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Robot sorting system sorts 200,000 packages per day

Fixperts - A Button Fastener for 82 year old Tom


bamdrew says...

FYI, there are a number of high-end cars that have this built-in. BMW has different versions across a lot of their cars, and calls it the 'Brake Force Display'.

BMW found it was less distracting and more intuitive for other drivers if the brake force was indicated by a few stages of big lights going on (3 or 4), with the last stages also having one or all of the brake lights slowly flash in the 'hazard light' mode if you really slammed the brakes.

Motocyclists also commonly buy aftermarket flasher modules that indicate when they are braking heavily, which you can find on amazon.

How we feel about modern art most of the time

yellowc says...

You're probably looking for "Contemporary Art" but this piece might well be "Modern" by definition.

Anyway read this book:

Spoiler Alert: Rich people scamming other rich people who then scam other rich people later. It's a cycle of perpetuating false value because unless you're the very last person ever to hold the item, it benefits everyone to keep the false value alive.

The nuisances allude me as I read this book quite some time ago but it's fairly interesting.

Steampunk Wooden 3d Puzzle Toys

RFlagg says...

Not as expensive as I feared, but still not exactly affordable... The locomotive on Amazon is just a tad under $80 USD. We've tried similar and cheaper such things from the art store, meh on those, but they don't seem as detailed as these either.

Elmo gets fired...

notarobot says...

HBO? When did it move to HBO?

On August 13, 2015, as part of a five-year programming and development deal, Sesame Workshop announced that first-run episodes of Sesame Street would move to premium television service HBO beginning with season 46, which premiered on January 16, 2016. HBO will hold first-run rights to all newer episodes of the series, after which they will air on PBS member stations following a nine-month exclusivity window, with no charge to the stations for airing the content. The agreement also gives HBO exclusive rights to stream past and future Sesame Street episodes on HBO Go and HBO Now – assuming those rights from Amazon Video and Netflix; on August 14, Sesame Workshop announced that it would phase out its in-house subscription streaming service, Sesame Go, as a standalone service; the service will remain in operation, likely with its offerings reduced to a slate content available for free or serving as a portal for Sesame Street's website.

The deal came in the wake of cutbacks that had affected the series in recent years, the changing viewer habits of American children in the previous ten years, and Sesame Workshop's dependence upon revenue from DVD sales.


Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Alexa, are you connected to the CIA?

Fantomas says...

Reminds me of a joke I heard recently.

My wife asked why I carried a gun around the house. I said "Fear of CIA spies".
She laughed, I laughed, the Amazon echo laughed.

I shot the echo.

Alexa, are you connected to the CIA?

newtboy jokingly says...

Bwaaahahahaha!!!!!! I just tried, and got the same "no, I work for Amazon" response....but back to silence when you ask if Amazon is connected to the CIA. Seems like the "no" part of her reply might be her first lie.

Hayden Says The CIA Is Not Spying On Us Through Our T.Vs

eric3579 says...

I don't think people generally find it okay to be spied on by anyone. But if i had to choose...

For me personally i fear the government would gather/use particular types of info to possibly fuck my life up in one of many ways, and for one of many reasons. Google on the other hand may be interested to gather info to try and sell me some shit. I don't want either to get up in my business, but it's a no brainier which i fear more.

I've known to many people getting screwed by government agency, not so many by Amazon

artician said:

I will never understand why it's acceptable for unchecked third-party corporations to spy on you, but once the government does it, a slightly larger minority gets upset.

Hayden Says The CIA Is Not Spying On Us Through Our T.Vs

artician says...

Right. Here are some facts.

The CIA isn't spying on most of us through our TVs right now, though they do have the technology to do it and have developed it specifically for that purpose.

So have countless other entities (government and independent. You can download the tech yourself if you care to, or have the technical ability).

Samsung is spying on you through your Samsung TV's

Any consumer products with voice recognition could be considered to be spying on you, such as Google and Amazon "home assistants".

Technically, by now anything with an active microphone has the capability to do this. It should probably be considered worse that it's not the government, but completely unknown third-parties who supply the infrastructure to do this on a massive scale for the purposes of data mining for advertising.

I have personal experience with this technology and the industries that develop and distribute it. This isn't hearsay or conjecture. I will never understand why it's acceptable for unchecked third-party corporations to spy on you, but once the government does it, a slightly larger minority gets upset.

Jim Jefferies tells Piers Morgan to Fuck Off

harlequinn says...

Lol. That's the funniest shit I've read all day.

Your and my definition of destroy must be very different.

It was YOUR contention that any argument "followed" rather than preceded. If you don't want to be held to a claim, don't make it. Funny, that's the same as any good atheist would argue.

I wrote "any coherent arguments". I was quite specific. His "arguments" are a rambling stream of consciousness with a few statements that don't support any ideas to form a coherent argument.

Now here's where you fucked up big time: "you Trump supporters". Get ready to eat a bag of dicks because you got that wrong. I'm not. Buy them here

"when given a cogent argument" bwhahahahahaaha. Yeah, he's not cogent.

"against your claims" bwahahahaahahaa. What claims did I make (besides Jim Jefferies not presenting an argument)?

" you consistently ignore it to focus on some insignificant, off topic bullshit, like "That proceeded-not followed-"Fuck off"" Bwhahahahahaa. This doesn't cover your mistake. You made a claim. I held you to it and pointed out that even if I didn't hold you to it you'd still fail. You're the one focusing on that point.

"when cogent arguments both preceded and followed the excellent retort to his utter bullshit." Bwhahahaahahaa. Except they didn't. You can say it's a cogent argument but that doesn't make it true. FFS I provided the transcript - it's right above - with no coherent/cogent arguments in it. I'll give the concession here that your standard for cogent/coherent may be lower than mine. "the excellent retort" is not excellent. It's a great example of someone with not much to say. It's verbal diarrhoea of someone who can't immediately think of a good retort.

Get over it mate. Jim Jefferies is a loud mouthed verbally aggressive comedian who doesn't present any good arguments in this discourse. He's great at shutting down his opponents by cutting them off with vitriol and bullshit but that's about it.

Oh, and Piers Morgan is a dick. Lol, how handy, you can add him to the bag your eating.

This segment is so short that unless you go and watch the whole thing (which I haven't) you're basically making an educated guess about what they're even arguing about.

I don't know why you're so desperate for Jim to be right. Every argument against Trump and his policies is not automatically cogent, coherent, correct, etc., even if one hates him.

Lastly, Godwin's law. He loses.

PS - This is getting boring. Unless you can assure me that you're non-partisan, and follow through with it in your arguments, I'm not willing to further discuss this with a proverbial pigeon.

newtboy said:

Ok, then, just to destroy your contention that there was no argument offered AFTER "Fuck off"..."it's a fucking Muslim ban, he said there was a Muslim ban, it's a Muslim ban." Is just one of many arguments that followed.

Jesus fucking Christ, you Trump supporters are fucking impossible to have a discussion with, because when given a cogent argument against your claims, you consistently ignore it to focus on some insignificant, off topic bullshit, like "That proceeded-not followed-"Fuck off"", when cogent arguments both preceded and followed the excellent retort to his utter bullshit.

Trump, "Alternative Facts" and the Women's March

KrazyKat42 says...

Alternative Facts is a term coined by George Orwell in the novel 1984. It Implies that the government makes stuff up and makes it a crime to argue with them.

1984 is now the best-selling book on Amazon. Hmm.

How We Lie to Ourselves

darkrowan (Member Profile)

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