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newtboy (Member Profile)

The Elevator | 2019 Super Bowl Commercial | Hyundai

BSR says...

Back in 2014 I had a job driving Over The Road Test Vehicles.

After putting 25,000 miles on a car I would drive it to Montgomery AL to the Hyundai plant where they would disassemble the vehicle and inspect it. Then they would just recycle it.

When flying into or out of Montgomery Regional Airport you can't miss the plant because they have Hyundai in big letters on the roof. Visible on Google Earth too.

In their showroom they have actual cutaway engines you can look at. Those damn things don't look like any engine I recognize. Amazing.

This video shows what the cars looks like when testing. We only drove them to get the required amount of miles on the vehicle for the manufacture. No test tracks or courses like the video shows.

That was a fun job for me. Got to drive the 2015 Corvette Stingray from Florida to Las Vegas and back to Florida again before they were ever hit the showroom floor.

The Dodge Viper and Dodge Challenger with the Hellcat engine were also nice treat.


newtboy says...

It's not time you lack, I got an A in statistics which I took after advanced placement B/C calculus, thank you.
Please stop hyper exaggerating the danger of all animal products and the benefits of veganism.

No, we're acting like +1% lifetime risk of one type of cancer, from 5%-6%, is a totally acceptable level of risk to trade for a lifetime of pleasure when taken knowingly, and is a far cry from +18% every time you eat bacon. It's probably far less than the additional risk of drinking municipal water, or breathing anywhere East of the West coast, certainly exponentially less than breathing air in any major metropolitan area, or living within 25 miles of a military base or airport.

I'm also acting like people who lie about or misrepresent the stats only prove their position is untenable and that they're untrustworthy. If 1% total increased lifetime risk is enough to make your point, why erroneously claim +18% per serving? It makes it so easy to dismiss and overlook any real point you might have had.

Nothing is unanimous, and that goes double for nutritional advice. Somewhere there's a doctor that insists you can't possibly get enough nitrates, most would say if you're healthy go ahead and have some moderation. My doctor and numerous documentaries say the stress of worrying incessantly about every little risk factor is a much bigger risk factor than almost any other for innumerable disorders and diseases. I'll take his advice, thanks.

transmorpher said:

I don't have time to teach you statistics. Stop trying to downplay the danger.

And for the third time, even if it is 1%, that's still millions of people suffering from colon cancer in the USA alone, but y'all are pretending like 1% is 0%.

Regardless of the numbers THE RECOMMENDATION IS UNANIMOUSLY DO NOT EAT. Very clear language that leaves no room for dispute.


WmGn says...

From Wikipedia's Man catcher page's section on China:

"A type of locking man catcher is available for staff at train stations and airports in China to capture and restrain individuals in a non-lethal manner.

"In some junior and middle schools, security guards are equipped with non-locking variants designed to seize a person's waist or prevent them from advancing. It is essentially a two-pronged fork, a U-shape projecting from a pole."

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

OK, today is flight prep and tomorrow is the flight to GRR airport in MI. I'm taking an old notebook computer so I'll probably be posting again sometime next week after the funeral. Don't know how much because I'll likely be tied up in paperwork and lawyers but we'll see.

Piggyback Planes

SFOGuy says...

Well, they're much farther apart than they appear...and yet, not far enough lol.
One of the reasons SFO has such horrendous weather delays is that the runways are JUST close enough together that the FAA does not currently allow for side by side instrument approaches to them in bad weather. So, what is a "two lane" airport suddenly becomes a "one lane" airport as soon as the fog, clouds, or stuff shows up. And then the delays become ridiculous

Self pouring beer machine

StukaFox says...

ALL you can drink?

This reminds me of those "all drinks are on us" cruises you see advertised on TV.

I mean, a thousand frat boys with an unlimited bar tab stuck on a boat with nothing else to do? Didn't anyone involved in this promotion see the videos of the Nickel Beer Night Riot in Cleveland? If they haven't, they really should, because the Nickel Beer Night Riot was the greatest thing to happen in the history of Western Civilization Assholery. I'm serious! If I had a time machine, screw going back to meet Jesus or killing baby Hitler: I'd grab me a ride to June 4, 1974, drop a dollar at the beer concession stand, then get hoot-chimp drunk and huck D-cells at the Texas Rangers until it was Penis Puppetry time at third base.

All-you-can-drink beer in Japan? That'd be like the Nickel Beer Night Riot, only with samurai and ninjas -- how fucking awesome would that be?! I'm half-way to the airport already!

God bless you, Japan!

Finally There Is Bipartisan Agreement: Trump Blew It

newtboy says...

