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TX law & tattoos

Mordhaus says...

I'm from Texas. I support Abortion. No contraceptive is 100% effective, not even if you combine them. If you don't understand that, study how percentages work.

Secondly, kids are hormonally driven creatures. They are literally under the influence of natural chemicals driving them to procreate.

Not every school or parent teaches them about contraceptives. In fact, you will find most 'Christians" only support abstinence. This is the equivalent of telling a chemically dependent addict to "Just Say No!" How well did that work in the drug war back in the day? (Hint: However, despite DARE's bold claims, research has shown that the program has failed spectacularly.)

Third, the people who are most affected by this new law are the people that can least afford the better contraceptives or having a child in a non-stable family environment. This won't bother a middle class or rich family at all, they can just send the kid off to an "aunt" in another state until the issue is resolved. Those kids from poor families will just be forced to have the kid and likely it will ruin their lives. This doesn't even take into account that the new law doesn't have ANY exceptions for rape or incest.

Fourth, the USA was founded on religious freedom. In other words, you get to believe what you want and others get to do the same. This means that if a religious person tells another person that something they are doing is forbidden due to morality contained in their religion, that other person can tell you to fuck right off. Church and State are supposed to be separate, but the Christian right think they should be able to legislate their religious ideas on others. Do you not see the hypocrisy here?

I'm nominally a conservative. Sadly that means that I get lumped in with you ultra far right wackos that want to turn the USA into a religious state like Iran or Afghanistan. I'm not leaving my home state because some religious nut jobs think it is OK to kill adults by lethal injection but that it is BAD to kill some cells that are multiplying.

Btw, the cardiac activity detected on ultrasound at six weeks is not a true heartbeat. It results from electrical activity, but the valves of the heart have not yet formed. And the sound does not indicate the pregnancy is viable. Women typically don't notice they are pregnant until they miss a period. So if they are unlucky, they may already be close to four weeks pregnant. That leaves them two weeks to confirm it with a doctor, since home tests are not 100%, get together money for the abortion, find a clinic, and schedule an appointment that falls within the remaining time period. Since this law will cause even more clinics to close in Texas, you can add travel and patient backlog to the time. A teen could do everything right and still miss out on the lottery for an appointment, dramatically changing their life for years.

But at least some smug religious person can sip their coffee and be proud they enforced their morality on some evil women that dared sleep around out of wedlock.

TX law & tattoos

vil says...

I try to be as smart as I am able to, my means are humble.

Do you presume that everyone in Texas who proclaims himself a christian is obliged to have the same official christian opinion on abortions?

Dissenters to be burned at a stake on Sunday.

I do not claim to know "very fundamentals" but I am sure there are many interpretations even in Texas of what christianity is or should be. Which exactly do you have in mind?

I am glad videosift is graced by the presence of the Texas supreme christian fundamentalist who knows what people in Texas should think, the penalty for nonconformity being to "fuck off out of Texas". Sounds very unchristian to me, but what do I know about christians in Texas, right?

Well enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, Texas. Abortions dont care, they will keep on being performed, just secretly, dangerously and expensively. Lawyers will be happy. Poor people will die. In the name of preserving the life of a cluster of cells which might or might not have gone on to become a human, actual humans will be harmed.

Anom212325 said:

"other christians?" ...

"perscribed opinions" ...

If you don't know very fundamentals of the religion please don't try and be "smart"

Snowden UNMASKS Apple’s New Ploy To SPY On You!!

newtboy says...

Two questions about the title.
1) Why is Snowden getting credit for "unmasking" this Apple ploy?
2) Who hasn't already heard about this?

I don't even have a cell phone, and I knew about this long ago. Even Apple employees have been publicly speaking out about this, something Apple employees just do not do regularly, some walking away from Apple completely. It will be abused and misused both by authorities and by Apple, and eventually by hackers. Make a door, people will use it.

Apple just threw their biggest selling point, security, in the trash. Fucking I-diots.

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

luxintenebris says...

believe the idea is that all of us do or don't engage in things that we don't necessarily enjoy (or enjoy). either for legality or decency or the stir, it causes...

- breastfeeding
- pistol wearing in town
- hats at weddings/funerals/churches
- shutting off cells at the same and more
- wheels on busy sidewalks
- not heckling the priest's sermon ("YOU SUCK FATHER!")*

some of these are up to the person, some not as bad as others, but common sense SHOULD guide sane people.

