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La Costa High Morning News

Badman Silence

Oh, now you know what it takes to ride in a Lamborghini

Oh, now you know what it takes to ride in a Lamborghini

Oh, now you know what it takes to ride in a Lamborghini

Shaking The Twins

Boobies Picture Song

MSNBC Republican Debate In 45 Seconds

The fitness trainer you wish you had

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'poolates, jugs, boobies, boobs, bewbs, funbags, zuzana' to 'poolates, jugs, boobies, boobs, bewbs, funbags, zuzana, bodyrock' - edited by xxovercastxx

Due to popular deMANd... BEHOLD THE MIGHTY MOOB!!

Behold the mesmerising power of UP's buxom charm!

Catherine D'Lish burlesque striptease revue

Nom nom nom babies

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^Lawdeedaw:
>> ^KnivesOut:
I can't believe this hasn't already been posted. Amazing.

I know! But it doesn't seem to be getting votes... That makes me sad... Any suggestions?

Hey, so far it's beating the votes/hour ratio of my video of the MAN WHO WAS CURED OF AIDS.
Plus, I voted for it, ya know, so there's somethin'.
PS, I up-voted for booby-petunias, but I stayed for poop-beer.

Actually, I have self confidence issues--if you can believe that. I am just glad the poop-beer was good for you.

@ Ponceleon--yeah, supposedly he does this every Monday. But his epic rap battles are almost all taken by other members though. I still can't believe they didn't get more votes though--but my humor may be different. Who knows.

But's its off to bed now or else I will fall asleep and not wake up in three hours...

Actually, before that, why do two thumbnails show up? One on the main sift page, and one when you actually play the video? I think the video one is better but; I suck at computers--even the basics and therefore know not how to change it.

Nom nom nom babies

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^KnivesOut:
I can't believe this hasn't already been posted. Amazing.

I know! But it doesn't seem to be getting votes... That makes me sad... Any suggestions?

Hey, so far it's beating the votes/hour ratio of my video of the MAN WHO WAS CURED OF AIDS.

Plus, I voted for it, ya know, so there's somethin'.

PS, I up-voted for booby-petunias, but I stayed for poop-beer.

NSFW and Completely WTF

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