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Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders
You posted it happily as fact. If you post/repeat someone else's lie, you are a liar.
The teacher knows better why he acted than the ignorant obstinate disruptive kid that won't listen. Derp.
Still lies. You LOVE lies. Grow a pair and stand by them. I get that, in your efforts to support Trump, you have trained yourself to believe any right leaning lies and claim any non right wing fact is fake news, that doesn't mean the rest of us must support your psychosis.
Sure, kid gets to lie, you get to repeat it and claim it's not a lie because you didn't create it, just repeated it. That's pathetic, Bob. Infantile, dumb, and pathetic.
Bob. Learn to read. I'm not going over it again. I answered that question in the previous post. Doubly pathetic.
Do you still have any teeth?
Bottom line, the kid is an ignorant obstinate idiot who believes his uninformed opinion outweighs any other, including the school boards, and that he may exercise his right to free speech anywhere at any time with impunity.
Bottom line, kid is a disruptive, ignorant dumbass....and I'm not a bit surprised you're backing him and contradicting rules, laws, authority, the English language (that you seriously need to learn better, Vladimir), logic, civility, and fact to do so.
Guess you've never heard of hermaphrodites or neuters. Not surprising. The words/concepts are only a few thousand years old, created by those Greek libtards to muddy the language and hurt Trump. Your arguments get dumber every day. *facepalm
I did not write the title -- still not lies.
Kid say kicked out for gender questioning. Teacher indicates kicked out for being disruptive.
Its the kids video - he get to title it.
On big issues like this ( ie debating on school lunch) , if one believes that school policy is wrong , is not acceptable to speak up?
Granted a better forum would be a school board meeting.
Bottom line the teacher is afraid of loosing his job and hence pushes the position of national policy.
Student - D'Souza to convince him life starts at conception
And you realize you say that as a man who has no womb. You can only base your argument with science without having an incubator of your own.
I realize there are times when a woman can make a decision to abort as in rape but I also realize a woman may not abort in the case of rape.
I can't even imagine what it would feel like to be pregnant.
A decision I would not want to make. But I say that as a man.
For the record "Pro choice."
Leave it up to the incubator. After all, she's the one that has to live with her decision. The father is secondary. If she makes a decision you don't like, cowboy up. That's why you're the man. If she makes a decision she regrets, support her. That's why you're the man.
EDIT: newt's profile page.
I once threatened to sue my parents for depriving me of the bliss of non being through a willful and wanton act of conception.
BTW, did you get any money out of them?
I don't believe a thing that breaths liquid is a human being. A child, imo, must have taken a breath to be a living human child. Until then, it's only a potential human requiring an actual human to be it's life support system and sustenance. That's worse than any other form of slavery.
Student - D'Souza to convince him life starts at conception
So, the argument is two fold.
One, this issue of personal freedom/choice is important enough that it can't be left to states who might eliminate individual choice in favor of a state's choice. This is the liberal position on this issue, that states will take the choice away from individual woman in favor of the choice made for them, usually by groups of old men. That's why Roe V Wade is essential, it denies the states the right to enslave women to their unwanted, potential, in some cases forced upon them, offspring.
Second, he argued we can't allow laws that take away the freedom of individuals to choose, which slavery do anti abortion laws. You cannot crush the choices of another person....this includes the choice to not be an incubator for another "person" (to misuse the word, assuming they're incorrectly insisting a blastocyst or foetus is a person, all medical and scientific evidence notwithstanding). The "developing life" (doesn't realize he just blew the "life starts at conception" argument with that phrase) cannot take away the rights of the womb's owner, cannot make them a slave to the blastocyst/foetus. The right to life argument fails when you realize no person is forced to donate blood or organs, which people need to live. Real right to life would extend beyond birth and require people become medical slaves to those who need them or their parts.
If it can live without help, fine, develop an abortive processes that allows that at any point in pregnancy, fund it across the board, and start the debate again. Until then, this dumbass just made two arguments for pro choice.
Self Sacrifice To Save A Falling Child
Because I don't buy into the concept that money is above all else. I feel a life well lived and enjoyed responsibly is better than one that made money but not happiness.
Also because I'm broken and was disabled throughout what should have been my "productive years". Getting off opioid medications has helped with that more than I would have believed....but I'm still fairly unemployable.
...and because I made my money the old fashioned way....I inherited it....but family members just aren't dying rich like they used to. ;-)
Then why are you poor?
What Happens To Good Cops?
Well newtboy, how about this? Start promoting the concept of taking action on your own behalf and on behalf of your fellow man in situations that most would normally delegate to the police force.
Start first with listing every situation that would cause someone to call the cops. Be comprehensive. It might take several days or weeks. You may even want to interview subject matter experts to help with this ideation phase.
