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Preview Of The Next Two Years - Pelosi, Schumer, Trump

newtboy says...

Funding his wall won't stop those issues that are mostly port of entry crimes, not border jumping. The ten terrorists caught number he keeps talking about were all caught at ports of entry, not coming from Mexico over a fence.

Obama followed international law and released Iran's assets we (many say illegally) seized and held only after using them as a bargaining chip to successfully halt Iran's nuclear program. He didn't give them a cent of taxpayer money in that release of funds.

Dems gave Trump what?....$1.5 billion for border defense and he's spent <10% of it last year but wants 4 times as much this year or he'll shut down the government and just waste billions and directly impact all US citizens over a tantrum because he can't have his way. Also....what happened to Mexico paying for it? He's a great deal maker, make the deal and get the money from them.....problem solved, we should hear no more nonsense about funding his wall....that's not our bill.
Why isn't he building two walls? He knows we have two borders, doesn't he? Do you believe drugs, human trafficking, and terrorists can't come from Canada? (Edit :didn't you see the Jackal) guess he'll get Canada to pay for that one.

bobknight33 said:

Trump won this debate.

Dems will loose on this issue. Drugs / human trafficking, need to stop. Dems are putting those who harm Americans first.

Obama administration gave 150 billion to our enemy Iran. Exporter of terrorism. they chant death to America. But the democrats can't give Trump and the US citizens 5 billion for the wall?

It's only a nacho, innit?

Nut Milking EXPOSED!

JiggaJonson says...

I think it's fair for the dairy industry to lobby for this. It's an argument of definition.

You make almond milk basically by taking almonds and blending them up with water then straining.

They could call it "milk-substitute" perhaps. Point being, it's not the same thing as milk from a cow.

Peanut butter went through a similar episode in history when Jif added a bunch of crap that wasn't peanuts to its mix.

"Jif, in an effort to overtake Skippy and Peter Pan, added sweeteners and reduced their actual peanut content to improve the flavor and increase the profit margin. According to a lab study (granted, by a lab run by Skippy’s parent company, Best Foods), Jif peanut butter contained 25 percent hydrogenated oil and only 75 percent actual peanuts. This greatly concerned the FDA and other consumer groups."

Today, you can't call a product "peanut butter" unless it's made of at least 90 percent ground up peanuts. Otherwise it has to be labeled "peanut-spread."

See also: Pringles are not "chips" they are "potato-crisps"

bcglorf (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don't disagree, and we have much the same thing in practice if not by law with our native people's, they even have their own separate tribal police, courts, and laws. They are in many ways a different country inside our borders.
I agree, removing the disparities in lower education is far more desirable....but at least here we're doing the opposite, defunding public schools and programs that offer assistance like breakfast and lunch while also making it easier for affluent people to use public funds to pay for private schools, effectively defunding the public schools even farther.
That leaves us trying things like affirmative action in admissions to try to mitigate the continuing unfair, unequal opportunities lower income students face. Far from ideal, but better than another poke in the eye with a sharp stick, as my wife used to say....and she ought to know! ;-)

They might put the argument in different terms. Which do you admission advantages to aboriginal students in recognition of the piss poor opportunities they've had educationally, or give sentencing advantages to aboriginal criminals in recognition of the across the board piss poor opportunities they've had, recognizing that neither approach addresses the underlying problems, only the results of those long standing issues that simply are not being addressed at all.
What doesn't work is ignoring their lack of opportunities and expecting them to perform on par with other, non disadvantaged kids. That just gets you uneducated, pissed off adults with a chip on their shoulder and no prospects for improvement.

So.....until we actually get to work improving their overall situation, easier said than done, it behooves us to give a leg up to those trying hard to do it for Otherwise we're likely just perpetuating a cycle of criminality that hurts us all.

Classic IntelliMouse: A Legend Reborn

MilkmanDan says...

I actually used an old Intellimouse Explorer 2.0 from 2003 today -- it's in my laptop bag for those times when the trackpad just doesn't cut it.

Still works pretty well. The button hardware switches are a bit old and some of them produce signals that are too noisy for the signal bounce processing chips to filter out. So, the wheel button registers a single click as a double basically 100% of the time (PITA when using it to open new tabs in a browser), and the "forward" button does the same 50% of the time (much less frequently an issue). Not half bad for 15 year old hardware, really.

After these phased out of popularity, I switched loyalties to Logitech and then more recently Razer. But the hand feel of the chassis (which will be the exact same for this reboot version) of the Explorer was really quite excellent. Might have to look for one!

FOX's take on border separations

newtboy says...

Obama talked there about holding UNACCOMPANIED children, not separating families except in a very few instances with cause, certainly not as a bargaining chip in a political fight.
Odd, they think indefinite incarceration is better than the infinitesimal chance they might release a child to an abusive family member....why doesn't that also go for kids in CPS who are being relocated then? We don't care about American children being abused?

They pretend this is an Obama policy (but slip up and admit it's 6 weeks old) and pretend this is only about illegals who've been caught (but it's being done to families requesting asylum legally too, despite Trump's claim) they specifically claim it isn't being done to legal asylum applicants (hoping you won't notice that only goes for those few entering legally at an international port but not those who surrender legally at border crossings).
The policy is a pure white house creation, one they disingenuously shirk all responsibility for. It's an obvious political ploy to blackmail Democrats into agreeing to Draconian Republican immigration reform to stop this outrageous abuse of refugees.
Wow, @bobknight33, pretty awful even from your team of deplorables.

