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Mature 13yo Argues Against Slut-Shaming

Deano (Member Profile)

Main Stage collapses at Indiana State Fair

KnivesOut says...

I would hope/assume that lawsuits are pending. If you're putting on an event like this, I would expect there is some requirement for public safety.
>> ^Deano:

When you put up a stage like that is it not important to brace it properly? It just collapsed one way because there seemed nothing in place to make it a more resilient structure.

Main Stage collapses at Indiana State Fair

Christian "Boom Boom Pow" remix: your ears will bleed

Anonymous Video Submitter Contest (Sift Talk Post)

burdturgler says...

/burdturgler braces himself as the asteroid named "*promote *quality" hurtles towards VideoSift.

honestly looking forward to this ending .. I can't even search for my own videos.

Questioning Evolution: Irreducible complexity

shinyblurry says...

Fossils aren't rare, there are billions of them. According to darwins theory, there should be an overwhelming number of transitional fossils, but there aren't any. There is absolutely no evidence showing one kind of animal changing into another kind, period. Which is what the entire theory is based on.

"Given enough time we'll probably find one" Yeah, that's what the theory is hinged on..the faith that they exist. It's been 120 years but don't give up..we've uncovered billions of fossils but i bet thyere in there somewhere! It's a metaphysical belief and you have way more faith than I do.

>> ^MaxWilder:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Actually, you can find all the best ones here:
Brace yourself for the disclaimer:
"Ideally, this list would only recursively include 'true' transitionals, fossils representing ancestral specie from which later groups evolved, but most, if not all, of the fossils shown here represent extinct side branches, more or less closely related to the true ancestor" ie, no real transitions have ever been discovered..meaning evolution is a fraud
You accuse me of being blind to evidence..I just provided a mountain of evidence showing evolution to be a total do one google search and determine you're sad maxyboy. Shows the supreme level of ignorance im dealing with here.
>> ^MaxWilder:
I guess when you Google "transitional fossils" and see all those pages with huge lists of transitional fossils, they are all liars. But the religious people, they know science better than the scientists.
Duh, winning.

I'm glad to see that you accept that general transitional fossils exist. That is, we have many examples of fossils which demonstrated the transition from fish to amphibian, for example.
But you, like all creationists, demand more specificity. You need to see a single branch go from species A to B to C.
Here's the thing you don't seem to get, shiny. Fossils are rare. And during the process of evolution, extinct side branches are common. Well, "common" isn't exactly the right word. The branch that survives basically has to win the evolutionary lotto. So if an animal gets fossilized, it is by far more likely to come from an extinct side branch. It's simply statistics. So species A evolves into a zillion different species B, most of which are evolutionary dead ends. So to find fossil records of the exact variant of species B that fell directly between Species A (which we had a fossil) and Species C (which we had a fossil that wasn't close enough to species A to be sure about)... that's kinda like winning the lotto ten times in a row. We have plenty of them that are close. But the exact ones? You don't understand what you are asking for.
Given enough time, we'll probably find some. But they won't be proving evolution true. The Theory of Evolution is just the best explanation for the evidence we have. You can't really prove it true. The theory as it stands has made a ton of predictions that have been shown to be accurate, but none of those are "enough" for skeptics. Perhaps there is a piece of evidence which would be so bizarre that it could prove it false, but it doesn't really work the other way around. Only mathematical theorems can be "proven" true.
No, if we ever find a "true" transitional fossil as you have defined it, it will simply prove creationism false. But then again, you've never let logic or evidence dissuade you from your beliefs, so it probably wouldn't change anything.

Questioning Evolution: Irreducible complexity

MaxWilder says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Actually, you can find all the best ones here:
Brace yourself for the disclaimer:
"Ideally, this list would only recursively include 'true' transitionals, fossils representing ancestral specie from which later groups evolved, but most, if not all, of the fossils shown here represent extinct side branches, more or less closely related to the true ancestor" ie, no real transitions have ever been discovered..meaning evolution is a fraud
You accuse me of being blind to evidence..I just provided a mountain of evidence showing evolution to be a total do one google search and determine you're sad maxyboy. Shows the supreme level of ignorance im dealing with here.
>> ^MaxWilder:
I guess when you Google "transitional fossils" and see all those pages with huge lists of transitional fossils, they are all liars. But the religious people, they know science better than the scientists.
Duh, winning.

I'm glad to see that you accept that general transitional fossils exist. That is, we have many examples of fossils which demonstrated the transition from fish to amphibian, for example.

But you, like all creationists, demand more specificity. You need to see a single branch go from species A to B to C.

Here's the thing you don't seem to get, shiny. Fossils are rare. And during the process of evolution, extinct side branches are common. Well, "common" isn't exactly the right word. The branch that survives basically has to win the evolutionary lotto. So if an animal gets fossilized, it is by far more likely to come from an extinct side branch. It's simply statistics. So species A evolves into a zillion different species B, most of which are evolutionary dead ends. So to find fossil records of the exact variant of species B that fell directly between Species A (which we had a fossil) and Species C (which we had a fossil that wasn't close enough to species A to be sure about)... that's kinda like winning the lotto ten times in a row. We have plenty of them that are close. But the exact ones? You don't understand what you are asking for.

Given enough time, we'll probably find some. But they won't be proving evolution true. The Theory of Evolution is just the best explanation for the evidence we have. You can't really prove it true. The theory as it stands has made a ton of predictions that have been shown to be accurate, but none of those are "enough" for skeptics. Perhaps there is a piece of evidence which would be so bizarre that it could prove it false, but it doesn't really work the other way around. Only mathematical theorems can be "proven" true.