Really? WE sponsored a VIOLENT coup? So you take the purely Russian viewpoint.
After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukraine endured years of corruption, mismanagement, lack of economic growth, currency devaluation, and problems in securing funding from public markets.[38][39] Successive Ukrainian governments in the 2000s sought a closer relationship with the European Union (EU).[40][41] One of the measures meant to achieve this was an association agreement with the European Union, which would have provided Ukraine with funds in return for liberalising reforms. President Yanukovych announced his intention to sign the agreement, but ultimately refused to do so at the last minute. This sparked a wave of protests called the "Euromaidan" movement. During these protests Yanukovych signed a treaty and multibillion-dollar loan with Russia. The Ukrainian security forces cracked down on the protesters, further inflaming the situation and resulting in a series of violent clashes in the streets of Kiev. As tensions rose, Yanukovych fled to Russia and did not return.[44]

Russia refused to recognize the new interim government, calling the overthrow of Yanukovych a coup d'état, and began a military intervention in Ukraine. The newly appointed interim government of Ukraine signed the EU association agreement and agreed to reform the country's judiciary and political systems, as well as its financial and economic policies. The International Monetary Fund pledged more than $18 billion in loans contingent on Ukraine's adopting those reforms. The revolution was followed by pro-Russian unrest in some south-eastern regions, a standoff with Russia regarding the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol, and a war between the Ukrainian government and Russia-backed separatists in the Donbass.

The thing to remember about Crimea is it WASN'T PART OF RUSSIA, so no it didn't hold Russia's only black sea port not ice blocked in winter, it held a Ukrainian port Russia LEASED for use by it's black sea fleet from the Ukraine.
It's utter bullshit that Russia found a democratic way to invade and annex Crimea, they militarily invaded, seized and dissolved the democratically elected government by force, created and installed a new pro Russian sham government, then IT signed fake illegal treaties with Russia in violation of international laws and multiple binding treaties.

Russian masked troops invade and occupy key Crimean locations, including airports and military bases, following Putin's orders.[2][3]
The head of Ukrainian Navy, Admiral Berezovsky, defects, followed later by half of the Ukrainian military stationed in the region.[4][5][6]
Russian forces seize the Supreme Council (Crimean parliament). The Council of Ministers of Crimea is dissolved and a new pro-Russian Prime Minister installed.[7][8]
The new Supreme Council declares the Republic of Crimea to be an independent, self-governing entity, then holds a referendum on the status of Crimea on 16 March, which results in a majority vote to join the Russian Federation.[9]
Treaty signed between the Republic of Crimea and the Russian Federation at the Kremlin on 18 March to formally initiate Crimea's accession to the Russian Federation.[10]
The Ukrainian Armed Forces are evicted from their bases on 19 March by Crimean protesters and Russian troops. Ukraine subsequently announces the withdrawal of its forces from Crimea.[11]
Russia suspended from G8.[12]
International sanctions introduced on Russia.

You sound distinctly Soviet or ridiculously ignorant in your misrepresentation of the situation. They militarily attacked, invaded, and seized their neighbor, so not a bit restrained, they were not invited in by the government and welcomed....or would you insist they are also exceptionally restrained for not attacking and retaking Anchorage Alaska, their only non winter ice bound port in North America, a port clearly more strategically important than Sebastopol and just as Russian?

Spacedog79 said:

Lest we forget that Crimea started when we sponsored a violent coup in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep. How provocative is that?

The thing to remember about Crimea is that it holds Sevastopol which is a strategically vital port for Russia, it is their only port that isn't ice locked during winter. We knew full well they would have to keep hold of it one way or another, and thankfully Russia found a democratic way of doing it instead of violent.

Under the circumstances I think Russia deserves credit for being so restrained.

Eko Atlantic City Half Way To Complete

newtboy says...

*quality aspirations.
Sadly, i can't find a single example of a high rise building on a man made sand island. Even the international airports that have been built on some while amazing, are no where near the height of those shown and are built to withstand unpredictable but expected sinking, which would be quite difficult in a 50 story building. I think the animation might be a tad bit overreacting in it's grandeur.

Mexican surprises security

Sharpest Rice Knife, in the world...

NVIDIA Research - AI Reconstructs Photos

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

How to Design Impenetrable Airport Security

Stormsinger says...

At $667M per life, I suspect it would be vastly cheaper to fix our broken society, especially when you consider that those dollars only protect this one small facet of life. There are dozens or hundreds of other areas that are at least as vulnerable and hard-to-protect as airports.

Of course, the masters of the universe would have to agree to it, and it's not likely that they'd agree to funding anything that primarily benefits the peons.

artician said:

I was really hoping this video was secretly about how fixing your broken society made airport security unnecessary in the first place.

How to Design Impenetrable Airport Security

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