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Video of Presidential Polish Jet Crashsite (conspiracy?)

Kreegath says...

People, people, it's so obviously a joint NSA-KGB plot to infiltrate Poland using Elvis, armed with hijacked alien artifacts. THINK ABOUT IT! There were *no* cameras around when the plane allegedly "crashed". Coincidence? They're covering up the fact that there was no plane crash, but an ancient mayan temple disguised as a plane crash to fool the sheepish population! Cloning the Polish president was easy enough, and detonating a combined EMP- and time compression bomb in orbit around the earth diverted attention from the military industrial complex trying to create another cold war buildup in the region. The new world order organisation controlling the media will see to it that the population buys into these lies, but luckily I was able to research the truth!

TDS: CNN Hires Erick Erickson

mxxcon says...

I think you are confusing Fox the broadcast channel with Fox News the cable "news" channel.
>> ^mkknyr:

>> ^chilaxe:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Fox news is getting better ratings than all the other cable news networks combined.. more or less.
just sayin.

My understanding is that Fox News being the leading news network is a bit of a statistical artifact in the sense that the other networks split the mainstream audience, which is larger.

I don't think it's just a statistical artifact... I think it's a categorical foul. I don't understand why Fox is judged as a cable network. Everywhere that I've been, Fox is broadcast through a local affiliate with local news anchors just like the three major networks. I think it's pretty unfair game to compare ratings between a channel like Fox that you can pick up with just an antennae and one like MSNBC or CNN that you need at least a basic cable subsciption for. Fox ratings should be contrast with the other major networks.

TDS: CNN Hires Erick Erickson

mkknyr says...

>> ^chilaxe:

>> ^Trancecoach:
Fox news is getting better ratings than all the other cable news networks combined.. more or less.
just sayin.

My understanding is that Fox News being the leading news network is a bit of a statistical artifact in the sense that the other networks split the mainstream audience, which is larger.

I don't think it's just a statistical artifact... I think it's a categorical foul. I don't understand why Fox is judged as a cable network. Everywhere that I've been, Fox is broadcast through a local affiliate with local news anchors just like the three major networks. I think it's pretty unfair game to compare ratings between a channel like Fox that you can pick up with just an antennae and one like MSNBC or CNN that you need at least a basic cable subsciption for. Fox ratings should be contrast with the other major networks.

TDS: CNN Hires Erick Erickson

chilaxe says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

Fox news is getting better ratings than all the other cable news networks combined.. more or less.
just sayin.

My understanding is that Fox News being the leading news network is a bit of a statistical artifact in the sense that the other networks split the mainstream audience, which is larger.

Incredible new Photoshop tool: Content-Aware Fill

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

Kreegath says...

Banning those headdresses won't solve anything in my opinion. It will more likely result in the particular muslim population whose beliefs require them to wear niqabs not going to french language classes, not learning the language and not being able or willing to integrate into society.
"Fine", you might say; "Let them isolate themselves, what do we care?". That sentiment is fine and good when rhetorically passing out blame, but this is a society. Like it or not, these people are a part of it. Our situations are linked, and when they start isolating themselves it will lead to more problems, bigger problems, down the road. Suspicion, frustration, preconceptions and fear have historically been the consequence of separating groups of people in a community.

Now, we don't know the entire story. They might have banned all religious artifacts in class at that university. They might have banned the use of all headwear indoors. If either or both of those scenarios are correct, then there should be no question that the wearing of a niqab is prohibited on campus. However, if this is just some arbitrary rule for this particular article of clothing, then I see no reason why this woman shouldn't raise hell about the injustice being wrought by the institution.

Pres. Obama: "We had a little bit of a buzz saw this week"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Who do you consider a great speaker?

Great speakers? Ronald Reagan, JFK, MLKJ. I'd even go so far as to say Bill Clinton was a good public speaker. Obama is an 'adequate' speaker. He does a workman job. He isn't a BAD public speaker, but he's definitely no maven like some people keep saying.

I picked out the man-child's speech register after hearing him only once. Listen to him. Obama has a clearly predictable and generally boring cadance - almost like a 'tide'. He ... PAUSES ... and then he ... CONTINUES to speak for a second before he ... PAUSES again and keeps on rolling and ... ROLLING until he ... STOPS again and ... FINISHES! You can almost set your watch by this little routine of his.