'tho if COVID becomes a public health crisis (ala Black Death-esque) they'll find where their freedom meets real oppression (Thyphoid Mary on a large scale).

personally, the idea that I could end up killing someone quickly replaced my health concerns. if found someone died because wasn't wearing a mask - would kill me.

so, in short, hope any/or all of these blunts find themselves in a situation where their car won't start. and no one will help them 'til them mask up.

"just need a part!"
"not until you observe our policy of public health! here's a mask...and if you'd put on shoes and a shirt..."

bet they'd do it for their f'n car. but for little bobby or old man Thorney?

...hope a camel w/a huge lip blister kisses them straight on the mouth.

reminds me of a song...


* Bobcat gag

vil said:

If he is against mandatory masks he is arguing against his own case by pretending to break other mandatory requirements that make sense.
If he is for mandatory masks his (sarcastic?) argumentation style is going to antagonize people who do not already agree with him.

Dying in the name of freedom

StukaFox says...

FUCK these people.

Fuck them with a rake.

Fuck them. Fuck their "muh FWEEDUMS!" bullshit. Fuck their double-digit IQs and fuck anyone who encourages these cocksuckers to be the Typhoid Mary motherfuckers who need to be put on an island and neutron bombed until the carbon in their cells gives up and bails.

I've mentioned before that one of my clients is a major healthcare provider, the largest on west coast. The worthless fucking parasites who refuse to be vaccinated are going to jack your insurance rates into the stratosphere because they're being treated first in the ER (major profit center for hospitals) and then the ICU (where $10k a day is the low end). The best case scenario is that they get on with it and go have a talk with Hitler in Hell, but no -- these cunts have to hang on and take up a bed that won't be available for the guy who just had a massive coronary, take up doctor's and nurse's time while they cover their distance between living dumbfuck and dead dumbfuck at a snail's pace, and fuck us all by running up multi-million dollar bills that they can't pay, they won't pay, and that they'll dump on the rest of us when they're done gasping the oxygen that belongs to people who aren't idiots.

These goddamn parasites can't die fast enough. I laugh whenever I hear some moron bewailing the fact he didn't get the vaccine and now Death is check his watch outside the door. You want to exercise the "right" to not be vaccinated (which you don't legally have in the first place), fine: die at home, hopefully in agony, and let your family leave your corpse on the sidewalk as an abject lesson in why being a complete fucking idiot doesn't pay.

Fuck I hate these goddamn people.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

JiggaJonson said:

It's sad watching people try to spin this as 'proof' that trump's lies have somehow come to fruition. Like a covid patient on a death bed still asserting the virus is a conspiracy.

Kurzgesagt | How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

newtboy says...

Holy shit, you’re a moron….an incredibly dangerous, deadly, irresponsible, pro death moron.

600000+ is more dead Americans than were killed in every war back to the Civil war combined. We should never have gone to war then, even when we were attacked. No enemy has ever come anywhere near 600000. By your logic, Pearl Harbor didn’t matter, protecting Korea didn’t matter, the war on terror didn’t matter, no war mattered…why should another nation or people be punished for under a 2% American death rate?

Islamic terrorists too….they only killed 3000 on American soil…why on earth would you punish them, that’s only .5% of COVID deaths, a nothing burger, but your ilk loses their minds over Arabs and Muslims, so much you tried to ban them, remove their civil rights, and murder them at random because you can’t tell the difference between a Shiek and a Daesh warrior. Why, Bob, if 600000 dead is a nothing burger, would you care a thing about 3000? Must be a different skin color/different belief prejudice thing.

You still want to investigate again and prosecute Clinton over 4 deaths in a hostile foreign country she wasn’t responsible for….but 600000 on American soil on the Cowardly Liar’s watch…. nothing to see here.

BLM was responsible for approximately 6 deaths at protests last year (right wing attackers were responsible for around 13 including the police they murdered to blame on BLM), and you want to ban and prosecute BLM members but not proud or boogaloo boys….but 600000 deaths, >90% of which were easily avoidable with just minimal leadership instead of the denial and blame shifting we got…fugehtabowdit!

And immigrants, they now have 600000 empty slots to fill before adding a single person to our population….open those borders and ring the dinner bell.

Only 2% of people tossed off fourth story roofs die, another way of saying that is 98% survive. I’ll be right over to throw you and your children off a fourth story roof….you won’t press charges because only a 2% chance of death each shouldn’t be punished, right?

