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simonm (Member Profile)

John Oliver - Mike Pence

Crazy Japanese Lambos - BBC Top Gear

newtboy says...

Sorry, but they should have let Top Gear die. The new hosts are just awful and boring. I'm so glad we have The Grand Tour on Amazon, what a coup for Bezos.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...


It's a much bigger telescope than I ever envisage owning... it's not just the price, normally the setup time increases for a big scope too (even if he made it look fairly quick and easy on film).

p.s. Perhaps not as expensive as I thought, although over 60kg

RFlagg said:

*promote the beauty of people being in awe of seeing something so simple as the moon through a telescope. Perhaps people like me who have a telescope (though I can only dream of having one that nice) are spoiled. The universe is an amazingly beautiful place, it's nice he was able to help share even a simple bit of it with random people.

Uber Air-Closer Than You Think

Sagemind says...

I don't trust Uber Drivers to be properly insured - I can't see myself Flying Uber.

So fun fact, you all know Uber is owned by Jeff Bezos

You may know him as the owner of Amazon.
Well he owns Uber and he also owns Twitter, The Washington Post, Linden Labs (AKA Second Life), and more tech companies than I can list.

As of March 14, 2018, he has an estimated net worth of $130.5 billion.

He is creator of the Amazon Echo which is designed to sit in your home and monitor your every word. It databases everything you say in exchange for on-demand music and news, similar to Siri on your iPhone.

"Bezos recently disclosed that the company’s Web-services business is building a “private cloud” for the CIA to use for its data needs." For $6 Billion, he will be supplying the data for use by the CIA.

Just some information for everyone to play around with in their heads

How To Be A Kraftwerk With ONE Synthesizer

ant (Member Profile)

I have failed my fellow woman

Kid secretly orders bong. Mom wants to see him open package.

A good use for 1 - 2 hour delivery

What they said about in 1999

The environmental cost of free two-day shipping

jimnms says...

Amazon has an option on checkout to ship your stuff in fewer packages. I always check that box, but they still ship my shit in several boxes from several places.

The Only Handheld Printer You'll Ever Need

entr0py says...

Epson now makes a line of refillable ink well printers that lets you use ink from any manufacturer. One refill prints about 4,000 pages, and refill kits from 3rd parties run about $15 on Amazon.

It seems pretty nice so far, not as messy or complicated as ink well mods people used to hack together.

jmd said:

Why is attaching an ink jet head to a hand scanner from the 90's special? call me when they stop robbing you blind with ink refill prices.

The Hero we've been waiting for

ChaosEngine says...

Dear Amazon,
I have a question. I have a prime video subscription (got it for American Gods). I can see that this show is available for me to watch right now.

so why the hell is the trailer *blocked in NZ?

It makes no goddamn sense.

Kid trying out Alexa

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