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Mile-high madness with Richard Simmons!

House MD on Vaccinations

Teeth Straightening Time Lapse

bareboards2 says...

I've been trying to figure that out.

I think it only picks up dupes of embeds if you copy an embed from exactly the same host.

After that, it looks at the tags. Since you didn't use the word "braces" anywhere, it didn't pick up on the dupe.

I've only been sifting videos for a month or so. I'm still looking for the patterns.

>> ^vaporlock:

Figures.. I wonder why the system doesn't pick up on these when posting them.
>> ^bareboards2:
I know I can't call this, maybe somebody with The Power can.
Good sift -- the original made it to top 15.

Teeth Straightening Time Lapse

Teeth Straightening Time Lapse

Teeth Straightening Time Lapse

Teeth Straightening Time Lapse

Railgun Test Fire

GeeSussFreeK says...

I had a random guess as well. Most of the rail systems I am familiar with have a chamber the projectile travels down like the barrel of a gun. The main problem I have heard with this systems is the problem of bracing the projectile. How do you accelerate a metal object to super sonic speeds without it destroying the chamber via friction? Some had it in a jacket that was guided by a catapult like system on an aircraft carrier. This results in sparks, fires, and smoke because of the friction involved. I can't find details on this specific gun though beyond "they fired it".

Dodgeball+Giant Trampolene Room= WHY ISNT THIS ON ESPN?!?!

Tingles says...

While I was watching the video, and before reading your post, I was thinking to myself about ankles. My right ankle is fucked, I've sprained it about 7 times in 5 years (weak ankle, re-occurring injury) and it blows me away how I haven't broken it yet. Watching the vid, I hope they're wearing ankle braces and specially made shoes. >> ^bmacs27:

Right, I remember slamball. Isn't that the sport where this happens? Warning, video is a little graphic.
That might be why it isn't televised regularly.

Guy Proposes Via Nintendo

GDGD (Member Profile)

TSA: Makes 4yo boy remove his leg braces, and insist he walk

TSA: Makes 4yo boy remove his leg braces, and insist he walk

TSA: Makes 4yo boy remove his leg braces, and insist he walk

Ryjkyj says...

Sure, now the terrorists are just going to dress up as little boys and hide the bombs in their leg braces. I hope this kid and his family are happy they exposed me to greater danger.

Fmr. Cigna CEO Apologizes to Michael Moore

Porksandwich says...

What gets me about the whole situation is that right now, the economy is in the toilet and no matter what they seem to believe and say about indicators showing economic turn around never seem to actually cause a turnaround.

So we continue to limp along with all these broken systems, because "some day soon" it will be better. Yet when we have the chance to get a system in place that would improve our livelihood and the ability to work when work is available, the people representing us can't even get enough of their people to stop jerking off their corporate overlords to make it happen.

And while all this goes down, more and more people are forced onto the welfare system and receive BETTER medical care than they did when they paid out of pocket, because they don't have to worry about if they can afford thousands of dollars of out of pocket expenses to get things fixed that if dealt with earlier would have been simpler, cheaper, and safer procedures..with less recovery time and better long term results...and a whole hell of a lot less suffering.

Yet, we still can't see that this current system is just a losing battle, you either spend money on insurance you don't need 99% of the time and waste money on peace of mind and little else. Or you spend money on insurance which you need, but you can't actually afford to address the medical problems in a more permanent fashion. I've needed surgery on my hands for carpal tunnel for 5 years, can't afford it. Got a shoulder that is now screwed up, which may be partially due to pain radiating from my carpal tunnel or something's just guess work until I can afford to eliminate causes or pay for high dollar specialists. Allergies that are under control most times, but can't afford allergy shots anymore to even out the reactions. Asthma where they won't cover the medications that work, and they discontinued the CFC versions that worked better. Bruxism issues, can't afford to get any kind of dental made appliance to deal with it, so using cheap over the counter guards......which cause my jaws to shift so now my jaws and teeth don't line up for a proper bite (they hit in the front). And now I probably need braces to fix that issue, which could have been addressed years with less expensive means more than likely. Have a cracked tooth from the bruxism that I can't afford to fix, cracked one prior to it think it ended up being about 800 dollars in the end.

It shouldn't be an issue of money when you have a medical need to have something fixed. It's in everyone's best interest to keep people able bodied, otherwise more and more people end up on disability and never come off of it.

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