Yes, absolutely, if there’s a 2% death rate (I’m pretty certain it’s rising), and one unvaccinated idiot gives it to 50 more because you morons also won’t mask up or social distance, you just murdered someone and wasted around $4000000 to try to treat them. Like an arsonist that kills and maims people, you should go to prison for life.
Now consider you dumbshits are creating an epsilon variant that’s not effected by vaccination and is FAR more transmissible and deadly….you ARE the Wuhan lab creating another pandemic. You and yours are guilty of what you accuse China of doing, intentionally creating and releasing a deadly pandemic….because you’re fucking idiots. You think the Chinese involved should be executed….so logically so should anyone that refuses vaccination and gets COVID. That’s 99% of all COVID cases now.

Should you or someone else be punished for just one murder? If so, you get it and you are just trolling stupidly…if not, I’m going to need your address and to have that in writing with your signature, notarized and signed by a judge….then I’ll be right over to save you from a tiny shot with a much larger shot.

How many trillions did 18 months of COVID cost America alone? >$16 trillion IF it ends this fall….And you’re advocating another round or two. Are you and the other anti science dummies willing to put your entire net worth in escrow to pay for the damage your ignorant obstinance causes? I’m certain not, republicans NEVER accept responsibility for their actions….never….so stop the insanity and man up, or be a pariah, ostracized from society in a cell.

*************Trump said it’s not only safe, it’s smart and patriotic. Are you saying he’s lying to you, or that you aren’t smart or patriotic? If you only answer one question, make it this one.*************

There’s an over 10% hospitalization rate at an average of $80000 (some cost millions and still don’t make it) and of those hospitalized, 80+% had neurological symptoms, 50% had encephalopathy, and far more than twice as many had permanent brain damage as died…plus heart, lung, muscular, etc. disabilities, plus many losing one of their 5 senses permanently….why should the government pay for your choice to be irresponsible? Waive your rights to assistance now, it’s socialism anyway.

Then there’s the Petri dish angle….every non vaccinated asshole is a place for the virus to mutate enough that vaccination is made moot….and we are right back to April 2020 with another 600000 likely to die before any help, another year of businesses closed and social distancing at a minimum. Absolutely anyone making that possible, endangering hundreds of thousands of lives, permanently disabling at least twice that many Americans, killing another 1000 + children (the Delta variant already effects children much worse than the original) and severely disabling tens of thousands more, and orphaning hundreds of thousands, deserves life in prison or firing squad. Then let’s talk about the unintended abortions….getting COVID while pregnant is a near guaranteed death of the fetus….since when are you uneducated idiots pro abortion? Make no mistake, refusing to vaccinate causes unwanted abortions.

So again, absolutely you should be forced to vaccinate or be forcibly quarantined, and forced to pay the full cost of treatment for anyone you infect through willful negligence, and prosecuted for cases leading to death and permanent brain damage, and pay for lifetime care for the disabled, and not have your care paid for because it was 100% your choice….in fact no care at all, your ilk should never take up a bed needed by a child that couldn’t vaccinate, children are over 20% of cases, and while they don’t die as often, they still get permanent brain, heart, lung, and other damage at high rates.

What are you so afraid of, little baby? Republican women have much bigger balls than Republican men….they aren’t afraid of a tiny prick, they see them all the time.

bobknight33 said:

600000 dead is only a 2% Death rate.
Another way of saying it 98% survival rate.

And if you are younger than 60 it more like 99% survival rate.

So should you be forced or else be punish in some for or fashion for a 2% death rate?

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

I want to know how after 19 years on the force with a $100000 car, rental homes, $90+ a year at his second job, and who under reported his yearly income by almost $500000 repeatedly can get away with claiming he's broke.

Just like being housed in special high profile (larger nicer single inmate cells, but not solitary) areas of prison with all non white employees barred from the entire floor and white female officers allowed alone in his cell, actually in his bed, to comfort him, even letting him use their cell phones, that's some serious bullshit.

The murderous pig is a millionaire.

Wiki-On July 22, 2020, after the murder charges were brought against him, Chauvin and his then-wife were separately charged in Washington County, Minnesota, on nine felony counts of tax evasion[88][89] related to allegedly fraudulent state income tax returns from 2014 to 2019.[90] Prosecutors state the couple under-reported their joint income by $464,433, including more than $95,000 from Chauvin's off-duty security work.[89][91] The complaint also alleges failure to pay proper sales tax on a $100,000 BMW purchased in Minnesota in 2018, failure to declare income from Chauvin's wife's business, and improper deductions on a rental home.

surfingyt said:

he got Eric Nelson ha ha
the Ls continue to stack for bewb

Republican Opens The Door For Violent Terrorist Mob In Salem

newtboy says...

