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Kid trying out Alexa

Kid trying out Alexa

Kid trying out Alexa

Kid trying out Alexa

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Kid trying out Alexa

Kid trying out Alexa

From road rage (with gun) to respect

John Oliver - Brexit II

Traditional Soap Making

bobknight33 says...

Handmade by One of the Original Nablus Families from a 10th Century Recipe
Only 3 Ingredents: Olive Oil, Water, & Mineral Salts
Made on the West Bank in Nablus
Made with Olive Oil from the Holy Land

Available on Amazon

Scott Galloway - How Amazon is Dismantling Retail

ant (Member Profile)

Kambiz Mostofizadeh - Karate Training

The ultimate video game turned movie...STRAFE!

jimnms says...

Brainscan is a fucking awesome movie (with an equally awesome sound track). I still own it on VHS, but I haven't had a VCR in ages. Something made me think of that movie a while back and I tried to find it on DVD. I only found insanely expensive used copies and Amazon was selling expensive, licensed rips on DVD-R, so I decided to rip, I mean rent it from Netflix instead.

shagen454 said:

That's a pretty awesome trailer that reminds me of a terrible movie that was terrible even when it was released, that I should watch again, called Brainscan - featuring Eddie Furlong. If you look at it's RT page it has a 17% critic score but 61% liked it - so it's definitely one of those weird "cult" flicks. Eh, whatever - reviews suck these days just like mainstream news you can't delineate shit from em, just like this game - it's been getting pretty bad scores and pretty good scores. Me, if I wanted to play this game - I'd just go play Quake. That game is still badass to this day.

The Adpocalypse: What it Means

jimnms says...

Sorry in advance, I just had to rant about ads while they were on my mind.

I don't mind ads, if it's a good ad. Keep it simple and short, like: This is our product, this is what it does, here are some uses you could have for it, thank you for your time. I hate ads that try to be catchy, clever, or seem targeted at idiots. They basically follow the opposite formula for what I consider a good ad above. They start off by telling you that you have a problem, why you have the problem (your an idiot) and then tell you that have to buy their product to fix your problem, and usually go on way too long.

There are too few good ads, so I just don't watch ads anymore, anywhere. Advertisers have brought this on themselves. I don't watch much TV anymore, but for the few things I do still watch, I record on my DVR and skip ads. I use an ad blocker on my browser, but I will white list sites that I regularly visit if the ads are reasonable.

I don't mind paying a reasonable fee for ad-free content. I subscribe to Netflix and Amazon video (but fucking Amazon is now putting ads in for their own shit). I have a one-disk subscription with my Netflix account, but I'm only watching about one movie a month. I used to watch the trailers once so I could see if there are any up-coming movies I might want to see, but movie trailers are becoming too damn long now. And fuck you if you make your ads unskipable on the disk, I won't watch them out of principle. I've gotten to the point now where I just put the disk in 10 minutes or so before I'm ready to watch it, leave the sound muted and when I come back with my popcorn and beer the movie is ready to watch.

That is NOT going to rub out

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