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Illegal to dig the sand on Florida beaches?

Inception Cat

chicchorea says...

I have just reviewed this several times in deference to your observations/perceptions. I'm sorry, but I discern no expression changes at all start to finish, no whisker movement, blinking, nostril dilation, etc. There is an artifact of a shifting nature however. Notice the movement of the object. It is purely vertical. Quite unnatural. Originally, I perceived it to be possibly 2D because of the rigid unnatural movement up and down.

With all due respect, however, I could be bonkers. Well, that may be beside the point.


>> ^Yogi:

>> ^chicchorea:
Ya'll do know it's not a real cat, right?

Looks makes very subtle individual facial and eye movements that you can see. So if it's a puppet it's better than any puppet I've ever seen ever, must have a bout 20 servos in it's face.

TDS: The Hurt Talker

NetRunner says...

>> ^gorillaman:
Racism requires belief; it's necessarily an intellectual artifact. If it isn't in the brain it isn't on the tongue. Ever. At all. Fact.


>> ^gorillaman:
So what's left of you? It's nice to be nice. Don't be a meanie. Rape isn't funny. Whatever. Do you get laid much with this sissy attitude?

I think once again, you're totally fucked in the head if you think women generally would find your attitudes on race to be attractive.

I suppose this means you only go looking for dates at KKK mixers?

TDS: The Hurt Talker

gorillaman says...


Racism requires belief; it's necessarily an intellectual artifact. If it isn't in the brain it isn't on the tongue. Ever. At all. Fact.

So what's left of you? It's nice to be nice. Don't be a meanie. Rape isn't funny. Whatever. Do you get laid much with this sissy attitude?

Red Dead Redemption timelapse: "World in Motion"

djsunkid says...

Awesome. I actually downloaded the full res version of that, but I can't seem to convince VLC to play it without serious lag and artifacting. Maybe I just need to reset. Anyway, the youtube version plays great.

Boomerang by Cirrus, fan-made AMV

redyellowblue (Member Profile)

Cool Footage of Darvaza Gas Crater

Lily Allen - LDN

Embed Players not aligned properly? (Sift Talk Post)

pho3n1x says...

ah, worth a try I guess.

following my own instructions enabled me to rid myself of the artifact issue i was having though. lol

the weird thing is the videos you linked all work/look fine to me. I have the same issue as you on other videos though, mostly non-youtube embeds. all the youtube embeds look fine though.

Chrome 5.0.375.70 / Win7x32 / ATi

Embed Players not aligned properly? (Sift Talk Post)

pho3n1x says...

pretty sure this is a Flash 10.1 issue. all the videos you listed are displaying everything fine, but my particular problem is the video artifacts.

turn off Hardware Acceleration and see if that solves the issue for you.
Also, as always, update your display drivers.

Revoke BP's Corporate Charter

dystopianfuturetoday says...

But corporations ARE merchants and merchants ARE the ruling class. Who protects us from the merchant monarchy? That's my question. How many times will you avoid my question? I believe this is the 5th time I've asked, for the record.

Example: Zorloc is sick of the powerful Mars Mining Co abusing the Shnnarr'Ghol people and forcing them to choose between abusive labor in the Adamantium mines or starvation. So, after stumbling across an ancient alien artifact which is worth krillions of space credits, he buys the Mars Mining Co and pays the workers a fair wage, until the old Mars Mining Co opens up a new business, the Jupiter Mining Co. Zorloc cannot compete with Jupiter's wage slave labor and is forced to return his mine to old, abusive conditions. At first he feels bad, but eventually, after several protests from his former workmates, he grows to loathe them and feels entitled to what he refers to as 'the sweat of his brow'.

I think the Renaissance Faire is in town. Live the dream.

The Problem is that Communism Lost (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Thanks - that was an interesting debate. I have to admit that I found myself agreeing a lot more with Horowitz than Albert. Participatory Economics is a snazzy title - but reads like a rebadging of a planned economy. This line by Albert, in particular pushed me firmly into the Horowitz camp:

"You are correct in one thing here. I am a market abolitionist. I believe markets are an abomination, perhaps the single worst artifact of human creativity." With that, he just drove over the cliff to loo-loo land, for me.

>> ^qualm:

>> ^dag:
Don't get me wrong- Communism as a philosophy had a lot going for it- but in practice, as a government --- complete shit.
I suspect the same would be true if we ever got a Libertarian government. Neither philosophy takes into account the human ability to fuck up nice ideas.

Sort of, dag. The first project of the bolsheviks after their revolution was to begin attacking and dismantling the spontaneously created communal/communist democratic farms and gardens, pig iron smelters etc. That wasn't a part of Karl Marx.
I like this - it's very funny in parts:
Michael Albert debates David Horowitz about Socialism
The question: 'Is Socialism Still on the Agenda?' was put by the New Left Review in 2001. Michael Albert wrote an essay, and a debate ensued between Albert and some other left commentators on the subject. Months later, Horowitz discovered the essay and wrote a brief note to Albert. An extended many-part email debate ensued, that ended up being about participatory economics. What follows below is that exchange...
Re That poster of the Russian octopus: There are old maps from the 50's out there which without irony depict the land mass of communist Russia and China collectively as a very large definite octopus shape, the rest of the land cowering. One for every school...

Amazing 3D Video Mapping on Physical Objects

rebuilder says...

I wonder... There are some artifacts in the coloured-lines demo; it seems to interpret the edges of shadows as the edges of objects. Maybe they actually estimated the 3d data from the white scanning line shown first?

Misandry: Men Don't Exist

Trancecoach says...

It is the rigid gender role stereotyping and essentialized notions of masculinity and femininity that lead to such characterizations in the media of men as aggressive (perps) and women as weak (victims). these categories are artifacts of a patriarchal system; and equal opportunity oppressor. IMO The author is misinterpreting men not named as meaning men don't exist, when in fact this is an example of the male normative in operation. One project of feminism is to break down these rigid gender polarities to allow an authentic and fuller range of fluid gender expression free from such conditioning for all peoples, all genders!

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Beggar's Canyon