A new video came to light recently of him giving a group of right wing activists his cell phone number and telling them that at the next attack on the Oregon capitol just text him and tell him what door you're outside of and "somebody" will come open it....but he didn't say that and those numbers are just random numbers, then repeating his phone number a few times. He has since been expelled from office.

Not today motherfucker

StukaFox says...

I'm pretty sure the dude's just having a good time because he's at a concert and he's all young and shit. He's probably high, too. Look at that glorious blue sky! Who wouldn't be joyous on such a perfect day when they're all young and high and shit? Dude, I'm old, it's dark and I'm not even at a concert (full disclosure: I am listening to Lord Huron's new album and it's fucking amazing. There's some stuff that's not up to their other work, and a weird 14-minute filler piece at the end, but Drops In The Lake might become the most beloved Lord Huron song ever) and I'm totally joyous right now. I'm also stoned out of my mind, so take that as a plus, a minus or a none-of-the-above. Look, all I'm saying is there's a cute video video of a sheep standing down a Border Collie. Props to the sheep for having the kinda balls it doesn't have anymore, but fucking with a Border Collie is asking for that dog to fuck up your tax return later. So yeah, y'know, cute dog and cute sheep and some Welshman who knows he's getting some pussy tonight and if that dog screws this up, it ain't gonna be the sheep getting fucked. That's life in Wales, man. Those dudes will fuck anything. I mean, if I was stuck in Wales with nothing else to do, I'd be looked at our four-legged friends in a far more than friendly way, too. Also, they don't have vowel mines there so they're stuck spelling words with all contestants and chunks of coal for punctuation. NO idea how that little linguistic hiccup got passed the Proto-Germanic language tree, but people in Quebec speak a language that's completely similar to French, only without the word order, the grammar and any words that are actually in French. The French hate that shit because they're French and no one in Europe is being all shirty these day. Except that dude in Belarus who apparently doens't know what an utter fucking legend the guy who runs Ryanair is. Fucking hell this shit's good. Anyway, the whole point of this was that a dog, a sheep and a Welshman walk into a bar and the bartender asks the man what he wants. And the Welshman tells, in exceedingly graphic detail, what he wants while the sheep and the collie listen in horror, straining against their leads and praying Pop-Up Darwin will suddenly appear and gift them opposable thumbs, a cellphone, and a SIM card that actually works in fucking Wales, because those vowel-less cocksuckers have a totally different cell system than the rest of the UK. Shit, you try to make a call to anywhere in Gwfjhsrmflsslll, the first thing you notice is that numbers have apparently joined the vowels in being MIA, and you're trying to explain that you just want to make a call to London and the operator is speaking some language that'd scare the shit outta C'htulu and finally you just give up and hop back on the Ryanair flight to JFK while scanning constantly for Mig-29s.

Anyway, be happy.

cloudballoon said:

So is the far-right/left, idiocy & non-sense.

What Are You Doing With Your Life? The Tail End

StukaFox says...

I don't often say this, but fuck this video.

If you're 25, the end of your life is an abstraction and the whole "there's time to change things!" is a nice balm. When you're 55, your death isn't an abstraction, it's a fact of life that dominates more and more of what remaining time you have left. The awareness of impending mortality is insidious once you're passed 50. It creeps into every part of your life and every decision you make.

Let me teach you one of those amazing words the Germans come up with for describing various forms of existential agony: weltschmerz. Loosely, this is a form of sadness when one realizes what is versus what could have been. This is the compound interest of regrets and choices not made, or made poorly. Not only does weltschmerz grow with each year, its very presence amplifies itself because the more you know what could have been, the more you see what the cost of that absence is. Then, if that's not evil enough, that knowledge focuses the mind on the time remaining and how little you can do to negate the harm done, which then re-amplifies the weltschmerz.

You can slap whatever Hallmark bullshit you need on this to get through the day, but weltscmerz never goes away. It's always there. It's there at 3:00am when you wake up in a silent house and look at everything around you as consolation prizes for races not won. It's there when you see your friends succeeding in a million different ways that you didn't. It's there when you look at 6 million lines of text you wrote and realize you're not going to be Hemingway after all.

So fuck this video. I don't need a cutesy animated memento mori, I've already got a wall clock in my death row cell.

Here endth the rant.

(Nick Drake nailed weltschmerz perfectly in "When The Day Is Done". Here's the video to that song:

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

newtboy jokingly says...

Republicans have no time for answers to such unimportant questions, they need every brain cell they collectively have focused on figuring out what happened in Benghazi.

luxintenebris said:

tuff stuff rewriting the insurgency. tight storyline...