Then, come up with 3-5 alternative courses of action for each situation that don't involve a police force.
How motivated are you? I organize these types of research projects for a living. Heck, even without you I might undertake this project. I have many others higher on my list though.
Once you are done, it's a matter of publishing and promoting your research. I do all that as well.
Stratolaunch first flight!!
Thats the problem, they've abandoned the more adavnced rockets the thing was designed for - I think the general consensus is thet SpaceX's massive reusable rockets have made the whole design concept redundant already - its another Spruce Goose I'm afraid.
Don't they also need a rocket that can actually use such a launch platform? Is there a rocket currently made they will be using which make sense for such a system (payload size, cost effective)?
Students Support Socialism. Until It's Applied To Their GPA
1) Because they didn't succeed in a vacuum, they benefit from civilization, so are obligated to support it to at least the same extent if not more because they are able while others aren't.
2) swap dumb with rich and Trump is the bazillionaire he claims to be. You can't just swap dissimilar unrelated concepts and say "see, proved it" without looking like a braying moron.
3) Yes it should without question, our best and brightest don't come from the privileged class as a higher percentage. Actually the opposite because they don't have to do their best to survive, poorer people do, and drive matters immensely. If we want to compete internationally, we must educate the uneducated and undereducated, even those who can't afford $500000 to fake a crew history or SAT score. That education needs to be better than the countries we compete with, and it is all too often simply not.
That is a conservative stance, not a liberal one.
4) equating wealth to gpa, like this moronic video does, means Trump, like everyone else, should start at 0 and not get a bonus from daddy. If that happened, he would be zero. He is not self made, he did not only get a small $14 million unrepaid interest free loan. He did squander the money, failing at venture after venture until only Russian gangsters will loan him money, loans he needs because he squandered the money....then he repeatedly lied about it immorally squandering billions from hundreds of duped investors too...THAT is evil, yes.
5) We make $30000 for two people and don't take a dime, even overpaid my taxes...not everyone has my opportunities, privileges, and abilities. You are just spouting nonsense straw man arguments. In a perfect world, we could all be self sustaining with equal opportunity to succeed, we don't live in that communist/socialist one ever has.
I believe we are better off when the least privileged don't have to resort to violent or immoral crime to survive. I believe we are better off as a nation when our best people have the opportunities to succeed that our worst but most privileged are afforded. I believe we are better off being protected from the irresponsibility of purely profit driven commerce that, by design, must walk the razors edge of acceptability to maximize profit and minimize obligations by any means necessary, usually leaving them for socialist programs to clean up/repair. I believe we do more good ensuring the starving among us are fed food humans would willingly eat before ensuring some unrepentant apocalyptic bankers get their multi million dollar bonuses and a free pass on their crimes, and before those making multi millions a year get to hoard more and pay even less of their share.
6) What you are spouting is bat shit insane, not even AOC advocates pure socialism....not even Russia had pure socialism. Your ilk, however, calls any government program that doesn't directly benefit them or their Trumpian masters "socialist", infrastructure, all regulatory agencies, social security, even the fbi have been labeled socialist by Trumpists in the zeal to discredit the report they assumed would expose criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States (ps, it found exactly that dozens of times over), while military welfare programs for equipment we don't want and won't use, bailouts for banks and agribusiness, public funds for private ventures like golf courses and troll roads, (edit:Freudian slip?) and don't forget the unmentioned elephant, the military itself...all that socialism is fine, you think it's not even socialism. *facepalm
I'll say it again.
1)Why should some one work hard supplement someone who didn't work hard or tried hard and came up short?
2) Swap out "GPA" with "Hard Earned Money" and these people are capitalists 100%!
3) Also higher education shouldn't be funded with tax dollars.
4) What does Trump have to do with this? His dad paid for his schooling and gave him $ to start his life on. He did not squandered the $. And you look at this as evil or such?
5) You want all to be dependent on government cheese or self sustaining?
6) American Government programs are 1 thing. Socialism as the main form of government is another.
Students Support Socialism. Until It's Applied To Their GPA
Assessment of ability is not the same as having your needs met. Also, it's like he doesn't know public colleges are socialist concepts, paid for with tax money for everyone's benefit because it's good for everyone to help people be educated.
Like many rich people, Trump was given his money by right wingers believe they get to add their parent's GPA to theirs, and add points based on who they know and how unethical they can be? That's how they "earn" money, so that must be the argument.
This is just dumb, the right wing version of Jaywalking....ask a loaded, ridiculous question then edit your footage down to make your targets look's a stupid comedy bit that's not funny, not a thoughtful political observation.
Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid
*promote this absolute legend of a kid!
Also, I'd like to repost what I said about senator fuck-knuckle on Friday:
"I would like to post an eloquent rebuttal of this complete and utter nonsense. I’d like to point out that blaming the innocent people on the day they’ve been brutally slaughtered is the lowest of the low, and that to do so as a representative at a government level is not only disgraceful, but a blight on the very concept of democracy.