This is an artifact not of rhetorical prowess. It is an artifact of his dependance on his teleprompter. He is pausing and giving the prompter time to scroll up what he's saying next. Then he rushes though a few words to 'catch up' and then he ... PAUSES again, hitting emphasis on whatever word where he picks up his speech on. Not only is he totally dependant on his teleprompter, but he isn't even really very good at using it. Other speakers can use a teleprompter and sound natural. Obama sounds like he's fighting with it.

And don't get me started on his stupid head swing. Watching his head swap from teleprompter screen to teleprompter screen in a speech is like watching a game of tennis. Or maybe it is more like watching a lighthouse. Anyway - the guy just isn't very natural when he's moving his head. Bleh. The point with a teleprompter is to make it look like you AREN'T using it. Obama's method draws attention to his mechanical delivery. He gets the words out fine. He just looks and sounds forced and stilted doing it.

Simply put, the free market system for health worked fine in America until the 60's

BINGO! Nice to finally meet someone with historical perspective. Too many Americans are too young and ignorant of history and fact. Alas it takes a Canadian to point out the bleeding obvious to some of our youth. American health care was screwed up by GOVERNMENT. Ted Kennedy specifically was the one who passed his stupid HMO law which (basically) CREATED the insurance industry in America as we know it today. Up until that point, consumers dealt with doctors directly out of their own pockets. And guess what? When you take middle-men out of the picture, capitalism works just fine. Health care was affordable. Plans existed for catastrophic care, and they were easily affordable by almost everyone. The only thing HMO's accomplished was totally screwing up the relationship between providers and buyers. The solution to America's HC issue is not more government. The solution is LESS.


lesserfool says...

Westy, the trippy artifacts are the whole point! It looks like he is morphing between frames and doing things like morphing a tree + foliage + ground shadow as one element instead of tracing individual branches and leaves... which actually would have made for a more subtle / disturbing effect but too much work.


westy says...

Looks realy good but for me there are To manny artifacts from Time warping , im sure if u did it with a cuple more frames you could achive the same video and affect but without the glitch artifacts. also Would be good with music rather than the digetic sound track but its not like the sound dosent work

when it works its pritty cool though for example Works perfectly with panorama shots , where the time shift antilogarithm can realy perform without glitching so much.

Why Star Trek Generations is the Stupidest Movie Ever Made

Deano says...

Boy he nails it with the ceramic artifact. Just shows how lazy and inconsistent the makers are with the Star Trek universe. And then he brilliantly follows it up with Picard coming out of the wrong door.

Why Star Trek Generations is the Stupidest Movie Ever Made

BoneyD says...

Agreed Xax, hilarious. I remember bitching emphatically about that scene having seen the episode from the series, given that the artifact lead to possibly one of the most important discoveries about life in this galaxy... ok shutting up before I start looking too nerdy

Eskimo Hunters - 1949 Film

Unbelievable Rugby Kick

Friesian says...

>> ^reiwan:
He's left footed, so a curve to the left wouldnt be that hard. Now if he was right footed and did that, I'd be amazed. Otherwise, its just a pretty good kick.

Is that not reverse curve? Maybe different rules apply to footballs than they do rugby balls, but I would have expected a left footed kick from there to actually swing away from the posts (left to right on the screen).

When you see free kicks taken in football, a right footer normally pushes the ball out to the right and it swings to the left. For a left footer, the converse is true. Here, a left footed kick results in the swing I would expect from a right footed one. My conclusion would be that either I suck at figuring this stuff out, he has a foot made from some alien artifact, or there's a hefty breeze.

The commentator does mention that he's currently 0 from 2, so perhaps the heavy wind had something to do with this. Then again, it doesn't seem to be that windy... Hmmmm.....

One Warm Line: The Legacy of Stan Rogers

erlking says...

Stan's music runs like a thread through my life. I just missed him at the Philly Folk Festival. I have sung his songs around campfires and in bars from Galway to San Francisco. My daughter learned the lyrics to The Mary Ellen Carter along with her Mother Goose rhymes. Finding this artifact of Stan's life was a real treat. I'm glad it's here.


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