- don dupa urges his malleable mutts to attack the capitol
- capitol undermanned
- r's and d's alike become targets
- cameras (media, cc, & invader's own cell phones) capture the action

...that is a drama/thriller right there.

but as a mystery it is even better...

- why was the capitol undermanned?
- why didn't the nat'l guard arrive sooner?
- did agents of 'r' school some of the insurgents?
- where was the president? did he plan this? was he petting a white cat while he watched it on tv? there is A LOT to be revealed in the story.

jeezus, bob...if this was my novel...i'd go to another publisher and fire y'all.

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

luxintenebris jokingly says...

tuff stuff rewriting the insurgency. tight storyline...

- don dupa urges his malleable mutts to attack the capitol
- capitol undermanned
- r's and d's alike become targets
- cameras (media, cc, & invader's own cell phones) capture the action

...that is a drama/thriller right there.

but as a mystery it is even better...

- why was the capitol undermanned?
- why didn't the nat'l guard arrive sooner?
- did agents of 'r' school some of the insurgents?
- where was the president? did he plan this? was he petting a white cat while he watched it on tv? there is A LOT to be revealed in the story.

jeezus, bob...if this was my novel...i'd go to another publisher and fire y'all.

Virginia Officers Respond To Armed Suspect

newtboy says...

Neither supports racial supremacy like your ilk, so the leading question is a red herring non sequitur.
I am not an anarchist, not since I turned 16, so I don't support Antifa, but I enjoy watching them make your head spin immensely.
I have always supported equality under the law, so yes, I absolutely support BLM....I would if they murdered a cop every time an unarmed black person was killed by police.

You are delusional.
Do, at some time, most cops act appropriately? Yes. Are you so brain damaged you take much accusations and hear "all cops are all bad all the time"? I've never said that. Pablo Escobar, by all reports, was a quite generous man who helped the poor on many occasions....he was not a good person.
Same for cops.
If you murder one person but do your job well otherwise, you are a murderous thug. If you allow fellow officers to get away with murder but don't participate, you are a murderous thug. If you spend every waking hour tending to the invalid and elderly on your own dime and you only kidnap and rape one child, you are a disgusting child rapist. If you cover for another motherfucker who's a kiddie fucker, you're no fucking better than the motherfucking rapist. That's the norm for American police, cover for the bad ones under any circumstances.

Cops can do good at times, usually when they know they're on multiple cameras, it doesn't ever erase their crimes.

Most, I would say statistically all cops are at best accomplices if not the bad actors. Good policing includes stopping other cops from committing crimes....until BLM pushed the issue, that was absolutely not the case...It might have happen once a decade nation wide, always ending with the whistleblower fired and under threat from police. Now, thanks 100% to BLM, that's slowly changing. Maybe up to .01% of the time...and that's an improvement.

Trump said to hit them harder and more often, cops listened and cheered.

Cops wear cameras. If they followed the law, they could put out ten thousand videos of themselves doing the right thing every day, not one a month, deescalation, not shooting until threatened, stopping other cops from beating handcuffed suspects to death and arresting them, defending the accused shoplifters from the racist store owner's false accusations instead of what we do see, smashing their window and pulling them through it because a racist said they think they stole something, they just don't know what or when. Have you EVER seen one of those? No, but you can see 10 disgusting abuses recorded daily with never another cop intervening, always the entire department forming a blue wall, destroying evidence, publicly pushing lies, testifying to lies, etc. They're a gang, they only protect and serve themselves when the chips are down. This is not a media perception, it's cold hard fact buddy.

Cops went to the supreme court to guarantee their right to lie. They are all professional liars. Liars cannot be trusted. I know, you can't grasp that concept because it would mean questioning daddy Trump, but it's true. When you give people authority, the power of life and death, and the legal right to lie at all times you set up a disastrous's what we have. Racist liars who kill. No good deed erases that.

Yes, Bob. Cops admit they shoot three citizens to death daily on average, already an abject failure, but hide likely > 95% of the deaths they cause by blaming the victim, claiming suicide by somehow beating themselves to death or claiming they died in a minor wreck that caused no injury after beating them to death. Claiming a cell phone clearly visible that they are talking to 911 on looks like a gun and shooting 47 times, running them over intentionally then stopping 10 ft away but claiming they had to because they feared for their lives, kneeling on their neck for 9 minutes and later saying the people telling them they just killed the man distracted them from knowing they killed the man. Strangling boys for 17 minutes straight while beating their heads with a giant maglight.......Daily. Multiple times daily.

You are such a delusional idiot.

bobknight33 said:

So you are against ANTIFA and BLM?

Most cops do good policing.

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