Also full of outright *lies

Edit: To prove himself a liar, Trump has just ended this policy in the same way he created it, by executive order. No word on what happens to those already separated yet, but the practice of unilateral separation should end.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Interestingly, the DNA research site gedmatch, a site where people publicly post genealogy and DNA data, was just used to identify the golden state killer.
One would think that if all DNA data was already in the hands of law enforcement, they wouldn't have taken so long to identify him.

That said, it's naive to believe your data is safe in anyone else's hands. The reason chip cards aren't protecting us is every company keeps your data in their not so secure databases, negating all the new security features newer credit cards have.

bobknight33 said:

CIA is in control. They fund Google, FB and many others. Collecting your data. Do you thing 23andme doesn't funnel back to CIA? What about Apple finger recognition or now face recognition?

We are just slaves to their system and you feed it only to be used against you later if needed.

What Mormon Missionaries Talk About Before You Open the Door

bobknight33 says...

The chip on your shoulder is quite large.

Bill C has been grabbing pussy for years.. No problem from you..

Lighten up.

newtboy said:

The kind you ridicule and correct when it's from 2 seventeen year olds, but not behavior we should accept from a seventy year old running for public office.
You should expect some maturity, you shouldn't ignore massive immaturity (or that Trump was trying to fuck his friend's wife).

Best News Bloopers of 2017

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

The Truth About Jerusalem

newtboy says...

It sounded like a provocation of the dowtrodden displaced natives and their allies every time to me.
It also sounded like the end of middle east peace process, which is the reason all previous presidents didn't follow through. I guess all that nonsense about Iran being months from a nuke was just that, nonsense, or they wouldn't consider this unless they want Israel to be nuked.

Edit: chances are, he won't follow through because his advisors will explain what a horrible idea it is, and what a giveaway of a major bargaining chip for absolutely nothing in return but trouble.
Nobody knew middle east peace was so complicated!

VICE covers Charlottesville. Excellent

Jinx says...


I think of Megan Phelps-Roper, once prominent member of WBC, now "reformed". She was the sort of "Social Media Manager" for the WBC. She used twitter to further spread their message but, ofc, the world of twitter stares also into you. She began to engage in a sort of dialogue with those that responded to her hate filled tweets and over time the WBC grip on her was chipped away. In the end I think she actually married one of those that engaged with her on twitter. Cool Story. Bro.

Anyhoo. So it can be done but it doesn't happen on the picket line or in protests. I mean, with some of these people you can't even agree on the definition of "human"... I really strongly doubt the value of allowing such groups to have a voice for the sake of having an opportunity to denounce (ostracise?) them further. It takes carefully considered, long term, personal debate.

My feeling is that his is happening not because we have suppressed such ideas for too long and now they are boiling over...they are boiling over because where once discontented individuals were alone with their prejudices and fears now they can find in minutes a group online to agree with. The suppression of these fringe ideologies wasn't the cause, the cause is that the internet seems to have rendered such suppression ineffectual. How we now challenge these festering online dens I'm not sure...

Also, and I hate to go all reducto ad hitlerum here but if there was ever a time, discussing neo-nazis must surely be it.... Hitler spoke and spoke and spoke and his bad ideas didn't fall into the shitter fast enough to save the lives of all the millions of Jews and those that fought against them.

enoch said:

the alt right are a vile,vulgar and grotesque display of racist ignorance all gussied up as "patriots",as "white nationalists" whose only concern is the safety and prosperity of america.

pffffft../fart noise.

so would you PLEASE for the love of fucking CHRIST allow these nimrods to hold their little rallies,their little marches.let them speak and speak and speak.....

because,like anything..bad ideas have a way of falling into the shitter when those ideas are shoved into the open.

there is a REASON why we haven't heard from these shitbags for almost 35 years,and it ain't because somebody threw a punch,sprayed some mace,or drowned out their voice.

it is simply because we gave them a mic.
that's it..we let them talk,let them march,let them hand out their literature.

this ain't rocket science people.

TJ Shatner

Engineer Guy - Bottom Up 3D Printer

spawnflagger says...

As the former owner of a DLP rear projection TV, I can say that the Ti DLP chips will not last 11 years before some of the tiny mirror elements begin to fail (on a TV, it would show up as a stuck-on white pixel).

Oliver Stone on how the US misunderstands Putin

dannym3141 says...

It's hard for me to know why Putin is doing what he's doing. When he moved on Crimea, was he doing it because of the advance of European influence closer to Russia's borders? He's short on good allies unlike 'the west', so can he let people chip away at his comfort zone? Or is he a crazed imperialist?

I don't know. Why don't I know?

Because my government have shown themselves over the years to be a bunch of twats who will literally tell bare faced lies, whilst smiling, and when confronted with the horrors of what they've done they throw their heads back and laugh like a fucking sea lion swallowing a fish whole. And that's what they've done to their OWN PEOPLE. To other countries countries we declare war and send in the multinationals to rape their resources. I consider the invasion of Iraq equally dodgy as the invasion of Crimea. So my moral compass for what's ok and not ok no longer has a baseline.

On the other side, a bunch of people who used to know how the world worked back in 1970 probably thought propaganda was the best way to whip up some nationalistic pride and resentment toward the reds, but in 2017 the majority of young people don't trust a single word they say. So these 70 year old media mogul billionaires can't even tell a believable truth anymore - even if Putin's tanks were half way down my street i'd have to clap eyes on them before i could be sure.

Plus Russia's leadership is Putin himself, he's the spearhead, and he's very cunning. Our leadership is spread across a set of democratically elected people, half of which are both incompetent and self interested, while half of those remaining are merely one or the other. It's easier for one person to look competent and assured. Someone like Merkel has to share the associated incompetency of whatever the German equivalent of her 'cabinet' is.

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