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Red Shirt Guy responds to his Blizzcon 2010 Video

Payback says...


EXACTLY. and your a jackass for asking for an explanation in public. p2p that stuff, not that reasons have to be given but if your are sincere in your question, this is no forum for it.
not in the mood for vs/siftbot retardation right now, twice I fucking quote and this stupid garbalygook shit comes up read between the coded lines for ANY clue as to wtf I am talking about.

Looking at the code, looks like a bunch of less than and greater than braces are being translated to printable characters rather than staying as markup. I notice this happens sometimes when someone uses smilies too.

Pacific Sun Cruise Liner in Heavy Seas - CCTV Footage

Porksandwich says...

I don't understand why the industrial section of the ship is not secured. I can understand the forklift not being secured...but big metal cabinets and cages? I mean I doubt they are moving that shit around during the cruise...they might unload it when they dock at which time they can release them.

The tables and chairs....that could be turned into a dance floor maybe, so I can understand not wanting a bunch of holes in the floors and mounted tables/chairs. However, there was only maybe 2 people I saw on the video that looked like they were crew and looked like they had any experience with how to handle that which I mean they seemed to have "sea legs" and didn't stumble around and braced when appropriate. So given there's a general lack of experience when things get bad, you'd think they would focus more on making sure things were bolted down and when appropriate have smaller sections where stuff couldn't move as much and people could actually get from one wall to another before the ship tilted back.

Wonder if anyone died during this, it'd be pretty easy to crack your head on a counter top. I mean it's nice to see a fancy boat and all, but I think you could give up a little to not have your face bashed in on a pole when the boat begins to rock.

Pacific Sun Cruise Liner in Heavy Seas - CCTV Footage

bamdrew says...

From here the pattern doesn't look too hard to grasp... first things go one way, then they'll come back the other.

I understand its VERY different when you're there and shits flying around, but some of those folks looked very surprised over and over, and a couple just turtled during the lulls instead of bracing for the next swing. Trains and Boats are out to get you! Keep you're head on a swivel!

Make Sure the Kids Are Asleep, Or Else...

Braces- time lapse. This kid definitly benefited from this.

gwiz665 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Ah, but does it have to be your arm and leg?
>> ^gwiz665:
I should have gotten them when I was younger and it was free (under 18 is free in denmark). If I wanted to get them straightened now it would cost and arm and a leg.

Dude dude dude! You just gave me the best idea!

An arm and a torso's gotta count for extra

Braces- time lapse. This kid definitly benefited from this.

Slow-Mo Water Balloon To The Face

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

chtierna says...

My experience from Denmark was that everyone understood what I was saying but I could hardly understand a word they said. This lead to the uncomfortable situation in which I seemed like I was too arrogant to try to understand Danish while they still understood me fine, and so I switched to English and pretended I was a foreigner. Weeeird....

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Haha, back at ya. I don't understand a word of Swedish!

In reply to this comment by chtierna:
You're a Dane? Woooaaah, I was the fucker who was peeing in your fountain while buying alcohol over there. You know, what they call a "Swede". And in Denmark I speak English, I can't understand shit you're saying.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I should have gotten them when I was younger and it was free (under 18 is free in denmark). If I wanted to get them straightened now it would cost and arm and a leg.

chtierna (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Haha, back at ya. I don't understand a word of Swedish!

In reply to this comment by chtierna:
You're a Dane? Woooaaah, I was the fucker who was peeing in your fountain while buying alcohol over there. You know, what they call a "Swede". And in Denmark I speak English, I can't understand shit you're saying.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I should have gotten them when I was younger and it was free (under 18 is free in denmark). If I wanted to get them straightened now it would cost and arm and a leg.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

chtierna says...

You're a Dane? Woooaaah, I was the fucker who was peeing in your fountain while buying alcohol over there. You know, what they call a "Swede". And in Denmark I speak English, I can't understand shit you're saying.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I should have gotten them when I was younger and it was free (under 18 is free in denmark). If I wanted to get them straightened now it would cost and arm and a leg.

Braces- time lapse. This kid definitly benefited from this.

Braces- time lapse. This kid definitly benefited from this.

Braces- time lapse. This kid definitly benefited from this.

ant says...

I wore them for three years in high school in the early 1990s/90s. It sucked big time! And before that and after that, other types of braces and retainers and still have teeth problems. Young people, these days, supposedly have something better. Lucky punks.

Braces- time lapse. This kid definitly benefited from this.

Yogi says...

I had Braces at 17...worked great. I didn't wear the things they told me too after that I'll need them sometime in the future. Listen to your Orthodontists kids, they know what they're talking about.

Braces- time lapse. This kid definitly benefited from this.

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