so damming for Hillary, is when to leak them?

If now she has time to recover.
If 30 days before election then ouch.

The ones he leaked we not trash talk. It showed collusion at the DNC to not only hinder Bernie in Hillary's favor but also how the media is also politically invested with Hillary.

Why would the DNC do this on their own? Hillary and DWS have to have conspired to win the nomination. Will the leaks will indicate this? Guess we will have to wait.

vil said:

Well just go on and leak then. Why this RT/Assange trash talk?

New Poll Numbers Have Clinton Far Behind And Falling

Asmo says...

Is anyone surprised?

The people want change. Bernie and Trump represent change, Clinton represents the establishment. The party conspired to put Clinton up and ergo people will lean towards the other side...

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