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It's Soccer ... On Bicycles!

Michelle Obama on race in America

Trancecoach says...

Glad to see the rhetoric of victimhood is "alive and well" among the elites in their treatment of minorities.

I doubt Ms. Obama recognizes the irony of her speech that uses the very type of race-baiting that the founder of Tuskegee University, Booker T. Washington, railed against. Even back then, a former slave could see how such instigation such as the kind displayed here results in little more than sewing the seeds of discord in the black community. So much for "higher education." It's too bad Michelle wasn't booed off the stage, protested, or that the students didn't walk out on this self-serving, victimizing tripe.

The Price is Right, April Fools 2015

The Price is Right, April Fools 2015

why is my video getting buried (Sift Talk Post)

billpayer says...

@Januari what the fuck are talking about

"poor DOWNVOTING newt, boo hoo"

What the hell did I do wrong ?
I posted a video, some cunt unannounced downvoted it straight away, I had no idea, and since I could not find the video, I deleted and I reposted it. I have NEVER HAD that happen before. I have never had some sneaky cunt down vote my video before it's even had a single vote. ie. SUPPRESSION

I have been on this board FOR YEARS and I have NEVER DOWN VOTED.
It's appalling behavior that I'd expect from the right wing nut jobs on here.

IF I WANTED TO HIDE SOME KIND OF MANIPULATION WOULD I POST ABOUT IT HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
False victimhood trying to hide something quite horrible.

Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron - Trailer 3

A Power Rangers for the rest of us (rated R version)

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

Jinx says...

I think she is getting over it by making this video. I think this video might be intended as a way of helping other women who have been wronged in a similar manner take back some element of control.

As for the definition of first world problem, I'd say it was taking enough offense over a video on the internet that you feel the need to belittle her experience by comparing it to the problems of others.

Boo hoo, somebody posted a video about how they are coping with the theft of naked pictures. I'll helpfully put their plight into perspective, hear me whine, #imadouchebag.

Should you stop posting thoughtless noise? YES!!!

Mordhaus said:

The absolute definition of a 'First World Problem'.

Boo hoo, someone stole my nude pics, so i'll take more and release them MYSELF! That'll show them, hear me roar, #takingbackthepower.

Is it wrong to steal pics and then slut-shame someone? Yeah. Is she to blame? No. Should she get over it and just block people from email and social media that are harassing her? YES!!!

I guaran-damn-tee that the women being raped and sold into slavery by ISIS and Boko Haram would slap her silly for getting into a tizzy over someone using mean words at her.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

Mordhaus says...

The absolute definition of a 'First World Problem'.

Boo hoo, someone stole my nude pics, so i'll take more and release them MYSELF! That'll show them, hear me roar, #takingbackthepower.

Is it wrong to steal pics and then slut-shame someone? Yeah. Is she to blame? No. Should she get over it and just block people from email and social media that are harassing her? YES!!!

I guaran-damn-tee that the women being raped and sold into slavery by ISIS and Boko Haram would slap her silly for getting into a tizzy over someone using mean words at her.

My Hero. Putting it to the Media. Assholes.

ChaosEngine says...

I don't get this.

If you're lucky enough to have a job that pays you enough that you can afford a $50000 a week fine, and part of that job is to talk to the media, then do your goddamn job.

It's part of the game. The media are the reason he's paid $6 million a year, and not $150k (adj for inflation) like they were 50 years ago.

If you don't like it.... boo fucking hoo. Everyone has a part of their job they dislike. Teachers hate marking tests, programmers hate writing documentation, pilots hate filling out flight plans, etc.

FlowersInHisHair (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

Sorry if I hurt your feelers. All I as saying was grow up and get over it. The way you wrote that one message emphasized my sisters/your attitude that lately has annoyed the hell out of me, the boo hoo hoo high school was so tough life is so rough can't grow up and get over decade old shit.... Your reply did not warrant a response because I don't give a hoot about it, but I did feel I should explain a bit as it was from left field. Chip chip cheerio

FlowersInHisHair said:

Um, fuck off?

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers

dannym3141 says...

If black americans really do have any kind of tendency towards being poorly educated or poorly civilised, is it because they have only very recently been allowed to have any education or any part in civilisation. And i'm not necessarily willing to accept that premise, because there similarly plenty of white americans who are also extremely poorly educated and poorly civilised. I know that because i caught honey boo-boo on TV once. It doesn't help that your legal system is inherently racist as evidenced by the shocking prison statistics for black americans; whitey made sure that 'black people' crime is highly punishable and 'white people' crime isn't. Just listen to what this man has to tell you.

Your advice to someone who lives in bad area is "Buy a house in a nice area?" OMFG I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS!!! Why don't starving people in third world countries just move house? Why don't people who live in warzones move? Why don't the Palestinians just move? Why don't isolated, terrified old ladies move out of dangerous apartment blocks and council estates? Why don't abused women just leave their husbands? Why don't abused children just run away and tell a policeman? Why don't .... you just shut the fuck up? Honestly, better to keep silent and have people think you're stupid and racist than to share your blindingly idiotic comments and remove all doubt.

They are born there, they can't afford to move, they are supporting family who live there (and can't afford to move), they can't get a job anywhere else, they can't go to school anywhere else, there's no one particularly educated amongst them to help them out? Any of the above and millions more reasons (that i don't know because i never experienced it, nor did you)?

Black people were treated like sub-humans, murdered in the street without comment and for no particular reason, beaten, tortured, forced to work, forced to fight, bred for strength and most of all.... kept in the fucking dark about everything, because stupid slaves are easier to control.

Generation after generation of being bred for work traits; intelligence systematically discouraged. So anyone who's around now was raised by people who were raised by people with no education, property or hope through no fault of their own. Add to that inherent racism as explained CLEARLY to you by this video. So the black people today are a product of their environment. And in a way, that excuses you for being a disgusting, poorly-educated, ignorant racist because the apple never falls far from the tree... and you're not worth any more of my time.

bobknight33 said:

That fact of the matter is racism will change when they stop allowing themselves being at the bottom of the social pile and educate themselves into middle / upper class.

Another way of saying it:
If you want to stay dumb and poor and do nothing about you situation and live in high crime area what do you expect.? People will always think less of you.

Anti-Michael Brown Song By Retired Fed. Investigator

newtboy says...

So if it's not blatantly Racist (why the capital R?), any disgusting, disrespectful, inflammatory thing someone wants to say is fine? I disagree.

Think about how the NYPD reacts to the mayor being honest by saying that he told his black son to be careful around officers and not scare cops into (over)reacting. They've acted as if he shot the officers himself, or actively supported such actions, just because he didn't stand firmly in 100% full support for all police actions.
"My group" won't be making any praise songs for killing anyone that's not a convicted (or well known) mass murderer. I won't speak for any other groups, and mine is a group of one. ;-)
The issue is more the reaction of the room full of cops over the disgusting act of one ex fed. I didn't hear one boo, and not one person left. I somehow feel the reaction would be far stronger against a song in support of Obama in that room...that might get violent.

bobknight33 said:

Its a parody song get over it.
Granted done in bad taste but nothing Racist said.

Don't worry your group will have a praise song for killing the 2 NYC cops out soon.

Cher calls David Letterman an a%%hole on his show

Star Wars The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer

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