But it’s late, I’m tired and quite frankly, it’s been kind of a shitty day.
So instead, I’d like to invite senator dickbag to go fuck himself so very, very much and I hope he gets the most unpleasant of diseases for the rest of his miserable (hopefully brief) pathetic existence."
Pancreatic Cancer Patient Hassled at Hospital Over Marijuana
Anger/hatred is only step one, maybe even a precursor to step one, which is devising and taking action to oppose the wrongs that pissed you off. You're making assumptions again....what did Mptions do to deserve being made an ass of? ;-)
The roads to hell (and by your theory, back out) are infinite, and usually paved with good intentions (but poor premeditation and/or ongoing examination).
The abuse I speak of was the illegal search and the aggressive, disruptive, stress-causing intrusion into his private room, and he had no choice in that. He also had no choice but to waste his time with them. He could have made it easier and more pleasant for them by letting them violate him silently, but he chose not to capitulate without resistance....what little he had to offer. I support that wholeheartedly.
Trust doesn't expose truth, it hides it, obfuscated it, twists it, colors it.....Trust is antithetical to finding "truth", and today is a terrible idea as more than half of all circulating information is not trustworthy by far. (""Truth" is an idea in the mind of a crazy person, you don't need to know the "truth" to not lie."-my father.
.....what I really mean here is "fact" Not "truth".)
Only truly blind infatuation fits that model, I love with eyes open. If you love someone blindly you really love a concept of them you created, not the real person. I think love is much stronger and real when you love the whole person, scars and blemishes included, not some idealized version without the normal human flaws. It leads to far less disappointment.
The only reason you hate bullies and liars is because you believe you have no other options. That makes you a hater and no different than that which you hate.
Anger is only hate if that's what you want it to be. You have a choice of what to do with the energy that anger creates. You make it destructive or productive.
Nothing is better than love. It leads straight to hell. It will be the ONLY thing to get you out.
He subjected himself to the abuse. He could have just said, knock yourself out fellows. Just close the door behind you. But instead he chose to waste his short remaining time on the clowns.
Are you still looking for the ugly truth? How do you expect to find it if you don't make yourself vulnerable? If you don't trust?
If you love someone or someone loves you, all your defenses have already been penetrated. Pretty slick, eh?
I hope you're writing all this down. There are a lot people that need help. That's where your talent comes in.
Back in Black - Social Media Helps Measles Make a Comeback
You're right: it doesn't achieve much because it doesn't go far enough. These people should be openly mocked, ridiculed and humiliated. Every time they open their stupid mouths, someone with a bullhorn should shriek, "That's interesting, BUT YOU'RE A FUCKING MOUTH-BREATHING, BOTTOM-FEEDING, DRIBBLING, DROOLING MORON!" three inches from their cow-like faces. They should get anonymous phone calls at 3:00am, "IDIOT, it's GET-A-FUCKING-EDUCATION-O'-CLOCK!". Gales of derisive laughter should greet their every utterance until they're so phobic of speaking again that they finally just shut the fuck up.
Maybe then, when the concept of "being ashamed of being stupid" is thoroughly drilled into their putty-like brain, we can be done with this anti-vaccine bullshit.
As much as I approve the message, and as fun as it is to call pro-plague people idiots, I’m not sure if this actually achieves much.
There’s plenty of research that says that this kind of antagonistic approach just entrenches people further in their views.
Yesterday Trailer #1 (2019)
I hope the movie authors/producers credit the guys who came up with the Earworm concept, the video mentioned the Beatles directly.
I guess Earworm missed someone...
Yesterday Trailer #1 (2019)
That is a pretty great concept
Full Frontal - The Green New Deal
It is a ludicrous resolution with pie in the sky hopes. It's the equivalent of passing a non-binding resolution to end all wars or to create a machine to pull water from the air without spending massive amounts of energy.
Not only does it suggest incredibly unrealistic goals on the environmental front, especially when one considers that China/Russia will cheat their fucking asses off to prevent meeting the goals due to the enormous economic hit, it also tries to tie in socialized medical care, high paying jobs for everyone, the death of large corporations, cheap housing, and (among other things) the economic security of ANYONE who is unable/unwilling to work.
While we are at it, we should start looking into breaking the concept into five year increments. I hear that did wonders for the USSR.
Groundhog Day — An Inescapable Premise
For anyone who loves the concept in Groundhog Day and wants to see the idea explored from a couple different angles, both Edge of Tomorrow (aka Live, Die, Repeat) and Happy Death Day are solid films. Very different, but each good in its own right.
Netflix also just put out a show which employs this concept, Russian Doll, but I've not watched any of that.