No, if we ever find a "true" transitional fossil as you have defined it, it will simply prove creationism false. But then again, you've never let logic or evidence dissuade you from your beliefs, so it probably wouldn't change anything.

Questioning Evolution: Irreducible complexity

shinyblurry says...

Actually, you can find all the best ones here:

Brace yourself for the disclaimer:

"Ideally, this list would only recursively include 'true' transitionals, fossils representing ancestral specie from which later groups evolved, but most, if not all, of the fossils shown here represent extinct side branches, more or less closely related to the true ancestor" ie, no real transitions have ever been discovered..meaning evolution is a fraud

You accuse me of being blind to evidence..I just provided a mountain of evidence showing evolution to be a total do one google search and determine you're sad maxyboy. Shows the supreme level of ignorance im dealing with here.

>> ^MaxWilder:
I guess when you Google "transitional fossils" and see all those pages with huge lists of transitional fossils, they are all liars. But the religious people, they know science better than the scientists.
Duh, winning.

Guy in wheelchair gets taken down by two cops

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

Yes. Because maintaining the possibility that he had a weapon, and stole the wheelchair he's in, isn't a massive fucking leap of faith at all.

Well, I don't buy the 'he had a weapon,' however, the police did...and when your right next to someone, that means that in one second the weapon can transfer hands.

Next, what would you do against someone bracing themselves against an immovable object (As is clear in this video.) I am not judging you Gallow, I am asking a serious question. Do you rip his arm off his hover-round? And if so, take the risk of snapping his arm? How do you handcuff him from his back since you cannot reasonably make him stand to handcuff him?

Guy in wheelchair gets taken down by two cops

P1ggy says...

I'm skeptical about this video simply because of the way it was edited. I am always against police brutality and excessive force. I just don't like being misled. I too want to know the full situation. The news link is just someone's blog post. There is no actual investigative information.

At the start of the video you see the guys legs kick up and then brace against the sidewalk. He pushes up with his legs and locks forcing the officers and him into a standing position which actually increases the distance in which they slammed into the sidewalk.

The video clearly cuts out everything before the moment the officers grabbed the man and then quickly cuts out as soon as they clam the surrounding situation and begin to explain.

Single Marine Salutes Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Riders

smooman says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I met this man a couple of years ago at the WWII monument in DC. He does this every year and salutes for an INCREDIBLY long time. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he has some kind of brace holding his arm up. I know mine would fall off after a mere 10 minutes.

ya you could tell his shit was getting tired and sore. i once had to present arms to a melting ice cream cone for 4 hours back in basic after getting caught sneaking ice cream from the chow hall on kp duty. thought my arm was gonna fall off. Respect.

god marine dress is so much sharper than the green army shit.

Single Marine Salutes Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Riders

MarineGunrock says...

I met this man a couple of years ago at the WWII monument in DC. He does this every year and salutes for an INCREDIBLY long time. I wouldn't be surprised to find out he has some kind of brace holding his arm up. I know mine would fall off after a mere 10 minutes.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

bareboards2 says...

1. I can dance the tango, amongst other ballroom dances, and have won dance contests.

2. My father is a major part of space history – he was a range safety officer, blowing up missiles that went off course in the early days of the missile program – has destroyed more missiles than anyone else and no one is likely to ever catch up to him, since they know what they are doing now.

3. I love to tell stories, and when I travel, I write stories in my head to tell when I get home (did I ever tell you about spending an hour – at 10 pm in the winter night -- talking to the lone Scottish soldier guarding Edinburgh Castle and what he told me about kilts and Scottish pride?)

4. I am vain about my ears.

5. The only thing I have ever given birth to is a theater company, now defunct for ten years, and I am very proud that folks still mourn its passing. We did GREAT STUFF.

6. I am hypercritical and judgmental of others, but I am hardest of all on myself.

7. Once I moved to hippy haven Port Townsend, I grew out my armpit hair to see if I could blend in with the natives – and then scared myself in the shower because I thought it was a spider.

8. One of my best friends is my Oklahoma cousin, which is remarkable because we have never spent more than a week in each others company in five decades.

9. The precept I try to live by: “Everyone is doing the best they can in any given moment. Their best may stink, and you may need to avoid them, but it is indeed the best they can do.” I’m still hypercritical and judgmental. Even though I believe this to the core of my being.

10. I have cheated at Scrabble online.

11. I have had eight teeth pulled and braces, but my teeth are still crowded.

12. I am vain about my eyebrows.

13. I love telling jokes.

14. I was born in Alaska.

15. My mother died in 1988 and I still miss her terribly. She was funny and caring and smart.

16. Typing number 15 made me cry, which surprised me.

17. I paid $1,500 for a lifetime pass to the local arts cinema 14 years ago, which turned out to be a great investment – they recently sold some more and wanted $5,000 (that did include popcorn for life, but still).

18. I didn’t talk to my father for two years because he was an asshole when I was growing up, and now I call him every single day because he lives in a nursing home. He’s also not an asshole any more – or at least, I can walk him out of being an asshole. This transformation in our relationship is a great blessing in my life.

19. I am very very good at my job.

20. I am quick to anger.

21. I am very generous.

22. The librarians have a nickname for me. They call me The Gale, to differentiate me from all the other mere Gales, Gayles and Gails in town.

23. I have never lived anyplace with so many people named Gale/Gayle/Gail.

24. I am happy on the first day of winter and sad on the first day of summer – because the days are so frigging short in winter and they start to get longer on the Winter Solstice. And verse visa for Summer – it means the days are getting quickly shorter.

25. This list was interrupted by my friend Deb, and we went across the street for lemon drop martinis and baked poblana peppers and cheese. My friend Deb says that #25 should be: Once upon a time, I kissed too many boys.

What's inside this MASSIVE chicken egg?

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