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Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

Game of Thrones: The Moment We've All Been Waiting For

soulmonarch says...

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^westy:
Those are some pretty women , probably wont bother getting/watching this as i hate programs that are sold on being a cock teeze.
Evan if its good probably best to avoid yet another american show with 100 + episodes all 45 min long , end up spending your whole life watching other peoples crap instead of making your own.

Westy, it's not really sold on porn at all, the story and action and mystery are the biggest part of it, the sexiness is required to stay in keeping with everything else. And you'll be glad to know there's only 10 episodes

Indeed. 'Naked people' ceased to be the primary reason for most of us to watch TV and movies a long time ago. (Or at least it should have.) The sexual aspects of the story play a very important role in the setting. Without it, many of the important plot points would be completely lost.

If we were only watching for the boobies, I think we could all find a better source.

Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

Gallowflak says...

Maybe if this was more commonplace, if we were more honest about our sexuality and comfortable with ourselves, human/male sexuality wouldn't be as fucked as it is.

I'm full of shit, rape and sexual violence has been a problem forever. Yay boobies!

Boobs (I mean breasts) in the penalty box

NSFW thumbnail censoring (Controversy Talk Post)

residue says...

Well the issue was that a couple days ago someone promoted the topless joust video so everytime you loaded the page, there was the topless thumbnail proudly displayed right at the top. That was an issue for me and I had to completely avoid the sift for the day at work (not a big deal, but a resolvable problem for that and future situations). There are lots of times at work when I want to show a colleague something that's on the sift and you're right, most of the time it's perfectly fine. What I'd like to create a situations where it's ALWAYS fine.

If it's a huge amount of work, which lucky has alluded to, then you're right it's not worth it. Just a suggestion

>> ^Sarzy:

How many times in the history of the sift has the thumbnail itself been NSFW? Maybe a handful of times? In the rare, rare case that you see a boobie or a wiener or some other NSFW bit of skin in a thumbnail, just scroll past it. The thumbnails aren't exactly huge -- unless your boss or a coworker is standing right over your shoulder while you browse the sift (in which case it's your own fault if you get caught looking at something inappropriate), no one will notice.

NSFW thumbnail censoring (Controversy Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

How many times in the history of the sift has the thumbnail itself been NSFW? Maybe a handful of times? In the rare, rare case that you see a boobie or a wiener or some other NSFW bit of skin in a thumbnail, just scroll past it. The thumbnails aren't exactly huge -- unless your boss or a coworker is standing right over your shoulder while you browse the sift (in which case it's your own fault if you get caught looking at something inappropriate), no one will notice.

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

GDGD says...

Multiple things going on here. I gather what you are saying about people purposely trying to get to you, and no, I do not think that is okay if you are expressing you displeasure and they continue. However, what people choose to promote or not promote is also a form of expression and as you said censorship is not okay. I forget where the quote came from, or if it is even a quote but "You should have the right to go through life without being assaulted, but not offended." This is the phrase that spring to mind when ever someone says 'Fuck' in public as well as other statements 'that is retarded' 'that is gay.' To each person these statements fall onto a different part of the spectrum of their political correctness beliefs.

As for sexist, yes, a video can be sexist, but cannot it not be sexist in a certain way? Sexist without malice or harm in mind. I will admit I have posted several videos with 'the boobies' present in them, but I find them to be done for the artistic/shock/thought purpose, not for the fap purpose. I feel as though @thepinky was dealing with a similar situation here. I do not know how to preceded. Would glorification of the male 'nut-shot' be similar exploitation? (i could see how they could be considered similar in regards to sexism) Because I also enjoy (read: cringe in pain) at a good ball to the groin. As for comparing the situation to racist videos, I would say that the sift does indeed have videos with racism as a 'comedic vehicle.'

Beyond that, all that I can really suggest is to ignore those people that offend you, (both by actually selecting ignore, and by not opening their videos) I know that I use my avatar as my own personal reminder not to sweat whatever other people say or think (quite a challenge).

Topless Chair Jousting - New Olympic Sport for 2012

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

smooman says...

enjoying stupid humor (which im sure we can all agree it is) does not make one stupid. I think that is the underlying issue here, at least the one i have a problem with. if slapstick, stupid humor, or whatever the hell else you wanna call this is not your cup of tea, no worries; different strokes for different folks. but when you want to point out all the persons who upvoted for the misogynistic, dumb fuck, witless, woman haters we so obviously are, then i think its time to climb down from that pedestal before you break your neck from turning your nose up so sharply

furthermore, in what ways is this video different from (particularly as it pertains to VS devolving into YT)? oh this one has a woman instead of a man, how silly of me (thats that super witty sarcasm at work there).
consider the following:
so on and so forth.

additionally, is linked below in the related videos. ya its only got four votes (im a sucker for boobies so i upvoted, sue me for being a guy) and theres no controversy voiced in the comments to speak of.........what, really, is the damn difference?

my point being, if this humor suits you, upvote, if it doesnt, dont vote or downvote even, but can we please stop with the inquisition of gwizz and how much of a woman hater he is, and how derp he is for posting this, and how much of a saboteur he is, and how he wants VS to become stupid YT, pretty pretty please?

Your Highness - Second red band Trailer

Your Highness - Second red band Trailer

Slim Pickings Fat Chances

Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine

luxury_pie says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^luxury_pie:
Don't tell me you didn't know that!
Where do you think all the ninjas went?

Funny story, true story -- ninjas were the inventors of the washing machine. It was originally intended to be a booby trap that would pull hapless victims into a spinning, burning death, but it turned out to be better at washing clothes. Thus the true ninja empire was founded on the washing machine. Not many people know that. Those who do usually die (unless they're ninjas).
Don't tell anyone I told you.

Disappearing-Socks-Mystery solved I guess...

Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine

poolcleaner says...

>> ^luxury_pie:

Don't tell me you didn't know that!
Where do you think all the ninjas went?

Funny story, true story -- ninjas were the inventors of the washing machine. It was originally intended to be a booby trap that would pull hapless victims into a spinning, burning death, but it turned out to be better at washing clothes. Thus the true ninja empire was founded on the washing machine. Not many people know that. Those who do usually die (unless they're ninjas).

Don't tell anyone I told you.

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